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Active Power Flow Tracing for Preventive Control in Deregulated Power SystemsAdhip, * January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Modern day power systems present an open access environment, inspiring participation from small scale and large power suppliers. With multiple players in the system driven by the market, proper monitoring and control of system becomes a major concern. This transformation is accompanied by dynamic consumption patterns and rising power demands. The expanding network encompassing EHV/AC network, HVDC and FACTS devices, along with increased penetration of renewable sources, viz. solar and wind energy at medium and low voltage levels, adds to the problem.
Independent System Operators (ISO) are entrusted with ensuring smooth operation, and employing proper preventive measures to eliminate a possible cascade tripping leading to a partial or large-scale blackout. To aid the operator in the process of ensuring secure operation of the grid, there are many tools that provide required information and guidance. Power flow tracing is one such tool that aids the operator in congestion management, transmission pricing, transaction evaluation, loss allocation and reactive power optimization.
In this thesis, a novel active power flow tracing approach is proposed that takes into account, the real-time operating conditions and network topology. It provides the decomposition of active power flow in a line into respective components injected by various generators in the system. It also provides the contribution of the generators to various loads in the system. The approach is simple and computationally fast, making it an ideal tool to aid preventive control decisions.
Based on the proposed active power flow tracing, a congestion management approach is developed. The approach indicates the least number of generators that need to be coordinated for generation rescheduling, so as to alleviate overloading in affected transmission lines and transformers. The approach also takes into consideration the operating constraints on the system, while computing the optimal rescheduling amongst selected generators using LP technique.
The thesis also presents a real power loss allocation approach based on the proposed power flow tracing. Loss allocation is an important part of tariff design as the cost associated with losses amounts to a sizable fraction of total revenue collected from the loads. The approach provides information as to how losses are distributed among loads and how much each generator is providing for the loss share of each load.
The approaches developed in the thesis are illustrated on a sample 10-bus equivalent system, IEEE 30-bus, and IEEE 39-bus systems. Results for typical case studies are presented for practical systems of 72-bus equivalent and 203-bus equivalent of Indian Southern grid.
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Managing Congestion and Intermittent Renewable Generation in Liberalized Electricity MarketsKunz, Friedrich 04 August 2015 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on selected aspects of network congestion arising in liberalized electricity markets and their management methods with a special weight placed on the integration of increased renewable generation in Europe and Germany. In a first step, the theoretical concepts of congestion management are introduced complemented by a review of current management regimes in selected countries. In the second step, the European approach of managing congestion on international as well as national transmission links is analyzed and the benefits of an integrated congestion management regime are quantified. It is concluded that benefits can be achieved by a closer cooperation of national transmission system operators (TSOs).
Thirdly, the German congestion management regime is investigated and the impact of higher renewable generation up to 2020 on congestion management cost is determined. It is shown that a homogeneous and jointly development of generation and transmission infrastructure is a prerequisite for the application of congestion alleviation methods and once they diverge congestion management cost tend to increase substantially. Lastly, the impact of intermittent and uncertain wind generation on electricity markets is analyzed. A stochastic electricity market model is described, which replicates the daily subsequent clearing of reserve, dayahead, and intraday market typical for European countries, and numerical results are presented.
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Managing Congestion and Intermittent Renewable Generation in Liberalized Electricity MarketsKunz, Friedrich 27 February 2013 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on selected aspects of network congestion arising in liberalized electricity markets and their management methods with a special weight placed on the integration of increased renewable generation in Europe and Germany. In a first step, the theoretical concepts of congestion management are introduced complemented by a review of current management regimes in selected countries. In the second step, the European approach of managing congestion on international as well as national transmission links is analyzed and the benefits of an integrated congestion management regime are quantified. It is concluded that benefits can be achieved by a closer cooperation of national transmission system operators (TSOs).
