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Parní kondenzační turbína malého výkonu / Small Condensing Steam TurbineVítek, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this Master’s thesis is to create the design of a low power condensing steam turbine. The turbine has a Curtis control stage and a reaction blading. The work also contains the calculation of gland labyrinth seals and the balancing piston, specification of a forces and losses at bearings. Finally, the gearbox and generator are selected and the efficiency at generator’s clamps is specified. The Master’s thesis includes the design drawing of a longitudinal turbine view.
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Parní turbína pro pohon kompresoru / Steam Turbine for Compressor DriveČervenec, Adam January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the diploma thesis is the design of condensing steam turbine for driving a compressor with mechanical power of 14,5 MW and operating speed 6800 rotations per minute on the compressor clutch. The main part is the thermodynamic calculation of the blade canal, which is verified with strength calculation to meet the requirements of the standart API 612. The next part is a basic design of gland sealing system, including a piston which is leveling the axial force with reusage of steam back to the blade canal. This thesis includes a calculation of axial and radial forces including the choice of suitable bearing, which both support the turbine. In the end there is an operating characteristics and function reliability of rising rotating speed on the total stress of blades.
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Parní turbína pro malý jaderný zdroj / Steam turbine for a small nuclear power plantBiskup, Michal January 2021 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with the design of a steam turbine for a small nuclear power plant with a power of 50 MWe. In the first part of the work is proposed thermal and mass balance. The turbine has seven unregulated steam extractions, which are divided: two are for high-pressure feedwater heater, four are for low-pressure condensate heater and one is for degassing. The next chapter deals with the calculation of the regulation stage which is designed like an A-wheel and here is also strength control. Then, a pre-design and a detailed design of the stage part with the reaction blading. The stage part is consisted of eight cones with a total number of 27 stages. In the following chapters, is calculated the compensating piston, seals system and bearings. In the end, is made the consumption diagram. Part of the work is a conceptual drawing of a steam turbine section. The resulting steam turbine has a power output 50,197 MW and an internal thermodynamic efficiency of 73,9 %.
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Vytápění objektu zdroji na různé druhy paliv / Heating of the Object with Different FuelsLadomérská, Jana January 2015 (has links)
In my final thesis I am processing a proposal for heating and preparing hot water for a restaurant with accommodation. This is a three-storey brick house. It is situated on the territory of the Ústí region. The aim of my work is to propose and to assess the appropriate heat source for this object. In the object I chose heating radiators. The proposal is processed in two variants. In the first variant, I suggest a cascade of condensing boilers using as a source of heat. In the second variant, I suggest a cascade of electrical boilers. Hot water will be prepared in reservoir of warm water. The source of hot water will be the same as the source for heating.
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Ekonomické zhodnocení a návrh otopné soustavy pro vytápění rodinného domu s klasickým a kondenzačním plynovým kotlem. / Design of heating system for family house.David, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
Diploma thesis deal with design and economic valorize heating system for heating family house classical gas boiler and condensing gas boiler. Diploma thesis includes design these two heating systems, inclusive graphical documentation mentioned enclosed. Further thesis includes calculation consumption natural gas in both variants heating systems with pricing natural gas spent behind heating period and investment charge upon this heating system and result is economics comparison these two heating systems.
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Kondenzační parní turbina 25 MW / Condesing Steam Turbine 25 MWMašek, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Master’s thesis deals with design and calculation of one body condensing steam turbine of 25 MW with samples for paper-making industry. The thesis is focused on calculation of the turbine’s heat balance with two technological samples and regeneration which consists of two low pressure heaters and a deaerator with a power reservoir. The steam turbine is designed with a water cooling condenser with down output. The flow part is calculated with lengths of blades. There are basic strength and proportion calculations. In the end of the thesis the turbine’s heat balance is recalculated to 80% and 105% scheme according to an assignment. Another part of this thesis is a drawing of a longitudinal cut of the turbine including a connector with a gearbox.
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Kondenzační parní turbina / Condensing Steam TurbineŘezníček, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is design of single body condensing steam turbine of 50 MW to saturated steam for new nuclear power plant generation. In the thesis is made design and calculation of balancing scheme. On the basis of the calculation is made blades part of turbine. Furthermore, the thesis solves basic strength and structural calculations. The result is drawing of longitudinal cut of the turbine.
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Modernizace ST-NT dílu parní turbiny 300 MW / Retrofit IP-LP Section Steam Turbine 300MWPavlik, Richard January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is a retrofit of condensing three case steam turbine K300-170 with reheating. In the first part, the heat balance of the system is calculated for given parameters. The design of the flow section is focused on the combined intermediate pressure and low pressure turbine section and it consists of defining rotor and blading characteristics. In the stress control, the stress of the designed blading is checked and for the conclusion the shaft seal losses and their effect on the overall output power of the turbine are estimated. The drawing of axial section of combined intermediate pressure and low pressure turbine section is also included in the thesis.
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Optimalizace zdrojů tepla pro bytový dům / Optimization of heat generators for residential houseSmola, Vojtěch January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves design of heating in a residental building. This work is focused on the selection of appropriate one of the two options a heat source, which are cascade heat pumps ground-water and gas condensing boilers. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with introducing to the issue of heat pump systems. The functional principle of the widely most used types and particularized type ground-water. In the practical part calculation and design of heating system with selected heating source that is cascade of gas condensing boilers.
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Parní kondenzační turbína s jedním regulovaným odběrem / Extraction Condensing Steam TurbineDrápela, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes a design of condensing steam turbine out of entered data of vapor parameters. There is selected a reaction blading type according to a conception of the company PBS Energo PLC. The turbine has one controlled extraction and three uncontrolled ones. The work also includes a proposal of thermal scheme, bearing and gearbox assignment. Furthermore there is also made a draft design of longitudinal section turbine
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