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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Planeamiento estratégico para el departamento del Valle del Cauca

Amarillo Sierra, Karlos, Hassig Pinzón, Ivan, Quiroga Daza, Paola, Romero Arévalo, Julio, Tangarife Pedraza, Natalia 11 February 2019 (has links)
El presente plan estratégico fue desarrollado para el Departamento del Valle del Cauca, en este se establece como Visión para el año 2028, que el Valle del Cauca será un referente nacional de crecimiento económico y generación de empleo, impulsado por el desarrollo de las actividades económicas en los sectores de Macrosnacks, Proteína Blanca y Biocombustibles, creando a través de ellas condiciones de vida óptimas para sus habitantes. El Valle del Cauca hace parte de los treinta y dos departamentos de Colombia, está ubicado en la región pacífico, limita al norte con los departamentos de Chocó y Risaralda, al sur con el Departamento del Cauca, al oriente con Quindío y Tolima, y al Occidente con el océano Pacífico y el Chocó. Este departamento tiene una población de 4.6 Millones de habitantes, siendo el tercer más poblado del país. Su clima y ubicación geográfica de la ventaja de desarrollar actividades económicas agroindustriales, además por su cercanía al puerto de Buenaventura, que es el principal puerto comercial sobre el Océano Pacífico, le ha permitido desarrollar mercado interno colombiano y exportar a los diferentes mercados internacionales. Hoy en día aporta cerca del 10% de PIB de Nacional lo que ubica con la tercera economía del país, detrás de Bogotá y el Antioquia. En cuanto al mercado internacional cuenta con la canasta exportable más diversificada del país, lo que le ha permitido en los últimos años crecer a mayor velocidad que la economía del país. Bajo este escenario hemos desarrollado este Plan estratégico buscando capitalizar oportunidades como los tratados de libre comercio, y uno de gran importancia como lo es la Alianza de Pacifico y las iniciativas de valor compartido Red Clúster, para enfocar este ejercicio académico en algo que permita aplicar todo los aprendido durante el MBA. De esta manera este plan estratégico, plantean las estrategias que permitirán llevar a Valle del Cauca a cumplir con diferentes objetivos de largo plazo que lleven a este departamento a ser un referente nacional en temas de competitividad y crecimiento económico. La base sobre el que se desarrolló fue la metodología del planteamiento estratégico del profesor Fernando D`Alessio, fundador de CENTRUM Católica. / This strategic plan was developed for the Department of Valle del Cauca, in this it is established as Vision for the year 2028, that Valle del Cauca will be a national benchmark for economic growth and employment generation, driven by the development of economic activities in the sectors of Macrosnacks, White Protein and Biofuels, creating through of them optimum living conditions for its habitants. Valle del Cauca is part of the thirty-two departments of Colombia, is located in the Pacific region, bounded on the north by the departments of Chocó and Risaralda, on the south by the Department of Cauca, on the east by Quindío and Tolima, and West with the Pacific Ocean and the Chocó. This department has a population of 4.6 million inhabitants, being the third most populated in the country. Its climate and geographic location of the advantage of developing agroindustrial economic activities, in addition to its proximity to the port of Buenaventura, which is the main commercial port on the Pacific Ocean, has allowed it to develop Colombian domestic market and export to different international markets. Today, it contributes nearly 10% of National GDP, which it places with the third economy in the country, behind Bogotá and Antioquia. As for the international market, it has the most diversified export basket in the country, which has allowed it to grow faster than the country's economy in recent years. Under this scenario we have developed this strategic plan seeking to capitalize on opportunities such as free trade agreements, and one of great importance such as the Pacific Alliance and the shared value initiatives Red Cluster, to focus this academic exercise on something that allows applying all those learned during the MBA. In this way, this strategic plan proposes the strategies that will allow Valle del Cauca to achieve different long-term objectives that will lead this department to become a national benchmark in terms of competitiveness and economic growth. The basis on which it was developed was the methodology of the strategic approach of Professor Fernando D`Alessio, founder of CENTRUM Católica. / Tesis

