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An investigation into the influence of mobile marketing on consumersMakhoba, Melusi Maxwell January 2016 (has links)
A Research Report submitted in fulfilment with the partial requirements for the Master of Management in the field of Strategic Marketing, in the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, in the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
2016 / Over the past few years, mobile marketing has generated an increasing interest among academics and practitioners. While numerous studies have provided important insights into mobile marketing, our understanding of this topic of growing interest and importance remains deficient. Therefore, the objective of this literature is to provide a comprehensive framework intended to guide research efforts focusing on mobile marketing via SMS/MMS as well as to aid practitioners in their quest to achieve mobile marketing success. The literature is built around brand equity and awareness and whether this form of direct marketing enhances the brand. It begins with a brief background to the research situation. Mobile marketing is also defined and the researcher also looks at mobile marketing in South Africa. The researcher also outlines mobile marketing from marketing communications mix perspective and provides a comprehensive overview of the benefit of mobile marketing. The literature concludes with a detailed description of, what’s in it for companies, along with speed and simplicity of this form of direct marketing. / GR2018
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An investigation into the residual effects of a change in sponsorship of a sports event on consumer perceptions of, and attitudes towards the original sponsor and the event itselfCochetel, Fabrice January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.: Marketing)-Dept. of Marketing, Durban University of Technology, 2007
xiv, 129 [19] leaves / This study examined brand awareness after a change in sponsor and audience perceptions about the sponsors and the event before and after the change.
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Profiling male apparel consumers : demographic characteristics, lifestyle, shopping orientation, patronage behaviour and shopping mall behaviourZietsman, Lucille 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MVerbruikerswet)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The retail environment in South Africa is dynamic and complex. The apparel retailing industry
functions within an emergent economic milieu, and the consumers it targets are exposed to various
factors that influence their shopping behaviour. Some of these factors are shopping orientation,
patronage behaviour, lifestyle, and shopping mall behaviour. Male apparel shopping behaviour can
therefore be regarded as a complex phenomenon. The aim of this study was to identify those factors
that influence male apparel shopping behaviour and to determine whether distinct clusters of male
apparel shoppers could be identified.
Theoretical models in the study discipline of Consumer Behaviour were investigated. The information
was synthesised into an expanded conceptual model of variables influencing male apparel shopping
behaviour. The variables that are relevant to this study, include demographic characteristics, lifestyle,
shopping orientation, patronage behaviour, and shopping mall behaviour.
Information for this exploratory study was generated by means of a store-intercept interview. The
questionnaire was based on previous research. Trained fieldworkers conducted the interviews with
297 male apparel shoppers. Eight lifestyle components were identified and labelled as follows:
Apparel oriented lifestyle; Performing arts defined lifestyle; Media oriented lifestyle; Socialising
lifestyle; Sport oriented lifestyle; Published information oriented lifestyle; Relaxing oriented lifestyle as
well as Family/community oriented lifestyle. The three shopping orientation components identified
were labelled Local store patronage; Credit prone, Brand conscious and fashion innovating; as well as
Shopping self-confidence and enjoyment.
Four cluster profiles of male apparel shoppers were formed by means of cluster analysis, according to
the eight lifestyles components and three shopping orientation components, as well as the 11
patronage behaviour items. Demographic characteristics describing each cluster profile completed the
typology of the four male apparel shopper groups. Cluster 1 was the largest (38%) and was labelled
Traditionalists. Its members were classified under Consumer Scope Lifestyle Level 4. Cluster 2 was
labelled Shopping enthusiasts, and its members were classified under Consumer Scope Lifestyle
Level 3; they comprised 19% of the total group. Cluster 3 was the second largest (30%) cluster and
was identified as Dynamics, and its members were classified under Consumer Scope Lifestyle Level 3 and 4. Cluster 4 (13%) was labelled as Laggards, and its members were classified under Consumer
Scope Lifestyle Level 2. It was evident that the male apparel market is not homogeneous and that it
could be clustered into distinct segments of male apparel shoppers with similar characteristics.
The following can be regarded as the main implications for retailers, shopping mall management, and
• In order to make retailers’ marketing plan more focused and strategic, marketers could make use
of the proposed expanded conceptual model that provides them with an overall view of variables
influencing male apparel shopping behaviour within a shopping mall environment. The identified
profiles of male apparel shoppers could serve as point of departure when composing marketing
• Advertising and promotional campaigns must be versatile in order to cater for the identified cluster
profiles of male apparel consumers.
