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Renosterveld restoration : the role of competition, herbivory and other disturbancesMidoko-Iponga, Donald 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: West Coast Renosterveld is one of the most threatened vegetation types in South
Africa. Less than 5% of the original extent of this vegetation type remains, of which
80% is on private land. In addition to fragmentation, much of the vegetation has been
ploughed for crop production and then abandoned and invaded by alien plants.
Restoration of transformed areas may improve the conservation status of this
vegetation type. Indigenous species do not return to abandoned agricultural fields for
decades even if these are adjacent to natural areas since their return is limited either
by seed dispersal or seedling establishment. The aim of this study was to examine
the recovery of indigenous vegetation on abandoned fields.
Renosterveld, as we know it today, is an asteraceous shrubland, dominated mainly
by renosterbos (Eytropappus rhinocerotis), but might have been a grassland or a
grassland-shrubland mosaic. Historical records indicate that species of large game
were common in the Western Cape when the early settlers arrived, but most of these
have since disappeared. It is thus impossible to reconstruct exactly the ecological
processes and functioning of Renosterveld.
The first part of the study was designed to examine the effects of grass competition,
grazing by indigenous large herbivores, and interaction of these two factors on the
establishment, growth and survival of transplanted Renosterveld seedlings on an
abandoned agricultural field. Experimental transplanting of indigenous shrubs into an
old field showed that most of the plants investigated competed for resources with
lawn grasses on the field, and competition affected the seedlings throughout the
experiment. Mortality was higher, and growth was reduced for seedlings exposed to
grass competition. With the exception of wild olive (Olea europaea spp.africana),
herbivory alone had no significant impact on the target species. Herbivory was at a
low intensity (20 ha/large animal unit); higher grazing pressures might have given
different results. No interaction between competition and herbivory was found for the
species investigated; competition and grazing therefore seem to influence the
seedlings independently. The second part of this study was conducted to examine the effects of different
management strategies, viz: brush cutting, burning and herbicide application on plant
species recruitment and community composition and to ascertain their applicability
by farmers for large scale restoration of Renosterveld. My comparison of the different
strategies for controlling annual alien grasses indicated that these did not differ
significantly in their effects on species richness. Burning reduced shrub cover and
increased overall species richness and diversity. Burning also reduced grass
biomass, and increased recruitment of indigenous seedlings. The use of herbicide
resolved the problem of grass biomass invasion and increased shrub species
richness. The herbicide application did not appear to have long-term negative effects
on the soil quality. Brush cutting did not remove grass biomass on the old field.
Experimental re-seeding with an indigenous grass and shrub species into treated
plots resulted in low recruitment.
My conclusion is that grass can reduce recruitment and growth of many indigenous
shrub species. My recommendation for the restoration of old fields in West Coast
Renosterveld is to apply herbicide to remove grass competition, and then, after the
herbicide has degraded, to oversow the field with seeds of indigenous shrub and
grass species of early successional stages to increase overall species diversity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Weskus Renosterveld is een van die mees bedreigde plantegroei soorte in Suid
Afrika. Minder as 5% van die oorspronklike omvang van hierdie plantegroei tipe is
oor, en dit hoofsaaklik (80%) op privaatlande. Saam met fragmentasie, is baie
Renosterveld areas ook omgeploeg vir boerdery en dan net so gelos, met die gevolg
dat uitheemse plante hierdie areas ingedring het. Restorasie of herstelling van sulke
bewerkte lande kan dalk die bewaringsstatus van hierdie plantegroei tipe verbeter.
Natuurlike vestiging van Renosterveld spesies op sulke ou bewerkte lande gebeur
nie, selfs al is daar Renosterveld direk langs so ‘n ou veld. Die hervestiging van
inheemse spesies is dus tot saadverspreiding or saailingbevestiging beperk. Die
doel van hierdie studie is om die stadige terugkoms van inheemse plantegroei na
verlate bewerkte velde te verduidelik.
Renosterveld is ‘n struikveld waarin die renosterbos (Eytropappus rhinocerotis)
domineer, maar kan ook ‘n grasveld of ‘n grasveld-struikland mengsel wees. Groot
herbivore was algemeen in die Wes Kaap toe die eerste settelaars gearriveer het,
maar intussen het omtrent al die groot wild spesies verdwyn. Dit is dus ontmoontlik
om die ekologiese prosesse en funksionering van Renosterveld presies so te herstel.
