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Multi-scale simulation of filtered flow and species transport with nano-structured materialYang, Xiaofan January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering / Zhongquan Zheng / A nano-material filter is an efficient device for improving indoor environmental quality (e.g. smoke reduction, air purification in buildings). Studying the effectiveness of nano-materials used in the device by computer simulation is challenging because very different size scales are involved. Therefore, numerical methods have to be developed to accommodate varying magnitudes of scales. In the current study, the simulation has been divided into three scales: macro-, micro- and nano-scale. The numerical schemes at each scale are targeted at a particular scale; however, the relationship of the general transport phenomena, physical mechanisms and properties among different scales are uniquely linked at the same time.
The objective of the macro-scale simulation was to design and study a gas filter constructed with nano-material pellets. The filter was considered a packed-bed tube filled with manufactured nano-material pellets. Commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) packages were used along with the embedded programming macros. In the filtration process, we focused on the flow and species transport phenomena through the porous substrate. The mathematical/numerical models were built and tested based on the physical models used in the experimental setups for different materials that were tested. The results from the numerical models were validated and compared well to experimental data obtained from the pressure drop measurements and the adsorption (breakthrough) tests.
In the micro-scale simulation, a modified immersed-boundary method (IBM) with the Zwikker-Kosten (ZK) porous model and the high-order schemes was validated and applied to simulate a representative porous unit that represented a periodic array of solid/porous cylinders. In the periodic unit, the solid cylinder case was used to validate the high-order schemes by comparing it to the results obtained from the commercial CFD software. The relationship between the pressure gradient and the porosity (Blake-Kozeny equation) was determined from this level and fed back to the macro-scale simulation, which provided a link between the two scales. In the porous cylinder case, both flow field and species transport were investigated with a porous model similar to the one used in the macro-scale. The species concentration change was calculated and found to be nonlinearly related to the adsorption coefficient.
In the nano-scale simulation, a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and a coupled molecular-continuum scheme were applied to solve the momentum and the mass transport problems at the molecular level at which the traditional continuum theory is no longer applicable. Both schemes were verified from the surface slip behavior study compared to the literature. The scale and shear effects in the Coutte flow were investigated, showing that in the micro-scale and macro-scale, the slip behavior could be neglected since it was only important in much smaller scales. The same hybrid scheme was then applied to a diffusion model with nano-pores constructed in the solid substrate. The adsorptions between various gases and the carbon substrate were simulated. The mass fluxes cross the fluid/solid interfaces were counted and both self-diffusivity and transport diffusivity were estimated and compared to their respective values found in the literature. The transport properties are closely related to the species transport (Fick’s law) in the macroscopic simulations. Linear concentration profiles in the channel were obtained based on those transport properties for various gases going through different sizes of nano-pores, which, as a connection to the continuum model, were to be used as boundary conditions in the continuum simulation.
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Modélisation numérique d'un système de propulsion à jet de véhicules nautiquesMarc, Mickael January 2009 (has links)
Aujourd'hui divers systèmes de propulsion marins existent dont les systèmes de propulsion à jet. De nombreuses études ont été réalisées au cours des vingt dernières années et plus particulièrement par le biais de la simulation numérique ( Computational Fluid Dynamics , ( CFD )). Un modèle numérique simulant l'écoulement au travers un système de propulsion avec une pompe en rotation est développé dans ce projet. Il est également validé avec des résultats expérimentaux obtenus par d'autres chercheurs. Pour se [i.e. ce] faire, différentes étapes sont réalisées. En premier lieu, des paramètres tels que le maillage, le modèle de turbulence ou la modélisation de la rotation du rotor sont validés numériquement sur deux géométries. Le premier cas, bien documenté, correspond à un écoulement au travers une conduite en forme de"S" de section divergente et validé expérimentalement. Le second cas est une pompe où le rotor est en mouvement dans l'écoulement. Un modèle à multiple systèmes de référence ( Multiple Reference Frame,MFR ) est utilisé pour simuler la rotation de la pompe. Les paramètres numériques sont alors fixés pour la suite de l'étude. Ensuite un inodéle numérique d'un système de propulsion à jet d'une motomarine est développé dans un volume de contrôle réduit. Il prend en compte l'ensemble de la géométrie de la propulsion : la pompe en rotation, le venturi et une partie de la coque réelle du véhicule. Les conditions aux frontières sous la coque sont imposées grâce aux données d'une simulation complète du véhicule entier. Ce modèle est validé expérimentalement à deux vitesses (25 mph et 69 mph). Le comportement de l'écoulement est ensuite analysé. Finalement diverses variations géométriques sont effectuées telles que la supression [i.e. suppression] d'appendices dans la conduite ou le déplacement latéral de la lèvre de l'entrée d'eau à divers IVR, Inlet Velocity Ratio (rapport entre la vitesse du véhicule et celle de la pompe). Une augmentation des performances du système est observée à un certain IVR pour une supression [i.e. suppression] d'appendice donnée. La présence d'une plaque permettant le redressement de l'écoulement au niveau de la grille est néfaste à la poussée de même que la présence de l'arbre ou d'ailettes situées à l'entrée de la pompe. Le déplacement de la lèvre a pour objectif de déterminer la position optimale qui permet d'obtenir la meilleure augmentation de performance pour un IVR .
