Spelling suggestions: "subject:"core""
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Neplatnost v občanském právu / Invalidity in Civil LawLanghans, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is dealing with the notion of invalidity as a juridical institute of civil code. It is expounding the types of invalidity, their common features and differences between them. Particular reasons of invalidity are being examined in detail. The thesis is focused mainly on comparing the legal regulations of the current and the new Czech Civil code.
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Zásady soukromého práva / Principles of private lawAndraško, Richard January 2011 (has links)
Principles of private law The reason of choosing "Principles of private law" for my thesis is that private law is built on untouchable values. For example, basic values like freedom and equality, which are represented by these principles. Many of them are indispensable in the relation of functionality of the whole system of law. Most of them have Roman law origin. The purpose of my thesis is to describe and summarize the main principles of private law that mostly appear in Czech law, especially in civil law. It also examines the influence of re-codification of private law on these principles and relationship between them. The thesis is composed of two parts. Part one, named general part, is introductory and defines different meanings of principles of law in Czech jurisprudence. It deals with historical perspective (Roman law connections to principles of law) and philosophical context (represented by concepts of legal positivism, theory of natural rights and sociological concept of law) of principles of law. It also describes the theory of principles of law by Ronald Dworkin. Part two, named specific part, focuses on principles of private law and contains the overview of them. It deals with legal regulations of these principles and their definitions according to judicial decisions. It also examines...
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Europeizace českého pracovního práva / Europeanization of Czech labour lawNěmcová, Magda January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse not only the general topic of the europeanisation but also the topic of the legal europeanisation as such. This thesis is divided into eight parts. Chapter I provides a general introduction of the europeanisation and it also sets down the goals of this thesis. Chapter II aims at the general overview of the labour law. Chapter III deals with the European Union and the European law. This chapter is divided into two subchapters. The first subchapter goes in mainly for the development of the European Union. This is followed by the second subchapter dealing with the development of the labour law in the European Union. European labour law has been developing long time and can be divided into three time lines. Chapter IV engages with the topic of the europeanisation. Firstly, the terminology is reconciled and afterwards it continues with the europeanisation in common sense. Also some definitions and opinions from authors dealing with the Europeanisation are taken into consideration and pointed out. Then, the legal europeanisation introduction come after with regard to reasons which lead the member states of the European Union to harmonize their own legal order or which tools are used to harmonize the legal orders. The following Chapter V targets the europeanisation...
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Generování kódu z diagramů aktivity jazyka UML / Code Generation from UML Activity DiagramsGajarský, Pavol January 2011 (has links)
Code generation from UML is still very limited. Diagrams, which are usually used for code generation describes the static structure. These are mostly the class diagrams. One of the most useful and least used types of diagrams is behavioral diagrams. The reason for this is mainly a lack of support from the UML specification. The onset of version 2.0 has brought visible changes in this area. This thesis will focus only on activity diagrams and possibilities of code generation from them. One of them will be verified on a prototype tool that can generate skeleton of code in chosen language (e.g. Java, C + +, PHP ,...). Then it will be compared to alternative approaches and evaluated in terms of its advantages and disadvantages. As input is expected activity diagram created and exported by external CASE tool in XMI format. Architecture of tool will provide possibility of defining new modules. So the end user will be able to program another output language by the medium of given interface.
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Refaktorizace editoru stromů TrEd / Refaktorizace editoru stromů TrEdFabian, Peter January 2011 (has links)
Title: Refactoring tree editor TrEd Author: Peter Fabian Department: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: doc. Ing. Zdenek Zabokrtsky, Ph.D., Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Abstract: The main goal of the thesis was to refactor tree editor TrEd, improve its modularity, maintainability and make its further development less difficult. Static and dynamic analysis of TrEd have been performed in order to help us find acrid spots in the source code. More than 230 subroutines and data structures have been moved between packages, 50 new packages and a test suite with more than 1,300 tests have been created. A new coding style have been chosen for further development and most severe violations of this standard have been fixed. After the changes done on the source code, it have been analyzed again and the results have been compared with the previous state. Keywords: Tree Editor TrEd, Perl, code refactoring, code analysis
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Optimalizace rozsáhlých aplikací / Optimizing large applicationsLiška, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Both uppermost open source compilers, GCC and LLVM, are mature enough to link-time optimize large applications. In case of large applications, we must take into account, except standard speed efficiency and memory consumption, different aspects. We focus on size of the code, cold start-up time, etc. Developers of applications often come up with ad-hoc solutions such as Elfhack utility, start-up of an application via a pre-loading utility and dlopen; prelinking and variety of different tools that reorder functions to fit the order of execution. The goal of the thesis is to analyse all existing techniques of optimization, evaluate their efficiency and design new solutions based on the link-time optimization platform. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Trestný čin krádeže podle § 205 trestního zákoníku / Crime of theft under s. 205 of the Criminal codeŽídek, Ivo January 2012 (has links)
The crime of theft under s. 205 of the Criminal Code Theft is a traditional offence against a property and it is the most frequent offence in Czech Republic. A statistic of the thefts committed in 2011 compared to the other offences against a property is attached to this dissertation work. Every criminal offence in Czech Criminal law must be established by a statute. Theft is regulated in section 205 of the Criminal Code. Theft is unique for its duality of body of an offence. Subsection 1 regulates the basic form of the theft, whilst subsection 2 regulates recidivism. The following subsections 3-5 deal with circumstances in which more severe sanctions might be applied. The basic element of theft is wrongfulness. Only a wrongful act might be regarded as a crime. The wrongfulness might be presumed from various statutes and branches of law other than Criminal law (e.g. Civil law, Constitutional law). The other element of a theft is its body of an offence. It consists of an object, objective side, subject and subjective side. The object of the theft is value against which the offender's action is aimed. Theft's object is proprietary right of an owner. Objective side generally consists of a conduct, result and causality. The objective side of the theft according to subsection 1 is "appropriation of thing...
