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Byggutbildningen : En undersökning av före detta elevers åsikter om byggutbildningenAxelsson, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
How do we match our education with the needs of the construction line of business and the requirements of the Swedish National Agency for education? Is there something that we have to change? In this study I have asked our former students about their opinion of our education and I have also asked them to give me their view on what a good teacher is like. I have been able to benefit a lot from their answers in my efforts to be that good teacher. This survey took place at Facebook. The answers showed that we carry on a piece of solid workmanship. But you can always improve, try harder. The profession contains so many techniques, so many innovations that is impossible to match them all. So, training has to get on and on through all of the students professional life, starting when they leave school and get their first employment as apprentices. School education gives them 2500 hours. The trade union gives them still 300 hours if they have passed the core subjects. If they have been working during holidays they get a further 600 hours, making it a total of 3400 hours, equivalent to half way getting fully paid. The construction business and school have a shared responsibility for the education of constructors. The business has no specific requirements for their apprentices, more than the intention to work as best as they can, and to learn. Social behaviour is also very important, taking parts in conversations during breaks and being parts of good team work.
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Trading-Up - A prototype for training centres at Builders Warehouse storeOosthuizen, Charl Fredrick 07 December 2012 (has links)
Many unemployed construction workers, some with years of trade experience, often travel vast distances to the city and congregate daily at certain places in the city, hoping to earn a day’s wages and. Some have to sleep on the street and in parks, only to wait, hope and believe that the following day an employment opportunity will arise. The study adresses unemployment and the physical, metaphysical and socio-economic boundaries which exists around building supply stores. This dissertation aims at uplifting the unemployed who do not have formal qualifications and are willing to work with acquired trades on site. The prospective workers claim to be skilled in trades such as painting, brick laying, plumbing and plastering. The study investigates how architecture can diffuse the boundaries between the possible employees and the unskilled workers by advertising how skills are being taught and transferred to the workforce Using the Builders Warehouse franchise chain, three different training centre typologies are proposed in the parking areas of the stores based on size, number of unemployed gathering in the area and available parking bays. The programme focuses on providing proper training based on the training programme of the Atteridgeville Campus of the Tshwane Technical College where the workers can obtain a skill with an associated qualification as determined by CETA (Construction Education Training Authority). Training provided will also focus on new technologies and materials as well as energy efficient building materials. Ultimately the Training Centre should become a threshhold, to foster mutually beneficial relationships to be formed between the building supply store, clients and unskilled or unemployed workers gathering around the store. The investigation of the problem of unemployed construction workers initiated the development of a architectural typology, termed “trade architecture”. / Dissertation MArch(Prof)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Architecture / MArch(Prof) / Unrestricted
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En studie om hur en god säkerhetskultur skapar en säkrare byggarbetsplats / A study of how a positive safety culture creates a safer construction siteHaroun, Ossama, Kouki, Aziz, Westin, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion (och syfte) – Människor på arbetsplatser, oavsett bransch, kan drabbas av bådefysiska och psykiska problem på grund av exempelvis kemikalier, maskiner, buller,stress eller trakasserier. I Sverige är byggbranschen en av de mest olycksdrabbadebranscherna och räknades som den dödligaste branschen under 2018. Samtidigt görsstora satsningar i Sverige för att arbeta säkert på byggarbetsplatser och förebyggaolyckor, som till exempel Safe Construction Training och säkerhetspark. Enligt en delforskning har, under de senaste två decennierna, intresset för begreppet säkerhetskulturökat som ett sätt att minska risken för olyckor. Säkerhetskultur definieras som cheferoch anställdas värderingar, uppfattningar och attityder om förhållande till arbetsmiljöoch säkerhet. Av denna anledning blir målet med denna studie att kartlägga faktorersom påverkar säkerhetskulturen, belysa hur en god säkerhetskultur ser ut samt vilkaåtgärder som bidrar till en förbättrad säkerhetskultur. Metod – Undersökningsstrategi för denna kvalitativa studie baseras på intervjuer ochdokumentstudier. Intervjuer valdes som den ingående empiriinsamlingen eftersom dettaär en beprövad metod för insamling av data från en utvald grupp personer. Användandetav intervju som empiriinsamling bidrar till att ange både djupare förståelse av problemeti fråga och samtidigt tillåta författaren att vägleda frågeställningen och därmed geupphov till en öppnare diskussion