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Conception d’une entrée d’eau à géométrie variable pour la propulsion hydrojet d’un véhicule marinLeclercq, Olivier January 2012 (has links)
Depuis une vingtaine d’années, l’engouement pour les propulsions hydrojets n’a fait que croître et elles s’imposent aujourd’hui comme la propulsion marine incontournable pour les hautes vitesses. Dans un même temps, un outil permettant un gain considérable de temps et d’argent s’est lui aussi développé considérablement. En effet, la CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) est devenue une pratique courante lorsqu’il s’agit de prévoir le comportement d’un écoulement sans avoir à passer par un modèle réel. Elle sera utilisée tout au long du projet pour simuler le flux au travers de la propulsion.
Le design d’une entrée d’eau est capital : une entrée d’eau mal conçue engendrera des zones de cavitation, de la recirculation sur la lèvre ou la rampe, des pertes importantes et un champ de vitesse non uniforme à la face de la pompe. Il en résultera une diminution du rendement de l’entrée, mais aussi une diminution du rendement de la pompe, puisqu’optmisée pour un flux uniforme. L’objectif de ce projet sera d’optimiser l’entrée d’eau pour augmenter le rendement global de la propulsion et ainsi réduire la consommation d’essence de 6 % sur un cycle donné. Actuellement, les conduites d’entrées sont conçues pour optimiser une vitesse de croisière moyenne. Dans ce projet, le but sera d’éviter d’avoir un compromis à faire entre les basses vitesses, la vitesse de croisière et la vitesse de pointe, et d’optimiser la géométrie de l’entrée pour une large plage de fonctionnement. Cela passe par une géométrie variable et donc un mécanisme asservi.
Afin de concevoir un tel système, il sera nécessaire de trouver les géométries optimales pour les différents régimes de fonctionnement. Une étude CFD 2D paramétrable permettra de trouver les lignes directrices de ces géométries. Un modèle 3D devra ensuite être validé, puis utilisé pour pouvoir affiner les géométries optimales. Un système sera alors conçu puis testé sur le modèle CFD. Des tests expérimentaux viendront finaliser l’étude.
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A computational fluid dynamic analysis of the airflow over the keystone plant species, Azorella selago, on sub-antarctic Marion IslandCombrinck, Madeleine Lelon 03 1900 (has links)
MScEng / Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Research conducted on Marion Island aims at predicting the consequence of
climate change in the Subantarctic region, as well as for other terrestrial
ecosystems. The island has the ideal ecosystem, due to its size, isolation and
relative simplicity, to be studied as a prediction model for the consequence of
climate change and the interaction between various climate related parameters.
The cushion plant, Azorella selago, is the focal point of this project due to the
important functional roles it fulfils as well as its wide spread distribution over the
island. A. selago grows in three different shapes; hemispherical, elliptical and
crescent. The changes in airflow due to varying plant size are investigated as well
as the exertion of force on the plant. The grass species Agrostis magellanica has
the tendency to grow on top of A. selago. In addition it has been observed that the
grass species grows more vibrantly on the leeward side of the cushion plant. In
the light of this observation the particle deposition of grass seeds on A. selago is
also investigated.
