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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Unified Information Theoretic Framework for Pair- and Group-wise Registration of Medical Images

Zollei, Lilla 25 January 2006 (has links)
The field of medical image analysis has been rapidly growing for the past two decades. Besides a significant growth in computational power, scanner performance, and storage facilities, this acceleration is partially due to an unprecedented increase in the amount of data sets accessible for researchers. Medical experts traditionally rely on manual comparisons of images, but the abundance of information now available makes this task increasingly difficult. Such a challenge prompts for more automation in processing the images.In order to carry out any sort of comparison among multiple medical images, onefrequently needs to identify the proper correspondence between them. This step allows us to follow the changes that happen to anatomy throughout a time interval, to identify differences between individuals, or to acquire complementary information from different data modalities. Registration achieves such a correspondence. In this dissertation we focus on the unified analysis and characterization of statistical registration approaches.We formulate and interpret a select group of pair-wise registration methods in the context of a unified statistical and information theoretic framework. This clarifies the implicit assumptions of each method and yields a better understanding of their relative strengths and weaknesses. This guides us to a new registration algorithm that incorporates the advantages of the previously described methods. Next we extend the unified formulation with analysis of the group-wise registration algorithms that align a population as opposed to pairs of data sets. Finally, we present our group-wise registration framework, stochastic congealing. The algorithm runs in a simultaneous fashion, with every member of the population approaching the central tendency of the collection at the same time. It eliminates the need for selecting a particular referenceframe a priori, resulting in a non-biased estimate of a digital template. Our algorithm adopts an information theoretic objective function which is optimized via a gradientbased stochastic approximation process embedded in a multi-resolution setting. We demonstrate the accuracy and performance characteristics of stochastic congealing via experiments on both synthetic and real images. / PhD thesis

Desenvolvimento de micropartículas lipídicas sólidas contendo óleo de café verde por spray congealing / Development of microparticles containing green coffee oil by spray congealing

Nosari, Anna Beatriz Frejuello Limoli 09 March 2012 (has links)
Os carreadores micro e nanoparticulados como os lipossomos, nanoparticulas polimericas e microparticulas e nanoparticulas lipidicas solidas sao investigadas por suas vantagens em relacao as formulacoes tradicionais, tais como: liberacao sustentada dos ativos, minimizar efeitos colaterais, aumentar estabilidade fisico-quimica das moleculas labeis, diminuir a toxicidade entre outras. As microparticulas lipidicas solidas produzidas neste trabalho sao compostas de cera de abelha e oleo de cafe verde, este oleo e um produto rico em acidos graxos, esterois, di e triterpenos e tocoferois. Para a producao destas microparticulas foi escolhida a tecnica de spray congealing, que e considerada rapida e ambientalmente correta, uma vez que nao utiliza nenhum tipo de solvente. As misturas fundidas contendo concentracoes determinadas de oleo de cafe verde e cera de abelha foram atomizadas numa camara de resfriamento onde houve a solidificacao e formacao das microparticulas. Foi utilizado um planejamento experimental do tipo Box-Behnken, que auxiliou na avaliacao dos resultados obtidos, verificando a influencia das diversas variaveis do processo. As microparticulas foram caracterizadas por analise termica, microscopia de varredura eletronica, tamanho, atividade fotocatalitica, eficiencia de encapsulacao e estabilidade. A avaliacao das microparticulas mostrou que a concentracao do oleo de cafe verde foi a variavel que mais influenciou no processo. Em concentracoes maiores, este oleo aumenta a viscosidade da mistura fundida atomizada, aumentando o tamanho da particula formada e provocando maiores imperfeicoes em sua superficie, o que foi confirmado por um estudo reologico das misturas de cera de abelhas e oleo de cafe verde. Os tamanhos das microparticulas obtidas em diferentes condicoes de spray congealing variaram de 50 a 140 ?