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Tufting of complex composite structuresLombetti, D. M. January 2015 (has links)
This study focuses on the effect of tufting on the mechanical and electrical properties of carbon composites using a variety of tuft materials, such as aramid, steel and copper. Several configurations were investigated based on a case study, involving the reinforcement of stiffener-to-skin interfaces of a tail cone. The effect of tuft and base composite material, tufting depth and inclination on the delamination resistance in mode I was evaluated, the associated bridging laws were determined and the failure mechanisms were identified. A simplified superposition model of the delamination response of tufted composites was developed. The electrical performance of tufted composites was determined in simulated lightning strike tests and set against the through-the-thickness electrical conductivity of the materials. The results of mechanical testing showed that the delamination performance depends strongly on the material response of the tufts, with both the bridging behaviour and final toughness levels influenced directly by the strength, ductility and ultimate strain of the tufts. Interactions between the tufts and the surrounding composite, such as interfacial shear and bridging induced by tuft pull-out, play a significant role in the overall behaviour generating a deviation from a simple superposition of the base material and tuft response. The balance between interfacial shear and tuft elongation results in a decreasing trend of delamination toughness with increasing tufting depth for low ductility materials, whilst the trend is reversed for the high ductility copper tufts. This balance is also affected by the properties of the base material, with tougher matrices leading to dominance of shear effects and a weaker enhancement introduced by tufting. Inclination of tufts leads to an increase in crack energy release rate due to the activation of a ploughing mechanism. Metallic and carbon tufts have a positive effect on lightning strike response, with copper tufting offering strike protection at an improved level compared to standard copper mesh solutions.
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Microwave assisted processing of metal loaded inks and pastes for electronic interconnect applicationsQi, Siyuan January 2014 (has links)
Isotropically conductive adhesives (ICAs) and inks are potential candidates for low cost interconnect materials and widely used in electrical/electronic packaging applications. Silver (Ag)filled ICAs and inks are the most popular due to their high conductivity and good reliability. However, the price of Ag is a significant issue for the wider exploitation of these materials in low cost, high volume applications such as printed electronics. In addition, there is a need to develop systems compatible with temperature sensitive substrates through the use of alternative materials and heating methods. Copper (Cu) is considered as a more cost-effective filler for ICAs and in this work, Cu powders were treated to remove the oxide layer and then protected with a self-assembled monolayer (SAM). The coating was found to be able to limit the re-oxidation of the Cumicron particles. The treated Cu powderswerecombined with one of two different adhesive resins to form ICAs that were stencil printed onto glass substrates before curing. The use of conventional and microwave assisted heating methods under an inert atmosphere for the curing of the Cu loaded ICAs was investigated in detail. The samples were characterised for electrical performance, microstructure and shrinkage as a function of curing temperature (80-150°C) and time. Tracks with electrical conductivity comparable to Ag filled adhesives were obtained for both curing methods and with both resins. It was found that curing could be accelerated and/or carried out at lower temperature with the addition of microwave radiation for one adhesive resin, but the other showed almost no absorption indicating a difference in curing mechanism for the two formulations.
