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Feasibility of Multi Storey Post-Tensioned Timber Buildings: Detailing, Cost and ConstructionSmith, Tobias James January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes a feasibility study into the use of a new method of timber construction developed in New Zealand. This new method combines the use of an engineered wood product (Laminated Veneer Lumber) and post-tensioned ductile connections. Three case study buildings are presented in concrete, steel and timber all representing current design and construction practice. A fourth building, referred to as the “timber plus” structure, is also considered with the addition of timber architectural components.
The case study timber building consists of two lateral resisting systems. In one direction post-tensioned LVL moment resisting frames are used, with post-tensioned cantilever walls in the orthogonal direction. Timber-concrete composite floor units are also used.
The method of design and detailing of the timber building is shown with member sizes being found to be comparable to that of the concrete structure. Sub-assembly testing is performed on some key connections with excellent results. Construction time is evaluated and compared to the concrete structure with similar construction times being achieved. Finally the costs of the case study buildings are calculated and compared. The costing found the four options to be similar in price with the Timber and Timber plus buildings showing only a 6% and 11% increase in total cost respectively.
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Construction time and cost of multi-storey post-tensioned timber structuresWong, Ricky Chin Wey January 2010 (has links)
The environmentally friendly and high performance multi-storey LVL timber system developed at the University of Canterbury (UC) consisting of post-tensioned frames and shear walls is referred to as the Pres-Lam system. It is possible that this structural system has the ability to increase productivity and reduce construction costs when compared with concrete and steel construction materials. As the Pres-Lam system is a new technology, the actual construction time and cost are still unknown. The outcome of this research will add value to the construction industry and encourage the industry to consider the Pres-Lam system for future projects. Previous research has shown that construction using this type of structural system is feasible for multi-storey buildings. In case study (1), this research revisited the research done for the actual Biological Sciences building under construction at the University of Canterbury based on the latest information available from the UC timber research team. This research compared the construction time and cost of three virtual buildings (Pres-Lam, Concrete and Steel) for Case Study (1).
The research has been able to optimise the performance of the Pres-Lam system having increased open spaces with large column spacing. The proposed fully prefabricated double “T” timber concrete composite (TCC) floor system was used and found to reduce construction time. This has also shown that the LVL components in the Pres-lam system can be fully prefabricated at a factory.
In case study (1), the predicted estimated construction time for the structural system was 60 working days (12 weeks) as compared to the concrete structure which required 83 working days. In the construction time analysis only the construction time of the structural building portion was compared instead of the overall construction time of the building project. The construction cost estimation for the concrete, steel and optimised Pres-Lam overall buildings including claddings and architectural fittings were produced and compared. The construction cost analysis concluded that the construction cost of the Pres-Lam building has been estimated to be only 3.3% more than the steel building and 4.6 % more than the concrete building.
In case study (2), this research evaluated the deconstructability of the Pres-Lam system and found that the Pres-Lam system was potentially a very sustainable building material where 90% of the deconstructed materials can be recycled and reused to construct a new office building at the University of Canterbury. The reconstruction time of the STIC office building has been predicted to be 15 weeks and the estimated cost for the reconstruction to be $260,118. This will be used for future construction planning, monitoring and control.