• Male apparel consumers behave differently within different retail stores and shopping malls.
Retailers and shopping mall management should therefore attempt to understand their
consumers’ needs, wants and, more importantly, prerequisites for patronising their stores and/or
shopping malls.
South African male apparel consumers should not be considered a homogenous group. Further
research should be done across various cultural and ethnic groups, as well as across different gender
and age groups. This study focused only on a few concepts pertaining to male apparel shoppers aged
20-35. As, a result, further research is needed to assess the impact of these variables on a wider
spectrum of apparel consumers, such as males outside this age demarcation, females or teenagers,
and mature shoppers. Recommendations for future research were made which can guide and
encourage further scientific research in the field of apparel shopping behaviour. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika beskik oor ‘n dinamiese en komplekse kleinhandelomgewing. Die klerekleinhandelindustrie
funksioneer binne ‘n ontwikkelende ekonomiese milieu, en ‘n verskeidenheid
faktore beinvloed die teikenverbruikers se koopgedrag. Sommige van die faktore is koop-oriëntasie,
winkelvoorkeurgedrag, lewenstyl en winkelsentrumgedrag. Mansklerekoopgedrag kan dus as a
komplekse verskynsel beskou word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die veranderlikes wat
mansklerekoopgedrag beïnvloed te identifiseer, en om te bepaal of die onderskeibare groepe van
mansklereverbruikers geïdentifiseer kan word.
Teoretiese modelle in die studieveld van Verbruikergedrag is bestudeer. Die inligting is verfyn en
verder ontwikkel tot ‘n omvattende konseptuele model van veranderlikes wat mansklerekoopgedrag
beïnvloed. Die veranderlikes relevant vir hierdie studie sluit in: die demografiese eienskappe,
lewenstyl, kooporiëntasie, winkelvoorkeurgedrag, asook winkelsentrumgedrag.
Data vir hierdie verkennende studie is verkry deur respondente in winkels te nader vir ‘n onderhoud
(store intercept interview). Die vraelys is op vorige navorsing gebaseer. Opgeleide veldwerkers het
297 onderhoude gevoer met mansklereverbruikers. Agt lewenstylkomponente is geïdentifiseer en
soos volg benoem: Klere-georiënteerde lewenstyl; Uitvoerende kunste-georënteerde lewenstyl; Mediageoriënteerde
lewenstyl; Sosialiserings-georiënteerde lewenstyl; Sport-georiënteerde lewenstyl;
Gepubiseerde informasie-georiënteerde lewenstyl; Ontspannings-georiënteerde lewenstyl asook
Familie/gemeenskaps-georiënteerde lewenstyl. Die drie kooporiëntasie-komponente was benoem as
plaaslike winkelvoorkeuroriëntasie; krediet-geneigdheid, handelsmerk en mode-innoverende
oriëntasie, asook aankoop-selfvertroue en genot-oriëntasie.
Vier groepe profiele van mansklereverbruikers is deur middel van trosanalise gevorm. Die trosanalise
is gedoen op grond van die agt lewenstylkomponente, die drie kooporiëntasie komponente asook die
11 winkelvoorkeurgedrag-items. Die tipering van die vier groepe is afgerond deur die demografiese
eienskappe: Groep 1 was die grootste (38%) en is Traditionalists genoem, en is geklassifiseer as
Consumer Scope Lifestyle Level 4. Groep 2 is Shopping enthusiasts genoem en maak 19% van die
totale groep uit. Hulle is geklassifiseer as Consumer Scope Lifestyle Level 3. Groep 3 was die tweede
grootste (30%) groep en is Dynamics genoem, en is geklassifiseer as Consumer Scope Lifestyle Levels 3 en 4. Groep 4 (13%) is Laggards genoem en geklassifiseer as Consumer Scope Lifestyle
Level 2. Dit is dus duidelik dat die mansklere-aankopersmark nie homogeen is nie en dat hulle in
onderskeibare segmente van mansklere-aankopers met ooreenkomstige eienskappe gegroepeer kan
Die volgende kan beskou word as die belangrikste implikasies vir kleinhandelaars,
winkelsentrumbestuur en bemarkers:
• Om kleinhandelaars se bemarkingsplan ‘n meer gefokusde en strategiese wending te gee, kan
hulle gebruik maak van die voorgestelde uitgebreide konseptuele model wat hul van ‘n oorsig
voorsien oor die veranderlikes wat mansklere-aankoopgedrag binne ‘n winkelsentrumomgewing
beïnvloed. Die geïdentifiseerde profiele van mansklere-aankopers kan as vertrekpunt dien
wanneer bemarkingstrategieë saamgestel word.