Êm, e estao adequadas para que nao ocorra a sua penetracao cutanea. O estudo de atividade fotocatalitica demonstrou que o oleo de cafe verde microencapsulado apresenta propriedades de protecao antioxidante ao oleo de ricino muito maiores do que o oleo puro. A composicao do oleo de cafe verde em relacao ao acido linoleico, palmitico, oleico e estearico, determinada por cromatografia a gas com espectrometria de massa esta de acordo com o encontrado na literatura. As microparticulas formadas a partir de misturas contendo 40% de oleo de cafe verde apresentaram melhor estabilidade e melhor acao na protecao de outras substancias contra a oxidacao. No teste de estabilidade acelerada, usando o acido linoleico como marcador quimico, as perdas corresponderam a 27, 6 e 3% para as microparticulas encapsuladas com 20, 30 e 40% de oleo de cafe verde, respectivamente. No mesmo teste, a perda de acido linoleico foi de 45% para o oleo nao encapsulado. Os resultados demonstram que a microencapsulacao do oleo de cafe verde pode ser uma excelente alternativa para a protecao deste contra a oxidacao e que o processo de spray congealing, bem como a cera de abelhas foram escolhas adequadas para a sua preparacao. / The micro and nanoparticulate carriers such as liposomes, polymeric nanoparticles and solid lipid nanoparticles and microparticles are investigated for their advantages over traditional formulations such as sustained release of the drugs, minimize side effects, increase physical and chemical stability of labile molecules, decrease toxicity among others. The solid lipid microparticles produced in this work are composed of beeswax and green coffee oil, this oil is a product rich in fatty acids, sterols, tocopherols and di and triterpenes. For the generation of microparticles was chosen spray congealing technique, which is considered fast and environmentally friendly, since it does not use any type of solvent. The molten mixtures containing certain concentrations of green coffee oil and beeswax were atomized in a cooling chamber where there was solidification and formation of microparticles. We used an experimental design like Box-Behnken, who assisted in the evaluation of the results, checking the influence of various process variables. The microparticles were characterized by thermal analysis, scanning electron microscopy, size, photocatalytic activity, encapsulation efficiency and stability. The evaluation of the microparticles showed that the green coffee oil concentration was the variable that most influenced the process. At higher concentrations, this oil increases the viscosity of the molten mixture atomized, increasing the size of the particle formed and causing major imperfections on its surface, which was confirmed by a study of the rheological mixture of beeswax and green coffee oil. The sizes of the microparticles obtained at different spray congealing conditions ranged from 50 to 140 ?Ým, and are not suitable for your skin penetration occurs. The study showed that the photocatalytic activity of green coffee oil microencapsulated has properties antioxidant protection to castor oil much higher than the pure oil. The composition of green coffee oil relative to linoleic, palmitic, oleic and stearic acids, determined by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry is consistent with findings in the literature. The microparticles formed from mixtures containing 40% of green coffee oil showed better stability and better action in protecting other substances from oxidation. In accelerated stability test, using linoleic acid as a chemical marker, the losses amounted to 27, 6 and 3% for the microparticles containing 20, 30 and 40% green coffee oil, respectively. In the same test, the loss of linoleic acid was 45% for the unencapsulated oil. The results show that the microencapsulation of green coffee oil can be an excellent alternative for protection against this oxidation and that the spray congealing process, as well as beeswax were appropriate choices for their preparation.

