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Finns det ett samband mellan belöningssystem och finansiell aktieägartillväxt? : en studie av fyra svenska företagEngström, Christer January 2005 (has links)
Finns det ett samband mellan belöningssystem och finansiell aktieägartillväxt i publika svenska företag? En intressant och högaktuell fråga, som det visade sig, och som kommer att försöka besvaras i denna uppsats. Inledningsvis undersöktes om det fanns någon relevant svensk statistik som kunde belysa de exekutiva ledarnas förtjänstutveckling under senare år. Statistiska Centralbyråns inkomststatistik gav inte svar på frågan. LO-ekonomernas statistik visade sig vara relevant och bekräftade mitt antagande att inkomstutveckling för denna grupp varit osedvanligt god. Med antagandet bekräftad och således stärkt i tron ställdes tre frågor som uppsatsens syfte var att besvara: Fråga 1 Hur ser de belöningsmodeller ut som tillämpas av svenska företag avseende ersättningar till medlemmar i företagens exekutiva ledningsgrupper? Fråga 2 Hur förhåller sig de tillämpade belöningsmodellerna till relevant belöningsoch motivationsteori? Fråga 3 Finns det ett samband mellan aktieägarnas finansiella utveckling i dessa företag och företagens belöningar till den studerade yrkesgruppen? Lämpliga teorier att applicera på de undersökta företagens belöningsmodeller visade sig vara agentteorin och förväntansteorin. Dessa två teorier jämfördes med de fyra undersökta företagens, Ericsson, Handelsbanken, IKEA och Skandia belöningssystem genom studier av dessa bolags årsredovisningar för åren 2000-2004. Det visade sig härvid att de företag (två st.) som hade de högsta belöningsnivåerna redovisade sämst resultatutveckling och negativ avkastning till aktieägarna, medan det företag (en st.) med den lägsta belöningsnivån, hade en god resultatutveckling och en fördelaktig avkastning till aktieägarna. För IKEA var studiematerialet för knapphändigt för att kunna uttala sig om hur belöningsnivån utvecklats även om aktieägarens avkastning var den mest fördelaktiga bland de undersökta företagen. Samtliga företag, IKEA undantagen, har konstaterats ersätta sina exekutiva ledare med grundlön, rörlig lön, anställningsförmåner och pensionslösningar även om Handelsbanken uppger att man inte tillämpar rörlig bonus eller rörligt tantiem. Slutledningsvis konstaterades att det inte i något fall förelåg något samband mellan hur företagen ersätter sina exekutiva ledare och aktieägarnas finansiella tillväxt.
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En resa för ett träd : En hermeneutisk studie om attityder till klimatkompensering av flygresorOlsson, Maria, Lundberg, Maria January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to examine the attitudes and willingness towards climate compensation in air travel. The study discuss if people feel a personal responsibility about the environment. Earlier research shows that tourists are positive towards climate compensation, but in reality very few use this service. The main question is: Which are the reasons for travellers not to use climate compensation? The used methodology is qualitative and based on ten interviews with people who have travelled by air one or several times since January 2007, when the service was first established. The interviews were then analyzed from a hermeneutical perspective to obtain an understanding for how the respondents perceive the human impact on the environment. This perception leads to their standpoint towards climate compensation. Their standpoints are divided into five subjects: uncertainty, trust, an abstract feeling, discourages and responsibility, which are analysed against selected theories. / Uppsatsen behandlar de attityder till och den vilja som finns hos människor att klimatkompensera flygresor. Studien tar i beaktande om människor känner ett personligt ansvar för miljön. Tidigare undersökningar om resenärers inställningar till att klimatkompensera flygresor har varit positiv, men sedan har det visat sig att en betydligt mindre del verkligen använder sig av tjänsten. Frågeställningen bygger på just denna komplexitet och utgångspunkten för uppsatsen blir därmed; Vad beror det på att resenärer inte klimatkompenserar sina flygresor? Undersökningen är kvalitativ och bygger på tio informella intervjuer med resenärer som gjort en eller flera resor från januari 2007, då klimatkompensering började erbjudas hos researrangörer. Intervjuerna har sedan tolkats utifrån en hermeneutisk ansats för att få en förståelse för hur deras syn på resor och miljö påverkar deras vilja att klimatkompensera. De mönster som uppstått under intervjuprocessen har lett till teman som kan förklara de attityder som finns hos de tillfrågade. De teman som behandlas är ovisshet, tillit, att ställas inför det abstrakta, uppgivenhet och ansvar, vilka sedan analyseras utifrån teorier som ansetts kunna ge en bra förståelse för varför dessa teman uppkommer.