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Caracterização de resíduos de indústria de papel para utilização como material geotécnico / Characterization of paper mill sludge for utilization as geotechnical materialIbeiro, Lidiane da Silva January 2007 (has links)
Seguindo a linha de pesquisa de novos materiais geotécnicos, na busca por soluções técnicas a partir do uso de materiais alternativos, o presente estudo avaliou sob enfoque geotécnico o comportamento do resíduo de uma fábrica recicladora de papel localizada no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. O objetivo do trabalho consistiu em caracterizar o resíduo e identificar suas propriedades no que se refere ao seu desempenho mecânico e hidráulico, a partir de um programa de ensaios de laboratório. O resíduo in natura possui uma umidade de 256 %, sendo composto de matéria orgânica (de 40 a 45 %), cargas minerais (principalmente caulinita e calcita) e água. As análises para a determinação dos parâmetros de deformabilidade, resistência e condutividade hidráulica foram feitas utilizando-se como variável os valores de umidade de aproximadamente 190, 160 e 130 %. Os parâmetros de compressibilidade unidimensional das amostras do resíduo não apresentaram variabilidade significativa com a variação da umidade de moldagem, obtendo-se valores médios elevados para os índices de compressão (Cc) e descarregamento (Cd) e para os coeficientes de adensamento (Cv), indicativos da alta compressibilidade característica do material. Para a determinação dos parâmetros de resistência do material foram realizados ensaios triaxiais nãodrenados. O ângulo de atrito interno obtido foi de ф’= 53,5°. Durante os ensaios triaxiais foram realizadas medições da condutividade hidráulica antes da fase de cisalhamento das amostras. Os coeficientes de condutividade hidráulica, medidos na fase pré-cisalhamento, atingiram valores da ordem de 10-9 m/s. A capacidade de atingir baixos valores de condutividade hidráulica é uma característica relevante do comportamento deste material e indica a possibilidade de ser utilizado como um material geotécnico alternativo em substituição aos materiais convencionais utilizados em coberturas impermeáveis de aterros (cover liners). / Following the line of research of new geotechnical materials, aiming new technical solutions using alternative materials, the present research evaluated, under geotechnical understanding, the behavior of the waste sludge from a paper recycling plant in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The objective of this research aimed the characterization and the identification of the waste properties – mechanical and hydraulic performance, through laboratory tests. The natural waste has 256% of water content, and is composed by organic matter (ranging from 40 to 45 %), mineral charges (mainly Kaolinite and Calcite) and water. The tests for the determination of deformability, strength and hydraulic conductivity parameters were carried out under 190%, 160% and 130 % of water content. The one-dimensional compressibility parameters of the waste sludge did not show a significant variability with the variation of the molding water content, where the average values were high for the compression (Cc) and swelling (Cd) coefficients as well as for the consolidation coefficient (Cv), which can be considered as an indicative of high compressibility (characteristic of the material). For the determination of the strength parameters of the material, it was carried out undrained triaxial tests. The internal friction angle was ф’= 53,5°. During the triaxial tests, measurements of hydraulic conductivity were performed, previously shearing. The hydraulic conductivity coefficients measured during the pre-shearing phase, reached values around 10-9 m/s. The capacity for reaching low values of hydraulic conductivity is a considerable characteristic of the behavior of this material, what shows the possibility of its use as an alternative geotechnical material substituting the conventional materials used as cover liners
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Estudo das condicionantes hidráulicas de uma ruptura de talude em São Vendelino (RS) / Study of the hydraulic conditioning factors of a slope failure at São Vendelino (RS)Martinello, Isac Alexandre January 2006 (has links)
A presente dissertação apresenta um estudo experimental e de simulação de fluxo de água investigando os efeitos de chuvas torrenciais sobre o solo existente em um talude da região de São Vendelino. Para este estudo foi selecionada uma encosta na qual houve duas ocorrências de rupturas rasas que deram origem a corridas de detritos num evento importante que ocorreu no local em dezembro de 2000. Ao longo da cicatriz deixada por uma delas, foram realizados ensaios de caracterização e determinadas as propriedades hidráulicas do solo a partir de ensaios de campo e de laboratório. Os ensaios de campo compreenderam ensaios com o permeâmetro de Guelph, ensaios com piezômetros de tubo aberto e infiltrômetro de anel duplo. Em laboratório foram realizados ensaios utilizando dois diferentes permeâmetros de parede flexível. Foi feita também a determinação da curva característica do solo através do método do papel-filtro. A partir das propriedades hidráulicas do solo, da geometria do talude e espessura dos materiais, obtidas a partir de topografia, foram realizadas análises de fluxo utilizando o programa Seep/W simulando a precipitação medida de 148 mm/2 h que deflagrou as corridas de detritos