Obtenção de dispersões sólidas microparticuladas de piroxicam por spray congealing / Preparation of piroxicam microparticulated solid dispersions by spray congealing

Pereira, Simone Vieira 02 March 2012 (has links)
O piroxicam (PRX) e um antiinflamatorio nao esteroidal com propriedades analgesicas, antiinflamatorias e antipireticas pertencente a classe II do SCB. Farmacos desta classe apresentam como etapa limitante da sua absorcao a sua dissolucao, uma vez que possuem baixa solubilidade e alta permeabilidade. Assim, o aumento da solubilidade e da taxa de dissolucao do PRX promoveria um aumento da absorcao e biodisponibilidade deste farmaco. Varias tecnicas tem sido utilizadas para aumentar a solubilidade de farmacos pouco soluveis. Dentre estas a dispersao solida, e uma das mais eficazes. Apesar de existirem varios metodos para o preparo de dispersoes solidas, o spray congealing e uma tecnica muito vantajosa que vem cada vez mais ganhando atencao. O objetivo do presente estudo foi produzir e avaliar dispersoes solidas de PRX utilizando diferentes carreadores, a fim de escolher aquela que, alem de aumentar a solubilidade deste farmaco, fosse a mais adequada para a producao de microparticulas de PRX por spray congealing. As dispersoes solidas foram produzidas pelo metodo da fusao, na presenca e ausencia de um sonicador/misturador ultrassonico. Para avaliar a influencia da mistura ultrassonica na solubilidade do PRX foi utilizado um planejamento fatorial completo onde as variaveis estudadas foram o tempo e a potencia da soniccao. Foram produzidas dispersoes solidas contendo 10, 15 e 20% (m/m) de PRX utilizando diferentes carreadores. Todas as dispersoes solidas promoveram um aumento significativo na solubilidade do PRX em relacao ao farmaco puro. A dispersao solida de PRX:PEG 4000:Poloxamer 407 (1:8:1) sonicada por 10 minutos e 475 W de potencia foi a escolhida para a producao das microparticulas por spray congealing, pois apresentou uma solubilidade 4 vezes maior que a do PRX puro, alem de ter mostrado uma taxa de dissolucao maior e mais rapida que o farmaco puro. As microparticulas produzidas por spray congealing foram obtidas utilizando um planejamento fatorial Box-Benhken, onde as variaveis estudadas foram: temperatura da dispersao de PRX no carreador, porcentagem de Poloxamer 407 presente na amostra e vazao de atomizacao da dispersao. As analises de difracao de raios-X, termogravimetria, calorimetria exploratoria diferencial e infravermelho das amostras mostraram que nao houve degradacao do farmaco durante o processo e que a temperatura e a sonicacao da dispersao durante sua producao, possivelmente promovem a formacao da forma II do PRX alem uma maior interacao entre o PRX e os carreadores. As microparticulas apresentaram forma irregular, diametro medio de 72,365 a 120,628 ?Êm, fluxo de excelente a moderado, teor de farmaco entre 77,5 e 99,2 % e solubilidade 2,5 a 5,4 vezes maior que o PRX puro. As analises estatisticas mostraram que as variaveis estudadas pelo planejamento fatorial Box-Behnken aplicado no spray congealing. influenciaram no Indice de Carr, Fator de Hausner e solubilidade destas microparticulas, mas nao exerceram influencia sobre o angulo de repouso, teor de farmaco e diametro medio das mesmas. Os perfis de dissolucao obtidos para as microparticulas mostraram um aumento na velocidade e na taxa de dissolucao do PRX quando comparado com o farmaco puro e as misturas fisicas e dispersoes solidas do mesmo. Diante desses resultados pode-se concluir que a tecnica de spray congealing apresentou resultados muito bons, sendo uma tecnica eficiente, rapida e muito promissora para a preparacao de dispersoes solidas microparticuladas que visam o aumento da solubilidade e dissolucao de farmacos pouco soluveis. / Piroxicam (PRX) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that presents low solubility but high permeability. When administered orally, drugs of this nature have their absorption limited by their dissolution. By increasing the solubility of PRX it is possible to increase its bioavailability. Several techniques have been proposed to increase the solubility of lowsolubility drugs. Among these techniques, solid dispersions have been the most successful. There are several ways to make solid dispersions. Spray congealing has gained attention as a very advantageous method for fabricating solid dispersions. The current work was aimed at producing and characterizing PRX solid dispersions made by spray congealing. In order to do this, several candidates for forming the melt for spray congealing were studied. Solid dispersions made using the fusion method to analyze the effect on the solubility of PRX. The influence of the use of an ultrasonic probe was also studied on the solubility of PRX was also studied. The mixture PRX, PEG 4000 and Poloxamer 407 in a ratio of 1:8:1 was chosen to use with the spray congealing method. It was also determined that the use of a 500W ultrasonic mixer at 95% of capacity during 10 minutes had positive results on the solubility of PRX. The resulting solid dispersions using the ultrasonic mixer had a solubility 4 times greater than pure PRX. Micro-particles of the PRX:PEG 4000:Poloxamer 407 melt were fabricated varying the dispersion temperature, Poloxamer 407 content and melt flow. The influence of the variables was studied using a Box-Benhken factorial design. X-Ray diffraction, thermal gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and infrared analysis of the samples were used to show that the fabrication process, including ultrasonic mixture, do not degrade the drug. The process does, however, promote the formation of a second form of PRX and a higher interaction between the drug and the polymers. The resulting micro-particles had irregular shapes and average diameter from 72 to 120 ìm. They also presented moderate to excellent flowability, drug content between 77.5 to 99.2% and an increase in solubility between 2.5 and 5.4 times when compared to pure PRX. Statistical analysis shows that the variables analyzed using the Box-Behnken factorial design had a statistically significant influence over the Carr index and the Hausner ratio as well as over the solubility of the micro-particles. The variables, however, had no effect over the angle of repose, drug content and average particle diameter. The measured dissolution profiles show an increase in the speed and ratio of dissolution of PRX when compared to the pure drug, physical mixtures and solid dispersions made by the fusion method. From these results one can conclude that spray congealing is a fast, efficient and promising technique for the fabrication of micro-particulate solid dispersions that aim to increase solubility and dissolution of a low-solubility drug.

Desenvolvimento de dispersões sólidas microparticuladas contendo carbamazepina por spray congealing / Development of carbamazepine microparticulated solid dispersions by spray congealing.