• Advertensie- en promosieveldtogte moet veelsydig wees om vir die geïdentifiseerde groepe van
mansklereverbruikers of -aankopers te voorsien.
• Mansklereverbruikers toon verskillende soorte gedrag in verskillende kleinhandelwinkels en
winkelsentrums. Kleinhandelaars en winkelsentrumbestuur moet ‘n poging aanwend om hul
verbruikers se behoeftes en begeertes, maar bowenal in hul voorkeurgedrag vir
winkels/winkelsentrums, te voorsien.
Suid-Afrikaanse mansklereverbruikers moet nie as ‘n homogene groep beskou word nie. Verdere
navorsing moet oor verskeie kulturele en etniese groepe heen, asook oor verskillende geslags- en
ouderdomsgroepe, gedoen word. Hierdie studie fokus alleenlik op ‘n paar konsepte wat betrekking het
op mansklereverbruikers tussen 20 en 35 jaar. Gevolglik word verdere navorsing benodig om die
impak van hierdie veranderlikes op ‘n wyer spektrum van verbruikers te beraam, byvoorbeeld mans
buite die ouderdomsperk, vrouens, tienderjariges, en bejaarde verbruikers. Aanbevelings vir
toekomstige navorsing word gemaak wat verdere wetenskaplike navorsing in die studieveld van klereaankoopgedrag
kan rig en aanmoedig.
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Perceived importance of retail store image attributes to the female large-size apparel consumer in a multicultural societyJanse van Noordwyk, H. S. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An opportunity currently exists for retailers to develop store image strategies to target the
female large-size apparel consumer market within the multicultural South African consumer
society. This exploratory study set out to generate and describe retail store image attributes
perceived as important to the female large-size apparel consumer within the South African
context, as well as identifying differences and similarities in the perception of these attributes
based on race and age group. The study also aimed to determine if the existing store image
attribute groupings by Lindquist (1974-1975:31) is applicable when studying the female largesize
apparel consumer.
Focus groups were used as method of data collection in this study. The sample population
(n=37) consisted of account holders who purchased apparel from a specific large-size apparel
retail store during a specific time period. Three race groups, namely Africans, Coloureds, and
Whites, as well as three age groups i.e. 20-29, 30-39, and 40-54 year age groups were
included. Each focus group was homogenous in race and age composition.
A facilitator conducted group discussions by following a focus group schedule. The first part of
the discussion generated retail store image attributes deemed important by the focus group
participants, followed by the rating of the perceived importance of these attributes using the
Schutte Visual Scale. The second part of the discussion generated participants' description of
Lindquist's nine identified store image attribute groupings, followed by the rating of the
perceived importance of each of these attribute groupings using the Schutte Visual Scale.
Transcriptions of all the focus group discussions were made. For the first part of the study the
transcriptions were compiled into composite lists and refined based on Lindquist's nine attribute
groupings. The aggregate ratings for each specific attribute and attribute grouping were
calculated. For the second part of the study's results, the descriptions of each of Lindquist's nine
attribute groupings was compiled into a single list of descriptive attributes. The aggregate
ratings for each of these attributes groupings were calculated.
Respondents perceived Merchandise and Clientele the most important attribute groupings in the
analysis of all race and age groups, followed by Service, Post-transaction satisfaction,
Promotion and Store atmosphere. Institutional factors and Physical facilities were perceived as
the least important attribute groupings. No attributes relating to Convenience were generated.
In the analysis of race and age groups, Merchandise and Service, followed by Store
atmosphere, were perceived as the most important attribute groupings by most of the focus
groups. The specific attributes generated by the different groups showed similarities, whereas
the rating and definition of these attributes differed. Lindquist's descriptions of the nine attribute groupings were compared to the descriptions of the
respondents. Similarities and differences were identified. Recommendations were made to
refine and adapt Lindquist's attribute groupings and descriptions to develop a store image
research framework that could be more applicable to the female large-size apparel consumer.
