Spelling suggestions: "subject:"commander"" "subject:"commande""
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Challenges for mid-level commanders in the South African National Defence Force : management model and training needsEdwards, T., Geldenhuys, A. January 2007 (has links)
Public Article / The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996) and conclusive Acts record that effective human-resource management, career-development and training practices must be cultivated to maximise human potential. The unique nature and wide range of activities of the South African National Defence Force assign exceptional demands on the management expertise of military commanders. Therefore, the importance of effective training and for the purpose of this article, effective management training for mid-level commanders is indisputable. Against this background, a new management model is presented and the resulting training needs are empirically investigated in this article. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in the survey, targeted 165 mid-level commanders in the South African National Defence Force. The empirical results of the study suggested that the existing management training for mid-level commanders fails to meet expectations primarily because of the non-existence of an appropriate management model. Thus, the article present a contemporary management model as foundation for management training of mid-level commanders in the South African National Defence Force. The management model also sanctions applicable standards for the development of management skills and appropriate competencies of military commanders.
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RCC 319-92 AND ARMY TACMS (ATACMS) AN UNCOMMON EXPERIENCEThomas, D. Paul 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 26-29, 1998 / Town & Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / The Range Commanders Council "Flight Termination Systems Commonality Standard,"
RCC 319-92, has been written with the noble goal of providing "common design, test, and
documentation requirements for Flight Termination Systems (FTS)." As is often the case
with standards of any kind, the devil is in the details! The Army TACMS (ATACMS)
Block II Flight Termination/Telemetry System design has been significantly affected by
the constraints imposed by RCC 319-92 as well as by Lockheed Martin Vought Systems
customers' interpretations of those constraints and requirements. Important system
elements are discussed along with some of the engineering decisions made to achieve
compliance and the rationale behind those decisions. It is hoped that this monograph will
acquaint potential users of RCC 319-92 with some of the issues involved in achieving
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An ecological ethnography of incident ground command in greater manchester fire and rescue service (1993 - 2000)O'Brien, Kathryn Ann January 2007 (has links)
This work aims to contribute to existing knowledge concerning the command and management of fire service operations on the incident ground in Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service during the years 1993 to 2000.
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Formative evaluation of the Tactical Patrol Craft Trainer : a computer-based training evaluation.Jacobs, Dean A. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (M.S. in Management) Naval Postgraduate School, June 1997. / Thesis advisors, Gail Fann Thomas, Alice Crawford. Includes bibliographical references (p. 83-84). Also available online.
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A needs assessment for a performance management training programme amongst commanders within the South African military health servicesThantsa, Grace 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Performance management entails processes and systems that ensure that organisational activities are geared to promote the achievement of organisational goals. Management of performance is one of the crucial functions to be fulfilled by leaders and managers in an organisation. Management and leaders in an organisation serve as the compass that lead and direct these entities; they should be empowered to optimally fulfil the expected roles and functions.
The study resulted from an observation made during internal audit engagements and concerns raised by South African Military Health Services (SAMHS) commanders during these engagements. An initial informal survey of performance management conducted by the researcher during the internal audit engagements confirmed a need for a formal scientific study, hence this formal study.
The study was conducted amongst commanders in the SAMHS with their prior voluntary consent to participate in the study. The study participants comprised SAMHS commanders from different levels of this organisation, ranging from directors of professional departments, general officers commanding from different military health formations to officers commanding military units from various provinces.