Martins, Rodrigo Molina 03 November 2010 (has links)
O melhoramento das propriedades de dissolução de produtos farmacêuticos é extremamente importante, visto que houve um aumento de fármacos de baixa solubilidade disponibilizados no mercado farmacêutico nos últimos tempos. Várias técnicas têm sido utilizadas para melhorar as propriedades de dissolução destes fármacos como a cominuição, o uso de surfactantes e o preparo de dispersões sólidas. A preparação de dispersões sólidas é um método útil para dispersar moléculas de fármaco em uma matriz sólida hidrofílica. A técnica de spray congealing é usada para produção de micropartículas não necessitando de solventes orgânicos ou aquosos. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de produzir micropartículas de dispersão sólida contendo carbamazepina (CBZ) preparadas por spray congealing e estudar a influência dos parâmetros do processo. A CBZ foi usada como fármaco modelo por apresentar baixa solubilidade e ser o medicamento de primeira escolha no tratamento da epilepsia psicomotora. Inicialmente foram preparadas dispersões sólidas usando como carreador o polioxilglicerídeo (Gelucire® 50/13), e os polietilenoglicóis (PEG 4000 e PEG 6000) nas proporções 1:9, 1:5 e 1:1 (fármaco:carreador), pelo método da fusão e posteriormente submetidas a estudos de solubilidade, onde a dispersão sólida com Gelucire® 50/13 (1:9) mostrou melhor solubilidade em relação a CBZ pura, sendo selecionada para o processo de produção de microparticulados por spray congealing. As micropartículas foram obtidas utilizando um planejamento experimental do tipo Box-Behnken, estudando os seguintes parâmetros: vazão de dispersão, vazão do ar de resfriamento e pressão de atomização num total de 15 experimentos. Os microparticulados foram caracterizados pelos estudos de tamanho de partícula, densidade aparente, densidade compactada, fator de Hausner, índice de Carr, ângulo de repouso, eficiência de encapsulação, atividade de água, solubilidade, teor de umidade e rendimento do processo, sendo todas estas propriedades avaliadas pela técnica de superfície de resposta (ANOVA). A análise estatística demonstrou que o rendimento sofreu influência das três variáveis enquanto que o teor de umidade foi dependente apenas da vazão de dispersão. As demais propriedades não sofreram influência significante dos parâmetros estudados. A dispersão sólida, a mistura física e as micropartículas de CBZ em Gelucire® 50/13 tiveram suas características físico-químicas avaliadas por difração de raios-x, espectroscopia em infravermelho, microscopia de plataforma a quente e análises térmicas (DSC e TG). Os resultados das análises mostraram que não ocorreram interações físico-químicas entre o fármaco e o carreador. No entanto, o processo de preparo da dispersão conduziu uma mudança no estado cristalino da CBZ convertendo parcialmente a forma polimórfica III para uma forma I. Os microparticulados apresentaram fluxo de bom a moderado com bons rendimentos (50-80 %), baixo teor de umidade (< 2%), atividade de água menor que 0,550 e boa eficiência de encapsulação (99,5 a 112 %). O tamanho médio das micropartículas variou de 53,09 a 78,75 µm.e sua morfologia analisada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou forma esférica, superfície lisa com algumas irregularidades e aparentemente não porosa. A solubilidade da CBZ contida nas micropartículas apresentou um aumento de 2,70 vezes em relação ao fármaco puro. As características do estado sólido das micropartículas foram semelhantes às da dispersão sólida. As micropartículas estudadas conduziram a um aumento na taxa de dissolução in vitro da CBZ comparada a sua respectiva dispersão sólida e a CBZ pura. Portanto, o spray congealing, é um método promissor para ser empregado e desenvolvido na fabricação de micropartículas de fármacos pouco solúveis. / Improvement of dissolution properties of pharmaceutical products is extremely important, especially because the percentage of poor water soluble drugs has increased in the pharmaceutical market lately. Several techniques have been used to improve the dissolution properties of drugs such as grinding, the use of surfactants and preparation of solid dispersions. The preparation of solid dispersions is a useful method for disperse the drug molecules in a hydrophilic solid matrix. The spray congealing technique is used for production of microparticles and do not require organic or aqueous solvents. This work aimed to produce microparticles of solid dispersion prepared by spray congealing and to study the influence of process parameters. Carbamazepine (CBZ) was used as model drug due to its poor solubility and because it is the first choice drug for the treatment of psychomotor epilepsy. Initially solid dispersions were prepared using as carriers polyoxylglyceride (Gelucire® 50/13), and polyethylene glycols (PEG 4000 and PEG 6000) in the proportions 1:9, 1:5 and 1:1 (drug: carrier), applying the hot melt method .Solid dispersion with Gelucire ® 50/13 (1:9) showed better solubility compared to pure CBZ, being selected for the further production of microparticles by spray congealing. The microparticles were obtained using a Box Behnken experimental design, studying the following parameters: flow rate of liquid dispersion, flow rate of cooling air and atomizing pressure for a total of 15 experiments. The microparticles were characterized by studies of particle size, bulk density, compacted density, Hausner factor, Carr index, angle of repose, encapsulation efficiency, water activity, solubility, moisture content and yield of the process. These effects were analyzed by response surface technique (ANOVA). Statistical analysis showed that the yield was influenced by all three variables while the moisture was only dependent on the flow dispersion. The other properties were not significantly influenced by the parameters. The solid dispersion, physical mixture and microparticles of CBZ in Gelucire® 50/13 had their physical and chemical characteristics evaluated by x-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, hot stage microscopy and thermal analysis (DSC and TG). The analysis of the results showed that there were no physical-chemical interactions between the drug and carrier. However, the preparation process of dispersion has led to a change in the crystalline state of CBZ, partially converting the polymorphic form III to the polymorphic form I. The microparticles showed good to moderate flow and good yields (50-80%), low moisture content (<2%), water activity lowerless than 0.550 and good encapsulation efficiency (99.5 to 112%) The average size microparticles ranged from 53.09 to 78.75 m. The morphology was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and showed spherical shape, smooth surface with minor irregularities and apparently non-porous. The solubility of CBZ in the microparticles showed an increase of 2.70 times the solubility CBZ alone. The characteristics of microparticulated solid dispersions were similar to that of the solid dispersion. The microparticles studied led to an increase in dissolution rate of CBZ in vitro compared to its corresponding solid dispersion and pure CBZ. Therefore, the spray congealing is a promising method to be developed and employed in the manufacture of microparticles of poorly soluble drugs.

Desenvolvimento de dispersões sólidas microparticuladas contendo carbamazepina por spray congealing / Development of carbamazepine microparticulated solid dispersions by spray congealing.