Computational fluid dynamic analyses are conducted for various sizes of each
shape of the plant. These studies are augmented by wind tunnel and in situ
measurements and observation and experimental determining of particle drag
coefficients. Time independent, incompressible, turbulent flow is modelled by
means of a high Reynolds number turbulence model with a modified Law-of-the-
Wall to accommodate for the significant surface roughness.
Nine different dimensions over the various shapes were identified. Each shape is
analysed and the patterns that emerged discussed. The windward pattern for all
shapes display similar qualities. On the leeward side the shapes display distinctly
different airflow patterns. The hemisphere shows two trailing lines typically
associated with the horseshoe vortex phenomenon. The ellipse displays one
distinctive trailing line. The most interesting flow patterns are found when
analysing the crescent shape. Three trailing lines are observed, the side lines
quickly dissipates with increasing height while the middle line remains
distinctive. The complex recirculation patterns that emerge are further visualized
by means of air particle tracks. The furthermost number of light particle
deposition of A. magellanica seeds on A. selago are found at the windward
location while physical evidence clearly indicates growth primarily on the leeward
position. The leeward location on A. selago is protected from the harsh
environmental conditions; wind speeds are minimal in this area. It will therefore
be a more suitable site for the fostering of a vulnerable seedling that on the
exposed windward side. A force analysis done on the plants reveals that the total
force is two orders of magnitude higher that the shear force. Furthermore, the
magnitude of the total force is directly proportional to the size of the plant. Three
critical areas on the plant are common irrespective of shape or size: the stagnation
point at the windward side, the apex region at the top and the leeward side of the
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A numerical investigation of air-cooled steam condenser performance under windy conditionsOwen, Michael Trevor Foxwell 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is aimed at the development of an efficient and reliable method of evaluating the
performance of an air-cooled steam condenser (ACSC) under windy conditions, using
computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A two-step modelling approach is employed as a result
of computational limitations. The numerical ACSC model developed in this study makes use
of the pressure jump fan model, amongst other approximations, in an attempt to minimize the
computational expense of the performance evaluation. The accuracy of the numerical model
is verified through a comparison of the numerical results to test data collected during full
scale tests carried out on an operational ACSC. Good correlation is achieved between the
numerical results and test data. Further verification is carried out through a comparison to
previous numerical work. Satisfactory convergence is achieved for the most part and the few
discrepancies in the results are explained. The effect of wind on ACSC performance at El
Dorado Power Plant (Nevada, USA) is investigated and it is found that reduced fan
performance due to distorted flow at the inlet of the upstream fans is the primary contributor
to the reduction in performance associated with increased wind speed in this case. An attempt
is subsequently made to identify effective wind effect mitigation measures. To this end the
effects of wind screens, solid walkways and increasing the fan power are investigated. It is
found that the installation of an appropriate wind screen configuration provides a useful
means of reducing the negative effects of wind on ACSC performance and an improved wind
screen configuration is suggested for El Dorado. Solid walkways are also shown to be
beneficial to ACSC performance under windy conditions. It is further found that ACSC
performance increases with walkway width but that the installation of excessively wide
walkways is not justifiable. Finally, increasing the fan power during periods of unfavourable
ambient conditions is shown to have limited benefit in this case. The model developed in this
study has the potential to allow for the evaluation of large ACSC installations and provides a
reliable platform from which further investigations into improving ACSC performance under
windy conditions can be carried out. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is daarop gemik om die ontwikkeling van 'n geskikte en betroubare metode
