Spelling suggestions: "subject:"compressor.""
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Modeling of Air-Conditioner Compressor Single Phase Induction Motor for Transient AnalysisJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: This thesis presents a new technique to develop an air-conditioner (A/C) compressor single phase induction motor model for use in an electro-magnetic transient program (EMTP) simulation tool. The method developed also has the capability to represent multiple units of the component in a specific three-phase distribution feeder and investigate the phenomenon of fault-induced delayed voltage recovery (FIDVR) and the cause of motor stalling. The system of differential equations representing the single phase induction motor model is developed and formulated. Implicit backward Euler method is applied to numerically integrate the stator currents that are to be drawn from the electric network. The angular position dependency of the rotor shaft is retained in the inductance matrix associated with the model to accurately capture the dynamics of the motor loads. The equivalent circuit of the new model is interfaced with the electric network in the EMTP. The dynamic response of the motor when subjected to faults at different points on voltage waveform has been studied using the EMTP simulator. The mechanism and the impacts of motor stalling need to be explored with multiple units of the detailed model connected to a realistic three-phase distribution system. The model developed can be utilized to assess and improve the product design of compressor motors by air-conditioner manufacturers. Another critical application of the model would be to examine the impacts of asymmetric transmission faults on distribution systems to investigate and develop mitigation measures for the FIDVR problem. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Electrical Engineering 2012
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Effect of Axial Gap Distance on Transonic Compressor PerformanceSadek, Joseph January 2015 (has links)
The modern trend of gas turbines design is towards lighter, highly efficient,and more compact engines. Such situation imposes on engineers to continuouslysearch for improved and optimum designs. The thesis presented aims at researching possible performance improvements regarding axial gapdistance in transonic compressors. Decreasing the axial gap would result inlighter engines and achieve design goals. The influence of decreasing the axialgap on performance and structure integrity should be throughly analyzed. This thesis work includes numerical investigations on the axial gap distance effect on performance efficiency and related unsteady aerodynamics phenomena. The first one and a half compressor stages of a Siemens Gas Turbine are modeled in ANSYS CFX. Different axial gap models are simulated for differentconfigurations. The steady state solution is obtained to be initialized for transient time marching calculations. Furthermore, the computational cost of transient calculations is reduced through a geometry scaling technique. The unsteady behavior is further analyzed by a Harmonic Balance solver implemented in STAR-CCM+ software, and compared to a reference case transient calculations. The results obtained supports the presence of an optimalaxial gap distance for maximum efficiency in transonic compressors. Further, the harmonic balance method shows good possibilities for cost and time reductions in transonic compressors performance calculations.
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Dynamic finite element modeling and analysis of a hermetic reciprocating compressorKelly, Allan D. 24 January 2009 (has links)
Dynamic finite element modeling and analysis of a refrigeration compressor was investigated as part of a noise emission study. Natural frequencies and normal mode shapes were calculated for the major structural components of the compressor. The components were later combined to form a model of the compressor assembly which was subsequently solved for its dynamic properties. Model development included coordination with test data for verification and revision to improve model prediction accuracy.
Considerable efforts were made to accurately represent the hermetic shell which presents several inherent modeling difficulties due to its geometry and other characteristics which result from a deep drawn manufacturing process. The importance of physical simplifications such as geometry representation, thickness variation, attachments, the welded seam, and residual stresses were established. In addition, theoretical limitations of the finite element method were addressed as a cause for analysis-test discrepancies. Housing models developed were found to agree within 12% of experimental natural frequencies up to 1100 Hz.
Compatibility of analytical normal modes with resonant dwell experimental deflection shapes was considered. Analytical forced vibration response showed situations when the deflected shapes can be a superposition of modes rather than the pure mode shape. Analytical simulation of the test setup improved the agreement of analysis and test data.
