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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanics of the diffeomorphism field

Heitritter, Kenneth I.J. 01 May 2019 (has links)
Coadjoint orbits of Lie algebras come naturally imbued with a symplectic two-form allowing for the construction of dynamical actions. Consideration of the coadjoint orbit action for the Kac-Moody algebra leads to the Wess-Zumino-Witten model with a gauge-field coupling. Likewise, the same type of coadjoint orbit construction for the Virasoro algebra gives Polyakov’s 2D quantum gravity action with a coupling to a coadjoint element, D, interpreted as a component of a field named the diffeomorphism field. Gauge fields are commonly given dynamics through the Yang-Mills action and, since the diffeomorphism field appears analogously through the coadjoint orbit construction, it is interesting to pursue a dynamical action for D. This thesis reviews the motivation for the diffeomorphism field as a dynamical field and presents results on its dynamics obtained through projective connections. Through the use of the projective connection of Thomas and Whitehead, it will be shown that the diffeomorphism field naturally gains dynamics. Results on the analysis of this dynamical theory in two-dimensional Minkowski background will be presented.

Algebra and geometry of Dirac's magnetic monopole

Kemp, Graham January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the quantum Dirac magnetic monopole and two classes of its generalisations. The first of these are certain analogues of the Dirac magnetic monopole on coadjoint orbits of compact Lie groups, equipped with the normal metric. The original Dirac magnetic monopole on the unit sphere S^2 corresponds to the particular case of the coadjoint orbits of SU(2). The main idea is that the Hilbert space of the problem, which is the space of L^2-sections of a line bundle over the orbit, can be interpreted algebraically as an induced representation. The spectrum of the corresponding Schodinger operator is described explicitly using tools of representation theory, including the Frobenius reciprocity and Kostant's branching formula. In the second part some discrete versions of Dirac magnetic monopoles on S^2 are introduced and studied. The corresponding quantum Hamiltonian is a magnetic Schodinger operator on a regular polyhedral graph. The construction is based on interpreting the vertices of the graph as points of a discrete homogeneous space G/H, where G is a binary polyhedral subgroup of SU(2). The edges are constructed using a specially selected central element from the group algebra, which is used also in the definition of the magnetic Schrodinger operator together with a character of H. The spectrum is computed explicitly using representation theory by interpreting the Hilbert space as an induced representation.

Functional calculus and coadjoint orbits.

Raffoul, Raed Wissam, Mathematics & Statistics, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Let G be a compact Lie group and let π be an irreducible representation of G of highest weight λ. We study the operator-valued Fourier transform of the product of the j-function and the pull-back of ?? by the exponential mapping. We show that the set of extremal points of the convex hull of the support of this distribution is the coadjoint orbit through ?? + ??. The singular support is furthermore the union of the coadjoint orbits through ?? + w??, as w runs through the Weyl group. Our methods involve the Weyl functional calculus for noncommuting operators, the Nelson algebra of operants and the geometry of the moment set for a Lie group representation. In particular, we re-obtain the Kirillov-Duflo correspondence for compact Lie groups, independently of character formulae. We also develop a "noncommutative" version of the Kirillov character formula, valid for noncentral trigonometric polynomials. This generalises work of Cazzaniga, 1992.

Functional calculus and coadjoint orbits.

Raffoul, Raed Wissam, Mathematics & Statistics, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Let G be a compact Lie group and let π be an irreducible representation of G of highest weight λ. We study the operator-valued Fourier transform of the product of the j-function and the pull-back of ?? by the exponential mapping. We show that the set of extremal points of the convex hull of the support of this distribution is the coadjoint orbit through ?? + ??. The singular support is furthermore the union of the coadjoint orbits through ?? + w??, as w runs through the Weyl group. Our methods involve the Weyl functional calculus for noncommuting operators, the Nelson algebra of operants and the geometry of the moment set for a Lie group representation. In particular, we re-obtain the Kirillov-Duflo correspondence for compact Lie groups, independently of character formulae. We also develop a "noncommutative" version of the Kirillov character formula, valid for noncentral trigonometric polynomials. This generalises work of Cazzaniga, 1992.

