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Kommun och landsting - Vem har mest makt? : en kvalitativ studie om den samverkan som sker mellan dessa organisationer vid vårdplaneringar kring äldre personer i SverigeHagenvall, Mina, Kanias, Vikki January 2006 (has links)
<p>This essay’s focus lies on the collaboration that takes place in hospitals and called a care-plan (vårdplanering) between the two organisations: Health-care (landsting) and social-care (kommun). According to the Swedish-law are these organizations responsible for the care of elderly individuals in Sweden. The aim of this essay has been to study closely this collaboration in order to see which partner has the most influencing power.</p><p>This essay is of a qualitative character, which means that the results that are presented are based on six individual interviews with employees from the two organizations. The employees chosen for this essay all have job experiences from the collaboration that takes place during care-plans in hospitals.</p><p>One of the main results of this essay has been that the two organizations are not equal collaboration-partners. All the interviewed individuals talked highly about the importance of collaboration while in reality they end up in an subliminal battle against each other. The main conclusion of this essay is that the focus of a care-plan meeting appears to be on gaining the most power, in order to influence the outcome of a care-plan, rather than giving priority to the elderly individual’s needs and concerns.</p>
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Kommun och landsting - Vem har mest makt? : en kvalitativ studie om den samverkan som sker mellan dessa organisationer vid vårdplaneringar kring äldre personer i SverigeHagenvall, Mina, Kanias, Vikki January 2006 (has links)
This essay’s focus lies on the collaboration that takes place in hospitals and called a care-plan (vårdplanering) between the two organisations: Health-care (landsting) and social-care (kommun). According to the Swedish-law are these organizations responsible for the care of elderly individuals in Sweden. The aim of this essay has been to study closely this collaboration in order to see which partner has the most influencing power. This essay is of a qualitative character, which means that the results that are presented are based on six individual interviews with employees from the two organizations. The employees chosen for this essay all have job experiences from the collaboration that takes place during care-plans in hospitals. One of the main results of this essay has been that the two organizations are not equal collaboration-partners. All the interviewed individuals talked highly about the importance of collaboration while in reality they end up in an subliminal battle against each other. The main conclusion of this essay is that the focus of a care-plan meeting appears to be on gaining the most power, in order to influence the outcome of a care-plan, rather than giving priority to the elderly individual’s needs and concerns.
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Implementering av ’Dans för hälsa’-metoden : samverkansparters erfarenheter / Implementation of the ’Dance for health’-method : collaboration partners experienceHägggström, Åsa January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka samverkansparters erfarenheter av implementering av ’Dans för hälsa’-metoden. Metoden för datainsamling i den här explorativa studien var semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer, genomförda med fem individer involverade i arbetet med metoden i en kommun. Data analyserades med konventionell innehållsanalys, vilket gav tre huvudkategorier: ’Förutsättningar för arbetet med metoden’, ’Samverkan’ och ’Hållbart hälsofrämjande arbete’, med tillhörande åtta subkategorier. Utifrån samverkansparternas svar framkom det i resultatet ett flertal faktorer som påverkade implementeringsprocessen. Huvudfynden visade att det upplevdes ha varit till fördel för dem att den projektansvarige arbetade inom kommunen, vilket underlättade kontakt med beslutsfattare och med finansiering av metoden. De behövde inte ansöka om ekonomiska medel då det redan fanns inom den förvaltningen som projektansvarige arbetade på. Den rekommenderade planeringsmodellen från ’Dans för hälsa’ följdes steg för steg, och tid och planeringen lades på rekryteringen av flickorna innan uppstart vilket upplevdes ha bidragit till en mer lyckad implementering. Rektorer och elevhälsopersonal bjöds in till att prova på metoden vid ett tillfälle, vilket beskrivs som en framgångsfaktor. Det var inte alla skolor i kommunen som var delaktiga i projektet vilket beskrivs av respondenterna som en brist i kommunikation och information. Slutsatsen var att olika faktorer upplevdes både som en styrka och utmaning beroende på sammanhang; tid, kommunikation och finansiering. Planering och inneha ett långsiktigt tänkande är av stor betydelse i hälsofrämjande arbete. / Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore collaboration partners experience of the implementation of the ’Dance for health’-method. Method: The method for datacollection were semi-structured qualitative interviews, conducted with five individuals working within the project in one municipality. Data were analysed using conventional content analysis, yielding three main catagories. Results: The findings showed that it was perceived by the participants to have been an advantage for them, in the implementation process, to have a project manager working within the municipality. It gave them a direct contact with decision makers, and with the financing due to it already being within the department. Contributing factors were that a planning model was followed step by step, time and planning were spent on the recruitment of the girls. Also that principals and student health staff were invited to test the method on one occasion. All schools in the community were not a part of the project due to a lack of communication and information. Conclusion: Different factors in implementation were perceived as both an advantage and challenge depending on the situation; including time, communication and factors related to economic resources. The study concludes that planning and a long-term perspective on health promotion is of main importance.
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