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Correlation Among Performance System Cognition, Compensation System Cognition and Organizational Commitment ¡V with Organizational Justice as Mediating EffectCHANG, CHIA-LING 03 September 2007 (has links)
In this age of variation and renovation, enterprise internationalization dominates the competition of enterprises. Confronted by keen competition, pursuing of sustainable management and development and promoting competitive superiority, the enterprises often adopt human resource management to inspire employees with hope to achieve and exceed the expectation of the organization. However, performance appraisal and compensation system are highly valued by the employees in human resource management. As for compensation system, the employees would measure the difference between what they actually acquire and what they expect to acquire and react on how much they identify with the organization and on their performance as well. This research aims at understanding how the below factors, performance appraisal cognition, compensation system cognition and personality traits influence the organizational commitment under the mediating effect of organizational justice.
A questionnaire investigation was adopted in this research. Accessible population targeted on companies defined as honorary trainers of SMEs by Small and Medium Enterprise Administration in Ministry of Economic Affairs. Totally there are 500 questionnaires sent out of which 236 samples are retrieved. Weeding out 6 shares of ineffective ones without complete filling-in, there are 230 effective samples. Exploratory factor analysis, multiple regression analysis and path analysis methods are applied in the analysis and the result is as the following:
1¡BAmong performance appraisal cognition, compensation system cognition and organizational justice presents positive influence.
2¡BBetween organizational justice and organizational commitment presents positive influence.
3¡BBetween performance appraisal cognition and organizational commitment presents positive influence.
4¡BBetween compensation system cognition and organizational commitment presents positive influence.
5¡BIn addition to direct positive influence on organizational commitment, performance appraisal cognition also affects it via mediating effect of organizational justice.
6¡BIn addition to direct positive influence on organizational commitment, compensation system cognition also affects it via mediating effect of organizational justice.
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How do Shareholders Use Their Say-on-Pay Votes in the United States? Evidence from 2011 and 2012Kimmey, Peter 01 January 2013 (has links)
This paper examines shareholder disapproval of CEO compensation as expressed through their advisory vote on executive compensation (say-on-pay) as required by Section 951 of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Using a sample of 884 votes by S&P 500 firms in 2011 and 2012, I find that higher CEO salary, a weak link between pay and performance, and higher dilution from stock option grants are associated with lower say-on-pay approval. In addition, I find evidence that shareholders are sophisticated in their examination of CEO compensation by voting against excess compensation over what is deserved due to performance and other determining factors.
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Targeting of painting of fourth to roX1 and roX2 proximal sites suggests evolutionary links between dosage compensation and the regulation of the 4th chromosome in Drosophila melanogasterLundberg, Lina E, Kim, Maria, Johansson, Anna-Mia, Faucillion, Marie-Line, Josupeit, Rafael, Larsson, Jan January 2013 (has links)
In Drosophila melanogaster, two chromosome-specific targeting and regulatory systems have been described. The male-specific lethal (MSL) complex supports dosage compensation by stimulating gene expression from the male X-chromosome and the protein Painting of fourth (POF) specifically targets and stimulates expression from the heterochromatic 4(th) chromosome. The targeting sites of both systems are well characterized, but the principles underlying the targeting mechanisms have remained elusive. Here we present an original observation, namely that POF specifically targets two loci on the X-chromosome, PoX1 and PoX2 (POF-on-X). PoX1 and PoX2 are located close to the roX1 and roX2 genes, which encode ncRNAs important for the correct targeting and spreading of the MSL-complex. We also found that the targeting of POF to PoX1 and PoX2 is largely dependent on roX expression and identified a high-affinity target region which ectopically recruits POF. The results presented support a model linking the MSL-complex to POF and dosage compensation to regulation of heterochromatin.
