Spelling suggestions: "subject:"consequences*""
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Consequence analysis of aqueous ammonia spills using an improved liquid pool evaporation modelRaghunathan, Vijay 17 February 2005 (has links)
Source term modeling is the key feature in predicting the consequences of releases from
hazardous fluids. Aqueous ammonia serves the purpose of a reducing medium and is
replacing anhydrous ammonia in most of the Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) units.
This newly developed model can estimate the vaporization rate and net mass evaporating
into the air from a multicomponent non- ideal chemical spill. The work has been divided
into two parts. In the first step a generic, dynamic source term model was developed that
can handle multicomponent non-ideal mixtures. The applicability of this improved pool
model for aqueous ammonia spills was then checked to aid in the offsite consequence
analysis of aqueous ammonia spills.
The behavior of the chemical released depends on its various inherent properties,
ambient conditions and the spill scenario. The different heat transfer mechanisms
associated with the pool will strongly depend on the temperature of the liquid pool
system at different times. The model accounts for all the temperature gradients within
the contained pool and hence helps us establish better estimation techniques for source
terms of chemical mixtures. This research work will help obtain more accurate and
reliable liquid evaporation rates that become the critical input for dispersion modeling
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An Exploration of Cooperation during an Asymmetric Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma GameLopez, Carlos Ramiro 08 1900 (has links)
Researchers investigated how the contingent delivery of a cultural consequence on target culturants in an asymmetric iterated prisoner's dilemma game (IPDG) affected players' choices. The asymmetric IPDG creates an analogue to income disparities created by wage gaps and other cultural practices that create wealth inequalities between different members of the population and allows researchers to explore how these inequalities affect cooperation between players. Six undergraduate students divided into three dyads participated in an ABABCDCD reversal design. An asymmetric IPDG was arranged in Condition A and C such that one player received a greater number of points regardless of the second participants' selections - analogue to contingencies that produce income inequalities from wage gaps. In Condition B and D, a metacontingency was arranged such that delivery of a cultural consequence (CC; bonus points equally distributed among the dyad) was contingent on the oscillating production of target aggregate products (AP) across two consecutive cycles. When participants' coordinated responding and contacted the target AP→ CC relation, the wage gap was reduced. However, individual contingencies are in direct competition for the "wealthier" player, reducing the probability of cooperative responding. Results showed the CC selected certain oscillations between target APs resulting in a decrease of a point disparity between the players while also establishing equal points between the players during certain conditions.
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The study of the Computer Satisfaction of junior high school students in Fong Shan city, Kaohsiung County.Tu, Shu-chen 05 July 2007 (has links)
Today when computing technology is developed rapidly, the use of the computer has already been a quite general tool. To explore the determinants of the success in applying computing technology to computer-related work, this study proposed a theoretical model that adopts individual satisfaction as a surrogate for the success of computer learning. Based on social cognitive theory (SCT) and competence-related literature, this study considered computer self-efficacy, computer competence and near-term and long-term consequences as the determinants of individual satisfaction with computer use.
The study took the junior high school students at eight school in Fong Shan city, Kaohsiung County, total 14,145 students, and sent out 560 questionnaires. As a result, 506 questionnaires were returned, achieving a return rate of 90.4%. After deducting 16 invalid questionnaires from the total, achieving an effective return rate of 87.5%.
The study was processed data by the SPSS-for-window software with statistical method, T-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson Product-moment Correlation, Structural equation model analysis and so on. The research result show as followings:
1.¡¨Computer self-efficacy¡¨ was the effects of ¡§computer competence¡¨. Computer self-efficacy was a strong and positive antecedent of computer competence. However, between computer self-efficacy and perceived consequences, showed¡¨ computer self-efficacy¡¨ had significant effect on ¡§Near-term consequence¡¨, but had no correlation with ¡§Long-term consequence¡¨.
2. ¡§Computer competence¡¨ had significant differences in perceived consequences (those were ¡§Near-term consequence¡¨ and ¡§Long-term consequence¡¨.). ¡§Computer competence¡¨ also had significant effect on ¡§computer satisfaction¡¨. Therefore, ¡§Computer competence¡¨ affected individual satisfaction with computer use directly and indirectly.
3. Between perceived consequences and ¡§computer satisfaction¡¨, ¡§Near-term consequence¡¨ had significant difference to ¡§computer satisfaction¡¨ , but ¡§Long-term consequence¡¨ had no significant difference.
According to research result, some recommendations were suggested for the educational agencies, junior high schools, junior high school teachers and further studies.