Market analysis to establish retail textile companies in Colombia

Esguerra, Alexandra, Karlsson, Fang January 2014 (has links)
The economic crisis in the last few years has made that companies begin to seek fornew market opportunities where they can establish their businesses. Due to the lackof information and data, Colombia is not well known for Swedish textile companies.For this reason, in this market analysis, it is intended to give a clear understanding ofthe current situation in the Colombian market. Colombia is an emerging country withmany opportunities within the textile sector and some new approaches in the last fewyears have facilitated companies to establish in Colombia. The initiatives fromdifferent state and private organizations, has done it easier for doing business.Based on the data that have been collected from different international organizationsources, has showed that some factors are important to be considered by theSwedish textile companies when launching in a new market. One of the positivefactors in the Colombian market is the increase in the demand for the retail textilesector. Increase in the income level is also attractive for companies because peoplewill be more able to spend in textile products, and the stability that the country isfacing are some positive factors; people will be able to spend money in otherexpenses.The new free trade agreement is an advantage for Swedish companies if they decideto expand to the Colombian market. Since they don’t have barriers for trade, it willmake it easier for trading between Colombia and Sweden. But because this newagreement has been signed last year, the results will be visible after some years ofrelationship.The textile sector in Colombia has had an increase in the sales and the consumptionof textile; many international retail companies has established their business in theColombian market since this market is becoming even more attractive in LatinAmerica. However, it is important to determine which target group is going to befocused on, because there are different social classes in Colombia, and depending ofthe target group the demand could be different.All the mentioned above and more important factors are covered in this thesis work.There is not a direct answer for our thesis work, however we believe that theinformation provided here, will be truly helpful to get a general idea of the currentsituation in the retail textile sector in the Colombian market. / <p>Abstract: The aim with this thesis work is to make a market analyze for Swedish textile</p><p>companies that are planning to expand their businesses to Colombia. There are</p><p>some factors and barriers that need to be considered when expanding to new</p><p>markets, for this reason, in this thesis particular factors are analyzed.</p><p>The new free trade agreement between Colombia and EU will make it easier for</p><p>Swedish textile companies to establish in Colombia and import or export from both</p><p>countries. Since one of us is from Colombia we know that there are absence of</p><p>Swedish textile companies in Colombia, and there is a need for variation in the textile</p><p>sector. This new free trade agreement will make this possible.</p><p>Sources of information that have been used are based principally from literature and</p><p>Internet. To be able to make the market analyze, there are factors that were</p><p>considered for example Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and statistics on</p><p>unemployment rate. In order to access the different statistics needed, it has been</p><p>used different sources and International organizations web pages such as EU and</p><p>OECD, which have been helpful to write this thesis and make it faster to find the</p><p>information required.</p><p>The analyzes has been made by comparing different statistics from Colombia with</p><p>Sweden, to see if there is opportunities for Swedish companies to establish</p><p>themselves in this new market. Our conclusion is that there are good opportunities</p><p>for Swedish textile companies to establish their business in Colombia because of the</p><p>increasing demand in the textile sector in the country and the increased income level</p><p>amongst the population.</p><p>Program: Bachelor of Science with a Major in Industrial Engineering – International Business Engineering</p>