Thirdly, the German congestion management regime is investigated and the impact of higher renewable generation up to 2020 on congestion management cost is determined. It is shown that a homogeneous and jointly development of generation and transmission infrastructure is a prerequisite for the application of congestion alleviation methods and once they diverge congestion management cost tend to increase substantially. Lastly, the impact of intermittent and uncertain wind generation on electricity markets is analyzed. A stochastic electricity market model is described, which replicates the daily subsequent clearing of reserve, dayahead, and intraday market typical for European countries, and numerical results are presented.
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A Swedish Perspective on Aggregators and Local Flexibility Markets : Considerations and barriers for aggregators and SthlmFlex together with their potential to manage grid congestions in Stockholm / Ett svenskt perspektiv på aggregator och lokala flexibilitetsmarknader : Överväganden och barriärer för aggregatorer och SthlmFlex samt deras potential för att hantera flaskhalsar i Stockholms elnätFäregård, Simon, Miletic, Marko January 2021 (has links)
Aggregators targeting smaller customers, and their possibility to alleviate grid congestions through local flexibility markets, is a new concept in Sweden. The study’s purpose consisted of four main objectives. Investigate SthlmFlex and compare it to two other European flexibility markets. Explore the institutional, technical, financial and social considerations of an aggregator in Sweden. Identify barriers for the aggregators considerations as well as market barriers for SthlmFlex. Lastly, estimate the potential of aggregated demand side flexibility from heat pumps and electric vehicles in single-family houses to alleviate grid congestions in Stockholm 2021-2030. The study mainly followed an exploratory research approach where literature review was combined with interviews. A quantitative approach was applied for the estimation of the potential. SthlmFlex is an open market that offers trade of flexibility services as well as temporary subscriptions that allows Ellevio and Vattenfall to manage grid congestions through different solutions. The most noticeable difference in the comparison of markets was that SthlmFlex did not offer an integrated rebalancing mechanism. New Swedish regulations that will enable independent aggregation will be enforced in the beginning of 2022 and will facilitate the operation and acquisition of customers for aggregators. The aggregator requires a technical setup of both hardware and software to gain control of the technology and active the flexibility service. The business model is centred on sales of the technical system, which enables implicit and explicit services. Explicit services constitute a small part of the total revenue stream which is due to the low prices offered on flexibility markets. The aggregator has to consider the customers’ view on demand side flexibility and their competence within the electricity system. The study concluded that there is enough demand side flexibility potential in single-family houses to alleviate grid congestions in Stockholm from 2021-2030. However, several barriers were identified that limits the realization of this potential and the development of aggregators in Sweden. These include barriers related to balance responsibility, measurements and low revenue streams. Barriers in terms of market design and market approach were also identified specifically for SthlmFlex. / Aggregatorer som riktar sig mot mindre kunder, samt deras möjligheter att bidra till att minska flaskhalsarna i elnätet, är ett nytt koncept i Sverige. Studiens syfte bestod av fyra huvudmål. Utforska SthlmFlex och jämföra den med två andra europeiska flexibilitetsmarknader. Undersöka de institutionella, tekniska, finansiella och sociala övervägandena för en aggregator i Sverige. Identifiera barriärer för aggregatorns överväganden samt marknadsbarriärer för SthlmFlex. Slutligen, uppskatta potentialen av aggregerad efterfrågeflexibilitet från värmepumpar och elbilar i småhus för att underlätta flaskhalsar i elnätet i Stockholm från 2021–2030. Studien följde en utforskande ansats där litteraturstudier kombinerades med intervjuer. En kvantitativ metod användes för att uppskatta potentialen.SthlmFlex är en öppen marknad som erbjuder handel av flexibilitetstjänster samt tillfälliga abonnemang som tillåter Ellevio och Vattenfall hantera flaskhalsar i elnätet genom olika lösningar. Den mest noterbara skillnaden i jämförelsen av marknader var att SthlmFlex inte erbjöd en integrerad åter balanserande mekanism. Nya svenska regler som möjliggör oberoende aggregering träder i kraft i början av 2022 och kommer underlätta driften och införskaffning av kunder för aggregatorn. Aggregatorn kräver en teknisk struktur som med både hårdvara och mjukvara för att få kontroll av teknologin och aktivera flexibilitetstjänster. Affärsmodellen kretsar kring försäljning av det tekniska systemet som möjliggör tjänster som implicit, explicit och övriga. Explicita tjänster utgör en väldigt liten del av den totala intäktsmodellen, bland annat på grund av de låga priserna som erbjuds på flexibilitetsmarknader. Aggregatorn måste ta hänsyn till kundernas inställning till efterfrågeflexibilitet samt deras kompetens inom elsystemet. Studiens slutsats visar att den potentiella efterfrågeflexibiliteten hos småhus är tillräcklig för att underlätta flaskhalsar i elsystemet i Stockholm från 2021–2030. Flera barriärer identifierades som begränsar realisationen av denna potential och utvecklingen av aggregatorer i Sverige. Dessa inkluderade barriärer relaterade till balansansvar, mätning och låga inkomstströmmar. Barriärer i form av marknadsdesign och syfte med marknad identifierades även för SthlmFlex.