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Estimating Response to Price Signals in Residential Electricity ConsumptionHuang, Yizhang January 2013 (has links)
Based on a previous empirical study of the effect of a residential demand response program in Sala, Sweden, thisproject investigated the economic consequences of consumer behaviour change after a demand-based time ofuse distribution tariff was employed. The economic consequences of consumers were proven to bedisadvantageous in terms of unit electricity price. Consumers could achieve more electricity bill saving throughstabilising their electricity consumption during peak hours, and this way bring least compromising of theircomfort level.In order to estimate the price elasticity of the studies demand response program, a new method of estimationprice elasticity was proposed. With this method, the intensity of demand response of the demand responseprogram was estimated in terms of price elasticity. Regression analysis was also applied to find out the priceincentives of consumer behaviour change. And the results indicated that the rise in electricity supply chargehardly contributes to load reduction, while the demand-based tariff constituted an advantageous solution on loaddemand management. However stronger demand response still
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Att ständigt vara på sin vakt - sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hotfulla situationer på akutmottagningar : En litteraturstudie / To constantly be on your guard – nurses experiences of threatening situations at emergency departments : A literature studyWendel, Lisa, Berg, David January 2019 (has links)
Background: Physical and verbal aggression against healthcare staff, particularly nurses is an international concern. The emergency department is seen as a high-risk area for workplace aggression. Working as a nurse in such environment is demanding and involves facing a variety of risks and threats. Aim: To highlight nurses' experiences of threatening situations at emergency departments. Method: A literature study based on qualitative articles. Eleven articles were analysed and included. Results: How the nurse experience the threatening situation defines the outcome of the consequences. The nurses' experiences can be divided into three main themes; to constantly be on your guard, unseen and unheard, vulnerable and inadequate. The feeling of fear in their working environment effected the caring of all patients. Conclusion: The experience of threatening situations is individual and can be percieved in different ways. Often a feeling of fear and insecurity emerges. The patientcare is therefore negatively affected and nurses receive little support from the hospital management. / Hotfulla situationer är ett fenomen som ökar inom samhället, vilket också återspeglas inom vården. Akutmottagningar är en plats inom sjukvården som betraktas vara ett högriskområde för hot och våld. Att arbeta som sjuksköterska på en akutmottagning gör att risken för att hamna i hotfulla situationer är stor. Hur stor förekomsten egentligen är kan vara svårdefinierad då alla händelser kanske inte alltid rapporteras. Upplevelsen i samband med hotfulla situationer kan vara individuell och uppfattas på olika sätt. Genom en litteraturbaserad studie belystes området. I studien granskades 11 kvalitativa artiklar vilket genererade i ett resultat bestående av tre teman och sju underteman. De teman som framkom var att ständigt vara på sin vakt, att inte bli sedd och hörd och att känna sig sårbar och otillräcklig. Sjuksköterskorna ansåg att de ständigt fick vara på sin vakt, då de aldrig visste när en hotfull situation kunde uppstå. När hotfulla situationer uppstod fanns det brister i stöd från verksamheten, samtidigt som avvikelserapporteringen inte skedde på ett sätt som gjorde att förekomsten kom till ledningens kännedom. Verksamheten satte in åtgärder i form av överfallslarm och säkerhetsvakter, istället för att ordna förebyggande säkerhetsåtgärder. Sjuksköterskorna ansåg att det var en brist på känslomässigt stöd från ledningen, vilket ledde till att de kände rädsla och att omvårdnaden brast när de inte ville vårda hotfulla patienter. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde att de hade det svårt att se hur de skulle kunna hantera hotfulla situationer i framtiden, de hade svårigheter att hantera sina känslor och deras privatliv påverkades negativt.
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民营企业员工工作幸福感可控前因及绩效后果研究January 2019 (has links)
abstract: 摘要
本文的研究框架和实证结论不仅可以丰富学术界有关员工工作幸福感的研究,而且为企业管理者进行绩效管理以及员工工作质量的提升提供理论和实证借鉴。 / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2019
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Educators' Perspectives on Secondary Education Alternative Placement, Student Recidivism, and Treatment ModelsAnzalone, John Anthony 01 January 2015 (has links)
The recidivism rate for disciplinary offenses has increased during the last 8 years in the secondary student population of a sizeable, urban school district in the southwest United States. Recidivism for this district is the act of committing a second disciplinary offense during a single calendar year following completion of a behavior program. Guided by Erikson's theory of social development, this case study was designed to collect a purposeful sample of 21 educators' perceptions of the impact of recidivism on students' education and the effectiveness of treatment models to reduce recidivism. Data were collected from qualitative semi-structured interviews and field notes. Data were coded to identify common themes. Six themes emerged from the analysis: academics vs. discipline, stigmas, mentoring, social pressures, truancy, and loneliness and isolation. The most effective models for reducing recidivism were identified as restorative justice and teaching-family. In addition, educators believed recidivism lowered overall student achievement. The results of this study are of interest to those seeking an understanding of the impact of recidivism on students' education. This study promotes positive social change by suggesting effective practices, models, and treatments that contribute to improved educational environments that support for all students.
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Lexikální vyjádření příčinných a důsledkových vztahů v současné francouzštině. / Lexical Expression of Cause and Result Relations in the Present-day FrenchLIDINSKÁ, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the identification and evaluation lexical expression of causal and consequential relations in the present-day French. After a theoretical introduction in which the most important terms necessary for this work will be presented, we will focus on the Czech conception of discourse relations. Based on this conception, a list of French lexical expressions of cause and consequence will be assembled. These expressions will be then searched in two corpora ? frWac and Frantext. In the practical part of this piece of writing, the given lexical expressions will be analysed with respect to their structure, position and use in a sentence and in the text. The frequency of their occurrence in both corpora will be also taken in account.