Literature relevant to the studied topic was researched, which ranged from books, legislation and internet articles, as well as internal prescripts of the Department of Defence. A questionnaire was designed and constructed to collect the study information. Central concepts of the study were identified and included in the questionnaire. The study questionnaire was administered to the commanders within the SAMHS, who responded with enthusiasm and diligence. The findings of the study confirmed to a great extent that a performance management training need exists amongst SAMHS commanders. It was also found that SAMHS commanders are willing to undergo performance management training to enhance their functioning. The empirical findings of the study were tabled and analysed on completion of the scientific study and conclusions were drawn from the findings. Based on the findings of the empirical study, conclusions were drawn and recommendations are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Prestasiebestuur behels prosesse en stelsels wat verseker dat die organisasie se aktiwiteite op die bereiking van die organisasie se doelwitte gerig is. Bestuur van prestasie is een van die belangrikste funksies wat deur die leiers en bestuurders in 'n organisasie vervul moet word. Die bestuur en leiers in 'n organisasie is die kompas wat leiding en rigting gee vir hierdie entiteite en moet bemagtig word om verwagte rolle en funksies optimaal te vervul.
Die studie was die gevolg van 'n waarneming wat gemaak is tydens interne oudit betrokkenheid en bekommernisse wat deur bevelvoerders in die Suid-Afrikaanse Militêre Gesondheidsdiens (SAMGD) aan die lig gebring is. 'n Aanvanklike informele prestasiebestuur-opname wat deur die navorser tydens die interne oudit onderneem is, het die behoefte aan 'n formele wetenskaplike studie bevestig en tot hierdie studie gelei.
Die studie is onder die bevelvoerders binne die SAMGD met hulle voorafgaande vrywillige toestemming tot deelname aan die studie onderneem. Die deelnemers aan die studie het SAMGD-bevelvoerders op verskillende vlakke van hierdie organisasie ingesluit. Hulle het vanaf direkteure in professionele departemente, bevelvoerende generaals van verskillende militêre gesondsheidformasies tot bevelvoerders vanuit verskeie provinsies gewissel. Relevante literatuur met betrekking tot die onderwerp is nagevors. Dit het boeke, wetgewing, artikels op die internet en interne voorskrifte van die Departement van Verdediging behels. 'n Vraelys is ontwerp en saamgestel om die nodige inligting vir die studie in te samel. Sentrale konsepte van die studie is geïdentifiseer en by die vraelys ingesluit.
Hierdie vraelys is aan die bevelvoerders binne die SAMGD, wat met entoesiasme en ywer gereageer het, voorgelê. Die bevindinge van die studie het tot 'n groot mate bevestig dat daar 'n behoefte aan opleiding in prestasiebestuur onder bevelvoerders binne die SAMGD bestaan. Daar is ook tydens die studie bevind dat bevelvoerders binne die SAMGD bereid is om prestasiebestuurs opleiding te ondergaan om hul funksionering te verbeter.
Die empiriese bevindings van die studie is na die wetenskaplike studie getabelleer en geanaliseer en gevolgtrekkings is daarvolgens gemaak. Aanbevelings word op grond van hierdie bevindings van die empiriese studie gemaak.
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Enhanced Flight Termination System Study Overview and StatusCronk, Steven G., Tobin, Maria A., Sakahara, Robert D. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 22-25, 2001 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / The Range Commanders Council (RCC) Range Safety Group (RSG) is conducting a study into the next
generation of ground-based flight termination technology, known as the Enhanced Flight Termination
System (EFTS) study. The study was initiated by the RCC in April 2000 and scheduled to be complete
in March 2002. The Government is performing the study with support from contractors and academia. In
addition to the RSG, the Telemetry Group, Frequency Management Group, Telecommunications and
Timing Group of the RCC support the study. Additionally, the National Security Agency is providing
key support along with vendors who design, build, and test range safety systems. This paper will
describe the background, goals, and current status of the study.
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Karo vadų pareigos, jų įgyvendinimas ir atsakomybė pagal tarptautinę humanitarinę teisę / Duties and Responsibility of Commanders under International Humanitarian LawMarozas, Tomas 07 February 2011 (has links)
Vado atsakomybė yra tarptautinėje paprotinėje teisėje nusistovėjęs principas. Vadai, pagal šią doktriną, atsako ne už savo pačių įvykdytus nusikaltimus, o už pavaldinių, kuriems nesugebėjo užkirsti kelio ar bausti. Ši atsakomybė kyla dėl neveikimo.