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Vývojová stadia trestné činnosti v pojetí trestního zákoníku a Model Penal Code / Stages of the Commission of Crime under the Czech Penal Code and the Model Penal CodeMaternová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis provides a rare insight into the issue of stages of the commission of crime from the perspective of two different legal systems through a comparison of the 40/2009 Coll., Penal Code's and the Model Penal Code's provision on criminal attempt in all its major aspects. The purpose of such comparison is to identify the most important differences between the two approaches, to assess the quality of the Czech Penal Code's arrangement and to consider any de lege ferenda suggestions arising for the Czech Penal Code from the detected distinctions. Such is provided through a thorough analysis of the Czech relevant legal framework, an analysis of the major relevant aspects of the Model Penal Code and a following scrutiny of the differences discovered. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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RISC-V Compiler Performance:A Comparison between GCC and LLVM/clangBjäreholt, Johan January 2017 (has links)
RISC-V is a new open-source instruction set architecture (ISA) that in De-cember 2016 manufactured its rst mass-produced processors. It focuses onboth eciency and performance and diers from other open-source architec-tures by not having a copyleft license permitting vendors to freely design,manufacture and sell RISC-V chips without any fees nor having to sharetheir modications on the reference implementations of the architecture.The goal of this thesis is to evaluate the performance of the GCC andLLVM/clang compilers support for the RISC-V target and their ability tooptimize for the architecture. The performance will be evaluated from ex-ecuting the CoreMark and Dhrystone benchmarks are both popular indus-try standard programs for evaluating performance on embedded processors.They will be run on both the GCC and LLVM/clang compilers on dierentoptimization levels and compared in performance per clock to the ARM archi-tecture which is mature yet rather similar to RISC-V. The compiler supportfor the RISC-V target is still in development and the focus of this thesis willbe the current performance dierences between the GCC and LLVM com-pilers on this architecture. The platform we will execute the benchmarks onwil be the Freedom E310 processor on the SiFive HiFive1 board for RISC-Vand a ARM Cortex-M4 processor by Freescale on the Teensy 3.6 board. TheFreedom E310 is almost identical to the reference Berkeley Rocket RISC-Vdesign and the ARM Coretex-M4 processor has a similar clock speed and isaimed at a similar target audience.The results presented that the -O2 and -O3 optimization levels on GCCfor RISC-V performed very well in comparison to our ARM reference. Onthe lower -O1 optimization level and -O0 which is no optimizations and -Oswhich is -O0 with optimizations for generating a smaller executable code sizeGCC performs much worse than ARM at 46% of the performance at -O1,8.2% at -Os and 9.3% at -O0 on the CoreMark benchmark with similar resultsin Dhrystone except on -O1 where it performed as well as ARM. When turn-ing o optimizations (-O0) GCC for RISC-V was 9.2% of the performanceon ARM in CoreMark and 11% in Dhrystone which was unexpected andneeds further investigation. LLVM/clang on the other hand crashed whentrying to compile our CoreMark benchmark and on Dhrystone the optimiza-tion options made a very minor impact on performance making it 6.0% theperformance of GCC on -O3 and 5.6% of the performance of ARM on -O3, soeven with optimizations it was still slower than GCC without optimizations.In conclusion the performance of RISC-V with the GCC compiler onthe higher optimization levels performs very well considering how young theRISC-V architecture is. It does seems like there could be room for improvement on the lower optimization levels however which in turn could also pos-sibly increase the performance of the higher optimization levels. With theLLVM/clang compiler on the other hand a lot of work needs to be done tomake it competetive in both performance and stability with the GCC com-piler and other architectures. Why the -O0 optimization is so considerablyslower on RISC-V than on ARM was also very unexpected and needs furtherinvestigation.
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Nestabilní obrazy / Unstable PaintingsPražan, Jan January 2012 (has links)
My diploma thesis depends on form of traditional hanging picture. The theme of "unstable images" I tried to complete in three cycles Špalky, Kaktusy and Čaje. I filled them with two narrative paintings Kardinálové and one solo piece Acaccia hand. I'm trying to find a shape of the subject matter that would fill the picture significance of such a character that display that object could become replaceable.
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