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Factors that influence disclosure or non-disclosure of one's HIV-positive status to friends, family and regular sexual partners in Linguere, SenegalLangdji, Anne Ruedisili January 2012 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Background: Disclosure in the context of HIV is the sharing of information about one’s HIV-positive status with someone else. In the case of people living with HIV (PLHIV), many factors influence their decision to disclose. As with other illnesses there is a concern about possible discrimination or stigma. On the other hand, disclosure can lead to higher levels of support and better management of HIV infection. Types of disclosure can also vary depending on the need of the PLHIV, being partial or full, in order to gain the most benefit. Self-disclosure or mediated disclosure with the assistance of someone else is controlled by the PLHIV, whereas involuntary or forced disclosure might not be under the PLHIV's control and thus more likely to have negative consequences. No studies have been done in the rural area of Linguère, Senegal or in the rest of the country to identify the factors that influence the decisions of PLHIV around disclosure. Senegal has a concentrated HIV epidemic with national HIV prevalence stable at 0.7% in 2005 and 2010 Demographic and Health Surveys. Linguère District's HIV prevalence was at 0.8% in 2003. By knowing more about what motivates PLHIV to disclose or not disclose their status, service providers and others can better support PLHIV to practise beneficial disclosure. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore factors that influence the decision to disclose or not disclose one's HIV-positive status to regular sexual partners, friends and family in Linguère District,Senegal. Methods: A qualitative method with in-depth interviews was used to explore the factors that influenced decisions concerning disclosure. Fifteen PLHIV were identified through purposive sampling based on criteria such as marital status, gender and prior disclosure decisions. In addition, four service providers from the AIDS service organization, Projet SSP, and the district health and social workers served as key informants. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and translated from the local languages into French. Record reviews of the HIV/AIDS service organization complemented the interviews. The fieldwork was conducted in the study setting for two weeks in January 2012. The data was analysed through thematic analysis. Findings: The main themes that emerged as reasons for disclosure were maintaining psychosocial well-being, existence of trusting relationships, need for support with health care, reciprocal obligations and concern for others, whereas reasons for non-disclosure included stigma and discrimination and negative impact on family. However, the factors varied from one participant to another and could not consistently be attributed to one group or another, whether man or woman, married or divorced,etc. Influencing factors were related to gaining support for the participant or avoiding problems. Concerns about stigma were great and included reference to wanting others to have soutoura— privacy, dignity, respect. There were also factors which took into consideration the consequence for the person to whom they might disclose, such as desire to avoid upset or desire to seek testing and possible care for a spouse. Of the participants who had disclosed, there were no cases of severe negative consequences. Not one participant expressed regret for having disclosed, rather they acknowledged that there were positive benefits for themselves and sometimes also the other person to whom disclosure was made. The roles of the service providers and the support group were also influential in decision-making around disclosure, with a good number of cases of mediated disclosure. Conclusion: In line with consequence theory, PLHIV weighed up their benefits and costs when decisions around disclosure were contemplated. The benefits were that PLHIV who chose to disclose gained from increased social support and better management of their HIV infection. At the same time further transmission of infection was potentially reduced and others were oriented for testing and for access to care if needed. In general, HIV continues to be a particularly stigmatising condition and thus the majority of PLHIV in this study judged that it is not worth the risk of possible abandonment,rejection or slander to disclose their status, regardless of the fact that few have actually experienced severe negative consequences as a result of actual disclosure. Because of support provided through service providers and the support group, however, those participants who had chosen to disclose to someone outside of the support group were reaping benefits and also likely avoiding the need to turn to risky activities, such as transactional sex or formal sex work. Recommendations: Recommendations drawn from this study include the need to support programmes or initiatives which seek to reduce HIV-related stigma. There is also the need for leaders in the community to show support for PLHIV which can reduce stigma. Health care and service providers should be aware of the needs of PLHIV and the changes that may arise over time which could lead to a decision to practise beneficial disclosure. They should also learn from the experiences shared by other PLHIV which can in turn be shared. They should receive further training in order to better understand the complexity of disclosure and to assist with mediated disclosure.
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Vztah rychlosti jízdy vozidla a následků dopravních nehod / Relation between the Vehicle Speed and the Consequences of an AccidentSedlák, Vít January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with relation between car velocity and the impacts od traffic accidents. The basic keywords are described in the first part of the thesis and legislative regulations follow in the second chapter. The third and the fourth chapters introduce particular sanctions and statistics concerning the Czech Republic and they are compared to foreign countries. The influence of active safety on traffic accidents consequences is solved in the next part of the thesis. Subsequent figures and tables containing diffrent parametres are provided to demonstrate the relations between various crash car speed and particular braking distances. The tables also present mutual relations between rising initial velocity and changes in a numbers. The seventh chapter analyses a few selected case studies of real accidents and the final chapter focuses on individual relations between velocity and its impacts.
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