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High-performance architectures for high-radix switchesMora Porta, Gaspar 02 April 2009 (has links)
Para beneficiarse de una reducción en la latencia así como disminuir tanto el consumo como el coste, el número óptimo de puertos de un conmutador ha ido aumentando a lo largo del tiempo. Sin embargo, las arquitecturas tradicionales se han quedado atrás bien por bajo rendimiento o bien por problemas de escalabilidad con el número de puertos.
En esta Tesis se propone una nueva arquitectura de conmutador válida para conmutadores de elevado grado llamada Partitioned Crossbar Input Queued (PCIQ). Esta arquitectura resuelve el problema de los excesivos requerimientos de memoria en el diseño de arquitecturas de elevado grado. Además PCIQ define una nueva familia de arquitecturas de conmutador.
PCIQ se basa en un particionado inteligente del crossbar, dividiéndolo en sub-crossbars, requiriendo menos recursos de memoria que las otras propuestas para conmutadores de elevado grado y que consigue una mayor eficiencia debido en parte a un incremento en la eficiencia de los árbitros empleados en el diseño. En este sentido, PCIQ emplea dos árbitros con prioridad rotativa (uno para cada sub-crossbar) que presentan un coste lineal y una respuesta en el tiempo logarítmica conforme aumenta el número de puertos del conmutador. Además PCIQ tiene un coste (medido en términos de requerimientos de memoria, complejidad del crossbar y complejidad en el arbitraje) similar o incluso menor que organizaciones básicas como CIOQ. No obstante PCIQ es capaz de conseguir máxima eficiencia para distribuciones de tráfico uniforme.
El bloqueo por paquete al principio de cola (o HOL en inglés) reduce dramáticamente el rendimiento del conmutador. Las soluciones tradicionales para eliminar el bloqueo por HOL no son escalables con el número de puertos o requieren arquitecturas complejas. En esta Tesis se propone una técnica de control de la congestión que elimina el bloqueo por HOL llamada RECN-IQ. RECN-IQ está diseñada para conmutadores con memorias sólo a la entrada y es una técnica altamente eficiente / Mora Porta, G. (2009). High-performance architectures for high-radix switches [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/4335
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The growth of electricity markets around the world has introduced new challenges in which one of the challenges is the uncertainty that has become a structural element in this new environment. Market players have to deal with it to guarantee the appropriate power system planning and operation as well as its own economical liquidity. Under an open access environment in a deregulated power system, transmission management holds a vital role in supporting transactions between suppliers and customers. Nevertheless, a transmission network has some constraints that should be addressed in order to ensure sufficient control to maintain the security level of a power system while maximizing market efficiency. The most obvious drawback of transmission constraints is a congestion problem that becomes an obstacle of perfect competition among the market participants since it can influence spot market pricing. The system becomes congested when the supplier and customer agree to produce and consume a particular amount of electric power, but this can cause the transmission network to exceed its thermal limits. Congestion can cause the market players to exercise market power that can result in price volatility beyond the marginal costs. Thus, it is important to manage congestion efficiently in the design of a power market. One mechanism that has direct correlation with transmission management is market clearing price (MCP). Under an open access environment, energy prices throughout the network will be different and measured based on transmission constraint and network losses. When network losses are ignored and there is no congestion on the transmission lines, the power