Die eerste deel van hierdie studie bestudeer die effek van graskompetisie, weiding
deur inheemse groot herbivore, en die interaksie tussen hierdie twee faktore op die
vestiging, groei en oorlewing van oorgeplante Renosterveld saailinge in ‘n verlate ou
veld. Die eksperimentele oorplanting van inheemse struike in ‘n ou land het gewys
dat die meeste van hierdie plante kompeteer vir hulpbronne met kweekgras wat op
die ou veld groei. Kompetisie het die saailinge deur die hele eksperiment
geaffekteer. ‘n Hoër mortaliteit en verminderede groei in saailinge wat aan gras
kompetisie blootgestel was, is waargeneem. Met die uitsondering van Olea
europaea spp. africana, het herbivorie alleen geen betekenisvolle impak op plant
spesies gehad nie. Weidingsdruk was laag (20 ha/groot vee eenheid); ‘n groter
weidingsdruk sou miskien ‘n ander uitkoms gehad het. Geen interaksie tussen
kompetisie en herbivorie is waargeneem in die bestudeerde plantspesies nie. Dit wil dus voorkom of kompetisie en weiding die saailinge onafhanklik van mekaar
Die tweede deel van hierdie studie was onderneem om die effek van verskillende
behandelings (kontrole, sny, brand en herbisied toediening) op plantspesie vestiging
en samestelling te bestudeer asook om bestuurmetodes te toets was deur boere op
groot skaal gebruik kan word om Renosterveld te herstel. In ‘n vergelyking van
verskillende bestuur metodes (kontrole, besnoeiing, brand en herbisied) om
eenjarige uitheemse gras te beheer, is gewys dat die behandlings nie betekenisvol
van mekaar verskil in hulle effek op spesierykheid nie. Vuur het struikbedekking
verminder en totale spesies rykheid en diversitiet verhoog. Die gebruik van ‘n
herbisied het die probleem van grasindringing opgelos en het ook
struikspesiesrykheid verhoog. Die herbisied het nie lang termyn negatiewe effekte op
grond kwaliteit gehad nie. Sny het nie gras biomassa verlaag op die ou land nie.
Eksperimentele plant van inheemse grasse en struike in die behandelde areas, het
lae vestiging tot gevolg gehad.
My algemene afleiding is dus dat gras die hervestinging en groei van baie inheemse
struikspesies verminder. Ek stel voor dat herbisied gebruik moet word om gras
kompetisie te verminder. Nadat herbisied residue in die grond afgebreek is, moet
die ou land met inheemse struik en grasspesies, wat in vroeë suksessie stadiums is,
beplant word om sodoende totale spesiediversiteit te verhoog en uiteindelik ou
bewerkte lande in Weskus Renosterveld te herstel.
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Adoption of competitive intelligence ethics in the ICT industry of South AfricaNenzhelele, Tshilidzi Eric 20 September 2017 (has links)
There are ethical concerns on how competitive intelligence (CI) is practiced. CI is mainly confused with industrial espionage or sometimes smeared with harmful unethical conduct. The assumptions have negative implications for the full recognition of CI as a profession and the reputation of the practice on, industries or firms and performance. In an attempt to address these concerns, the Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP) developed a CI code of ethics. However, critics of CI claim that the CI code of ethics has not been adopted by CI professionals, firms and industries. Moreover, there is very little evidence, if any, on how ethical theory influence the adoption of CI.
In response to the critics, this study aimed at developing a CI Ethics Adoption Model (CIEAM) that will be the premise for analysing factors that positively or negatively influence the adoption of a CI code of ethics. This study followed interpretive structural modelling to identify core determinants of CI ethics adoption. Based on extracts from literature, a web-based questionnaire was designed, validated by CI experts and empirically/quantitatively tested by 184 South African ICT firms.
The results reveal that South African ICT firms have adopted CI ethics to an absolute extent and utilises different CI ethics enforcement methods. The results also reveal that organisational and stakeholders’ factors, business ethics and ethical theories, decision-making factors, CI practice factors, raising CI ethics awareness, and CI ethics challenges are the core determinants for the adoption of CI ethics and are components of the CIEAM.
In practice, the CIEAM may minimise unethical conduct by some CI professionals, and the confusion of CI with espionage, whilst improving the credibility and recognition of the CI profession. The model may also serve as a valuable tool for practitioners and scholars who need to measure the adoption of CI ethics across different business sectors. Theoretically, it may serve as input to the development of CI policies and CI ISO standards in the ICT industry and related industries. Recommendations are made towards the application of the model in other industries. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)
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The interplay of sector regulators and competition authorities in regulating competition in telecomunications : the south African caseKhosa, Miyelani 04 1900 (has links)
The privatisation and liberalisation of telecommunications throughout the
world has resulted in the growing involvement of competition authorities in
telecommunications regulation, alongside telecommunications sector-specific
regulators. The existence of both sector specific rules and competition rules has brought
about a critical institutional challenge. The increased role of competition authorities in
the telecommunications sector raises the issue of inconsistent jurisdiction in the sector.