de dezembro de 2000. As análises mostraram que, como o solo coluvionar tem uma condutividade hidráulica bastante elevada, ocorre a infiltração de toda a chuva ocorrida. As análises de fluxo mostraram uma elevação progressiva do nível freático com o tempo, o qual atinge a superfície do terreno no trecho crítico do talude (trecho de maior inclinação) após cerca de 95 minutos de precipitação. Análises de estabilidade simplificadas (talude infinito) mostram fatores de segurança próximos da unidade com o nível freático em 80% da camada de solo coluvionar, considerando o trecho mais íngreme do talude. Embora com algumas simplificações de análise, estes resultados mostram que as análises de fluxo e de ruptura, utilizando dados reais medidos em campo, são muito promissores pois conseguem modelar de forma adequada a ruptura ocorrida (FS=1,0). / This dissertation presents an experimental study and a simulation of hydraulic flow in a slope at São Vendelino region, to investigate the effects of torrential rains on the existing soil. A natural slope was selected in which two shallow slope failures had occurred in December 2000 during a serious debris flow event. Soil characterization tests and hydraulic properties have been determined in the laboratory on soil samples taken close to one of the scars left by the failures. The field tests involved Guelph permeameter, stand pipe piezometers and doublering infiltrometer tests. Tests on two different flexible wall permeameter tests and the determination of the moisture-suction characteristic curve have also been carried out in the laboratory. Using the measured soil hydraulic properties, the slope geometry and soil covering depths obtained through topography, some hydraulic flow analyses have been carried out. The SEEP/W software was used and the measured precipitation of 148mm/ 2h, which caused the debris flow event of December 2000, was simulated. The analyses have shown that all the precipitation can infiltrate, as the soil has a large hydraulic conductivity, and there is a progressive rising of the phreatic line with time. This level of water reaches the soil surface in the critical length of the slope (the length with the larger inclination) after 95 min of rain. Simplified slope stability analysis (infinite slopes) had shown values of safety factors close to one in the critical length of the slope when the phreatic line is at 80% depth of the colluvium soil. Although there are some simplifications in the analysis, these results show that the flow and the stability analyses using the real data collected from field tests modeled in an appropriate way the real failure (FS~1,0).
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Estudo das propriedades físicas de polpas e néctares de pequenos frutosSouza, Daiana de January 2008 (has links)
A produção brasileira dos pequenos frutos morango, amora, framboesa e mirtilo vem sendo incrementada nos últimos vinte anos devido ao interesse do consumidor por estes frutos, sobretudo graças às suas propriedades nutracêuticas. O processamento industrial destes frutos, para a obtenção de sucos e polpas, é uma alternativa para minimizar as perdas decorrentes da alta perecibilidade intrínseca aos mesmos. Para a obtenção de sucos e polpas de pequenos frutos com alta qualidade nutricional e sensorial, há a necessidade de se conhecer o comportamento das propriedades físicas destes produtos nas condições de processo, já que elas são de fundamental importância no projeto, otimização, simulação e automação das operações unitárias envolvidas no processamento industrial. A predição teórica destas propriedades não traz bons resultados, pois a estrutura física e composição química destes alimentos são bastante variáveis, sendo a experimentação a melhor alternativa para este fim. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar as propriedades massa específica, condutividade elétrica, difusividade térmica, calor específico e condutividade térmica de polpas e néctares de morango, framboesa, mirtilo e amora. Este estudo envolveu a variação da temperatura e da composição dos produtos, dada pela adição de açúcar aos mesmos em diversas proporções e pela variação do teor de polpa na formulação dos néctares. As polpas e os néctares foram processados em escala de bancada, a partir de frutos congelados. O teor de açúcar adicionado aos produtos variou de 0 a 10% e o teor de polpa dos néctares formulados variou de 25 a 100%. As massas específicas foram determinadas pelo método picnométrico, na faixa de 30 a 80°C; as difusividades térmicas, pelo método baseado na solução da difusão de calor em um cilindro longo, na faixa de 25 a 70°C; as condutividades elétricas, por condutivimetria, na faixa de 30 a 80°C; os calores específicos, pelo método de misturas modificado, a 30°C; e a condutividade térmica, a partir do conhecimento das demais propriedades. A partir dos dados obtidos, foram ajustados uma série de modelos quadráticos de regressão múltipla para a predição das propriedades destes produtos em função da temperatura, do teor de açúcar adicionado aos produtos e do teor de polpa empregado, quando na elaboração dos néctares.Estes modelos, em sua maioria, apresentaram coeficientes de correlação superiores a 0,98. / The Brazilian production of strawberry, blackberry, red raspberry and blueberry has been increasing in the last twenty years mainly due to the interest in their nutraceutical properties. These small fruits have a short shelf life, and the industrial processing for the production