price will be the same at all nodes. This is known as uniform marginal pricing (UMP). However, as the power flow violates transmission constraints, redispatching generating units is required and this will cause the price at every node to vary. This phenomenon is defined as locational marginal pricing (LMP). Therefore, the market clearing price has a strong relationship with transmission management, which is needed to be assessed in order to obtain an efficient and transparent price but satisfying all market participants. This project investigates an alternative solution to the dispatch mechanism, and then formulates a new Locational Marginal Price scheme using optimization technique that may well control congestion as the main issue. The model will vary and be improved, to be distilled into energy price, congestion revenue, cost of losses, as well as transmission usage tariff. The objective of the project is to support developing standard market design (SMD) in managing transmission systems which promotes economic efficiency, lowers delivered energy costs, maintains power system reliability and mitigates exercising market power.
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The growth of electricity markets around the world has introduced new challenges in which one of the challenges is the uncertainty that has become a structural element in this new environment. Market players have to deal with it to guarantee the appropriate power system planning and operation as well as its own economical liquidity. Under an open access environment in a deregulated power system, transmission management holds a vital role in supporting transactions between suppliers and customers. Nevertheless, a transmission network has some constraints that should be addressed in order to ensure sufficient control to maintain the security level of a power system while maximizing market efficiency. The most obvious drawback of transmission constraints is a congestion problem that becomes an obstacle of perfect competition among the market participants since it can influence spot market pricing. The system becomes congested when the supplier and customer agree to produce and consume a particular amount of electric power, but this can cause the transmission network to exceed its thermal limits. Congestion can cause the market players to exercise market power that can result in price volatility beyond the marginal costs. Thus, it is important to manage congestion efficiently in the design of a power market. One mechanism that has direct correlation with transmission management is market clearing price (MCP). Under an open access environment, energy prices throughout the network will be different and measured based on transmission constraint and network losses. When network losses are ignored and there is no congestion on the transmission lines, the power price will be the same at all nodes. This is known as uniform marginal pricing (UMP). However, as the power flow violates transmission constraints, redispatching generating units is required and this will cause the price at every node to vary. This phenomenon is defined as locational marginal pricing (LMP). Therefore, the market clearing price has a strong relationship with transmission management, which is needed to be assessed in order to obtain an efficient and transparent price but satisfying all market participants. This project investigates an alternative solution to the dispatch mechanism, and then formulates a new Locational Marginal Price scheme using optimization technique that may well control congestion as the main issue. The model will vary and be improved, to be distilled into energy price, congestion revenue, cost of losses, as well as transmission usage tariff. The objective of the project is to support developing standard market design (SMD) in managing transmission systems which promotes economic efficiency, lowers delivered energy costs, maintains power system reliability and mitigates exercising market power.