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The Role of Cdx in Intestinal DevelopmentGrainger, Stephanie 20 December 2012 (has links)
The products of the Cdx genes, Cdx1, Cdx2 and Cdx4, are known to play essential roles in many developmental processes including neural tube closure, axial elongation and patterning the anterior-posterior axis of the developing embryo. Cdx1 and Cdx2 are both expressed in the endoderm of the embryo and persist throughout adulthood in the intestinal epithelium, but their functions and mechanisms of action in this lineage are poorly understood, in part due to the peri-implantation lethality of Cdx2-/- mice. To circumvent this limitation, a conditional loss of function strategy was used to inactivate Cdx2 in the intestinal epithelium. These conditional mutants were also crossed to Cdx1-/- mice, which are viable and fertile, to examine potential functional compensation between these family members. The major findings of this study are that Cdx2 regulates patterning and differentiation of the small intestinal epithelium, while Cdx1 does not appear to make a contribution to either process. Furthermore, Cdx operates upstream of Notch ligand Delta-like 1 (Dll1) in endoderm and mesoderm derivatives, demonstrating that Cdx function is similar in different lineages. Finally, Cdx2 cannot fulfill the requirement for Cdx1 in regulation of its own promoter in the intestine. This is the first in vivo evidence that these two family members have context-dependent functional specificity. Altogether, this study underscores critical roles and mechanisms of action for Cdx members in the developing intestine and mesoderm.
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Societal perceptions of wrongful convictionsBlandisi, Isabella 01 July 2012 (has links)
In recent years wrongful convictions have received a considerable amount of research attention. This flourishing interest has resulted in a growing body of literature that aims to investigate this criminal justice phenomenon. Specifically, the current academic literature suggests that exonerees have reported feeling stigmatized; however, public perception research suggests that the public is actually supportive of exonerees. As very little research has been conducted on public perceptions of wrongful conviction—and on the views of community members, in particular—this thesis sought to further explore this topic using open-ended, structured interviews. In addition, the literature has been criticized for its lack of theory integration. Therefore, the results of this study have been interpreted in the context of Giddens‘ Structuration Theory. Indeed, public perception and support are important as they may influence policy changes and encourage the government to be more forthcoming when it comes to preventing wrongful convictions and helping exonerees post-conviction. Overall, results indicated that community members defined wrongful conviction as cases of factual innocence. They also had limited knowledge of wrongful conviction, leading some participants to believe that wrongful convictions were infrequent. Community members were also able to identify several factors that lead to wrongful convictions (e.g., mistaken eyewitnesses), felt that the criminal justice system did a fair job in light of wrongful convictions, and generally held positive views toward exonerees (e.g., believing that they should receive supportive services, such as financial compensation, job training, and apologies). Furthermore, results highlight that while community members acknowledge that exonerees likely experience stigmatization, the majority of participants did not personally express stigmatizing views. / UOIT
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Biochemical and structural studies of dosage compensation members : MSL1, MSL3, and MOF from <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>Klemmer, Kent Conrad 25 November 2010
Dosage compensation is the key regulatory process employed in <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i> to equalize the level of gene transcripts between the single X chromosome in males (XY) and the two X chromosomes in females (XX). Dimorphic sex chromosomes evolved by the severe degeneration of the Y chromosome, giving rise to an imbalance between the heterogametic sex and the homogametic sex. Vital to the viability of male Drosophila is the dosage compensation complex (DCC), a ribonucleoprotein complex that mediates the precise two-fold transcription of the single male X chromosome. The DCC is comprised of five proteins: male-specific-lethal proteins (MSL) 1, 2, and 3, male absent-on-the-first (MOF), maleless (MLE), and two non-coding RNAs. The complex specifically co-localizes along the male X chromosome in a reproducible manner, resulting in acetylation of lysine 16 of the N-terminal tail of histone H4. The exact mechanism of recruitment and spreading of the DCC along the male X chromosome remains unclear; recent studies propose a multi-step mechanism involving DNA sequence elements, epigenetic marks, and transcription. Understanding how dosage compensation functions provides insight into the interplay between gene regulation and chromatin remodelling. The goal of this project was to better understand how <i>Drosophila</i> MSL1, MSL3, and MOF interact and how their interaction modulates MOFs acetyltransferase activity. Recombinant protein constructs were cloned and over-expressed in a bacterial expression system permitting future structure determination by X-ray crystallography. The dMSL1820-1039 construct consisted of the C-terminal domain, reported to be able to interact with both dMSL3 and dMOF. dMSL3186-512 contained the domain required for the interaction with dMSL1 and dMOF. dMOF371-827 was comprised of the catalytic domain, the CCHC zinc finger, and the chromodomain, as the N-terminal region does not encode any known domains. All three recombinant proteins were successfully cloned, over-expressed, and purified to homogeneity. Recombinant dMOF371-827 was determined to acetylate histones. Interaction studies using GST pull-down assays and size exclusion chromatography determined that dMSL1820-1039 and dMOF371-827 did not interact above background levels. Moreover, size exclusion chromatography revealed dMSL3186-512 and dMOF371-827 did not interact nor did the three recombinant proteins form a stable complex.