Rodrigo Molina Martins 03 November 2010 (has links)
O melhoramento das propriedades de dissolução de produtos farmacêuticos é extremamente importante, visto que houve um aumento de fármacos de baixa solubilidade disponibilizados no mercado farmacêutico nos últimos tempos. Várias técnicas têm sido utilizadas para melhorar as propriedades de dissolução destes fármacos como a cominuição, o uso de surfactantes e o preparo de dispersões sólidas. A preparação de dispersões sólidas é um método útil para dispersar moléculas de fármaco em uma matriz sólida hidrofílica. A técnica de spray congealing é usada para produção de micropartículas não necessitando de solventes orgânicos ou aquosos. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de produzir micropartículas de dispersão sólida contendo carbamazepina (CBZ) preparadas por spray congealing e estudar a influência dos parâmetros do processo. A CBZ foi usada como fármaco modelo por apresentar baixa solubilidade e ser o medicamento de primeira escolha no tratamento da epilepsia psicomotora. Inicialmente foram preparadas dispersões sólidas usando como carreador o polioxilglicerídeo (Gelucire® 50/13), e os polietilenoglicóis (PEG 4000 e PEG 6000) nas proporções 1:9, 1:5 e 1:1 (fármaco:carreador), pelo método da fusão e posteriormente submetidas a estudos de solubilidade, onde a dispersão sólida com Gelucire® 50/13 (1:9) mostrou melhor solubilidade em relação a CBZ pura, sendo selecionada para o processo de produção de microparticulados por spray congealing. As micropartículas foram obtidas utilizando um planejamento experimental do tipo Box-Behnken, estudando os seguintes parâmetros: vazão de dispersão, vazão do ar de resfriamento e pressão de atomização num total de 15 experimentos. Os microparticulados foram caracterizados pelos estudos de tamanho de partícula, densidade aparente, densidade compactada, fator de Hausner, índice de Carr, ângulo de repouso, eficiência de encapsulação, atividade de água, solubilidade, teor de umidade e rendimento do processo, sendo todas estas propriedades avaliadas pela técnica de superfície de resposta (ANOVA). A análise estatística demonstrou que o rendimento sofreu influência das três variáveis enquanto que o teor de umidade foi dependente apenas da vazão de dispersão. As demais propriedades não sofreram influência significante dos parâmetros estudados. A dispersão sólida, a mistura física e as micropartículas de CBZ em Gelucire® 50/13 tiveram suas características físico-químicas avaliadas por difração de raios-x, espectroscopia em infravermelho, microscopia de plataforma a quente e análises térmicas (DSC e TG). Os resultados das análises mostraram que não ocorreram interações físico-químicas entre o fármaco e o carreador. No entanto, o processo de preparo da dispersão conduziu uma mudança no estado cristalino da CBZ convertendo parcialmente a forma polimórfica III para uma forma I. Os microparticulados apresentaram fluxo de bom a moderado com bons rendimentos (50-80 %), baixo teor de umidade (< 2%), atividade de água menor que 0,550 e boa eficiência de encapsulação (99,5 a 112 %). O tamanho médio das micropartículas variou de 53,09 a 78,75 µm.e sua morfologia analisada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou forma esférica, superfície lisa com algumas irregularidades e aparentemente não porosa. A solubilidade da CBZ contida nas micropartículas apresentou um aumento de 2,70 vezes em relação ao fármaco puro. As características do estado sólido das micropartículas foram semelhantes às da dispersão sólida. As micropartículas estudadas conduziram a um aumento na taxa de dissolução in vitro da CBZ comparada a sua respectiva dispersão sólida e a CBZ pura. Portanto, o spray congealing, é um método promissor para ser empregado e desenvolvido na fabricação de micropartículas de fármacos pouco solúveis. / Improvement of dissolution properties of pharmaceutical products is extremely important, especially because the percentage of poor water soluble drugs has increased in the pharmaceutical market lately. Several techniques have been used to improve the dissolution properties of drugs such as grinding, the use of surfactants and preparation of solid dispersions. The preparation of solid dispersions is a useful method for disperse the drug molecules in a hydrophilic solid matrix. The spray congealing technique is used for production of microparticles and do not require organic or aqueous solvents. This work aimed to produce microparticles of solid dispersion prepared by spray congealing and to study the influence of process parameters. Carbamazepine (CBZ) was used as model drug due to its poor solubility and because it is the first choice drug for the treatment of psychomotor epilepsy. Initially solid dispersions were prepared using as carriers polyoxylglyceride (Gelucire® 50/13), and polyethylene glycols (PEG 4000 and PEG 6000) in the proportions 1:9, 1:5 and 1:1 (drug: carrier), applying the hot melt method .Solid dispersion with Gelucire ® 50/13 (1:9) showed better solubility compared to pure CBZ, being selected for the further production of microparticles by spray congealing. The microparticles were obtained using a Box Behnken experimental design, studying the following parameters: flow rate of liquid dispersion, flow rate of cooling air and atomizing pressure for a total of 15 experiments. The microparticles were characterized by studies of particle size, bulk density, compacted density, Hausner factor, Carr index, angle of repose, encapsulation efficiency, water activity, solubility, moisture content and yield of the process. These effects were analyzed by response surface technique (ANOVA). Statistical analysis showed that the yield was influenced by all three variables while the moisture was only dependent on the flow dispersion. The other properties were not significantly influenced by the parameters. The solid dispersion, physical mixture and microparticles of CBZ in Gelucire® 50/13 had their physical and chemical characteristics evaluated by x-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, hot stage microscopy and thermal analysis (DSC and TG). The analysis of the results showed that there were no physical-chemical interactions between the drug and carrier. However, the preparation process of dispersion has led to a change in the crystalline state of CBZ, partially converting the polymorphic form III to the polymorphic form I. The microparticles showed good to moderate flow and good yields (50-80%), low moisture content (<2%), water activity lowerless than 0.550 and good encapsulation efficiency (99.5 to 112%) The average size microparticles ranged from 53.09 to 78.75 m. The morphology was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and showed spherical shape, smooth surface with minor irregularities and apparently non-porous. The solubility of CBZ in the microparticles showed an increase of 2.70 times the solubility CBZ alone. The characteristics of microparticulated solid dispersions were similar to that of the solid dispersion. The microparticles studied led to an increase in dissolution rate of CBZ in vitro compared to its corresponding solid dispersion and pure CBZ. Therefore, the spray congealing is a promising method to be developed and employed in the manufacture of microparticles of poorly soluble drugs.