Planeamiento estratégico para el Departamento del Cauca

Beltrán Aguilar, Alexander, Leguizamón León, Diego Antonio, Noguera Patiño, Elías, Rico Arenas, Juan Carlos 14 July 2017 (has links)
Se adelantó el planeamiento estratégico aplicado del departamento del Cauca, el cual se constituye en una herramienta que le facilitará elaborar y alcanzar el futuro deseado, que no es más que lograr un mejor nivel de vida para sus ciudadanos. Este ejercicio permitió hacer un análisis de orden político, económico, social, tecnológico y ambiental del Cauca, sobre el cual se obtuvieron resultados que llevaron a diseñar una visión, unas estrategias y unos objetivos de largo y corto plazo. El departamento está en el suroccidente de Colombia, sobre la costa pacífica; comparte la región con el Valle del Cauca, Nariño y Putumayo y es limítrofe con el Ecuador, su relieve es de montaña y está ubicado sobre las cordilleras central y occidental, posee todos los pisos térmicos, y su población está compuesta por diferentes etnias indígenas y afrocolombianos, así como mestizos y blancos. La Visión que se propuso pretende que el departamento logre en el año 2027, ser reconocido como el de mayor crecimiento, basado en su desarrollo agrícola, minero, turístico y de generación de energía. Además, se adelantó una evaluación de factores externos (Colombia) e internos (Cauca), identificando sobre los primeros, las oportunidades que están relacionadas con el acuerdo de paz, el crecimiento de la economía, la infraestructura vial, la posición geográfica del país, los acuerdos comerciales, la alianza del pacífico y en general sus recursos naturales y biodiversidad, y amenazas como la inseguridad y la corrupción, entre otras; y respecto a los segundos, las fortalezas, como la variedad de climas, la riqueza hídrica, minera, el acceso al océano pacífico y el turismo, y debilidades como la corrupción, bajos niveles de educación, pobreza, minería ilegal, baja inversión en tecnología e inseguridad. Se presentaron nueve objetivos de largo plazo para cumplirlos llegando al año 2027, los cuales se enfocaron en el mejoramiento de la producción cafetera, en la promoción del turismo, en el acceso al sistema de salud de todos sus habitantes, en la reducción del analfabetismo, en el incremento de la producción de la caña de azúcar, en la generación y venta de energía eléctrica, en la explotación pesquera, en la reducción de la inseguridad y en la explotación legal del oro. Se elaboraron 18 estrategias, las cuales se dividieron en seis retenidas y 12 de contingencia. Las retenidas buscan aprovechar el mercado de consumo interno nacional y los acuerdos comerciales internacionales como la Alianza del Pacífico, así mismo incrementar la exportación de productos agrícolas, aprovechando el clima y la calidad de estos, explotar las actividades mineras de carbón, plata y platino, vender el turismo y mejorar la tecnificación y mano de obra para la explotación de estas riquezas. Y la última, adelantar los estudios necesarios que permitan la construcción de hidroeléctricas. Al final del planeamiento se presentan recomendaciones enfocadas a cubrir y desarrollar cada una de las estrategias para lograr la visión establecida. En tal virtud, en este plan estratégico se pretende que en el año 2027 el departamento del Cauca tenga un crecimiento de al menos el 20 % en el sector agroindustrial, con un aporte al PIB nacional con una tasa no inferior al 3 %, la minería no se será ilegal y será fuente importante de ingresos, con un aporte de al menos 20 %. El turismo será base de su economía y uno de los cinco destinos más importantes del país. El Cauca será un departamento modelo y esencial en la vida de los colombianos y en el desarrollo del País / The strategic planning implemented to the Department of Cauca is a tool that will help to elaborate and achieve a desired future, which is not other than securing a better standard of living for its citizens. This exercise allowed the analysis of political, economic, social, technological and environmental factors, and the results obtained led to the design of a vision, several strategies and long and short term objectives. The department is located in the southwest of Colombia, on the Pacific coast; it shares the region with Valle del Cauca, Nariño and Putumayo and is bordering with Ecuador. It has a mountainous topography and is located on the central and western mountain ranges, it has all the climates, and its population is composed of different ethnic groups and Afro-Colombians, as well as mestizos and whites. The proposed Vision intends that the department could be recognized by 2027, as the one of greater growth, based on its agricultural, mining, tourist development and energy generation. In addition, an evaluation of external factors (Colombia) and internal factors (Cauca) was carried out, identifying firstly, the opportunities that are related to the peace agreement, economic growth, road infrastructure, trade agreements, the Pacific Alliance and in general their natural resources and biodiversity; and also threats such as insecurity and corruption, among others. Secondly, identifying strengths such as the variety of climates, the water and mining wealth, the access to the Pacific Ocean and the increasing tourism; as well as weaknesses such as corruption, low levels of education, poverty, illegal mining, low investment in technology and insecurity. Nine long-term objectives were presented to be met by 2027, which focused on improving coffee production, promoting tourism, guaranteeing all citizens access to the health system, reducing illiteracy, increasing the production of sugar cane, generating and selling of electric power, fishing operation, reducing of insecurity and legally exploiting gold. 18 strategies were elaborated, which were divided into six retained and 12 contingents. The retained ones seek to take advantage of the domestic market and the international trade agreements such as the Pacific Alliance, as well as to increase the exports of agricultural products, taking advantage of the climate, exploiting coal, silver and platinum mining activities, selling tourism and improving the technology and manpower for the exploitation of these resources. And lastly, to advance the necessary studies that allow the construction of hydroelectric plants. At the end of the strategic planning recommendations were made focused on developing each of the strategies to achieve the established vision. Under this strategic plan, it is intended that in 2027 the Department of Cauca achieves a growth of at least 20% in the agro-industrial sector, with a national GDP contribution of not less than 3%, mining will not be illegal and will be an important source of income, with a contribution of at least 20%. Tourism will be the basis of its economy and one of the five most important destinations in the country. The Cauca will be a model department and essential in the life of the Colombians and in the development of the Country / Tesis

