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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vytápění bytového domu / Heating of flat house

Matoulková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The point of the thesis was to design a heating system for new residential building, situated in Nový Lískovec, Brno. As a source of heat has been designed condensing boiler fueled by gas that meets the need for heating of heating system and hot water. All of the equipment will be located in a utility room on the ground floor. In the apartment have been designed decorative panel radiators.

Structure-Exploiting Numerical Algorithms for Optimal Control

Nielsen, Isak January 2017 (has links)
Numerical algorithms for efficiently solving optimal control problems are important for commonly used advanced control strategies, such as model predictive control (MPC), but can also be useful for advanced estimation techniques, such as moving horizon estimation (MHE). In MPC, the control input is computed by solving a constrained finite-time optimal control (CFTOC) problem on-line, and in MHE the estimated states are obtained by solving an optimization problem that often can be formulated as a CFTOC problem. Common types of optimization methods for solving CFTOC problems are interior-point (IP) methods, sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods and active-set (AS) methods. In these types of methods, the main computational effort is often the computation of the second-order search directions. This boils down to solving a sequence of systems of equations that correspond to unconstrained finite-time optimal control (UFTOC) problems. Hence, high-performing second-order methods for CFTOC problems rely on efficient numerical algorithms for solving UFTOC problems. Developing such algorithms is one of the main focuses in this thesis. When the solution to a CFTOC problem is computed using an AS type method, the aforementioned system of equations is only changed by a low-rank modification between two AS iterations. In this thesis, it is shown how to exploit these structured modifications while still exploiting structure in the UFTOC problem using the Riccati recursion. Furthermore, direct (non-iterative) parallel algorithms for computing the search directions in IP, SQP and AS methods are proposed in the thesis. These algorithms exploit, and retain, the sparse structure of the UFTOC problem such that no dense system of equations needs to be solved serially as in many other algorithms. The proposed algorithms can be applied recursively to obtain logarithmic computational complexity growth in the prediction horizon length. For the case with linear MPC problems, an alternative approach to solving the CFTOC problem on-line is to use multiparametric quadratic programming (mp-QP), where the corresponding CFTOC problem can be solved explicitly off-line. This is referred to as explicit MPC. One of the main limitations with mp-QP is the amount of memory that is required to store the parametric solution. In this thesis, an algorithm for decreasing the required amount of memory is proposed. The aim is to make mp-QP and explicit MPC more useful in practical applications, such as embedded systems with limited memory resources. The proposed algorithm exploits the structure from the QP problem in the parametric solution in order to reduce the memory footprint of general mp-QP solutions, and in particular, of explicit MPC solutions. The algorithm can be used directly in mp-QP solvers, or as a post-processing step to an existing solution. / Numeriska algoritmer för att effektivt lösa optimala styrningsproblem är en viktig komponent i avancerade regler- och estimeringsstrategier som exempelvis modellprediktiv reglering (eng. model predictive control (MPC)) och glidande horisont estimering (eng. moving horizon estimation (MHE)). MPC är en reglerstrategi som kan användas för att styra system med flera styrsignaler och/eller utsignaler samt ta hänsyn till exempelvis begränsningar i styrdon. Den grundläggande principen för MPC och MHE är att styrsignalen och de estimerade variablerna kan beräknas genom att lösa ett optimalt styrningsproblem. Detta optimeringsproblem måste lösas inom en kort tidsram varje gång som en styrsignal ska beräknas eller som variabler ska estimeras, och således är det viktigt att det finns effektiva algoritmer för att lösa denna typ av problem. Två vanliga sådana är inrepunkts-metoder (eng. interior-point (IP)) och aktivmängd-metoder (eng. active-set (AS)), där optimeringsproblemet löses genom att lösa ett antal enklare delproblem. Ett av huvudfokusen i denna avhandling är att beräkna lösningen till dessa delproblem på ett tidseffektivt sätt genom att utnyttja strukturen i delproblemen. Lösningen till ett delproblem beräknas genom att lösa ett linjärt ekvationssystem. Detta ekvationssystem kan man exempelvis lösa med generella metoder eller med så kallade Riccatirekursioner som utnyttjar strukturen i problemet. När man använder en AS-metod för att lösa MPC-problemet så görs endast små strukturerade ändringar av ekvationssystemet mellan varje delproblem, vilket inte har utnyttjats tidigare tillsammans med Riccatirekursionen. I denna avhandling presenteras ett sätt att utnyttja detta genom att bara göra små förändringar av Riccatirekursionen för att minska beräkningstiden för att lösa delproblemet. Idag har behovet av  parallella algoritmer för att lösa MPC och MHE problem ökat. Att algoritmerna är parallella innebär att beräkningar kan ske på olika delar av problemet samtidigt med syftet att minska den totala verkliga beräkningstiden för att lösa optimeringsproblemet. I denna avhandling presenteras parallella algoritmer som kan användas i både IP- och AS-metoder. Algoritmerna beräknar lösningen till delproblemen parallellt med ett förutbestämt antal steg, till skillnad från många andra parallella algoritmer där ett okänt (ofta stort) antal steg krävs. De parallella algoritmerna utnyttjar problemstrukturen för att lösa delproblemen effektivt, och en av dem har utvärderats på parallell hårdvara. Linjära MPC problem kan också lösas genom att utnyttja teori från multiparametrisk kvadratisk programmering (eng. multiparametric quadratic programming (mp-QP)) där den optimala lösningen beräknas i förhand och lagras i en tabell, vilket benämns explicit MPC. I detta fall behöver inte MPC problemet lösas varje gång en styrsignal beräknas, utan istället kan den förberäknade optimala styrsignalen slås upp. En nackdel med mp-QP är att det krävs mycket plats i minnet för att spara lösningen. I denna avhandling presenteras en strukturutnyttjande algoritm som kan minska behovet av minne för att spara lösningen, vilket kan öka det praktiska användningsområdet för mp-QP och explicit MPC.