Desenvolvimento de micropartículas lipídicas sólidas contendo óleo de café verde por spray congealing / Development of microparticles containing green coffee oil by spray congealing

Anna Beatriz Frejuello Limoli Nosari 09 March 2012 (has links)
Os carreadores micro e nanoparticulados como os lipossomos, nanoparticulas polimericas e microparticulas e nanoparticulas lipidicas solidas sao investigadas por suas vantagens em relacao as formulacoes tradicionais, tais como: liberacao sustentada dos ativos, minimizar efeitos colaterais, aumentar estabilidade fisico-quimica das moleculas labeis, diminuir a toxicidade entre outras. As microparticulas lipidicas solidas produzidas neste trabalho sao compostas de cera de abelha e oleo de cafe verde, este oleo e um produto rico em acidos graxos, esterois, di e triterpenos e tocoferois. Para a producao destas microparticulas foi escolhida a tecnica de spray congealing, que e considerada rapida e ambientalmente correta, uma vez que nao utiliza nenhum tipo de solvente. As misturas fundidas contendo concentracoes determinadas de oleo de cafe verde e cera de abelha foram atomizadas numa camara de resfriamento onde houve a solidificacao e formacao das microparticulas. Foi utilizado um planejamento experimental do tipo Box-Behnken, que auxiliou na avaliacao dos resultados obtidos, verificando a influencia das diversas variaveis do processo. As microparticulas foram caracterizadas por analise termica, microscopia de varredura eletronica, tamanho, atividade fotocatalitica, eficiencia de encapsulacao e estabilidade. A avaliacao das microparticulas mostrou que a concentracao do oleo de cafe verde foi a variavel que mais influenciou no processo. Em concentracoes maiores, este oleo aumenta a viscosidade da mistura fundida atomizada, aumentando o tamanho da particula formada e provocando maiores imperfeicoes em sua superficie, o que foi confirmado por um estudo reologico das misturas de cera de abelhas e oleo de cafe verde. Os tamanhos das microparticulas obtidas em diferentes condicoes de spray congealing variaram de 50 a 140 ?Êm, e estao adequadas para que nao ocorra a sua penetracao cutanea. O estudo de atividade fotocatalitica demonstrou que o oleo de cafe verde microencapsulado apresenta propriedades de protecao antioxidante ao oleo de ricino muito maiores do que o oleo puro. A composicao do oleo de cafe verde em relacao ao acido linoleico, palmitico, oleico e estearico, determinada por cromatografia a gas com espectrometria de massa esta de acordo com o encontrado na literatura. As microparticulas formadas a partir de misturas contendo 40% de oleo de cafe verde apresentaram melhor estabilidade e melhor acao na protecao de outras substancias contra a oxidacao. No teste de estabilidade acelerada, usando o acido linoleico como marcador quimico, as perdas corresponderam a 27, 6 e 3% para as microparticulas encapsuladas com 20, 30 e 40% de oleo de cafe verde, respectivamente. No mesmo teste, a perda de acido linoleico foi de 45% para o oleo nao encapsulado. Os resultados demonstram que a microencapsulacao do oleo de cafe verde pode ser uma excelente alternativa para a protecao deste contra a oxidacao e que o processo de spray congealing, bem como a cera de abelhas foram escolhas adequadas para a sua preparacao. / The micro and nanoparticulate carriers such as liposomes, polymeric nanoparticles and solid lipid nanoparticles and microparticles are investigated for their advantages over traditional formulations such as sustained release of the drugs, minimize side effects, increase physical and chemical stability of labile molecules, decrease toxicity among others. The solid lipid microparticles produced in this work are composed of beeswax and green coffee oil, this oil is a product rich in fatty acids, sterols, tocopherols and di and triterpenes. For the generation of microparticles was chosen spray congealing technique, which is considered fast and environmentally friendly, since it does not use any type of solvent. The molten mixtures containing certain concentrations of green coffee oil and beeswax were atomized in a cooling chamber where there was solidification and formation of microparticles. We used an experimental design like Box-Behnken, who assisted in the evaluation of the results, checking the influence of various process variables. The microparticles were characterized by thermal analysis, scanning electron microscopy, size, photocatalytic activity, encapsulation efficiency and stability. The evaluation of the microparticles showed that the green coffee oil concentration was the variable that most influenced the process. At higher concentrations, this oil increases the viscosity of the molten mixture atomized, increasing the size of the particle formed and causing major imperfections on its surface, which was confirmed by a study of the rheological mixture of beeswax and green coffee oil. The sizes of the microparticles obtained at different spray congealing conditions ranged from 50 to 140 ?Ým, and are not suitable for your skin penetration occurs. The study showed that the photocatalytic activity of green coffee oil microencapsulated has properties antioxidant protection to castor oil much higher than the pure oil. The composition of green coffee oil relative to linoleic, palmitic, oleic and stearic acids, determined by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry is consistent with findings in the literature. The microparticles formed from mixtures containing 40% of green coffee oil showed better stability and better action in protecting other substances from oxidation. In accelerated stability test, using linoleic acid as a chemical marker, the losses amounted to 27, 6 and 3% for the microparticles containing 20, 30 and 40% green coffee oil, respectively. In the same test, the loss of linoleic acid was 45% for the unencapsulated oil. The results show that the microencapsulation of green coffee oil can be an excellent alternative for protection against this oxidation and that the spray congealing process, as well as beeswax were appropriate choices for their preparation.