El Cerrejón coal project : evaluation of a large scale, transnational, public/private joint venture

Obregón, Mauricio Sancho January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Alfred P. Sloan School of Management, 1981. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND DEWEY. / Includes bibliographical references. / by Mauricio Sancho Obregón. / M.S.

Plan estratégico para el departamento de Chocó – Colombia

Ángel Cañarete, Hugo Alberto, Dávila Tello, Luis Fernando, Loarte Mardini, Gerardo Emanuel, Malca Cuéllar, Francisco Javier 12 November 2018 (has links)
El plan estratégico desarrollado en el presente documento fue elaborado en función al Modelo Secuencial del Proceso Estratégico. El proceso estratégico se compone de un conjunto de actividades que se desarrollan de manera secuencial con la finalidad de que una organización pueda proyectarse al futuro y alcance la visión establecida. La Figura 1 muestra las tres etapas principales que componen dicho proceso: (a) formulación, que es la etapa de planeamiento propiamente dicha, en la que se procurará encontrar las estrategias que llevarán a la organización de la situación actual a la situación futura deseada; (b) implementación, en la cual se ejecutarán las estrategias retenidas en la primera etapa, es la etapa más complicada por lo rigurosa que es; y (c) evaluación y control, cuyas actividades se efectuarán de manera permanente durante todo el proceso para monitorear las etapas secuenciales y, finalmente, los Objetivos de Largo Plazo (OLP) y los Objetivos de Corto Plazo (OCP); aparte de estas tres etapas existe una etapa final, que presenta las conclusiones y recomendaciones finales. / Tesis

Vplyv medzinárodných aktérov v boji s organizovaným zločinom: Prípadová štúdia Kolumbia / The influence of international actors in the fight against organized crime: Case study Colombia

Kůsová, Ivana January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the influence of international actors in the fight against organized crime. The issue of combating the organized crime is pictured on the case study of Colombia. Colombian organized crime is largely associated with drug trafficking, therefore the thesis concentrates on options for addressing drug problem. USA as the most important market for Colombian drug production is a major ally of Colombia in the fight against drugs. The thesis focuses on the joint policy initiatives of the USA and Colombia to resolve production and drug trafficking. The aim of the thesis is to find out possible solutions to adress drug trade and identify the benefits and shortcomings of antidrug policies for the case study of Colombia.

A new awakening*: Colombia's recent Foreign Policy shift and its Impact on the Internal Conflict : *Anaphora used by Santos in his inaugural speech as president on August 7th 2010 / UN NUEVO AMANECER*: EL GIRO DE LA POLÍTICA EXTERIOR COLOMBIANA Y SU IMPACTO EN EL CONFLICTO INTERNO : *Anafora usada por el Presidente Juan Manuel Santos en su discurso de posesión el 7 de  agosto de 2010

