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"Doctor, use the Force" : En fenomenografisk studie av individers berättelser angående sitt religiösa intresse gentemot Temple of the Jedi Order och Whovianism / "Doctor, use the Force" : A phenomenographic study of individuals’ stories about their religious interests in Temple of the Jedi order and WhovianismAndersson, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
In this paper I have studied the two new religious phenomena, Temple of the Jedi Order and Whovianism, based on the cognitive concept of man dominated by schemas that characterize the outcome of adequate response to new situations. This principle is about how man faces new situations through old knowledge and experience of similar events. For this study, I analyzed selected stories in which individuals describe their religious interest and involvement in the Star Wars movies, and the related religious community Temple of the Jedi Order, as well as the television series Doctor Who, with the associated religious community Whovianism. This study was inspired by phenomenographic method by which researchers focus on the perceived and how it is conveyed in the respective story. The results of this study show that new religious phenomena, such as the Temple of the Jedi Order and Whovianism, can be explained using the theory of cognitive schemas. The study shows that the individuals, whose stories have been examined, use ancient knowledge and experiences on the different aspects conveyed by Star Wars and Doctor Who and through this a new religious community is born.
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Interaktion och kunskapsutveckling : en studie av frivillig musikundervisning / Interaction and learning : a study of music instrument teachingWest, Tore, Rostvall, Anna-Lena January 2001 (has links)
In a joint dissertation project, 11 brass instrument and guitar lessons, with 4 teachers and 21 students aged 9-35 years, were videotaped, transcribed and analyzed. Two were group lessons and 9 were private lessons. The object of the project was to study how music teaching and learning can be understood from an institutional perspective by describing, analyzing and interpreting musical instrument lessons. The lessons were viewed as social encounters in which the action of participants creates and re-creates social orders at different institutional levels, by means of communication routines using speech, music and gesture. Data were derived from micro-ethnographic transcriptions of speech, gesture and music of a total of five hours of videotape, supplemented by text analyses of 14 method-books. The transcripts were analyzed as text from the perspective of critical discourse analysis. At the analytical level the study applied the cognitive concepts of experiencing and learning music, as well as those of educational genres of speech and music use. The analyzed data were interpreted and discussed from the perspectives of interaction-theory and institution-theory. The results show how the music during the lessons was broken down into separate notes, as read from the score. Music was not addressed as phrases, rhythms, or melodies. Expressive qualities of music performance were not addressed. The characteristics of the interaction were found to be asymmetric, with the teacher being the one controlling the definition of the situation. Student attempts to take initiative were ignored by teachers. This asymmetric pattern of interaction had negative consequences for students’ as well as teachers’ opportunities to learn. The organization of the teaching situation as well as teaching methods is discussed from the perspective of institution-theory. A major conclusion is that the way instrument teaching is organized leaves little room for students and teachers to discuss and reflect on the teaching process.
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"Den här typen av cancer är en fulcancer, det är svårt att vänja sig vid" : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser av sexualitet och sexuell funktion efter kirurgi i ändtarmen / "This kind of cancer is the ugly kind, it’s difficult to get used to" : A qualitative study of women’s experiences of sexuality and sexual function after rectal surgeryIbrakovic, Arnela January 2020 (has links)
Den här typen av cancer är en fulcancer, det är svårt att vänja sig vid. En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser av sexualitet och sexuell funktion efter kirurgi i ändtarmen. Examensarbete i sexologi, 30 högskolepoäng. Malmö Universitet: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, Institutionen för socialt arbete, 2020. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur kvinnor som behandlats för ändtarmscancer upplever sexualiteten och den sexuella funktion genom att belysa frågor om den fysiska kroppen, interna processer som tankar och känslor samt yttre faktorer som sammanhang. Ambitionen med studien är att bidra med kunskap till professionella som möter cancerpatienter. Empirin i studien innefattar 7 semistrukturerade intervjuer som har analyserats genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Teman som framkom var; kroppen, hjärnan och kontexten, tankar om normalitet och upplevelsen av en avvikande kropp, den sexuella personligheten, sex i ett sammanhang; distinktionen mellan lust och incitament, strategier för att hantera utmaningar samt tankar om bemötande inom vården. Studien visar på att individuella variationer som grundas på kvinnornas kognitiva scheman påverkar hur sexuellt relevanta handlingar tolkas och vilka beteenden som följer, vilket är viktigt att beakta efter cancerbehandling. I materialet sågs ett samband mellan negativa tankeprocesser samt upplevda sexuella problem. Genomgående hos flera av informanterna fanns en rädsla för att bli dömd, av partner och av andra människor i allmänhet. Att få cancer i ändtarmen tolkades som stigmatiserande, genom att förlora en funktion som tidigare har kunnat styras mer diskret, upplevde flera av kvinnorna att det hämmade deras liv. Professionellt bemötande var betydelsefullt för den sexuella rehabiliteringen och för att hitta strategier som fungerar efter avslutad behandling. / This kind of cancer is the ugly kind, it’s difficult to get used to. A qualitative study of women’s experiences of sexuality and sexual function after rectal surgery. Master Thesis in Sexology, 30 credits. Malmö University: Faculty of Health and Society, Department of Social Work, 2020. The purpose of the study was to investigate how women who have been treated for colorectal cancer experience sexuality and sexual function with focus on questions considering the physical body, internal processes such as thoughts and feelings, and external factors such as context. The ambition of the study is to contribute knowledge to professionals in healthcare who meet cancer patients in general. The empirical data in the study includes 7 semi-structured interviews that have been analysed through qualitative content analysis. The themes that emerged were; body, brain and the context, thoughts about normality and the experience of an abnormal body, the sexual personality, sex in a context; the distinction between desire and incentives, strategies for dealing with challenges and perspectives on healthcare. The study shows that individual variations based on women's cognitive schemas influence how sexually relevant stimuli are interpreted and affects the behaviours that follow, which is important to consider after cancer treatment. The study shows a connection between negative thoughts and perceived sexual problems. The informants presented a fear of being judged, by partners and in general. Cancer in the rectum was interpreted as stigmatizing by losing a function that previously could be discreetly controlled, several of the women felt that they were inhibited in their lives. Professional help was important for sexual rehabilitation and finding positive sexual strategies.
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