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Modelování dynamiky části tiskařského stroje / Modeling of Dynamics of the Part of a Printing MachineJunek, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with modeling dynamics of printing machine, made by SOMA Engineering, in toolbox SimScape of simulation program Simulink/Matlab. There are descibed properties, progress, important principles and laws of modeling in this toolbox. The first part is focused on creating models, which consist as mechanical as eletrical and control parts. In the second part is explained how to create user interface to control models and creating standalone application, executable without installation of Matlab or Simulink. In last part is explained principle of identification parameters of material from the measured data, using an optimalization algorithm Nelder-Mead. Created models and identification algorithm are controlled via user interface.
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Object-Oriented Development for Reconfigurable ArchitecturesFröhlich, Dominik 20 June 2007 (has links)
Reconfigurable hardware architectures have been available now for several years. Yet the application development for such architectures is still a challenging and error-prone task, since the methods, languages, and tools being used for development are inappropriate to handle the complexity of the problem. This thesis introduces a novel approach that tackles the complexity challenge by raising the level of abstraction to system-level and increasing the degree of automation. The approach is centered around the paradigms of object-orientation, platforms, and modeling. An application and all platforms being used for its design, implementation, and deployment are modeled with objects using UML and an action language. The application model is then transformed into an implementation, whereby the transformation is steered by the platform models. In this thesis solutions for the relevant problems behind this approach are discussed. It is shown how UML can be used for complete and precise modeling of applications and platforms. Application development is done at the system-level using a set of well-defined, orthogonal platform models. Thereby the core features of object-orientation - data abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism - are fully supported. Novel algorithms are presented, that allow for an automatic mapping of such application models to the target architecture. Thereby the problems of platform mapping, estimation of implementation characteristics, and synthesis of UML models are discussed. The thesis explores the utilization of platform models for generation of highly optimized implementations in an automatic yet adaptable way. The approach is evaluated by a number of relevant applications. The execution of the generated implementations is supported by a run-time service. This service manages the hardware configurations and objects comprising the application. Moreover, it serves as broker for hardware objects. The efficient management of configurations and objects at run-time is discussed and optimized life cycles for these entities are proposed. Mechanisms are presented that make the approach portable among different physical hardware architectures. Further, this thesis presents UML profiles and example platforms that support system-level design. These extensions are embodied in a novel type of model compiler. The compiler is accompanied by an implementation of the run-time service. Both have been used to evaluate and improve the presented concepts and algorithms.
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A network transparent, retained mode multimedia processing framework for the Linux operating system environmentBahmann, Helge 30 January 2009 (has links)
Die Arbeit präsentiert ein Multimedia-Framework für Linux, das im Unterschied zu früheren Arbeiten auf den Ideen "retained-mode processing" und "lazy evaluation" basiert: Statt Transformationen unmittelbar auszuführen, wird eine abstrakte Repräsentation aller Medienelemente aufgebaut. "renderer"-Treiber fungieren als Übersetzer, die diese Darstellung zur Laufzeit in konkrete Operationen umsetzen, wobei das Datenmodell zahlreiche Optimierungen zur Reduktion der Anzahl der Schritte oder der Minimierung von Kommunikation erlaubt. Dies erlaubt ein stark vereinfachtes Programmiermodell bei gleichzeitiger Effizienzsteigerung. "renderer"-Treiber können zur Ausführung von Transformationen den lokalen Prozessor verwenden, oder können die Operationen delegieren. In der Arbeit wird eine Erweiterung des X Window Systems um Mechanismen zur Medienverarbeitung vorgestellt, sowie ein "renderer"-Treiber, der diese zur Delegation der Verarbeitung nutzt.
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Virtuální platformy pro simulaci instrukčních sad / Virtual Platforms for Instruction Set SimulationMinistr, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with creation of generators of the code for existing virtual platforms QEMU and OVP. This work consist of study of techniques, which are used by virtual machines for their work. Main part of this work is the design of process, which transforms input instruction sets to the code used by these virtual platforms. As the result of this work functional programs, which generate the code for these virtual platforms, was created.
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A Boolean Cube to VHDL converter and its application to parallel CRC generationHantoosh, Majid January 2011 (has links)
The primary outcome of this thesis is found in three contributions. First, we developed an automatic converter from the cube representation of incompletely specified multiple-output Boolean function, given in Espresso format, to VHDL. The converter is designed specifically for updating functions of Feedback Shift Register (FSRs) in the Galois configuration, namely it reads in the description of a combinatorial function and adds register stages to the appropriate positions. The converter can handle both, Linear and Non-Linear feedback Shift Registers. The second contribution is modifying the automatic converter to design a tool which gives the user the opportunity to see the hardware characteristics of its circuit quickly from the espresso format of its design. The third contribution is applying the resulting converter to evaluate the results of the CRC generation algorithm presented in [6]. We computed the hardware characteristics such as area, timing and power dissipation on most popular CRCs in ASIC and FPGA technologies. Furthermore, we introduced a simple interface used to provide the user a good estimation of the power diagram during the executing time which is similar to probing the current of the circuit.
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Převod binárního kódu x86 do vyššího programovacího jazyka / Translation of x86 Binary Code To a High-Level LanguageJurík, Marián January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this MSc thesis is to create design and implementation of program for translation of x86 binary code to a high-level programming language. There is described PE file format for executables used in MS Windows operating systems in the first part of work. This document contains general information about instruction set IA-32, especially a way of decoding binary code to assembly language. There are described typical program constructions, which are being used in compilers. Design of creation high-level programming language was inspired by existing programming languages. Conclusion is made about advantages and disadvantages of approach used in this thesis.
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Automatická detekce knihovního kódu ze spustitelných souborů typu PE / Automatic Library Code Detection in PE Executable FilesMareš, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Master's thesis describes imported functions detection in PE executables, which are from static libraries. Main reason is process automatization and analysis simplification. Detection is solved by searching prepared patterns with missmatch tolerance. Missmatch are caused by changing address during building application. Resulting application supports compiler detection and it contains patterns for MinGW32, Visual studio 2005 and C++ Builder 6.
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TSQL2 interpret nad relační databází / Processor of TSQL2 on a Relational Database SystemTomek, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is focused on design and implementation of TSQL2 language interpreter for SQL. It briefly introduces temporal database and language TSQL2. Currently available implementations of temporal database systems are introduced and their practical usability for temporal data is reviewed. Main part of this thesis covers design and implementation of TSQL2 interpreter. A working TSQL2 interpreter implemented in Java as JDBC adapter is the result of this work.
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Aplikace hlubokých zásobníkových automatů v kompilátorech / Application of Deep Pushdown Automata in CompilersViktorin, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, I focus on the application of deep pushdown automatons in compilers, their composition in the parser, and the possibility of further recovery. Thanks to these automatons can carry out the expansion of the nonterminals in various depths and thus makes it possible to use other records of expressions.
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Script pro zpracování obrazu / Script Language for Image ProcessingZuzaňák, Jiří Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis deals with design of scripting language, especially specified for effective image processing. Introduction of this thesis is focused on studying and also appropriation of methodology of compilers and interpreters design, include their following application in design of the scripting language and as well its interpreter. Another point of my work is showing the methods of design and implementation of the interpreter including automated methods used in the design of the implemented program. Next part deals with description of structure and implementation of the designed program, intended for generating compiler of any language which is described in input of this program. The conclusion of this work is more detailing description of the scripting language design; its implementation is based on the methods mentioned before.
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