PUERTO, DIANA January 2011 (has links)
Colombia’s biggest challenge is to resolve its half-century old armed conflict which began already to affect its neighbours. In this regard, Colombian foreign policy becomes crucial to respond with the internal and external challenges Colombia faces. Colombia has been historically aligned to the United States who has become one of the main destinations of Colombian exports as well as the leading sponsor in the fight against drugs and the guerrilla groups. However, the recent take over of President Juan Manuel Santos in August 2010 seems to have produced a shift in this regard. Santos has tried to increase Colombia’s interaction with other Latin American countries which has triggered several speculations about a move away from Washington, its main ally. Only some months have passed and it is already visible how the existent dynamics between Colombia and other international actors are taking a different shape. This work investigates the causes and possible impacts of this shift in Colombia’s foreign policy on the internal conflict. Supported by an analytical background on the significance of the external conditions surrounding a conflict, this research was conducted by favouring qualitative methods. Presidential interventions and newspaper articles were analysed by applying discourse analysis. The external perceptions were collected using structured interviews with professors, journalists, diplomats within the Andean region. The exploratory results suggest that a shift in the Colombian foreign policy indeed took place and was highly perceived by other international actors. It does not respond to a unique cause but to a set of different motives as for example the disappointment with US policies, economic pragmatism, the isolation of Colombia in South America, among others reasons. Furthermore, it is pointed out the way the shift could affect the conflict as well as feasible scenarios for the future. / Colombia ha sido históricamente uno de los aliados incondicionales de los Estados Unidos. Su políticaexterior se ha dirigido principalmente hacia este país, el cual con el tiempo se convirtió tanto en el mayorcomprador de las exportaciones colombianas, así como en el principal financiador en la lucha contra elnarcotráfico y las guerrillas. No obstante, la reciente toma de posesión del Presidente Juan Manuel Santosel pasado 7 de agosto de 2010, parece haber producido un cambio en este aspecto. El gobierno Santosha hecho un esfuerzo por incrementar las relaciones de Colombia con otros países latinoamericanos locual ha desatado diversas especulaciones sobre un eventual distanciamiento de Washington, su principalaliado. Este artículo investiga si efectivamente se ha dado un cambio en la política exterior colombiana,sus causas, y su eventual impacto en el conflicto armado. Los resultados exploratorios sugieren queefectivamente ha habido un giro en la política exterior colombiana y que tal cambio fue advertido por suspaíses vecinos y otros actores internacionales. Este giro no responde a un sólo motivo si no a múltiplescausas. Adicionalmente, este trabajo señala el impacto de tal cambio en el conflicto armado, así comoposibles escenarios para el futuro.

Intrepid iconoclasts and ambitious institutions : early Colombian conceptual art and its antecedents, 1961-1975

Tarver, Gina McDaniel 18 September 2012 (has links)
While ambitious art museums, biennials, galleries, curators, and critics promoted early Colombian conceptual art and its antecedents as being part of the latest international art trends, the intrepid iconoclasts who created it were not at all interested in being au courant or international. Far from it, their primary focus was on addressing local issues and audiences. They had an ambivalent relationship to institutions, taking advantage of internationalization, which was part of a strategy for cultural and economic development. But these artists did so in order to insert their own tactics emerging from, and dealing with, the realities of underdevelopment. Artists such as Antonio Caro, Jorge Posada, and Efraín Arrieta--developing approaches first introduced by antecedents like Bernardo Salcedo, Feliza Bursztyn, and Beatriz González--sought to open the viewers' eyes to the concrete experience of the here-and-now through the use of usually banal and often ephemeral materials and techniques. They focused critically on social issues--nationalism, education, imperialism, agrarian inequity, governmental policy, and political organization. In taking on specific, timely, and usually local matters dealing with culture, politics, the economy, and social organization, they sought to upset the prevailing conditions outside as well as inside the realm of art. Even the introduction of new forms and ways of producing art should be seen as an ideological rather than a formal exercise since it constituted a cultural assault against the Colombian ruling class. This art, then, was political: it was motivated by beliefs regarding the public affairs of a country. I argue that early Colombian conceptual art was a visual means of exposing institutional strategies of control. I show how this art partook of the spirit of participation which marked the late 1960s and early 1970s in Colombia and in the world. In the process, I add to the understanding of this tumultuous period in world history, since my study is an example of the complex processes of cultural production in an age of globalization. / text

El Pueblo and La Rosca: a political dialogue in Colombia, 1944-1958

Sofer, Douglas Osher 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

The Colombian Catholic Church, 1948-1970: reactionary Church in a revolutionary continent

McCarthy, Richard B., 1948- January 1977 (has links)
No description available.

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