van evaluering van die verrigting van ’n lugverkoelde stoom-kondensator (air-cooled steam
condenser, ACSC) onder winderige toestande, met behulp van numeriese vloei-dinamika. ’n
Twee-stap modelleringsbenadering is aangewend as gevolg van rekenaar beperkings. Die
numeriese ACSC-model wat in hierdie studie ontwikkel is, maak gebruik van die druksprong
waaier model, asook ander benaderings, in ’n poging om die berekeningskoste van die
verrigting-evaluering te verminder. Die akkuraatheid van die numeriese model is bevestig
deur middel van ’n vergelyking van die numeriese resultate met toetsdata ingesamel tydens
die volskaal toetse uitgevoer op ’n operasionele ACSC. Goeie korrelasie is bereik tussen die
numeriese resultate en toetsdata. Verdere bevestiging is uitgevoer deur middel van ’n
vergelyking met vorige numeriese werk. Bevredigende konvergensie is in die algemeen
bereik en die paar verskille in die resultate word verduidelik. Die effek van wind op ACSC
verrigting by El Dorado Power Plant (Nevada, VSA) is ondersoek, en daar is bevind dat
verlaagde waaierverrigting, as gevolg van vervormde vloei by die inlaat van die stroomop
waaiers, die primêre bydraer is tot die afname in ACSC werkverrigting geassosieer met
verhoogde windsnelheid in hierdie geval. ’n Poging word dan aangewend om effektiewe
wind-effek velagingsmaatreëls te identifiseer. Windskerms, soliede wandelvlakke en die
verhoging van die waaierkrag word gevolglik ondersoek. Daar is bevind dat die installasie
van ’n toepaslike windskerm-opset ’n nuttige middel tot ’n vermindering van die negatiewe
effekte van wind op ACSC verrigting bied, en ’n verbeterde windskerm opset is voorgestel
vir El Dorado. Soliede wandelvlakke word ook aanbeveel as voordelig vir ACSC verrigting
onder winderige toestande. Dit is verder bevind dat die ACSC prestasie verhoog met
wandelvlak breedte, maar dat die installasie van ’n te ruim wandelvlak nie regverdigbaar is
nie. Ten slotte, word bewys dat die verhoging van die waaierkrag tydens periodes van
ongunstige omgewingsomstandighede ’n beperkte voordeel in hierdie geval het. Die model
wat ontwikkel is in hierdie studie het die potensiaal om voorsiening te maak vir die
evaluering van groot ACSC- installasies en bied ’n betroubare platform vanwaar verdere
ondersoeke tot die verbetering van ACSC verrigting onder winderige toestande uitgevoer kan
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CFD investigation of flow in and around a natural draft cooling towerStorm, Heinrich Claude 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cooling tower inlet losses and effective flow diameter under no crosswind conditions
and the pressure distribution around a circular cylinder subjected to a crosswind are
modelled using CFD. The CFD model used to evaluate the inlet losses is validated
with data measured in an experimental cooling tower sector model and data obtained
from literature. The effect of different inlet geometries on the inlet loss coefficient
and the effective diameter are investigated in order to improve cooling tower inlet
designs. CFD models are developed to investigate the pressure distribution around
infinite and finite circular cylinders. The infinite cylinder is modelled with a smooth
surface and a rough surface so that the results can be compared to experimental data
from literature. Ultimately a finite cylinder model with a rough surface is developed
and the results are compared to experimental data from literature. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Koeltoring inlaatverlies en effektiewe vloei deursnit onder geen teenwind toestande
en die drukverdeling rondom ‘n sirkelvormige silinder, onderworpe aan ‘n teenwind,
word gemodelleer deur gebruik te maak van “CFD”. Die “CFD” model wat gebruik
word om die inlaatverlies te evalueer is gevalideer met data verkry vanaf ‘n
eksperimentele koeltoring sektor model. Verder word die “CFD” model gebruik in ‘n
ondersoek om te bebaal wat die effek is van verskillende inlaat geometrieë op die
inlaat verlies koeffisiënt en die effektiewe diameter sodat die inlaat geometrie van
koeltorings verbeter kan word. ‘n “CFD” model word dan ontwikkel om die druk
verdeling rondom ‘n sirkelvormige silinder te ondersoek. Die silinder word as
oneindig gesimuleer met ‘n glade en ruwe wand sodat die resultate vergelyk kan word
met eksperimentele data verkry vanaf literatuur. Die afdeling word afgesluit deur die
silinder as eindig met ‘n ruwe wand te simuleer en dan word die resultate vergelyk
met eksperimentele data verkry vanaf literatuur.