Additional components modeled include the internal compressor mechanism and its supports. Analysis showed that interactions with the internal components, particularly resonances within the suspension springs, are important for a valid representation of the compressor assembly. Resonances within the internal suspension components more than double or nearly triple the number of resonance frequencies in the compressor assembly. / Master of Science
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Design of a centrifugal compressor for application in micro gas turbinesDe Villiers, Lodewyk Christoffel Barend 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis details the methodology for developing a centrifugal compressor for application in a Micro Gas Turbine (MGT). This research forms part of a larger project, namely project Ballast, initiated by the South African Air Force (SAAF) in conjunction with Armscor. The methodology encompasses the development of a mean-line code that makes use of 1-dimensional theory in order to create an initial centrifugal compressor geometry which includes a rotor as well as radial vaned diffuser. This is followed by a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation process during which the compressor is optimised in order to maximise its performance. Before manufacturing a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is done in order to ensure that the rotor does not fail during testing. The testing of the compressor is done to compare the numerical results with the experimental results and in so doing confirms the design process.
A previous student had designed a rotor by making use of a mean-line code as well as a CFD optimisation process. The rotor had a measured total-static pressure ratio of roughly 2.8 at 121 kRPM and a total-total isentropic efficiency of 79.1 % at said rotational speed. The inclusion of a vaned diffuser resulted in a higher total-static pressure ratio and accordingly the compressor designed in this report has a CFD determined total-static pressure ratio of 3.0. The efficiency would however drop and as such a total-total isentropic efficiency of 76.5 % was determined theoretically. The theoretical results correlated well with the experimental results and as such it was concluded that the design methodology developed was sound. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis bespreek die metodologie vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n sentrifugale kompressor vir toepassing in ‘n Mikro-Gasturbine (MGT). Die tesis vorm deel van ‘n groter projek, genaamd die Ballast projek, wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag (SALM) daargestel is in samewerking met Krygkor. Die metodologie behels die ontwikkeling van ‘n middel-lyn kode wat gebruik maak van 1-dimensionele teorie om die aanvanklike geometrie van die kompressor te skep. Die geometrie bevat beide die rotor asook die gelemde radiale diffusor. Hierdie proses word gevolg deur ‘n Berekeningsvloeidinamika (BVD) simulasie waartydens die kompressor geoptimeer word om sodoende die verrigting ten volle te verbeter. Voordat vervaardiging plaasvind word ‘n Eindige Element Analise (EEA) toegepas om te verseker dat die rotor nie sal faal tydens toetse nie. Die toetse word gedoen sodat die eksperimentele resultate met die numeriese resultate vergelyk kan word. Sodoende word die proses waardeur die kompressor ontwikkel word bevestig.
‘n Vorige student het ‘n rotor ontwerp deur gebruik te maak van ‘n middel-lyn kode asook ‘n BVD optimerings proses. Die rotor het ‘n gemete totaal-statiese drukverhouding van ongeveer 2.8 teen 121 kRPM gelewer en ‘n totaal-totale isentropiese benutingsgraad van 79.1 % teen dieselfde omwentelingspoed. Met die insluiting van ‘n gelemde radiale diffuser word ‘n hoër totaal-statiese druk verhouding verwag en as sulks lewer die nuut-ontwerpte kompressor soos in die tesis bespreek ‘n teoretiese totaal-statiese drukverhouding van 3.0. Die benutingsgraad sal egter daal en daarvolgens het die nuwe kompressor ‘n totaal-totale isentropiese benutingsgraad van 76.5 % gelewer. Die eksperimentele resultate het goed ooreengestem met die teoretiese resultate en as sulks was dit besluit dat die ontwerps-metodologie goed is.
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Four quadrant axial flow compressor performanceGill, Andrew 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aims of this thesis are to identify all possible modes of operaton for a multi-stage axial flow
compressor; then to characterise the performance, attempt to numerically model operation, and
determine the main flow field features for each mode.
Four quadrant axial flow compressor operation occurs when the direction of flow through
the compressor or the sign of the pressure difference across the compressor reverses, or any
combination of these. Depending on the direction of rotation of the compressor, six modes
of operation are possible in the four quadrants of the performance map. The rotor rotates in
the design direction for three modes, and in the opposite direction for the other three. The
stationary-rotor pressure characteristic is S-shaped and passes through the second and fourth
A three-stage axial flow compressor operating in the incompressible flow regime was used
for the experimental investigation. Flow through the compressor was reversed or augmented by
means of an auxiliary axial flow fan. Compressor performance was measured by means of static
pressure tappings, a turbine anemometer calibrated to measure forward and reversed volumetric
flow and a load cell for torque measurement. The inter-blade row flow fields were measured with
pneumatic probes and 50 μm cylindrical hot film probes.