of juices and purées is an alternative for this limitation. For the production of small fruits juices and purées with high nutritional and sensorial quality, is necessary to know the behavior of the physical properties of these products in the process conditions, since this knowledge is fundamental in the design, optimization, simulation and automation of the units operations for these industrial processes. Since the physical structure and chemical composition of these foods change very much, the theoretical prediction of their properties does not give good results and the experimentation is the only alternative. The objective of this work is to determine physical properties of purées and nectars of strawberry, red raspberry, blueberry and blackberry such as density, electrical conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat and thermal conductivity. This study was carried out varying the temperature and the composition of the products, by adding sugar and changing pulp content in the formulation of the nectars. The pulps and the nectars were processed in a bench scale experiments, from frozen fruits. The sugar content added to the products varied between 0 and 10% and the pulp content of formulated nectars varied between 25 and 100%. The density was determined by the picnometric method, between 30 and 80°C; the thermal diffusivity was obtained using the solution of the heat diffusion in a long cylinder, between 25 and 70°C; the electrical conductivity was determined with a conductivity meter, between 30 and 80°C; the specific heat was measure through the modified mixtures method, at 30°C; and the thermal conductivity, from the knowledge of the other properties. Many multiple regression quadratic models for the prediction of these propertiesas a function of the temperature, the sugar content added to the products and the pulp concentrationhave been adjusted. Most of these models have presented correlation coefficients higher than 0,98.
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Termo-refletância transiente: implementação, modelamento e aplicação a filmesCruz, Carolina Abs da January 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão de técnicas para medir propriedades térmicas de lmes, seguida de enfoque na termo-re etância transiente (TTR). Dentre as tecnologias existentes para medir propriedades térmicas, métodos ópticos são preferidos devido à sua natureza não-destrutiva, potencial de alta resolução temporal e espacial e calibração independente de contato físico. A implementação experimental deste método é apresentada, assim como a teoria da linha de transmissão utilizada para tratamento por Transformada de Laplace da equação de Fourier unidimensional do calor. Para facilitar o cálculo de invers ão desta Transformada, uma aproximação numérica, empregando o método Stehfest, foi usada. Experimentalmente, a evolução temporal da temperatura normalizada é mostrada para um lme de Au sobre Si e para lmes de Cu sobre substratos de vidro e Si, assim como foram utilizadas técnicas complementares de caracterização dos lmes (per lometria, elipsometria, microscopia de força atômica, eletrônica de varredura e de transmissão). Para o filme de ouro com espessura de 4:6µm, a teoria apresenta boa concordância com os resultados experimentais, já que o valor encontrado para a condutividade térmica do ouro está entre 230W/m.K e 280W/m.K, próximo e abaixo do valor da condutividade térmica do Au em volume (318W/m.K), indicando a validade do método implementado. Para lmes de cobre, porém, os resultados iniciais não apresentam a mesma concordância, e possíveis causas são discutidas. Futuramente, a TTR implementada poderá ser utilizada para determinação da condutividade térmica de lmes nos dielétricos ou semicondutores, e possivelmente na caracterização da componente transversal em filmes anisotrópicos. / This work presents a review of techniques to measure thermal properties off films, followed by a focused attention to the transient termo-re ectance (TTR). Amongst the existing technologies to measure thermal properties, optical methods are preferred due their nondestructive nature, high potential of spacial and temporal resolution, and independence from physical contact. The experimental implementation of this method is presented, as well as the theory of the transmission line theory used in the Laplace Transform treatment of the Fourier one-dimensional heat conduction equation. To facilitate the calculation of the Transform inversion, a numerical method, using the Stehfest method, was used. Experimentally, evolution of the normalized temperature is shown for a lm of Au on Si and for films of Cu on glass and Si substrates, whereas complementary techniques were used for film characterization (pro lometry, ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy, scanning and transmission eletron microscopy). For the Au film 4:6µm thick, the theory presents good agreement with the experimental results, and the value found for the thermal conductivity of the gold film is between 230W/m.K and 280W/m.K, near and below the bulk Au thermal conductivity (318W/m.K), indicating the validity of the method implementation. For Cu films, however, the initial results do not present the same agreement, and possible causes are discussed. In the future, the implemented TTR could be used for determination of the thermal conductivity of dielectric or semicondutors thin films, and possibly in the characterization of the transversal component in anisotropic films.