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Design of a centrifugal compressor impeller for micro gas turbine applicationVan der Merwe, Bosman Botha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of micro gas turbines (MGTs) for the propulsion of unmanned aerial
vehicles (UAVs) has become an industry standard. MGTs offer better
performance vs. weight than similar sized, internal combustion engines. The front
component of an MGT serves the purpose of compressing air, which is
subsequently mixed with a fuel and ignited to both power the turbine which drives
the compressor, and to produce thrust. Centrifugal compressors are typically used
because of the high pressure ratios they deliver per stage. The purpose of this
project was to design a centrifugal compressor impeller, and to devise a
methodology and the tools with which to perform the aforementioned. A
compressor impeller adhering to specific performance and dimensional
requirements was designed. The new compressor was designed using a mean-line
performance calculation code. The use of the code was vindicated through
comparison with the results from a benchmark study. This comparison included
mean-line, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD), and experimental results: the
new design mean-line results were compared to the results of CFD simulations
performed on the same design. The new design was optimised using an Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) and Genetic Algorithm. Prior to and during optimisation,
the ANN was trained using a database of sample CFD calculations. A Finite
Element Analysis (FEA) was done on the optimised impeller geometry to ensure
that failure would not occur during operation. According to CFD results, the final
design delivered good performance at the design speed with regards to pressure
ratio, efficiency, and stall margin. The mechanical stresses experienced during
operation were also within limits. Experimental results showed good agreement
with CFD results of the optimised impeller.
Keywords: micro gas turbine, centrifugal compressor, impeller, CFD,
experimental, optimisation, FEA. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van mikrogasturbines vir die aandrywing van onbemande vliegtuie
het ‟n standaard geword in die industrie. Mikrogasturbines bied beter
werkverrigting teen gewig as binnebrandenjins van soortgelyke grote. Hierdie
eienskap verseker dat mikrogasturbines as aandryfmotors vir onbemande vliegtuie
uiters voordelig is. Die voorste komponent van ‟n mikrogasturbine dien om lug
saam te pers, wat dan met brandstof gemeng en daarna aan die brand gesteek word
om krag aan die kompressor en stukrag te voorsien. Sentrifugaalkompressors
word tipies gebruik as gevolg van die hoë drukverhoudings wat hierdie
komponente per stadium kan lewer. Die doel van hierdie projek was om ‟n
sentrifugaalkompressor te ontwerp, en ‟n metode en die hulpmiddels te ontwikkel
om laasgenoemde uit te voer. ‟n Kompressor rotor wat voldoen het aan sekere
werkverrigtings en dimensionele vereistes is ontwerp. Die nuwe kompressor rotor
is met behulp van 1-dimensionele werkverrigting-berekeningskode ontwerp. Die
berekeningsakkuraatheid van die kode en díé van ‟n kommersiële Berekenings
Vloeidinamika pakket is bevestig deur die berekende resultate te vergelyk met die
van eksperimente. Die nuwe rotor is gevolglik deur middel van ‟n Kunsmatige
Neurale Netwerk en Genetiese Algoritme geoptimeer. Die Kunsmatige Neurale
Netwerk is voor en gedurende optimering deur Berekenings Vloeidinamika
simulasies opgelei. Die meganiese sterkte van die geoptimeerde rotor is nagegaan
met behulp van ‟n Eindige Element Analise. Dit is gedoen om te verseker dat die
rotor nie sal faal by die bedryfspunt nie. Berekenings Vloeidinamika resultate het
getoon dat die finale rotor ontwerp ‟n goeie werkverrigting lewer by die
ontwerpspoed, met betrekking tot drukverhouding, bennutingsgraad, en
stakingsmarge. Eksperimentele resultate het goeie ooreenstemming met die
Berekenings Vloeidinamika resultate van die geoptimeerde rotor getoon.
Sleutelwoorde: mikrogasturbine, sentrifigaalkompressor, rotor, Berekenings
Vloeidinamika, eksperimenteel, optimering, Eindige Element Analise.