Conflicts are therefore inevitable in the absence of clear delineation of jurisdiction. The
South African model for regulation in the telecommunications sector entails a sharing of
jurisdiction between the sector-specific regulator, the Independent Communications
Authority of South Africa (ICASA), and the competition-wide regulator, the Competition
Commission. The study thus determines the interplay between the Competition
Commission and ICASA as well as the competitiveness of South African
telecommunications. / Communication Science / M.A. (International Communication))
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Koöperasie as mededingingstrategie vir graanprodusente, 1995Olivier, Pieter Gerhardus 06 1900 (has links)
Kooperasies, as werktuie ter doelwitbereiking vir graanprodusente, het sedert hul totstandkoming
onderskeibare ontwikkelingsfases deurgegaan. Die toepassing van kooperasie as mededingingstrategie
deur graanprodusente is grootliks bei"nvloed deur die veranderings wat tydens die ontwikkelingsfases
voorgekom het. Aksies wat in die loop van hierdie ontwikkellngsfases ingestel was,
het mettertyd onduidelikhede oor die bestaansgrondslag van die kooperasies laat ontstaan.
Die klJmaat van politieke veranderings wat tans in die land heers, kan ook belangrike veranderings
meebring ten opsigte van die grondslag waarop kooperasies funksioneer. Pie uitwerking van die
verwagte veranderings kan kooperasies forseer om strategiese aanpassings in hul strukture te
maak ten einde steeds suksesvol te kan bly voortbestaan. ·
Graanprodusente verkeer in 'n posisie wat vereis dat daar besin moet word oor strategiee wat
gevolg kan word ten einde steeds suksesvol in die onsekere markomstandighede mee te ding. Die
toepassing van kooperasie as mededingingstrategie waarvolgens graanprodusente deur lidmaatskap
van die kooperasies in die mark deelgeneem het, kom nou ook onder die loep.
Die hoofprobleem waarop daar dus in hierdie studie gefokus word, is om te bepaal of kooperasie as
mededingingstrategie geskik is om die individuele en kollektiewe belange van graanprodusente te
Van die belangrikste bevindings van die studie is:
Graanprodusente voorsien dat kooperasie individuele graanprodusente se markoptrede kan
Graanprodusente is van mening dat hulle deur middel van kooperasie wat manifesteer in
selfstandige besigheidsondernemings, genaamd ''kooperasies", 'n positiewe invloed vir graanprodusente
op die mark kan uitoefen.
Daar kcan nie 'n beduidende negatiewe, of positiewe persepsie oor onderlinge mededinging en
die invloed wat die vryemarkbedeling daarop uitoefen, by graanprodusente gei"dentifiseer
word nie. Dit blyk egter dat sommige graanprodusente die vryemarkbedeling as 'n belangrike
markfaktor bejeen. Ander graanprodusente huldig 'n meer buigsame benadering jeens die
Graanprodusente is, met enkele klemverskille, van mening dat die kooperasies nie daarin
slaag om die tradisionele kooperasiebeginsels in die wyse waarop kooperasies hul besigheid
bedryf, volledig toe te pas nie.
Graanprodusente het oor die algemeen gesien duidelike menings oor die noodsaaklikheid
daa.rvan dat die staat nie by die graanbedryf meet inmeng nie. Ander tipes ondersteuningstrategiee,
soos die oprigting van beslote korporasies of maatskappye, geniet wisselende
steun. 'n Beduidende groep graanprodusente is onseker oor moontlikhede om maatskappye
met kapitaalgroei as basis te skep, om sodoende in geheel met kooperasies weg te doen. / Co-operatives have experienced distinguishable changes. The application of co-operation as a
competitive strategy by g~in producers was largely influenced by the changes. The prevailing
political changes can also instigate important changes with regard to co-operatives.
Grain producers must revise strategies to maintain successful competition in the market.
The study investigates co-operation as a competitive strategy to advance the individual and
collective interests of grain producers, Findings are:
Grain producers are convinced that co-operation enhances the market related actions of individual
grain producers.
Grain producers can, through co-operation, exercise a positive influence in the market.
No definite negative or positive perception concerning the influence of the free market system
upon mutual competition could be identified.