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En möjlighet till en hållbar byggbransch : Jämförelsestudie mellan stommaterialen KL-trä och prefabricerad betong / An Opportunity for a Sustainable Construction Industry : Comparative Study between CLT and Prefabricated Concrete as Frame MaterialPaananen, Linnea, Burom Injonglan, Gamm January 2019 (has links)
Byggbranschen står idag för cirka 21 procent av Sveriges totala årliga utsläpp av växthusgaser. En stor utmaning är att kunna uppnå klimatlagens mål som innebär att Sverige inte ska ha några nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser i atmosfären de kommande decennierna. Samtidigt ökar behovet av fler bostäder i samband med en ökad befolkning. Betong är det material som dominerar dagens industriella byggande av flervåningshus och i samband med den tidigare svenska lagen som förbjöd träkonstruktioner med fler än två våningar är träbyggandet i Sverige inte lika etablerat i samma utsträckning som betongkonstruktioner. För att öka förståelsen och kunskapen om träkonstruktioner bland aktörer i byggbranschen som exempelvis beställare, är syftet att jämföra en KL-trästomme och en prefabricerad betongstomme utifrån skillnader i miljöpåverkan, materialkostnad och byggtid. Med handlingar från ett referensprojekt med KL-trästomme erhållna av Bjerking har en undersökning av stommens materialåtgång utförts, för att sedan kunna ersättas med en prefabricerad betongstomme. Med hjälp av materialåtgången för respektive stomme har jämförelsestudien slutförts. Resultatet visar att KL-trästommen har mindre miljöpåverkan och total materialkostnad jämfört med den prefabricerade betongstommen, dock är inte alla material i KL-trästommen inräknade i studien. De uteslutna materialen är enligt uppgift kostsamma vilket i slutändan kan medföra att stommen i KLträ blir det dyrare alternativet. Byggtiden som i detta fall är tiden för stommontage uppskattades till cirka en arbetsvecka per våningsplan för båda stommarna, men det krävs mindre arbetskraft för KLträstommen. Slutsatsen är att KL-trä är det mest miljövänliga stommaterialet för att bygga referensprojektet i Kajstaden eftersom att det bidrar minst till miljöpåverkan. Den prefabricerade betongstommen är mer fördelaktig om en mindre materialkostnad är det som prioriteras. Om en kortare byggtid med mindre arbetskraft önskas är KL-trästommen mer gynnsam. I framtiden bör den viktigaste parametern vid val av stommaterial vara det med minst miljöpåverkan för att byggbranschen ska bli mer hållbar. / The construction industry is currently responsible for about 21 percent of Sweden’s total annual emission of greenhouse gases. A major challenge is to be able to achieve the goals of the climate change act, which means that Sweden will not have any net emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in the coming decades. At the same time, the need for more housing increases in connection with an increased population. Concrete is the construction material that dominates today’s industrial construction of multi-storey buildings and in connection with the earlier Swedish law that prohibited wooden structures with more than two stories, wood construction in Sweden is not as developed to the same extent as concrete structures. In order to increase understanding and knowledge of CLT structures among operators in the construction industry, such as clients, the purpose is to compare a CLT structure and a prefabricated concrete frame based on differences in environmental impact, material cost and construction time. With documents from a reference project with CLT structure obtained by the company Bjerking, an investigation of the construction’s material consumption has been accomplished, in order to be replaced with a prefabricated concrete frame. The comparative study has been completed using the material consumption for each frame. The results shows that the CLT structure has less environmental impact and total material cost compared to the prefabricated concrete frame, however, not all materials in the CLT structure are included in the study. The excluded materials are reportedly costly, which in the end means that the CLT structure can become the more expensive alternative. The construction time, which in this case is the time for the frame assembly, was estimated to be about one working week per storey for both frames, but less workers is required for the CLT structure. The conclusion is that the CLT structure is the most environmentally-friendly frame material for building the reference project in Kajstaden because it contributes least to the environmental impact. The prefabricated concrete frame is more advantageous if a lower material cost is the priority. If a shorter construction time with less workers is desired, the CLT structure is more favorable. In the future, the most important parameter in the choice of frame material should be the one with least environmental impact for the construction industry to become more sustainable.
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Přemostění údolí řeky Dyje / Bridge over the Dyje river valleyKostka, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with design of the road bridge through the deep valley of the river Dyje. Three studies are designed, from which the variation of one-cellbox cantilevered girder with three spans is chosen. In structural analysis, the influence of time analysis is considered. Master's thesis includes detailed structural analysis, opinions are made according to European standards. The limit states for temporary and permanent design values are assessed. Part of the work are drawings, representation of the construction process and vizualization of the bridge.
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Výrobní hala s administrativní částí v Lanškrouně, příprava a realizace stavby / Production Hall with an Administrative Part in Lanškroun, Planning and Implementation of the ConstructionZajíček, Miroslav January 2018 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the construction technological planning and implementation of a production hall construction with an administrative part in Lanškroun. The thesis contains a technical report, site equipment, studies of technological implementation, a time and financial schedule, a design of the main building machines and mechanisms, a time schedule and time standard, technological specification and the relevant inspection and test plans will be written.
