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國民中小學學生電腦態度.電腦素養及其相關因素之研究 / A Study of Attitude and Literacy Toward Computer and Relationships about Junior Secondary and Primary School Students蔣姿儀, Chiang, Tzu-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
一. 國民中小學學生電腦經驗.電腦資源.電腦態度與電腦素養現況方面
1. 國中與國小學生之電腦經驗有顯著的差異存在.
2. 國中與國小學生之電腦資源部份有顯著的差異.
3. 國中與國小男女學生之電腦經驗部份有顯著的差異存在.
4. 國中與國小男女學生之電腦資源部份有顯著的差異存在.
5. 國中學生與國小學生在電腦焦慮與電腦有用性兩電腦態度上有顯著差異.
6. 國民中小學男學生之電腦態度(焦慮與自信)顯著較女生好.
7. 國中學生之電腦素養(軟硬體.應用與影響.操作.倫理)顯著較國中學生佳.
8. 國民中小學男學生之電腦素養(軟硬體.應用與影響.操作)顯著較女生佳.
二. 影響國中小學生電腦態度方面
1. 電腦經驗與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關.
2. 電腦資源與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關.
4. 數學焦慮與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之相關.
5. 數學成就與國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著之正相關.
6. 認知需求.每星期使用電腦的時間.每星期閱讀電腦書籍及雜誌的.家中電腦週邊設備的情形.自己或與他人共同使用電腦以及是否有電腦學前經驗等六個變項對國中小學生之電腦態度有顯著的預測效果,預測解釋力為32%.
三. 影響國中小學生電腦素養方面
1. 電腦經驗與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關.
2. 電腦資源與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關.
3. 認知需求與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關.
4. 數學焦慮與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之相關.
5. 數學成就與國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著之正相關.
6. 每星期閱讀電腦書籍及雜誌的時間.家中電腦週邊設備的情形.自己或與他人共同使用電腦.電腦焦慮.電腦自信以及電腦喜歡等六個變項對國中小學生之電腦素養有顯著的預測效果,預測解釋力約為52%.四.整合模式分析方面1. 國中學生之電腦經驗與電腦資源對其電腦素養之影響,主要是來自直接效果的影響(經驗:57.32%;資源:73.31%), 而認知需求對電腦素養之影響主要是透過電腦態度間接效果的影響(89.06%).2. 電腦經驗與電腦資源對國小學生電腦素養之影響, 來自間接效果的影響約佔(經驗: 67.55%;資源:52.32%),認知需求對國小電腦素養的影響主要是透過電腦態度的間接效果,佔61.29%.
With the expansion of computer technology, it is important
to prepare individuals for success in our increasingly
computerized society. Therefore,factors that impact decisions
regarding attitude and literacy of computer should be expored.
Several factors should be considered: (1) individual
characteristics, (2) computer experience, (3) computer resource,
(4) cognitiveneed, (5) mathematics anxiety, and (6) mathematics
achievement. The purposes of this study were : (1) To find
out the situation of information education in junior
secondaryand primary school at present; (2) To find out the
situation of the computer attitude and literacy in junior
secondary and primary school students at present; (3) To
examine the relationship and effects toward computer attitudes
and literacy of many factors. 1251 junior secondary and 1201
primary school students were measured by (1)individual
characteristics and computer experience questionnare, (2)
Cognitive Need Scale , (3) Mathematics Anxiety Scale , (4)
Computer Attitude Scale, and(5) Computer Literacy Test. The
mainly statistical methods are chi-square, pearson product
moment correlation, t-test, canonical correlation analysis,
multiple(stepwise) regression analysis and path analysis.
The results of the analysis of data indicated the following :
(1) There were significant sex and school level differences of
attitude and literacy toward computer. Boys were better than
girls. Primary school students were better than junior secondary
school; (2) There were significant correlations between computer
experience, computer resource, cognitive need, mathematics
anxiety, mathematics achievement, and computer attitude; (3)
There were significant correlations between computer
experience, computer resource, cognitive need, mathematics
anxiety, mathematics achievement, and computer literacy; (4)
Computer experience, computer resourse, cognitive need and
computer attitude were significant predictors for computer
literacy. Computer attitude was the best significant predictor.
Recommendations were made for information education , school ,
family,educational organization and future additional research ,
to improve the attitude and literacy toward computer of junior
secondary and primary school students.
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線上廣告訴求與認知需求對消費者購買決策的影響 / Effects of Online Advertising Appeal and Cognitive Need on Consumer’s Purchase Decision張杰 Unknown Date (has links)
因為先前針對推敲可能性模型的決策路徑主要都是以推論為主,本研究設計了一個測量中央及邊陲路徑的問卷,藉此了解受測者實際感受到的決策路徑。而整體的問卷透過一個網路實驗收集資料,結果發現廣告訴求對思考路徑有顯著的關係,理性的廣告訴求會使消費者傾向於使用中央路徑;感性的廣告訴求則會使消費者傾向於使用邊陲路徑,而認知需求會對這個關係有交互作用的影響。同時也發現思考路徑對於購買意願會有顯著影響,不同的產品類型會對於這個關係有交互作用的影響。 / Social media and the Internet are inseparable elements of modern human life. Online advertising becomes a popular method for vendors to access their consumers. Advertising appeals are important in attracting consumers’ attention of products and services. In this study, we investigate the effect of online advertising appeals on consumer’s purchase decision using the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) that proposes a central-peripheral dual-route persuasion mechanism. We designed an instrument to measure the perceived route in decision processes and applied it in an online experiment to examine how different appeals affect the central and peripheral routes in consumers’ decision processes. The results indicate that advertising appeals have significant effect on decision routes. Cognitive needs are found to have interaction effects. Decision through different routes also have significant effect on consumers’ decision, while product types have moderation effects.
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