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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moviment obrer, canvi polític, social i cultural. Comissions Obreres a Catalunya (1964-1978)

Sellés i Vidal, Elionor 03 November 2005 (has links)
En la primera part de la tesi, "Moviment obrer, canvi polític, social i cultural. Comissions Obreres a Catalunya, 1964-1978", s'aborda el naixement de Comissions Obreres posant al descobert la debilitat de les formacions polítiques que no poden controlar l'entesa personal entre alguns dels seus membres que, saltant-se les limitacions imposades per les respectives formacions polítiques, posaran en marxa el nucli primigeni del nou moviment obrer després de la guerra civil, a Catalunya. Comissions Obreres iniciarà el seu camí marcada des de l'inici per una dualitat important. D'una banda, el moviment s'anirà estenent i ampliant a partir de les xarxes de relació que s'estableixen en els contactes que facilita la participació en el sindicat vertical i també en dels conflictes que van sorgint en les negociacions col·lectives d'empresa, ram o comarca. D'altra banda, el moviment s'organitzarà a través d'organismes coordinadors en els que s'apleguen els activistes polititzats que converteixen aquests organismes en centres de debats i disputes contínues, restant efectivitat a les activitats que s'hi emprenen. Així, Comissions Obreres es va estenent per tota la geografia industrial catalana en un sentit horitzontal, trobant dificultats d'articulació d'aquest pla amb un altre de vertical, de representació o coordinació unitària. Aquesta dificultat es traduirà en una debilitat estructural que llastrarà el moviment en els moments decisius de la fi del franquisme. Des de ben aviat, el règim franquista comprendrà la potencialitat i el perill que li representa Comissions Obreres i per això abocarà tota la seva capacitat en reprimir i perseguir els seus activistes. El moviment obrer afrontarà les dificultats que la persecució del règim li ocasiona, minvant en alguns moments la seva incidència però resistint l'embat a llarg termini. Així, en la conjuntura que es produeix a la mort del dictador Franco, el moviment obrer haurà situat algunes de les premisses en què règim i oposició s'hauran de moure. En l'haver del moviment obrer representat per Comissions Obreres s'hi ha de comptar la pràctica desaparició del sindicat vertical i el fet de plantejar una elevada conflictivitat obrera que condicionarà definitivament els moviments del règim en acceptar finalment que no hi pot haver franquisme sense Franco. Les fonts orals han estat una eina imprescindible per realitzar aquesta tesi i si en la primera part es mostren decisives per comprendre alguns episodis estudiats, en la segona part es converteixen en l'eix central dels temes abordats. Així, per exemple, lluny d'entendre que hi ha un trencament entre les generacions sindicalistes d'abans i després de la guerra, les fonts orals rebel·len la connexió entre uns i altres, a través de les relacions familiars i la trobada en l'espai fabril. Aquest nexe d'unió serà un referent per a les noves generacions d'activistes que, en algunes ocasions, actuaran com una restitució cap al passat. Alhora, les fonts orals ens permeten conèixer la profunda transformació personal i social que experimenten els activistes a través de la militància obrera, especialment per a les dones activistes que descobriran la perspectiva feminista des de la qual mirar el món. Per últim, les fonts orals descobreixen que les expectatives que els protagonistes es van crear arran de la importància i presència del moviment obrer en els darrers moments de la dictadura, sumat a una certa decepció provocada pel davallament del moviment obrer posterior a la transició, enfosqueixen per als propis protagonistes, la decisiva contribució del moviment obrer, i en particular Comissions Obreres, a la fi de la dictadura franquista. / The first part of the thesis, "Workers´Movement, Political, Social and Cultural Change. Comissions Obreres in Catalonia, 1964-1978", deals with the birth of Comissions Obreres, exposing the weakness of political parties who cannot control personal agreement among some of their members. Those people, despite the restrictions imposed by their respective political parties, will start in Catalonia the new workers´movement after the Civil War. Since it's very launching Comissions Obreres will be marked by an important duality. On the one hand, the movement will spread and enlarge from relationship networks established upon contacts through vertical union membership and also through conflicts emerging during collective enterprise, industry and regional negotiations. On the other hand the movement will organize itself through coordinating committees gathering the politicized activists who will turn these organizations into debate centres, but also into constant disputes, thus reducing the effectiveness of undertaken actions.Oral sources have been an essential tool to carry out this thesis. On the first part they are crucial to understand some research work. On the second one they become the core of the subjects dealt with. Thus, for example, instead of considering that there is a gap between trade unionist generations from before and after the war, oral sources reveal the connection between them through family relationship and the meetings in the factories. Furthermore, oral sources allow us to know the deep personal and social transformation experienced by activists through workers´ affiliation. Women, more specially, will discover the feminist perspective from which they looked at the world. Finally, oral sources unveil a kind of disappointment among leaders of the workers´movement for not being able of imposing a democratic society with a strong social component.The end of dictatorship cannot be understood without the collapse of vertical unions and without last year's continuous controversies in Franco´s regime. Both aspects were the consequence of actions promoted by Comissions Obreres.

Novinářská organizace v kontextu událostí Pražského jara a jeho následků v době normalizace / Union of the journalists following of events Prague spring and its consequences at the time of normalization

Suková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis desribes the situation in Czech Union of Journalists during the Prague Spring era and the normalization era. Its aim is to explain to the reader how the situation changed after the intervention of Soviet army in August 1968. Prague Spring is generally perceived as a period of regime measures release and progressive ideas establishment. On the other hand, in the era after the Occupation strated theperiod of normalization and consolidation, which brought many repressive measures to light. It all took its toll in the function of Union of Journalists and the whole media sphere. The function of the Union o journalists becomes important from the political and ideological view. Attention is on the Union's structure as well. Thesis is focused on the period of 1968 to 1972 and embraces the historical events from Prague Spring to VI. Congress of the Union, in which the allegiance to Communist Party of Czechoslovakia was pladged by the journalists. It describes how the journalists were forced to conform their pursiut to the regime. Main focus is on the way of presentation of the journalists themselves, the relations in the Union and the change of the prestige and role of the journalist in the society before and after the normalization era. All of this is historically founded, so the reader...

Novinářská organizace v kontextu událostí Pražského jara a jeho následků v době normalizace / Union of the journalists following of events Prague spring and its consequences at the time of normalization

Suková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis desribes the situation in Czech Union of Journalists during the Prague Spring era and the normalization era. Its aim is to explain to the reader how the situation changed after the intervention of Soviet army in August 1968. Prague Spring is generally perceived as a period of regime measures release and progressive ideas establishment. On the other hand, in the era after the Occupation strated theperiod of normalization and consolidation, which brought many repressive measures to light. It all took its toll in the function of Union of Journalists and the whole media sphere. The function of the Union o journalists becomes important from the political and ideological view. Attention is on the Union's structure as well. Thesis is focused on the period of 1968 to 1972 and embraces the historical events from Prague Spring to VI. Congress of the Union, in which the allegiance to Communist Party of Czechoslovakia was pladged by the journalists. It describes how the journalists were forced to conform their pursiut to the regime. Main focus is on the way of presentation of the journalists themselves, the relations in the Union and the change of the prestige and role of the journalist in the society before and after the normalization era. All of this is historically founded, so the reader...

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