Grain producers are convinced that the state should not interfere with the grain industry. / Business Management / M. Admin. (Business Management)
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The interplay of sector regulators and competition authorities in regulating competition in telecomunications : the south African caseKhosa, Miyelani 04 1900 (has links)
The privatisation and liberalisation of telecommunications throughout the
world has resulted in the growing involvement of competition authorities in
telecommunications regulation, alongside telecommunications sector-specific
regulators. The existence of both sector specific rules and competition rules has brought
about a critical institutional challenge. The increased role of competition authorities in
the telecommunications sector raises the issue of inconsistent jurisdiction in the sector.
Conflicts are therefore inevitable in the absence of clear delineation of jurisdiction. The
South African model for regulation in the telecommunications sector entails a sharing of
jurisdiction between the sector-specific regulator, the Independent Communications
Authority of South Africa (ICASA), and the competition-wide regulator, the Competition
Commission. The study thus determines the interplay between the Competition
Commission and ICASA as well as the competitiveness of South African
telecommunications. / Communication Science / M.A. (International Communication))
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Koöperasie as mededingingstrategie vir graanprodusente, 1995Olivier, Pieter Gerhardus 06 1900 (has links)
Kooperasies, as werktuie ter doelwitbereiking vir graanprodusente, het sedert hul totstandkoming
onderskeibare ontwikkelingsfases deurgegaan. Die toepassing van kooperasie as mededingingstrategie
deur graanprodusente is grootliks bei"nvloed deur die veranderings wat tydens die ontwikkelingsfases
voorgekom het. Aksies wat in die loop van hierdie ontwikkellngsfases ingestel was,
het mettertyd onduidelikhede oor die bestaansgrondslag van die kooperasies laat ontstaan.
Die klJmaat van politieke veranderings wat tans in die land heers, kan ook belangrike veranderings
meebring ten opsigte van die grondslag waarop kooperasies funksioneer. Pie uitwerking van die
verwagte veranderings kan kooperasies forseer om strategiese aanpassings in hul strukture te
maak ten einde steeds suksesvol te kan bly voortbestaan. ·
Graanprodusente verkeer in 'n posisie wat vereis dat daar besin moet word oor strategiee wat
gevolg kan word ten einde steeds suksesvol in die onsekere markomstandighede mee te ding. Die
toepassing van kooperasie as mededingingstrategie waarvolgens graanprodusente deur lidmaatskap
van die kooperasies in die mark deelgeneem het, kom nou ook onder die loep.
Die hoofprobleem waarop daar dus in hierdie studie gefokus word, is om te bepaal of kooperasie as
mededingingstrategie geskik is om die individuele en kollektiewe belange van graanprodusente te
Van die belangrikste bevindings van die studie is:
Graanprodusente voorsien dat kooperasie individuele graanprodusente se markoptrede kan
Graanprodusente is van mening dat hulle deur middel van kooperasie wat manifesteer in
selfstandige besigheidsondernemings, genaamd ''kooperasies", 'n positiewe invloed vir graanprodusente
op die mark kan uitoefen.
Daar kcan nie 'n beduidende negatiewe, of positiewe persepsie oor onderlinge mededinging en
die invloed wat die vryemarkbedeling daarop uitoefen, by graanprodusente gei"dentifiseer
word nie. Dit blyk egter dat sommige graanprodusente die vryemarkbedeling as 'n belangrike
markfaktor bejeen. Ander graanprodusente huldig 'n meer buigsame benadering jeens die
Graanprodusente is, met enkele klemverskille, van mening dat die kooperasies nie daarin
slaag om die tradisionele kooperasiebeginsels in die wyse waarop kooperasies hul besigheid
bedryf, volledig toe te pas nie.
Graanprodusente het oor die algemeen gesien duidelike menings oor die noodsaaklikheid
daa.rvan dat die staat nie by die graanbedryf meet inmeng nie. Ander tipes ondersteuningstrategiee,
soos die oprigting van beslote korporasies of maatskappye, geniet wisselende
steun. 'n Beduidende groep graanprodusente is onseker oor moontlikhede om maatskappye
met kapitaalgroei as basis te skep, om sodoende in geheel met kooperasies weg te doen. / Co-operatives have experienced distinguishable changes. The application of co-operation as a
competitive strategy by g~in producers was largely influenced by the changes. The prevailing
political changes can also instigate important changes with regard to co-operatives.
Grain producers must revise strategies to maintain successful competition in the market.
The study investigates co-operation as a competitive strategy to advance the individual and
collective interests of grain producers, Findings are:
Grain producers are convinced that co-operation enhances the market related actions of individual
grain producers.
Grain producers can, through co-operation, exercise a positive influence in the market.
No definite negative or positive perception concerning the influence of the free market system
upon mutual competition could be identified.
Grain producers are convinced that the state should not interfere with the grain industry. / Business Management / M. Admin. (Business Management)
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