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Development of a machine-tooling-process integrated approach for abrasive flow machining (AFM) of difficult-to-machine materials with application to oil and gas exploration componenetsHoward, Mitchell James January 2014 (has links)
Abrasive flow machining (AFM) is a non-traditional manufacturing technology used to expose a substrate to pressurised multiphase slurry, comprised of superabrasive grit suspended in a viscous, typically polymeric carrier. Extended exposure to the slurry causes material removal, where the quantity of removal is subject to complex interactions within over 40 variables. Flow is contained within boundary walls, complex in form, causing physical phenomena to alter the behaviour of the media. In setting factors and levels prior to this research, engineers had two options; embark upon a wasteful, inefficient and poor-capability trial and error process or they could attempt to relate the findings they achieve in simple geometry to complex geometry through a series of transformations, providing information that could be applied over and over. By condensing process variables into appropriate study groups, it becomes possible to quantify output while manipulating only a handful of variables. Those that remain un-manipulated are integral to the factors identified. Through factorial and response surface methodology experiment designs, data is obtained and interrogated, before feeding into a simulated replica of a simple system. Correlation with physical phenomena is sought, to identify flow conditions that drive material removal location and magnitude. This correlation is then applied to complex geometry with relative success. It is found that prediction of viscosity through computational fluid dynamics can be used to estimate as much as 94% of the edge-rounding effect on final complex geometry. Surface finish prediction is lower (~75%), but provides significant relationship to warrant further investigation. Original contributions made in this doctoral thesis include; 1) A method of utilising computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to derive a suitable process model for the productive and reproducible control of the AFM process, including identification of core physical phenomena responsible for driving erosion, 2) Comprehensive understanding of effects of B4C-loaded polydimethylsiloxane variants used to process Ti6Al4V in the AFM process, including prediction equations containing numerically-verified second order interactions (factors for grit size, grain fraction and modifier concentration), 3) Equivalent understanding of machine factors providing energy input, studying velocity, temperature and quantity. Verified predictions are made from data collected in Ti6Al4V substrate material using response surface methodology, 4) Holistic method to translating process data in control-geometry to an arbitrary geometry for industrial gain, extending to a framework for collecting new data and integrating into current knowledge, and 5) Application of methodology using research-derived CFD, applied to complex geometry proven by measured process output. As a result of this project, four publications have been made to-date – two peer-reviewed journal papers and two peer-reviewed international conference papers. Further publications will be made from June 2014 onwards.
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Large eddy simulations of high Reynolds number jets with microjet injectionRife, M. E. January 2014 (has links)
Continued growth of the aviation industry and increasingly strict noise requirements set by international bodies and airport authorities alike means that novel methods of reducing aircraft noise must be found. Engine noise represents a majority contribution to total aircraft noise during take-off and turbulent mixing of the exhaust gases is the dominant noise source of the engine at take-off. While bypass ratio has been the historical, and rather convenient means, of reducing jet noise, an upper limit to bypass ratio is now being approached and additional means of reducing jet noise must be found. One method that has shown potential for reducing aeroacoustic jet noise is the application of small, high pressure jets to the circumference of the jet nozzle. These jets, termed microjets, have the advantage over static devices that the microjets can be activated only when the noise benefit is required and deactivated when emitted noise is not an issue, such as in cruise, thereby reducing the thrust penalty associated with the devices over the majority of the flight. Large eddy simulations have been performed to investigate the impact that the addition of microjets has on the aerodynamic flowfield and radiated far-field noise of a high Reynolds number, Mach 0.9, propulsive, laboratory scale jet. Far-field noise was predicted through a new implementation of the permeable Ffowcs Williams Hawkings surface method in the solver. In addition to single-point flowfield statistics and far-field noise, spatio-temporal second- and fourth-order correlations are investigated. Two pairs of simulations were conducted, a coarse mesh containing 100 million elements and a fine mesh with 200 million elements. The coarse mesh included an azimuthal clustering of the cells in the near-microjet region. The non-uniformity of the azimuthal cell size was shown to adversely affect the development of the initial shear