Mokslininkų bendruomenėje iki šių dienų nėra aišku, ar vadai atsako už pavaldinių nusikaltimus, ar už savo paties pareigos nevykdymą. Vadai atsako už atskirą nusikaltimą, kuriam neužkirto kelio ar už kurį nebaudė, kuomet tarptautinė teisė jį buvo įpareigojus tą daryti. Vado atsakomybė yra sui generis atsakomybės už neveikimą forma.
Pagal ad hoc tribunolų jurisprudenciją, vado atsakomybė susideda iš trijų elementų: vado-pavaldinių santykių, vado mens rea ir būtinų ir tinkamų priemonių užkirsti kelią nusikaltimui ar bausti nesiėmimo. Visi šie elementai turi būti įrodyti ir bet kokios abejonės kilimas turi būti sprendžiamas kaltinamojo naudai.
Vado-pavaldinių santykiai galimi tik esant efektyviai vado kontrolei. Efektyvumas reiškia, kad vadas gali ne tik vienaip ar kitaip daryti įtaką pavaldinių veiksmams, tačiau ir priversti paklusti, materialiai sugebėti užkirsti kelią nusikaltimams ar bausti.
Romos statute karo vadų ir asmenų, efektyviai vykdančių karo vado funkcijas, mens rea skiriasi nuo civilių vadų. Romos statuto travaux préparatoires pasufleruoja, kad civiliai vadai, skirtingai nei karo, neturi tokių pačių galimybių vykdyti savo pareigas. Dėl šios priežasties jų žinojimo standartas yra švelnesnis nei karo vadų.
Romos statutas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Superior responsibility, otherwise known as command responsibility, is a well established doctrine in both treaty and customary international law. Superiors are held criminally responsible for breaches of international humanitaran law committed by their subordinates. Responsibility arises only after superior fails to take any preventive or punitive action when he was under a duty to do so.
There is no common opinion of what that doctrine should stand for, is it a mode of liability for subordinates crimes or a separate offence of superior. It is a crime of omission which has no or little support in national legislation systems. Superior responsibility is a sui generis form of responsibility for omission.
Superior responsibility, according to ad hoc tribunals jurisprudence, is constructed of three elements which are superior-subordinate relationship, superior’s mens rea and ability to take necessary and reasonable measures to prevent subordinate’s crime and punish. All these elements must be proofed beyond reasonable doubt.
Superior-subordinate relationship can only be established if there existed effective command and control between those two. Effectiveness is a material ability to influence subordinates actions in a way of either stopping them from committing a crime or being able to punish.
Superiors mens rea in Rome Statute for military commander and a person, effectively acting as such is more strict than for other superiors, described in art. 28(b). Travaux... [to full text]
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A Study Of Leadership in the First Infantry Division During World War II: Terry De La Mesa Allen and Clarence Ralph HuebnerRogers, R J. 20 May 1965 (has links)
Thesis (Master').
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Developing a Joint Engineer Headquarters for the JTF Commander.Lloyd, John P. 05 April 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Master').
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The Western Aeronautical Test Range Chapter 10 ToolsKnudtson, Kevin, Park, Alice, Downing, Bob, Sheldon, Jack, Harvey, Robert, Norcross, April 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2011 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Seventh Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 24-27, 2011 / Bally's Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada / The Western Aeronautical Test Range (WATR) staff at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center is developing a translation software called Chapter 10 Tools in response to challenges posed by post-flight processing data files originating from various on-board digital recorders that follow the Range Commanders Council Inter-Range Instrumentation Group (IRIG) 106 Chapter 10 Digital Recording Standard but use differing interpretations of the Standard. The software will read the date files regardless of the vendor implementation of the source recorder, displaying data, identifying and correcting errors, and producing a data file that can be successfully processed post-flight.
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