Obtenção de dispersões sólidas microparticuladas de piroxicam por spray congealing / Preparation of piroxicam microparticulated solid dispersions by spray congealing

Simone Vieira Pereira 02 March 2012 (has links)
O piroxicam (PRX) e um antiinflamatorio nao esteroidal com propriedades analgesicas, antiinflamatorias e antipireticas pertencente a classe II do SCB. Farmacos desta classe apresentam como etapa limitante da sua absorcao a sua dissolucao, uma vez que possuem baixa solubilidade e alta permeabilidade. Assim, o aumento da solubilidade e da taxa de dissolucao do PRX promoveria um aumento da absorcao e biodisponibilidade deste farmaco. Varias tecnicas tem sido utilizadas para aumentar a solubilidade de farmacos pouco soluveis. Dentre estas a dispersao solida, e uma das mais eficazes. Apesar de existirem varios metodos para o preparo de dispersoes solidas, o spray congealing e uma tecnica muito vantajosa que vem cada vez mais ganhando atencao. O objetivo do presente estudo foi produzir e avaliar dispersoes solidas de PRX utilizando diferentes carreadores, a fim de escolher aquela que, alem de aumentar a solubilidade deste farmaco, fosse a mais adequada para a producao de microparticulas de PRX por spray congealing. As dispersoes solidas foram produzidas pelo metodo da fusao, na presenca e ausencia de um sonicador/misturador ultrassonico. Para avaliar a influencia da mistura ultrassonica na solubilidade do PRX foi utilizado um planejamento fatorial completo onde as variaveis estudadas foram o tempo e a potencia da soniccao. Foram produzidas dispersoes solidas contendo 10, 15 e 20% (m/m) de PRX utilizando diferentes carreadores. Todas as dispersoes solidas promoveram um aumento significativo na solubilidade do PRX em relacao ao farmaco puro. A dispersao solida de PRX:PEG 4000:Poloxamer 407 (1:8:1) sonicada por 10 minutos e 475 W de potencia foi a escolhida para a producao das microparticulas por spray congealing, pois apresentou uma solubilidade 4 vezes maior que a do PRX puro, alem de ter mostrado uma taxa de dissolucao maior e mais rapida que o farmaco puro. As microparticulas produzidas por spray congealing foram obtidas utilizando um planejamento fatorial Box-Benhken, onde as variaveis estudadas foram: temperatura da dispersao de PRX no carreador, porcentagem de Poloxamer 407 presente na amostra e vazao de atomizacao da dispersao. As analises de difracao de raios-X, termogravimetria, calorimetria exploratoria diferencial e infravermelho das amostras mostraram que nao houve degradacao do farmaco durante o processo e que a temperatura e a sonicacao da dispersao durante sua producao, possivelmente promovem a formacao da forma II do PRX alem uma maior interacao entre o PRX e os carreadores. As microparticulas apresentaram forma irregular, diametro medio de 72,365 a 120,628 ?Êm, fluxo de excelente a moderado, teor de farmaco entre 77,5 e 99,2 % e solubilidade 2,5 a 5,4 vezes maior que o PRX puro. As analises estatisticas mostraram que as variaveis estudadas pelo planejamento fatorial Box-Behnken aplicado no spray congealing. influenciaram no Indice de Carr, Fator de Hausner e solubilidade destas microparticulas, mas nao exerceram influencia sobre o angulo de repouso, teor de farmaco e diametro medio das mesmas. Os perfis de dissolucao obtidos para as microparticulas mostraram um aumento na velocidade e na taxa de dissolucao do PRX quando comparado com o farmaco puro e as misturas fisicas e dispersoes solidas do mesmo. Diante desses resultados pode-se concluir que a tecnica de spray congealing apresentou resultados muito bons, sendo uma tecnica eficiente, rapida e muito promissora para a preparacao de dispersoes solidas microparticuladas que visam o aumento da solubilidade e dissolucao de farmacos pouco soluveis. / Piroxicam (PRX) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that presents low solubility but high permeability. When administered orally, drugs of this nature have their absorption limited by their dissolution. By increasing the solubility of PRX it is possible to increase its bioavailability. Several techniques have been proposed to increase the solubility of lowsolubility drugs. Among these techniques, solid dispersions have been the most successful. There are several ways to make solid dispersions. Spray congealing has gained attention as a very advantageous method for fabricating solid dispersions. The current work was aimed at producing and characterizing PRX solid dispersions made by spray congealing. In order to do this, several candidates for forming the melt for spray congealing were studied. Solid dispersions made using the fusion method to analyze the effect on the solubility of PRX. The influence of the use of an ultrasonic probe was also studied on the solubility of PRX was also studied. The mixture PRX, PEG 4000 and Poloxamer 407 in a ratio of 1:8:1 was chosen to use with the spray congealing method. It was also determined that the use of a 500W ultrasonic mixer at 95% of capacity during 10 minutes had positive results on the solubility of PRX. The resulting solid dispersions using the ultrasonic mixer had a solubility 4 times greater than pure PRX. Micro-particles of the PRX:PEG 4000:Poloxamer 407 melt were fabricated varying the dispersion temperature, Poloxamer 407 content and melt flow. The influence of the variables was studied using a Box-Benhken factorial design. X-Ray diffraction, thermal gravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and infrared analysis of the samples were used to show that the fabrication process, including ultrasonic mixture, do not degrade the drug. The process does, however, promote the formation of a second form of PRX and a higher interaction between the drug and the polymers. The resulting micro-particles had irregular shapes and average diameter from 72 to 120 ìm. They also presented moderate to excellent flowability, drug content between 77.5 to 99.2% and an increase in solubility between 2.5 and 5.4 times when compared to pure PRX. Statistical analysis shows that the variables analyzed using the Box-Behnken factorial design had a statistically significant influence over the Carr index and the Hausner ratio as well as over the solubility of the micro-particles. The variables, however, had no effect over the angle of repose, drug content and average particle diameter. The measured dissolution profiles show an increase in the speed and ratio of dissolution of PRX when compared to the pure drug, physical mixtures and solid dispersions made by the fusion method. From these results one can conclude that spray congealing is a fast, efficient and promising technique for the fabrication of micro-particulate solid dispersions that aim to increase solubility and dissolution of a low-solubility drug.