layer, yielding a delay in transition to a fully turbulent state and larger coherent structures in regions with larger cells. Radial velocity and turbulent kinetic energy profiles show good agreement with experimental results. A previously unidentified periodic interaction between the main jet and microjets was found. The dynamic interaction gives rise to velocity and pressure fluctuations in the near microjet region that match a tonal frequency found in the microjet far-field spectra that is absent from the clean jet case. Second- and fourth-order correlation distributions show large periodic regions of high correlation amplitude in the near microjet region. The evidence demonstrates that the main-microjet interaction is a clear high-frequency noise source. Despite the high-frequency noise associated with the main-microjet interaction, the addition of microjets yields a 1-2 dB reduction in overall sound pressure level. Additionally, over a significant portion of the length of the potential core the microjets reduce the amplitude of the majority of the six main correlation amplitudes that can be used in far-field noise prediction. Finally, the generation of the counter-rotating vortex pair downstream of the microjets was investigated. It is commonly presumed that this vortex pair is similar in origin to the counter-rotating vortex pair present in a jet in a crossflow. Vortex identification methods, velocity vectors and streamlines in the near microjet region demonstrate that the horseshoe-like vortex is the source of the counter rotating vortex pair that is present downstream of the microjets. The horseshoe-like vortex in the microjet case has the same sense as the vortices in the microjet shear layer and appears to be generated by the development of a recirculation region of microjet fluid during the main-microjet interaction.
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Computational modelling of monocyte deposition in abdominal aortic aneurysmsHardman, David January 2011 (has links)
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) disease involves a dilation of the aorta below the renal arteries. If the aneurysm becomes sufficiently dilated and tissue strength is less than vascular pressure, rupture of the aorta occurs entailing a high mortality rate. Despite improvements in surgical technique, the mortality rate for emergency repair remains high and so an accurate predictor of rupture risk is required. Inflammation and the associated recruitment of monocytes into the aortic wall are critical in the pathology of AAA disease, stimulating the degradation and remodeling of the vessel wall. Areas with high concentrations of macrophages may experience an increase in tissue degradation and therefore an increased risk of rupture. Determining the magnitude and distribution of monocyte recruitment can help us understand the pathology of AAA disease and add spatial accuracy to the existing rupture risk prediction models. In this study finite element computational fluid dynamics simulations of AAA haemodynamics are seeded with monocytes to elucidate patterns of cell deposition and probability of recruitment. Haemodynamics are first simulated in simplified AAA geometries of varying diameters with a patient averaged flow waveform inlet boundary condition. This allows a comparison with previous experimental investigations as well as determining trends in monocyte adhesion with aneurysm progression. Previous experimental investigations show a transition to turbulent flow occurring during the deceleration phase of the cardiac cycle. There has thus far been no investigation into the accuracy of turbulence models in simulating AAA haemodynamics and so simulations are compared using RNG κ − ε, κ − ω and LES turbulence models. The RNG κ − ε model is insufficient to model secondary flows in AAA and LES models are sensitive to inlet turbulence intensity. The probability of monocyte adhesion and recruitment depends on cell residence time and local wall shear stress. A near wall particle residence time (NWPRT)model is created incorporating a wall shear stress-limiter based on in vitro experimental data. Simulated haemodynamics show qualitative agreement with experimental results. Peaks of maximum NWPRT move downstream in successively larger geometries, correlating with vortex behaviour. Average NWPRT rises sharply in models above a critical maximum diameter. These techniques are then applied to patient-specific AAAs. Geometries are created from CT slices and velocity boundary conditions taken from Phase Contrast-MRI (PC-MRI) data for 3 patients. There is no gold standard for inlet boundary conditions and so simulations using 3 velocity components, 1 velocity component and parabolic flow profiles at the inlet are compared with each other and with PC-MRI data at the AAA midsection. The general trends in flow and wall shear stress are similar between simulations with 3 and 1 components of inlet velocity despite differences in the nature and complexity of secondary flow. Applying parabolic velocity profiles, however, can cause significant deviations in haemodynamics. Axial velocities show average to good correlation with PC-MRI data though the lower magnitude radial velocities produce high levels of noise in the raw data making comparisons difficult. Patient specific NWPRT models show monocyte infiltration is most likely at or around the iliac bifurcation.
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