Les actions de groupes en géométrie symplectique et l'application moment

Payette, Jordan 11 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur quelques notions appropriées d'actions de groupe sur les variétés symplectiques, à savoir en ordre décroissant de généralité : les actions symplectiques, les actions faiblement hamiltoniennes et les actions hamiltoniennes. Une connaissance des actions de groupes et de la géométrie symplectique étant prérequise, deux chapitres sont consacrés à des présentations élémentaires de ces sujets. Le cas des actions hamiltoniennes est étudié en détail au quatrième chapitre : l'importante application moment y est définie et plusieurs résultats concernant les orbites de la représentation coadjointe, tels que les théorèmes de Kirillov et de Kostant-Souriau, y sont démontrés. Le dernier chapitre se concentre sur les actions hamiltoniennes des tores, l'objectif étant de démontrer le théorème de convexité d'Atiyha-Guillemin-Sternberg. Une discussion d'un théorème de classification de Delzant-Laudenbach est aussi donnée. La présentation se voulant une introduction assez exhaustive à la théorie des actions hamiltoniennes, presque tous les résultats énoncés sont accompagnés de preuves complètes. Divers exemples sont étudiés afin d'aider à bien comprendre les aspects plus subtils qui sont considérés. Plusieurs sujets connexes sont abordés, dont la préquantification géométrique et la réduction de Marsden-Weinstein. / This Master thesis is concerned with some natural notions of group actions on symplectic manifolds, which are in decreasing order of generality : symplectic actions, weakly hamiltonian actions and hamiltonian actions. A knowledge of group actions and of symplectic geometry is a prerequisite ; two chapters are devoted to a coverage of the basics of these subjects. The case of hamiltonian actions is studied in detail in the fourth chapter : the important moment map is introduced and several results on the orbits of the coadjoint representation are proved, such as Kirillov's and Kostant-Souriau's theorems. The last chapter concentrates on hamiltonian actions by tori, the main result being a proof of Atiyah-Guillemin-Sternberg's convexity theorem. A classification theorem by Delzant and Laudenbach is also discussed. The presentation is intended to be a rather exhaustive introduction to the theory of hamiltonian actions, with complete proofs to almost all the results. Many examples help for a better understanding of the most tricky concepts. Several connected topics are mentioned, for instance geometric prequantization and Marsden-Weinstein reduction.

Propriétés symplectiques et hamiltoniennes des orbites coadjointes holomorphes / Symplectic and Hamiltonian properties of holomorphic coadjoint orbits

Deltour, Guillaume 10 December 2010 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude de la structure symplectique des orbites coadjointes holomorphes, et de leurs projections.Une orbite coadjointe holomorphe O est une orbite coadjointe elliptique d'un groupe de Lie G réel semi-simple connexe non compact à centre fini provenant d'un espace symétrique hermitien G/K, telle que O puisse être naturellement munie d'une structure kählérienne G-invariante. Ces orbites coadjointes sont une généralisation de l'espace symétrique hermitien G/K.Dans cette thèse, nous prouvons que le symplectomorphisme de McDuff se généralise aux orbites coadjointes holomorphes, décrivant la structure symplectique de l'orbite O par le produit direct d'une orbite coadjointe compacte et d'un espace vectoriel symplectique. Ce symplectomorphisme est ensuite utilisé pour déterminer les équations de la projection de l'orbite O relative au sous-groupe compact maximal K de G, en faisant intervenir des résultats récents de Ressayre en Théorie Géométrique des Invariants. / This thesis studies the symplectic structure of holomorphic coadjoint orbits and the projection of such orbits.A holomorphic coadjoint orbit O is an elliptic coadjoint orbit which is endowed with a natural invariant Kählerian structure. These coadjoint orbits are defined for real semi-simple connected non compact Lie group G with finite center such that G/K is a Hermitian symmetric space, where K is a maximal compact subgroup of G. Holomorphic coadjoint orbits are a generalization of the Hermitian symmetric space G/K.In this thesis, we prove that the McDuff's symplectomorphism, available for Hermitian symmetric spaces, has an analogous for holomorphic coadjoint orbits. Then, using this symplectomorphism and recent GIT arguments from Ressayre, we compute the equations of the projection of the orbit O, relatively to the maximal compact subgroup K.