Three dimensional single blade-passage Navier-Stokes simulations were performed using the
Numeca FineTurbo package. Steady state simulations used a mixing plane approach. A nonlinear
harmonic approximation was used for time-unsteady simulations.
Unstalled first quadrant operation was unremarkable, and good agreement was obtained between
experimental and numerical data. A single stall cell was detected experimentally during
stalled operation, which was not modelled numerically.
In the fourth quadrant for positive rotation, (windmilling), the compressor acts as an inefficient
turbine. Flow separates from the pressure surface of the blade, rendering the steady-state
mixing plane approach unsuitable.
The performance characteristic curves for second quadrant for positive rotation, are discontinuous
with those of first quadrant operation. The temperature rise in the working fluid is
significantly higher than at design point. Periodic flow structures occurring across two blade
passages were detected at all flow coefficients investigated, invalidating numerical modelling assumptions.
Better agreement was obtained between experimental and numerical data from a case
found in literature.
If the compressor operates as a compressor in reverse (third quadrant operation), significant
separation occurs on the pressure surface of all blades, and flow conditions resemble severe first
quadrant stall. Separation becomes less severe at larger flow rates, allowing numerical simulation,
though this is sensitive to the initial flow field.
In the the part of the second quadrant, where the compressor rotates in reverse, it operates
as a turbine. The blade angles and the direction of curvature match the flow angles and turning
well, leading to high turbine efficiencies. Numerical simulations yielded good agreement with
measured results, but were again sensitive to the initial flow field.
Fourth quadrant operation with negative rotation occurs when flow is forced through the
compressor in the design direction. Large separation bubbles are attached to the pressure surfaces of rotor and stator blades, so virtually all throughflow occurs near the hub and casing / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwitte van hierdie tesis is om al die moontlike werkmodusse vir ’n bestaande multi-stadium
aksiaalvloei kompressor uit te ken; om dan die gedrag te gekarakteriseer, ’n poging aan te wend
om die werking numeries te modelleer, en die belangrikste vloeiveldkenmerke vir elke modus te
Vier-kwadrant aksiaalvloei kompressor werking vind plaas as die rigting van die vloei deur
die kompressor, of die teken van die drukverskil oor die kompressor omkeer, of enige kombinasie
daarvan. Afhangende van die rigting van rotasie van die kompressor is ses operasionele modusse
moontlik in die vier kwadrante van die kompressorkaart. Die rotor draai in die ontwerprigting
vir drie van die modes, en in die teenoorgestelde rigting vir die ander drie. Die stilstaande-rotor
drukkarakteristiek is S-vormig gaan deur die tweede en vierde kwadrante.
’n Drie-stadium onsamedrukbare vloei aksiaalvloei kompressor is vir die eksperimentele ondersoek
gebruik. Vloei deur die kompressor is omgekeer of aangehelp deur middel van ’n aksiaalvloei
hulpwaaier. Kompressor werking is gemeet deur middel van statiese druk meetpunte
in die omhulsel, ’n turbine anemometer wat gekalibreer is om vorentoe en omgekeerde volumetriese
vloei te meet, en ’n lassel vir wringmoment meting. Interlemryvloeivelde is opgemeet met
pneumatiese sensors en 50-μm silindriese warm film sensors.
Drie-dimensionele Navier-Stokes simulasies is uitgevoer vir ’n enkele lem van elke lemry,
met behulp van die Numeca FineTurbo sagtewarepakket. ’n Mengvlakbenadering is gebruik
vir bestendige toestand simulasies, terwyl ’n nie-linere harmoniese benadering gebruik is vir die
tyd-afhanklike simulasies.
Ongestaakte eerste kwadrant werking was alledaags, en goeie ooreenkoms is gevind tussen die
eksperimentele en numeriese data. ’n Enkele staak-sel is eksperimenteel ontdek tydens gestaakte
werking. Gestaakte werking is nie numeries gemodelleer nie.