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Structure et fonctionnement hydrogéologiques des massifs de péridotites de Nouvelle-Calédonie / Structural and hydrogeologic characterization of the peridotitic massifs of New CaledoniaJeanpert, Julie 26 April 2017 (has links)
Le fonctionnement et la structure hydrogéologiques des aquifères de socle des granites et des gneiss sont aujourd'hui relativement bien compris. En revanche, dans cet ensemble, les aquifères dans les péridotites sont très peu étudiés et mal compris. Dans ce contexte, les massifs obductés de Nouvelle-Calédonie présentent un laboratoire naturel exceptionnel pour améliorer la connaissance de cet hydrosystème original en contexte tropical. Ainsi l'objectif du présent travail de thèse est d'approfondir la connaissance de la structure et du fonctionnement hydrogéologiques de ces massifs. L'analyse porte d’abord sur le manteau d'altération constitué de la cuirasse, des latérites, des saprolites grossières et du saprock. Plus de 60 essais hydrauliques sont menés sur les massifs de péridotites et les résultats sont compilés aux données existantes. La conductivité hydraulique moyenne des latérites est évaluée à 1.10-7 m/s et celle des saprolites grossières et du saprock à 8.10-7 m/s. L'hétérogénéité de cet horizon altéré est marquée par une gamme de variation de la conductivité hydraulique sur six ordres de grandeur et l'analyse piézométrique met en évidence des connexions hydrauliques avec le substratum fracturé profond. Le substratum est ensuite considéré. L'étude de la fracturation est réalisée à partir de mesures structurales sur affleurement et de la description de près de 1000 m de carottes de forages. L'analyse de la fracturation met en évidence l'importance du réseau serpentineux par sa densité d’une part, et par son lien avec l'altération supergène d'autre part. De plus, il est vérifié que la conductivité hydraulique du substratum diminue avec la profondeur. Cette variation est liée à la diminution de la densité de fractures altérées. Ainsi, à l'issue de ces analyses, la structure des massifs de péridotites est définie. Un réseau primaire de fractures d’espacement décimétrique lié au réseau serpentineux préstructure les péridotites. Sur ce réseau se surimpose un réseau de fractures dont l'espacement est décamétrique et caractérisé par une altération supergène. Les fractures altérées présentent localement de fortes conductivités hydrauliques, de l'ordre de 10-5 m/s. En profondeur l'espacement des fractures est hectométrique et les fractures sont majoritairement fermées, scellées par les minéraux néoformés ou par l'effet de la pression lithostatique. Les réseaux de fractures déca et hectométriques, visibles également sur l'effet d’échelle de la conductivité hydraulique, sont majoritairement verticaux, développés par instabilité de dissolution lors des processus d’altération. Cependant, des structures à faible pendage existent également et permettent la percolation du réseau. Enfin, à partir de ces nouveaux résultats et de l’intégration de l'ensemble des données acquises sur les différents massifs, un modèle de structure et de fonctionnement hydrogéologiques est proposé à l'échelle du massif. Ce modèle comprend l'horizon des latérites qui constitue un aquitard homogène sous lequel se développe l'aquifère dont l'épaisseur est de l'ordre de cinquante mètres. Le substratum est discrétisé en trois couches dont la conductivité hydraulique décroît de 2.10-7 à 2.10-8 m/s entre 50 m et 250 m environ sous le mur de l'aquifère. Les modèles numériques construits permettent de valider le modèle conceptuel unitaire et montrent que l'état de saturation des massifs est contraint par leur géomorphologie. Au terme de ce travail, plusieurs aspects doivent encore être approfondis. Le rôle hydrogéologique de la cuirasse doit être précisé et considéré dans le modèle hydrogéologique. Enfin, compte tenu du développement possible de structures très perméables, voire pseudo-karstiques, la connaissance de la distribution des structures drainantes doit être améliorée. Les résultats appliqués de ce travail de recherche sont exposés dans un rapport final et un guide méthodologique livrés dans le cadre du projet CNRT « HYPERK ». / Water resources of hard-rock (gneisses or granites) aquifers have significantly been studied in the past two decades. The hydrogeological behavior and structure of these aquifers are thus relatively well understood. On the other hand, aquifers in mantle-type basements, such as peridotites, are poorly studied and understood, mainly because they are not common and of limited extent. In this context, New Caledonia is a great laboratory offering unique opportunity to improve the knowledge of these original types of hydrosystems in tropical climate. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to improve the knowledge of these aquifer systems within weathered peridotites. Firstly, the study focuses on the characterization of the weathered layers of the peridotites composed of, from top to bottom, iron oxides/ferricrete, laterite, coarse saprolite and saprock (ie. top of the bedrock, with up to 20 % of weathered material). More than 60 hydraulic tests are performed and results were compiled with existing data. Mean hydraulic conductivity (K) of laterites is estimated around 1.10-7 m/s while mean value in coarse saprolites and saprock is around 8.10-7 m/s. Heterogeneity of this altered layer is high; K varies between six orders of magnitude and hydraulic head data analysis reveals a hydraulic connection with the deep fractured bedrock. Secondly, the fresh rock part of peridotites is studied. Fracture network analysis is derived from outcrop structural measurements and from the description of about 1000 m of cumulated borehole cores. This work highlights the importance of serpentine network, because of its high density and its critical impact on weathering. Moreover, the observations reveal that hydraulic conductivity decreases with depth within the substratum, due to the vertical decrease of weathered fractures density. These new results allow defining a structural framework of the massifs. It is characterized by a primary decimetrical fracture network closely related to the serpentine network. This network is overprinted by a secondary weathering network which reveals decametric spacing (ca. 30 m) and in places K values of 10-5 m/s. At depth, spacing is hectometrical and fractures are sealed by lithostatic pressure and/or subsequent mineral precipitations. These deca- and hectometric fracture networks, which are also visible on the scale effect of hydraulic conductivity, are primarily vertical and are the result of dissolution instabilities occurring during weathering processes. However, low- angle fractures do occur and allow the percolation of the network. Finally, on the basis of these new results and the integration of all existing data from different massifs a new hydrogeological conceptual model is proposed at the scale of a massif. The model includes a homogeneous lateritic aquitard and a coarse saprolite and saprock aquifer which is about 50 m thick. The bedrock is subdivided into three layers whose hydraulic conductivity decreases from 2.10-7 m/s to 2.10-8 m/s, respectively 50 and 250 m below the aquifer base. Numerical modelling validates this unitary conceptual model and reveals that the saturation of the massifs depends on their morphology. At last, several aspects require further research. The role of the ferricrete layer must be specified and considered in the hydrological model. Moreover, distribution of the fracture network remains to be fully addressed and should be studied with care given the potential development of highly permeable structures that could conform to pseudo-karstic drains. The applied results of this work are available in a “Technical guide” and a “Technical report” of the “HYPERK” CNRT Project.
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Thermal Storage and Transport in Colloidal Nanocrystal-Based MaterialsJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: The rapid progress of solution-phase synthesis has led colloidal nanocrystals one of the most versatile nanoscale materials, provided opportunities to tailor material's properties, and boosted related technological innovations. Colloidal nanocrystal-based materials have been demonstrated success in a variety of applications, such as LEDs, electronics, solar cells and thermoelectrics. In each of these applications, the thermal transport property plays a big role. An undesirable temperature rise due to inefficient heat dissipation could lead to deleterious effects on devices' performance and lifetime. Hence, the first project is focused on investigating the thermal transport in colloidal nanocrystal solids. This study answers the question that how the molecular structure of nanocrystals affect the thermal transport, and provides insights for future device designs. In particular, PbS nanocrystals is used as a monitoring system, and the core diameter, ligand length and ligand binding group are systematically varied to study the corresponding effect on thermal transport.
Next, a fundamental study is presented on the phase stability and solid-liquid transformation of metallic (In, Sn and Bi) colloidal nanocrystals. Although the phase change of nanoparticles has been a long-standing research topic, the melting behavior of colloidal nanocrytstals is largely unexplored. In addition, this study is of practical importance to nanocrystal-based applications that operate at elevated temperatures. Embedding colloidal nanocrystals into thermally-stable polymer matrices allows preserving nanocrystal size throughout melt-freeze cycles, and therefore enabling observation of stable melting features. Size-dependent melting temperature, melting enthalpy and melting entropy have all been measured and discussed.