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The growth of electricity markets around the world has introduced new challenges in which one of the challenges is the uncertainty that has become a structural element in this new environment. Market players have to deal with it to guarantee the appropriate power system planning and operation as well as its own economical liquidity. Under an open access environment in a deregulated power system, transmission management holds a vital role in supporting transactions between suppliers and customers. Nevertheless, a transmission network has some constraints that should be addressed in order to ensure sufficient control to maintain the security level of a power system while maximizing market efficiency. The most obvious drawback of transmission constraints is a congestion problem that becomes an obstacle of perfect competition among the market participants since it can influence spot market pricing. The system becomes congested when the supplier and customer agree to produce and consume a particular amount of electric power, but this can cause the transmission network to exceed its thermal limits. Congestion can cause the market players to exercise market power that can result in price volatility beyond the marginal costs. Thus, it is important to manage congestion efficiently in the design of a power market. One mechanism that has direct correlation with transmission management is market clearing price (MCP). Under an open access environment, energy prices throughout the network will be different and measured based on transmission constraint and network losses. When network losses are ignored and there is no congestion on the transmission lines, the power price will be the same at all nodes. This is known as uniform marginal pricing (UMP). However, as the power flow violates transmission constraints, redispatching generating units is required and this will cause the price at every node to vary. This phenomenon is defined as locational marginal pricing (LMP). Therefore, the market clearing price has a strong relationship with transmission management, which is needed to be assessed in order to obtain an efficient and transparent price but satisfying all market participants. This project investigates an alternative solution to the dispatch mechanism, and then formulates a new Locational Marginal Price scheme using optimization technique that may well control congestion as the main issue. The model will vary and be improved, to be distilled into energy price, congestion revenue, cost of losses, as well as transmission usage tariff. The objective of the project is to support developing standard market design (SMD) in managing transmission systems which promotes economic efficiency, lowers delivered energy costs, maintains power system reliability and mitigates exercising market power.
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Entropy maximisation and queues with or without balking : an investigation into the impact of generalised maximum entropy solutions on the study of queues with or without arrival balking and their applications to congestion management in communication networksShah, Neelkamal Paresh January 2014 (has links)
An investigation into the impact of generalised maximum entropy solutions on the study of queues with or without arrival balking and their applications to congestion management in communication networks Keywords: Queues, Balking, Maximum Entropy (ME) Principle, Global Balance (GB), Queue Length Distribution (QLD), Generalised Geometric (GGeo), Generalised Exponential (GE), Generalised Discrete Half Normal (GdHN), Congestion Management, Packet Dropping Policy (PDP) Generalisations to links between discrete least biased (i.e. maximum entropy (ME)) distribution inferences and Markov chains are conjectured towards the performance modelling, analysis and prediction of general, single server queues with or without arrival balking. New ME solutions, namely the generalised discrete Half Normal (GdHN) and truncated GdHN (GdHNT) distributions are characterised, subject to appropriate mean value constraints, for inferences of stationary discrete state probability distributions. Moreover, a closed form global balance (GB) solution is derived for the queue length distribution (QLD) of the M/GE/1/K queue subject to extended Morse balking, characterised by a Poisson prospective arrival process, i.i.d. generalised exponential (GE) service times and finite capacity, K. In this context, based on comprehensive numerical experimentation, the latter GB solution is conjectured to be a special case of the GdHNT ME distribution. ii Owing to the appropriate operational properties of the M/GE/1/K queue subject to extended Morse balking, this queueing system is applied as an ME performance model of Internet Protocol (IP)-based communication network nodes featuring static or dynamic packet dropping congestion management schemes. A performance evaluation study in terms of the model’s delay is carried out. Subsequently, the QLD’s of the GE/GE/1/K censored queue subject to extended Morse balking under three different composite batch balking and batch blocking policies are solved via the technique of GB. Following comprehensive numerical experimentation, the latter QLD’s are also conjectured to be special cases of the GdHNT. Limitations of this work and open problems which have arisen are included after the conclusions.
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Towards the design of flexibility management in smart grids : A techno-institutional perspectiveEid, Cherrelle January 2017 (has links)
The European policy focus on smart grids implies their development as an indispensable part of the future power system. However, the definition of a smart grid is broad and vague, and the actual implementation of a smart grid can differ significantly, depending on the stakeholders involved.This work aims to inform policy makers, the electricity industry and researchers about stakeholder interests and the technical complexities involved by presenting smart grids via a techno-institutional framework. This framework takes account of the technical nature of the electricity transport and supply service as well as the institutional nature of electricity markets, stakeholder perspectives and sector regulation. In addition, this work presents potential revenues resulting from flexibility management in smart grids and proposes a way forward for smart grids and flexibility management in Europe. / <p>QC 20170925</p>
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