Energy Usage in Supermarkets - Modelling and Field Measurements

Arias, Jaime January 2005 (has links)
This thesis investigates a special type of energy system, namely energy use in supermarkets through modelling, simulations and field studies. A user-friendly computer program, CyberMart, which calculates the total energy performance of a supermarket, is presented. The modelling method described in this thesis has four phases: the first phase is the de-velopment of a conceptual model that includes its objectives, the envi-ronment and the components of the system, and their interconnections. The second phase is a quantitative model in which the ideas from the conceptual model are transformed into mathematical and physical rela-tionships. The third phase is an evaluation of the model with a sensitivity analysis of its predictions and comparisons between the computer model and results from field measurements. The fourth phase is the model ap-plication in which the computer model answers questions identified in the beginning of the modelling process as well as other questions arising throughout the work. Field measurements in seven different supermarkets in Sweden were car-ried out to: (i) investigate the most important parameters that influence energy performance in supermarkets, (ii) analyse the operation of new system designs with indirect system implementation in Sweden during recent years, and (iii) validate the computer model. A thorough sensitivity analysis shows a total sensitivity of 5.6 %, which is a satisfactory result given a 10% change in the majority of input parame-ters and assumptions, with the exception of outdoor temperatures and solar radiation that were calculated as extreme values in METEO-NORM. Comparisons between measurements and simulations in five supermarkets also show a good agreement. Measurements and simula-tion results for a whole year were not possible due to lack of data. CyberMart opens up perspectives for designers and engineers in the field by providing innovative opportunities for assessment and testing of new energy efficient measures but also for evaluation of different already-installed system designs and components. The implementation of new energy-saving technologies in supermarkets requires an extensive inte-grated analysis of the energy performances of the refrigeration system, HVAC system, lighting, equipment, and the total energy usage. This analysis should be done over a long period, to evaluate and compare the real energy performance with the theoretical values calculated by Cyber-Mart. / QC 20100330