RAIMUNDO NETO NUNES LEAO 17 June 2021 (has links)
[pt] Espaços de moduli de polígonos em R(3) com comprimento dos lados fixados é um exemplo amplamente estudado de variedade simplética. Esses espaços podem ser descritos como quociente simplético de um número finito de órbitas coadjuntas pelo grupo SU(2). Nesta tese esses espaços de moduli são identificados como folhas simpléticas de uma variedade de Poisson que pode ser construída como quociente. Essa construção é a seguir generalizada ao caso de um produto de um número finito de órbitas coadjuntas pelo grupo SU(n), e o resultado principal desse trabalho de tese descreve como esses espaços de moduli de polígonos generalizados formam uma folheação em folhas simpléticas de uma variedade de Poisson. / [en] Moduli spaces of polygons in R(3)with fixed sides length are a widely studied example of symplectic manifold that can be described as the symplectic quotient of a finite number of SU(2)−coadjoint orbits by the diagonal action of the group SU(2). In this thesis these spaces are identified as the symplectic leaves of a Poisson manifold, that can itself be obtained by a quotient procedure. The construction is then generalized to the case of the quotient of a product of finitely many SU(n)−coadjoint orbits by the diagonal action of SU(n), and the main result of this thesis describes how these moduli spaces of generalized polygons fit together as the symplectic leaves of a quotient Poisson manifold.

Séparation des représentations des groupes de Lie par des ensembles moments / Separation of Lie group representations with moment sets

Zergane, Amel 17 December 2011 (has links)
Si (π, H) est une représentation unitaire irréductible d'un groupe de Lie G, on sait lui associer son application moment Ψπ. La fermeture de l'image de Ψπ s'appelle l'ensemble moment de π. Généralement, cet ensemble est Conv(Oπ), si Oπ est l'orbite coadjointe associée à π. Mais il ne caractérise pas π : deux orbites distinctes peuvent avoir la même enveloppe convexe fermée. On peut contourner cette non séparation en considérant un surgroupe G+ de G et une application non linéaire ø de g* dans (g+)* telle que, pour les orbites générique, ø(O) est une orbite et Conv (ø(O)) caractérise O. Dans cette thèse, on montre que l'on peut choisir le couple (G+, ø), avec ø de degré ≤ 2 pour tous les groupes nilpotents de dimension ≤ 6, à une exception près, tous les groupes résolubles de dimension ≤ 4, et pour un exemple de groupe de déplacements. Ensuite, on étudie le cas des groupes G = SL(n, R). Pour ces groupes, il existe un tel couple avec ø de degré n, mais il n'en existe pas avec ø de degré 2 si n>2, il n'en existe pas avec ø de degré 3 si n=4. Enfin, on montre que l'application moment Ψπ est celle d'une action fortement hamiltonienne de G sur la variété de Fréchet symplectique PH∞. On construit un foncteur qui associe à tout G un surgroupe de Lie Fréchet G̃, de dimension infinie et, à tout π de G, une action π̃ fortement hamiltonienne, dont l'ensemble moment caractérise π / To a unitary irreducible representation (π,H) of a Lie group G, is associated a moment map Ψπ. The closure of the range of Ψπ is the moment set of π. Generally, this set is Conv(Oπ), if Oπ is the corresponding coadjoint orbit. Unfortunately, it does not characterize π : 2 distincts orbits can have the same closed convex hull. We can overpass this di culty, by considering an overgroup G+ for G and a non linear map ø from g* into (g+)* such that, for generic orbits, ø(O) is an orbit and Conv( ø(O)) characterizes O. In the present thesis, we show that we can choose the pair (G+,ø), with deg ø ≤2 for all the nilpotent groups with dimension ≤6, except one, for all solvable groups with diemnsion ≤4, and for an example of motion group. Then we study the G=SL(n,R) case. For these groups, there exists ø with deg ø =n, if n>2, there is no such ø with deg ø=2, if n=4, there is no such ø with deg ø=3. Finally, we show that the moment map Ψπ is coming from a stronly Hamiltonian G-action on the Frécht symplectic manifold PH∞. We build a functor, which associates to each G an infi nite diemnsional Fréchet-Lie overgroup G̃,and, to each π a strongly Hamiltonian action, whose moment set characterizes π

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