Recalage d'images de visage / Facial image registration

Ni, Weiyuan 11 December 2012 (has links)
Etude bibliographique sur le recalage d'images de visage et sur le recalage d'images et travail en collaboration avec Son VuS, pour définir la précision nécessaire du recalage en fonction des exigences des méthodes de reconnaissance de visages. / Face alignment is an important step in a typical automatic face recognition system.This thesis addresses the alignment of faces for face recognition applicationin video surveillance context. The main challenging factors of this research includethe low quality of images (e.g., low resolution, motion blur, and noise), uncontrolledillumination conditions, pose variations, expression changes, and occlusions. In orderto deal with these problems, we propose several face alignment methods using differentstrategies. The _rst part of our work is a three-stage method for facial pointlocalization which can be used for correcting mis-alignment errors. While existingalgorithms mostly rely on a priori knowledge of facial structure and on a trainingphase, our approach works in an online mode without requirements of pre-de_nedconstraints on feature distributions. The proposed method works well on images underexpression and lighting variations. The key contributions of this thesis are aboutjoint image alignment algorithms where a set of images is simultaneously alignedwithout a biased template selection. We respectively propose two unsupervised jointalignment algorithms : \Lucas-Kanade entropy congealing" (LKC) and \gradient correlationcongealing" (GCC). In LKC, an image ensemble is aligned by minimizing asum-of-entropy function de_ned over all images. GCC uses gradient correlation coef-_cient as similarity measure. The proposed algorithms perform well on images underdi_erent conditions. To further improve the robustness to mis-alignments and thecomputational speed, we apply a multi-resolution framework to joint face alignmentalgorithms. Moreover, our work is not limited in the face alignment stage. Since facealignment and face acquisition are interrelated, we develop an adaptive appearanceface tracking method with alignment feedbacks. This closed-loop framework showsits robustness to large variations in target's state, and it signi_cantly decreases themis-alignment errors in tracked faces.

Optimalizace technologie výroby odlitků ze slitin Al metodou vytavitelného modelu / Optimized manufacturing of aluminium castings by using lost wax technology

Talanda, Ivan January 2012 (has links)
Aim of this diploma thesis is to choose new pattern wax for Fimes a.s. foundry. New wax should substitute old not fully satisfactory pattern wax which caused problems in technological process resulting in increased number of rejects. New pattern wax should eliminate current problems and help foundry with producing large, thin-walled, high-quality castings. Numbers of pattern waxes supplied by world’s leading wax manufacturers were subjected to laboratory tests and pilot study. This diploma thesis is part of project Alfa TA01010766: „Research and development of production technology large, thin and high quality castings of aluminium alloys “

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