In die vierde kwadrant vir positiewe rotasie, (”windmeulwerking”), werk die kompressor as ’n
ondoeltreffende turbine. Vloei-wegbrekinging op die lem drukoppervlaktes maak die bestendige
toestand mengvlakbenadering ongeskik.
In die kenlyne vir tweede kwadrant positiewe rotasie, is daar ’n diskontinu¨ıteit in die prestasie
karakteristiekkrommes vir die eerste en tweede kwadrant werking. Die temperatuurstyging in die
werk- vloeistof is beduidend ho¨er as as by die ontwerppunt. Periodiese vloeistrukture wat oor twee
lemme plaasvind is gevind by alle vloei ko¨effisi¨ente wat ondersoek is, en dit maak die numeriese
modellering aannames ongeldig. Beter ooreenkoms tussen die eksperimentele en numeriese data
iss verkry met ’n geval wat uit die literatuur gevind is.
Indien die kompressor werk as ’n kompressor in omgekeerde (derde kwadrant weking), vind
beduidende wegbreking op die drukoppervlak van al die lemme plaas, wat lyk soos ernstige
gestaakte eerste kwadrant werking. Die vloeiskeiding raak minder ernstig by ’n groter vloeitempo,
wat numeriese nabootsing toelaat, maar die nabootsings is sensitief vir die aanvanklike vloeiveld.
In die tweede kwadrant, by omgekeerde rotasie, werk die kompressor as ’n turbine. Die
lemhoeke en die rigting van lemkromming stem ooreen met die vloeihoeke en verwringing, wat lei
tot ho¨er turbine doeltreffendheid. Numeriese nabootsings stem goed ooreen met gemete resultate,
maar is weereens sensitief vir die keuse van die aanvanklike vloeiveld.
Vierde kwadrant werking met negatiewe rotasie vind plaas wanneer die lug gedwing word om deur die kompressor in die ontwerprigting te vloei. Groot skeidingborrels sit vas aan die
drukoppervlaktes van alle lemme, sodat meeste deurvloei naby die naaf en die omhulsel plaas
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Separating Load Torque Oscillation and Rotor Faults in Stator Current Based-Induction Motor Condition MonitoringWu, Long 15 December 2006 (has links)
Stator current spectral analysis techniques are usually used to detect rotor faults in induction machines. Magnetic field anomalies in the airgap due to the rotor faults result in characteristic side-band harmonic components in the stator current spectrum, which can be measured as rotor fault signatures. A position-varying load torque oscillation at multiples of the rotational speed, however, has exactly the same effect. Stator current harmonics due to a load torque oscillation often obscure and even overwhelm rotor eccentricity fault detection since the magnitude of load oscillation induced harmonics is usually much larger.
Although previous research has suggested some methods to differentiate between these two effects, most of them rely heavily on the accurate estimation of motor parameters. The objective of this research is to develop a far more practical and computationally efficient method to detect rotor faults effectively in the presence of a load torque oscillation. A significant advantage of the proposed scheme is that it does not need any knowledge of motor parameters. The normalized negative sequence information induced by a mixed rotor eccentricity in the stator current or terminal voltage space vector spectra, serves as a reliable rotor fault indicator to eliminate load oscillation effects.
Detailed airgap magnetic field analysis for an eccentric motor is performed and all machine inductance matrices as well as their derivatives are reformulated accordingly. Careful observation of these inductance matrices provides a fundamental understanding of motor operation characteristics under a fault condition. Simulation results based on both induction motor dynamic model and Maxwell 2D Finite Element Model demonstrate clearly the existence of the predicted rotor fault indicator. Extensive experimental results also validate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed detection scheme.