av ämnet. Intervjuerna som använts i denna rapportär av typen semistrukturerade, där frågorna är förutbestämda men hålls öppna. Parallelltmed intervjuerna används dokumentstudie i form av sekundärdata för att kompletteraprimärdata från intervjuerna. Resultat – Det överliggande problemet idag kring säkerhetskulturen grundar sig kringatt byggindustrin är en bransch med fler olycksrisker än andra branschen till följd avarbetsuppgifternas natur. Att förebygga olycksrisker kräver aktivt säkerhetsarbete somarbetar mot risker och olyckor som vanligtvis sker och samtidigt fokusera på attförebygga och minska antalet olyckor. Till detta krävs olycksrapporteringar samt tillbudför att möjliggöra att säkerhetsarbetet fokuserar på relevanta faktorer som kan ge positiveffekt, och minska antalet rapporterade fall. Att möjliggöra en god säkerhetskulturkrävs att arbetarna vet om de risker som finns, att rapportering är något som måste ske,oavsett olyckans storlek, samt att undvika att slarva med arbetet för att spara tid. Analys – Analysen har presenterat en djupare förståelse kring hur säkerhetsarbetetfungerar, vilka faktorer som uppenbarar sig vid granskning av olyckor och tillbud,hantering av olycksrapportering, samt arbetet mot att förebygga fler olyckor. Diskussion – Med den valda metodiken för framtagning av rapportens empiri har etttrovärdigt resultat kunnat tillhandahållas. Undersökningen har genomförts med en litenurvalsgrupp men resultaten bedöms vara användbara. Målet med denna kvalitativastudie har uppnåtts och frågeställningarna har besvarats. / Introduction (and purpose) – People in the workplace, regardless of industry, can beaffected by both physical and mental factors due to, for example, chemicals, machines,noise, stress, or harassment. In Sweden, the construction industry is one of the mostaccident-prone industries and was considered the deadliest industry in 2018. At thesame time, major investments are being made in Sweden to work safely on constructionsites and prevent accidents, such as Safe Construction Training and safety parks.According to some research, over the past two decades, interest in the concept of safetyculture has increased as a way of reducing the risk of accidents. Safety culture is definedas managers 'and employees' values, perceptions, and attitudes about the relationshipbetween the work environment and safety. For this reason, this work will aim to identifyfactors that affect the safety culture, shed light on what a good safety culture looks like,and what measures contribute to an improved safety culture. Method – The research strategy for this qualitative study is based on interviews anddocument studies. Interviews were chosen as the in-depth empirical collection as thisis a proven method for collecting data from a selected group of people. The use ofinterviews as a collection of empirical data helps to provide both a deeper understandingof the problem in question and at the same time allows the author to guide the issue andthus give rise to a more open discussion of the subject. In parallel with the interviews,a document study in the form of secondary data is used to supplement primary datafrom the interviews. Results – The overriding problem today around safety culture is that the buildingindustry maintains a greater risk of accidents than other occupations due to the natureof the tasks. To prevent the risks that an accident occurs, the demand increase for activesafety work to prevent risks and accident that are commonly occurring, while at thesame time focusing on preventing further accidents from happening. To do this, thedemand for reports regarding incidents and accidents increases, to enable the safetywork to focus in on relevant factors and decrease the number of accidents fromhappening. To enable good safety culture, the workers need to be aware of the risksduring work, that they always report accidents, and to avoid cutting corners to save time. Analysis – The analysis has presented a deeper understanding of how safety work isdone in the workplace, which factors that are presented when reviewing accidents andincidents, the handling of the accident reports, as well as the work towards preventingmore accident from happening. Discussion – With the chosen methodology for producing the report's empirical data, acredible result has been provided. The survey was conducted with a small sample group,but the results are judged to be useful. The goal of this qualitative study has beenachieved and the questions have been answered.
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„Virtueller Lotse: Wegweiser erfolgreicher Kompetenzentwicklung in virtuellen Teams“Hochfeld, Nicole, Zülch, Joachim, Barrantes, Luis January 2005 (has links)
Im Zuge der stetig voranschreitenden Internationalisierung und Dezentralisierung der Unternehmen sowie der wachsenden Informations-, Kommunikations- und Handlungsmöglichkeiten durch die neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien kommt es in der modernen Arbeitswelt zu einer Um- bzw. Neugestaltung der bisher gewohnten Arbeitsstrukturen (Senst, 2001). Um dem steigenden Konkurrenzdruck standzuhalten und die eigene Marktposition und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu sichern, nutzen insbesondere kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU) vermehrt die Möglichkeit der organisationsübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit.
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Self-Help: Reconstructing Over-the-RhineWildeboer, Michele D. 21 April 2009 (has links)
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