Kondenzační parní turbína / Condensing steam turbine

Martynek, Filip January 2017 (has links)
Content of this thesis is design of one-housing condensing steam turbine with two uncontrolled extractions. First part is describing design of balance scheme. Including cycle joints calculation, design of equipment for whole steam and condense cycle. Thesis continues with preliminary and detail design of regulativ stage. Main goal of this part is thermodynamic calculation of flow channel. Second part is describing lubricating oil and cooling system. Contains process description of lubricating oil scheme including calculation, specification of components and pipe branches design. Diploma thesis is finished with detail lubricating oil scheme.

CFD simulace proudění páry v neregulovaném odběru parní turbíny / CFD simulation flow of steam in the unregulated extraction of steam turbine

Filip, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis named CFD simulation of the steam flow in the unregulated extraction of the steam turbine is about an analysis of the balance piston impact on the area of the steam turbine, where the extraction is located. First part describes basic knowledge of the steam turbine in general. At the end of this chapter, there is a description of the solved steam turbine. Next chapter is about introduction to the CFD. Practical part deals with a construction of 3D models, meshing and setting of the boundary conditions in the program ANSYS CFX. The main part of this thesis summarizes the results of the CFD simulation and stipulates the temperature range on the extraction pipe. In conclusion, there is a recommendation how to determine design temperature of the extraction pipe influenced by the balance piston.

Návrh turbíny do kombinovaného cyklu / Design turbines to combined cycle

Veselý, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The topic of thesis is condensing turbine in gas-steam cycle, which can be divided into four basic parts. A history of gas-steam cycle is described in the beginning. Second part is all about calculation of heat recovery steam generator. Penultimate section deals with calculations of steam turbine parameters and reaction blading type. Last part contains electric power and steam turbine efficiency.

Vytápění vzdělávacího zařízení / Heating system of educational facility

Heneková, Barbara January 2018 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis is describes the design of heating in a primary school in Trenčín. In this project are two variants of the heat source. The first variant is heat pump of an air/water of split design and second variant is two gas condensing boilers. The thesis includes hot water preparation. In the experimental part of the thesis is deals with heating output of radiators.

Vytápění s využitím velkoplošných sálavých konstrukcí / Heating With the Use of Large Radiating Structures

Lustigová, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
This work deals with the topic – Heating with the use of large radiating structures. Theoretical part contains distribution underfloor heating, wall heating and ceiling heating. This topic is applied to the specified building. The project deals with preparing of domestic water, wall heating and underfloor heating. Experimental part deals with the measurement of ceiling heating.

Dynamika otopných ploch / Dynamics of heating surfaces behavior

Oravec, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the research of dynamics of selected heating surfaces behavior. The aim of the thesis is to determine the dynamics of heating and cooling and to determine the effect of these characteristics on energy consumption of the building. The project part deals with the design of a heating solution for a residential building in three variants. An Energetic simulation is made for the designed variants, that compares the consumption of thermal energy during one year. The next simulation research the dynamics of selected large-scale heating surfaces. For each construction, nonstationary models of heating up and cooling were made, which are compared in terms of the thermal inertia.

Kondenzační parní turbína / Condensing steam turbine

Prinz, František January 2019 (has links)
The main topic of this master thesis is the design of condensing steam turbine. In the beginning the heat scheme with low pressure regeneration is calculated. There are chosen 2 low pressure heat exchangers and 3 steam outlets from the turbine. In the main part the thermodynamic proposal with reaction blades is designed, which consists of the regulating stage and the stage part of turbine. The survivability of the turbine is checked by the calculation of mechanical strength. In the end the turbine is checked at reduced mass flow and the turbine characteristic is plotted. The designed steam turbined has a regulating stage and 34 stages in the stage part, has a power of 45873 kW with thermodynamic efficiency of 83.6%. The reheat factor is 1.052.

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