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Simulating the effect of wind on the performance of axial flow fans in air-cooled steam condenser systemsFourie, Neil 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of air-cooled steam condensers (ACSCs) is the preferred cooling
method in the chemical and power industry due to stringent environmental and
water use regulations. The performance of ACSCs is however highly dependent
on the influence of windy conditions. Research has shown that the presence of
wind reduces the performance of ACSCs. It has been found that cross-winds
(wind perpendicular to the longest side of the ACSC) cause distorted inlet flow
conditions, particularly at the upstream peripheral fans near the symmetry
plane of the ACSC. These fans are subjected to what is referred to as '2-D' wind
conditions, which are characterised by flow separation on the upstream edge
of the fan inlets. Experimental investigations into inlet flow distortion have
simulated these conditions by varying the fan platform height. Low platform
heights resulted in higher levels of inlet flow distortion, as also found to exist
with high cross-wind speeds. This investigation determines the performance of
various fan configurations (representative of configurations used in the South-
African power industry) subjected to distorted inlet flow conditions through
experimental and numerical investigations. The similarity between platform
height and cross-wind effects is also investigated and a correlation between
system volumetric effectiveness, platform height and cross-wind velocity is
found. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van lugverkoelde stoom kondensors (LVSK's) word verkies as
'n verkoelingsmetode in die chemiese- en kragvoorsieningsindustrie as gevolg
van streng omgewings- en waterverbruiksregulasies. Die werkverrigting van
LVSK's word egter grootliks beïnvloed deur die teenwoordigheid van wind.
Navorsing het gewys dat die teenwoordigheid van wind die werkverrigting van
LVSK's verminder. Daar was gevind dat kruiswinde (wind loodreg tot die
langste sy van die LVSK) versteurde inlaat vloeitoestande veroorsaak, veral
by waaiers wat aan die stroomop kant van die LVSK naby die simmetrievlak
geleë is. Hierdie waaiers word blootgestel aan na wat verwys word as
'2-D' windtoestande wat gekenmerk word deur vloeiwegbreking wat plaasvind
by die stroomop rand van die waaierinlate. Eksperimentele ondersoeke van
inlaat vloeiversteurings het hierdie toestande gesimuleer deur die waaier platformhoogte
te verstel. Lae platform hoogtes het gelei tot hoër vlakke van
inlaat vloeiversteuring, soortgelyk aan wat gevind word met hoë kruiswindsnelhede.
Hierdie ondersoek gebruik numeriese en eksperimentele metodes om die
werkverrigting van verskeie waaierkon gurasies (verteenwoordigend van kon-
gurasies wat gebruik word in die Suid-Afrikaanse kragvoorsieningsindustrie)
wat blootgestel word aan versteurde inlaat vloeitoestande te bepaal. Die ooreenkoms
tussen platformhoogte en kruiswind e ekte word ook ondersoek en
'n korrelasie tussen die sisteem volumetriese e ektiwiteit, platformhoogte en
kruiswindsnelheid word bepaal.
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Simulação numérica do escoamento em difusores radiais usando o método da fronteira imersaLacerda, Jônatas Ferreira [UNESP] 08 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
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lacerda_jf_me_ilha.pdf: 4631781 bytes, checksum: cad33ad7c5cac9de6cec08fd94b419e7 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Nesse trabalho resolve-se numericamente o escoamento em difusores radiais, os quais têm sido utilizados como modelo para o estudo do escoamento em válvulas automáticas de compressores de refrigeração. As equações governantes do escoamento, escritas no sistema de coordenadas cilíndricas, são resolvidas utilizando um código numérico baseado no Método dos Volumes Finitos. O Método da Fronteira Imersa, em conjunto com o Modelo Físico Virtual, foi implementado no código numérico e utilizado para representar a região sólida imersa no escoamento. Inicialmente, o código numérico foi utilizado para resolver o problema do escoamento em torno de um cilindro de base quadrada, como parte do processo de validação do código. O confronto dos resultados numéricos com dados da literatura indicou a validação parcial do código. Posteriormente, realizou-se um estudo preliminar do comportamento da solução do escoamento no difusor radial em relação a diversos parâmetros geométricos e de simulação numérica, com o objetivo de identificar a configuração numérica capaz de fornecer, simultaneamente, resultados satisfatórios com o menor custo computacional. Usando esta configuração, o código numérico foi validado através da comparação dos resultados da distribuição de pressão sobre o disco frontal (palheta) do difusor com dados experimentais da literatura, para duas distâncias entre disco frontal e disco inferior (assento), s=0,02 e 0,025 cm, e números de Reynolds variando entre 1500 e 2500. As comparações entre esses resultados mostraram que a metodologia utilizada é adequada para estudar o problema. Finalmente, a geometria do disco inferior foi modificada através da inserção de um chanfro com três ângulos de inclinação (30, 45 e 60º), com o objetivo de avaliar sua influência sobre o comportamento da distribuição de pressão sobre o disco frontal... / In this work the flow in radial diffusers, which have been used as a model to study the flow in refrigeration compressors valves, is solved numerically. The governing equations, written in cylindrical coordinates, are solved using a numerical code based on the Finite Volume Method. The Immersed Boundary Method, with the Virtual Physical Method, was implemented in the numerical code and used to represent the solid region immersed in the flow. Initially, the numerical code was used to solve the flow around a square base cylinder, as part of the code validation. The comparison of the numerical results with literature data indicated the partial validation of the code. Afterwards it was performed a preliminary study of the behavior of the flow solution in the radial diffuser relating to several geometrical and numerical parameters, with the objective of identifying a configuration capable of providing, simultaneously, satisfactory results with the smaller computational cost. Using this configuration, the numerical code was validated through the comparison with experimental pressure distribution on the frontal disk (reed) for two gaps between the frontal disk and inferior disk (seat), s=0.020 and 0.025 cm, and Reynolds numbers varying between 1500 and 2500. These comparisons have shown that the implemented methodology is suitable to study this problem. Finally, the inferior disk geometry was modified by inserting a chamfer with three inclination angles (30, 45 e 60º), with the objective of evaluating its influence on the pressure distribution on the frontal disk. The decreasing of the total pressure gradient through the flow for increasing inclination angles indicates less amount of energy to drive the flow. This is an important result that can be used to design refrigeration compressors with lower compression power
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Simulação numérica do escoamento em difusores radiais usando o método da fronteira imersa /Lacerda, Jônatas Ferreira. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: José Luiz Gasche / Banca: Sérgio Said Mansur / Banca: Aristeu da Silveira Neto / Resumo: Nesse trabalho resolve-se numericamente o escoamento em difusores radiais, os quais têm sido utilizados como modelo para o estudo do escoamento em válvulas automáticas de compressores de refrigeração. As equações governantes do escoamento, escritas no sistema de coordenadas cilíndricas, são resolvidas utilizando um código numérico baseado no Método dos Volumes Finitos. O Método da Fronteira Imersa, em conjunto com o Modelo Físico Virtual, foi implementado no código numérico e utilizado para representar a região sólida imersa no escoamento. Inicialmente, o código numérico foi utilizado para resolver o problema do escoamento em torno de um cilindro de base quadrada, como parte do processo de validação do código. O confronto dos resultados numéricos com dados da literatura indicou a validação parcial do código. Posteriormente, realizou-se um estudo preliminar do comportamento da solução do escoamento no difusor radial em relação a diversos parâmetros geométricos e de simulação numérica, com o objetivo de identificar a configuração numérica capaz de fornecer, simultaneamente, resultados satisfatórios com o menor custo computacional. Usando esta configuração, o código numérico foi validado através da comparação dos resultados da distribuição de pressão sobre o disco frontal (palheta) do difusor com dados experimentais da literatura, para duas distâncias entre disco frontal e disco inferior (assento), s=0,02 e 0,025 cm, e números de Reynolds variando entre 1500 e 2500. As comparações entre esses resultados mostraram que a metodologia utilizada é adequada para estudar o problema. Finalmente, a geometria do disco inferior foi modificada através da inserção de um chanfro com três ângulos de inclinação (30, 45 e 60º), com o objetivo de avaliar sua influência sobre o comportamento da distribuição de pressão sobre o disco frontal... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In this work the flow in radial diffusers, which have been used as a model to study the flow in refrigeration compressors valves, is solved numerically. The governing equations, written in cylindrical coordinates, are solved using a numerical code based on the Finite Volume Method. The Immersed Boundary Method, with the Virtual Physical Method, was implemented in the numerical code and used to represent the solid region immersed in the flow. Initially, the numerical code was used to solve the flow around a square base cylinder, as part of the code validation. The comparison of the numerical results with literature data indicated the partial validation of the code. Afterwards it was performed a preliminary study of the behavior of the flow solution in the radial diffuser relating to several geometrical and numerical parameters, with the objective of identifying a configuration capable of providing, simultaneously, satisfactory results with the smaller computational cost. Using this configuration, the numerical code was validated through the comparison with experimental pressure distribution on the frontal disk (reed) for two gaps between the frontal disk and inferior disk (seat), s=0.020 and 0.025 cm, and Reynolds numbers varying between 1500 and 2500. These comparisons have shown that the implemented methodology is suitable to study this problem. Finally, the inferior disk geometry was modified by inserting a chamfer with three inclination angles (30, 45 e 60º), with the objective of evaluating its influence on the pressure distribution on the frontal disk. The decreasing of the total pressure gradient through the flow for increasing inclination angles indicates less amount of energy to drive the flow. This is an important result that can be used to design refrigeration compressors with lower compression power / Mestre
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Avaliação da qualidade dimensional e geométrica de cilindros de blocos de compressores herméticos usinados pelo processo de brunimento flexível / Evaluation of geometrical and dimensional quality of hermetic compressors block cylinders machined by flexible honing processFernandes, Karina Alves 04 September 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purpose of this work is to evaluate the geometrical and dimensional quality of block
cylinders used in hermetic compressors machined by conventional and flexible honing. The
conventional honing was done by EMBRACO, while the flexible honing was conducted at
Federal University of Uberlândia using a CNC mill and a flexible honing which consists of a
metal rod and nylon bristles with abrasive lobes at the ends. The evaluation of geometrical
and dimensional quality was done by the measurement of: i) the cylinder diameter using a
three coordinates measuring machine and a micrometer, ii) the circularity and cylindricity
deviations using a shape deviation measuring machine and iii) the roughness (Ra, Rq, Rt, Rsk,
Rku, Rk, Rpk e Rvk) using a electromechanical rugosimeter and a interferometer. For each
measurand, it was estimated the related measurement uncertainty using the GUM
methodology except for the roughness, where the Monte Carlo method was applied. The
results showed that the flexible burnishing provides a significant improvement of the values
of roughness parameters and the circularity deviation, while diameter values remained nearly
constant. The flexible burnishing reduces the peak heights and eliminates the isolated
occurrence of those without modify the valley depths, so providing improvements in
proprieties such as surface softening, lubricant retention, mechanical strength and capacity to
withstand loads in contact operations, meeting the desired tolerances. / O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a qualidade dimensional e geométrica de cilindros de
blocos de compressores herméticos usinados pelo brunimento convencional e flexível. O
brunimento convencional foi realizado pela EMBRACO, enquanto o brunimento flexível foi
realizado na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia utilizando uma fresadora CNC e um
brunidor flexível que é composto por uma haste metálica e cerdas de nylon com lóbulos
abrasivos nas pontas. A avaliação da qualidade dimensional e geométrica foi efetuada por
meio da medição do diâmetro do cilindro utilizando uma máquina de medir a três
coordenadas e um micrômetro, dos desvios de cilindricidade e de circularidade por meio de
uma máquina de medir desvios de forma e da rugosidade (Ra, Rq, Rt, Rsk, Rku, Rk, Rpk e
Rvk), utilizando um rugosímetro eletromecânico e um interferômetro. Para cada mensurando
foi estimada sua respectiva incerteza de medição, aplicando a metodologia proposta no GUM,
exceto para a rugosidade, que foi utilizado o Método de Monte Carlo. Os resultados indicaram
que o processo de brunimento flexível proporciona uma melhoria significativa dos valores dos
parâmetros de rugosidade e do desvio de circularidade, enquanto que os valores de diâmetro
permaneceram praticamente constantes. O brunimento flexível reduz a altura dos picos e
elimina a presença isolada destes sem alterar a profundidade dos vales, proporcionando
melhorias nas propriedades de amaciamento da superfície, retenção de lubrificante, na
resistência mecânica e na capacidade de suportar cargas em operações de contato, atendendo
as tolerâncias desejadas. / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
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