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Stavebně technologický projekt přístavby Senior centrum Blansko / Construction Technological Project of the Extension Senior Centrum BlanskoHouha, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Content of this master‘s thesis is construction technological project of the extension Senior Centrum Blansko. The main object is a three-storyed, designed as a monolithic skeleton construction. The masters’s thesis contains technical report of the construction technological project, suggested construction site installations, proposal of suitable machines and mechanisms required for construction, time schedule, budget, wider relations of transport lines to construction site, implementation of monolithic concrete structures and control and test plan.
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Serielles Bauen mit Holz im urbanen Raum: Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven der deutschen BauwirtschaftBetz, Theresa 01 November 2024 (has links)
Der serielle Holzbau bietet durch seine Vorfertigungsmöglichkeit großes Potenzial zur Bewältigung
der aktuellen Herausforderungen der deutschen Bauwirtschaft. Trotz dieses Potenzials verläuft der
Übergang von der konventionellen Massivbauweise zum seriellen Holzbau nur langsam. Ziel dieser
Arbeit ist es, die Gründe für diesen langsamen Transformationsprozess zu untersuchen. Hierzu wer-
den umfassende Einblicke in die Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Chancen und Herausforderungen sowie das
Marktpotenzial der seriellen Holzbauweise gegeben.
Die Wertschöpfungskette des seriellen Holzbaus kann variierend modular gestaltet werden, was zu
unterschiedlichen Vorfertigungsstufen führt. Diese reichen von linearen über flächige bis hin zu
raumbildenden Elementen, woraus eine abgestufte Komplexitätsreduktion auf der Baustelle resul-
tiert. Wenn es um den Bau im Bestand geht, erweist sich die serielle Bauweise insbesondere bei Auf-
stockungsmaßnahmen und energetischen Sanierungen als geeignet. Durch sein geringes Gewicht
bei gleichzeitig hoher Tragfähigkeit weist Holz die optimalen Materialeigenschaften für diese Bautä-
tigkeiten auf.:1 Einleitung 1
1.1 Ausgangslage und Problemstellung 1
1.2 Zielsetzung 2
1.3 Struktur der Arbeit 2
1.4 Begriffsdefinition 2
2 Serielles Bauen 3
2.1 Begrifflichkeit 3
2.2 Fertigteilbau (Lineare Elemente) 4
2.3 Systembau (Flächige Elemente) 5
2.4 Modulares Bauen (Raumbildende Elemente) 7
3 Serielles Sanieren 9
3.1 Effizienzsteigerung des Baubestands 9
3.1.1 Energetische Sanierung 9
3.1.2 Aufstockung 11
3.1.3 Erweiterungen 12
3.2 Beispiel einer vollumfänglichen Sanierung 13
4 Chancen 14
4.1 Ökologie 14
4.1.1 CO2 -Speicher 14
4.1.2 Substitution fossiler Rohstoffe 14
4.1.3 Abfall und Transportwege 16
4.2 Ökonomie 16
4.2.1 Baukosten 16
4.2.2 Kostensicherheit 18
4.2.3 Staatliche Förderungen 18
4.3 Vorfertigung 19
4.3.1 Qualität 19
4.3.2 Fachkräftemangel 19
4.3.3 Bauzeit 20
5 Herausforderungen 21
5.1 Planungsphase 21
5.1.1 Planungsaufwand 21
5.1.2 Brandschutz 22
5.1.3 Vergabeverfahren 24
5.2 Standardisierungsgrad 25
5.3 Ausführungsphase 26
5.3.1 Transportlogistik 26
5.3.2 Produktionskapazitäten 26
6 Wirtschaftlichkeit 27
6.1 Branchenstruktur 27
6.2 Marktlage 28
6.2.1 Branchenumsätze 28
6.2.2 Holzbauquote 30
6.3 Marktpotenziale 32
7 Fazit 35
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