In the next two chapters, focus has been switched to developing colloidal nanocrystal-based phase change composites for thermal energy storage applications. In Chapter 4, a polymer matrix phase change nanocomposite has been created. In this composite, the melting temperature and energy density could be independently controlled by tuning nanocrystal diameter and volume fractions. In Chapter 5, a solution-phase synthesis on metal matrix-metal nanocrytal composite is presented. This approach enables excellent morphological control over nanocrystals and demonstrated a phase change composite with a thermal conductivity 2 - 3 orders of magnitude greater than typical phase change materials, such as organics and molten salts. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Mechanical Engineering 2015
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Insulator Flashover Probability Investigation Based on Numerical Electric Field Calculation and Random Walk TheoryJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: Overhead high voltage transmission lines are widely used around the world to deliver power to customers because of their low losses and high transmission capability. Well-coordinated insulation systems are capable of withstanding lightning and switching surge voltages. However, flashover is a serious issue to insulation systems, especially if the insulator is covered by a pollution layer. Many experiments in the laboratory have been conducted to investigate this issue. Since most experiments are time-consuming and costly, good mathematical models could contribute to predicting the insulator flashover performance as well as guide the experiments. This dissertation proposes a new statistical model to calculate the flashover probability of insulators under different supply voltages and contamination levels. An insulator model with water particles in the air is simulated to analyze the effects of rain and mist on flashover performance in reality. Additionally, insulator radius and number of sheds affect insulator surface resistivity and leakage distance. These two factors are studied to improve the efficiency of insulator design. This dissertation also discusses the impact of insulator surface hydrophobicity on flashover voltage.
Because arc propagation is a stochastic process, an arc could travel on different paths based on the electric field distribution. Some arc paths jump between insulator sheds instead of travelling along the insulator surfaces. The arc jumping could shorten the leakage distance and intensify the electric field. Therefore, the probabilities of arc jumping at different locations of sheds are also calculated in this dissertation.
The new simulation model is based on numerical electric field calculation and random walk theory. The electric field is calculated by the variable-grid finite difference method. The random walk theory from the Monte Carlo Method is utilized to describe the random propagation process of arc growth. This model will permit insulator engineers to design the reasonable geometry of insulators, to reduce the flashover phenomena under a wide range of operating conditions. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Engineering 2016
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Heat and Mass Transfer on Planetary SurfacesJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: Planetary surface studies across a range of spatial scales are key to interpreting modern and ancient operative processes and to meeting strategic mission objectives for robotic planetary science exploration. At the meter-scale and below, planetary regolith conducts heat at a rate that depends on the physical properties of the regolith particles, such as particle size, sorting, composition, and shape. Radiometric temperature measurements thus provide the means to determine regolith properties and rock abundance from afar. However, heat conduction through a matrix of irregular particles is a complicated physical system that is strongly influenced by temperature and atmospheric gas pressure. A series of new regolith thermal conductivity experiments were conducted under realistic planetary surface pressure and temperature conditions. A new model is put forth to describe the radiative, solid, and gaseous conduction terms of regolith on Earth, Mars, and airless bodies. These results will be used to infer particle size distribution from temperature measurements of the primitive asteroid Bennu to aid in OSIRIS-REx sampling site selection. Moving up in scale, fluvial processes are extremely influential in shaping Earth's surface and likely played an influential role on ancient Mars. Amphitheater-headed canyons are found on both planets, but conditions necessary for their development have been debated for many years. A spatial analysis of canyon form distribution with respect to local stratigraphy at the Escalante River and on Tarantula Mesa, Utah, indicates that canyon distribution is most closely related to variations in local rock strata, rather than groundwater spring intensity or climate variations. This implies that amphitheater-headed canyons are not simple markers of groundwater seepage erosion or megaflooding. Finally, at the largest scale, volcanism has significantly altered the surface characteristics of Earth and Mars. A field campaign was conducted in Hawaii to investigate the December 1974 Kilauea lava flow, where it was found that lava coils formed in an analogous manner to those found in Athabasca Valles, Mars. The location and size of the coils may be used as indicators of local effusion rate, viscosity, and crustal thickness. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Geological Sciences 2018
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