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Biochemical and structural studies of dosage compensation members : MSL1, MSL3, and MOF from <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>Klemmer, Kent Conrad 25 November 2010 (has links)
Dosage compensation is the key regulatory process employed in <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i> to equalize the level of gene transcripts between the single X chromosome in males (XY) and the two X chromosomes in females (XX). Dimorphic sex chromosomes evolved by the severe degeneration of the Y chromosome, giving rise to an imbalance between the heterogametic sex and the homogametic sex. Vital to the viability of male Drosophila is the dosage compensation complex (DCC), a ribonucleoprotein complex that mediates the precise two-fold transcription of the single male X chromosome. The DCC is comprised of five proteins: male-specific-lethal proteins (MSL) 1, 2, and 3, male absent-on-the-first (MOF), maleless (MLE), and two non-coding RNAs. The complex specifically co-localizes along the male X chromosome in a reproducible manner, resulting in acetylation of lysine 16 of the N-terminal tail of histone H4. The exact mechanism of recruitment and spreading of the DCC along the male X chromosome remains unclear; recent studies propose a multi-step mechanism involving DNA sequence elements, epigenetic marks, and transcription. Understanding how dosage compensation functions provides insight into the interplay between gene regulation and chromatin remodelling. The goal of this project was to better understand how <i>Drosophila</i> MSL1, MSL3, and MOF interact and how their interaction modulates MOFs acetyltransferase activity. Recombinant protein constructs were cloned and over-expressed in a bacterial expression system permitting future structure determination by X-ray crystallography. The dMSL1820-1039 construct consisted of the C-terminal domain, reported to be able to interact with both dMSL3 and dMOF. dMSL3186-512 contained the domain required for the interaction with dMSL1 and dMOF. dMOF371-827 was comprised of the catalytic domain, the CCHC zinc finger, and the chromodomain, as the N-terminal region does not encode any known domains. All three recombinant proteins were successfully cloned, over-expressed, and purified to homogeneity. Recombinant dMOF371-827 was determined to acetylate histones. Interaction studies using GST pull-down assays and size exclusion chromatography determined that dMSL1820-1039 and dMOF371-827 did not interact above background levels. Moreover, size exclusion chromatography revealed dMSL3186-512 and dMOF371-827 did not interact nor did the three recombinant proteins form a stable complex.
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Alignment Between Performance and NCAA Division I Football Head Coach CompensationLee, Daniel K. 01 January 2012 (has links)
According to Fama (1980), the agency theory states that in order to avoid issues of moral hazard and adverse selection problems, executive compensation should be in alignment with performance. However, it is difficult to identify specific performance measures that are both precise and sensitive, especially when concerning corporate executives who typically do not give out public information. In order to analyze the validity of the agency theory, this study uses the scope of NCAA Division I-A football to analyze the relationship between pay and performance with respect to head coaches. We investigate factors that various literature on executive compensation have identified as associated variables such as organization size, job complexity, market competition, ability to attract talent, and mentorship.
Through multiple regression analysis, results showed that size, ability to attract talent (recruiting ability), competition, and academic success were significantly positively associated with coach compensation. There was no significant association for winning games or mentorship, however. Because winning had no effect on salaries, we concluded that the agency theory did not hold for the specific context of Division I-A college football.
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