This exploratory study provides some insight into the perceived importance of retail store image
attributes by the female large-size apparel consumer, given the context of a multi-cultural South
African society. Recommendations for future research were made and the implications for
retailers were outlined. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar bestaan tans 'n geleentheid vir kleinhandelaars om 'n winkelbeeld strategie te ontwikkel
wat gemik is op die vroulike groter figuur kledingverbruiker binne die multikulturele Suid-
Afrikaanse verbruikersamelewing. Hierdie verkennende studie poog om kleinhandel
winkelbeeldeienskappe wat deur die vroulike groter figuur kledingverbruiker binne die Suid-
Afrikaanse konteks as belangrik beskou word, te genereer en te beskryf, sowel as om die
verskille en ooreenkomste in persepsies van die belangrikheid van hierdie eienskappe tussen
ras en ouderdomsgroep te identifiseer. Die studie het ook ten doeI om te bepaal of die
bestaande winkelbeeldeienskap groeperinge, soos deur Lindquist (1974-1975:31) voorgestel,
toepaslik is wanneer die vroulike groter figuur kledingverbruiker bestudeer word.
Fokusgroepe is as metode van data-insameling gebruik. Die steekproef (n=37) was
rekeninghouers wat aankope gedoen het by 'n bepaalde groter figuur kledingkleinhandelaar
binne 'n spesifieke tydsperiode (n=37). Drie rassegroepe naamlik Swartes, Kleurlinge, en
Blankes, sowel as drie ouderdomsgroepe te wete 20-29, 30-39, en 40-54-jariges is ingesluit.
Elke fokusgroep was homogeen in ras- en ouderdomsamestelling.
'n Fasiliteerder het die fokusgroepbesprekings gevoer deur 'n fokusgroepskedule te volg. Die
eerste deel van die bespreking het kleinhandel winkelbeeldeienskappe, wat deur die
fokusgroepdeelnemers as belangrik beskou is, gegenereer. Dit is gevolg deur die meting van
die respondente se persepsie van die belangrikheid van hierdie eienskappe met behulp van die
Schutte Visuele Skaal. Die tweede deel van die bespreking het beskrywings van Lindquist se
nege winkelbeeldeienskap groeperinge gegenereer en is gevolg deur die meting van
respondente se persepsie van die belangrikheid van hierdie eienskap groeperinge met behulp
van die Schutte Visuele Skaal.
Transkripsies is van al die fokusgroepbesprekings gemaak. Vir die eerste deel van die studie is
die transkripsies in lyste van spesifieke eienskappe saamgestel en georden volgens Lindquist
se nege eienskap groeperinge. Die gemiddelde waarde vir elke spesifieke eienskap sowel as
vir die eienskap groepering is bereken. Vir die tweede deel van die studie is beskrywings van
elk van Lindquist se nege eienskap groepering saamgestel in 'n enkele lys van beskrywende
eienskappe. Die gemiddelde waarde vir elk van hierdie eienskap groeperinge is bereken.
Respondente beskou Goedere (Merchandise) en Kliëntebasis (Clientele) as die belangrikste
eienskap groeperinge in 'n analise van alle ras- en ouderdomsgroepe, gevolg deur Diens
(Service), Na-verkoop tevredenheid (Post-transaction satisfaction), Promosie (Promotion) en
Winkelatmosfeer (Store atmosphere). Institusionele faktore (Institutional factors) en Fisiese
fasiliteite (Physical facilities) is die minste belangrik. Geen eienskappe wat met Gerief (Convenience) verband hou, is gegenereer nie. In die analise van ras- en ouderdomsgroepe is
Goedere en Diens, gevolg deur Winkelatmosfeer, as die belangrikste eienskap groeperinge
beskou deur meeste van die fokusgroepe. Die spesifieke eienskappe wat deur die verskillende
groepe gegenereer is, dui op ooreenkomste, terwyl die gemiddelde waarde en fokus van die
eienskappe verskil.
Lindquist se beskrywings van die nege eienskap groeperinge is vergelyk met die beskrywings
van die respondente. Ooreenkomste en verskille is geïdentifiseer. Voorstelle is gemaak om
Lindquist se eienskap groeperinge en beskrywings te verfyn en aan te pas ten einde 'n
winkelbeeld navorsingsraamwerk te ontwikkel wat meer toepaslik is op die vroulike groter figuur
Hierdie verkennende studie bied insig in die vroulike groter figuur kledingverbruiker se
persepsies van die belangrikheid van kleinhandel winkelbeeldeienskappe, gegewe die konteks
van 'n multkulturele Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word
gemaak en die implikasies vir kleinhandelaars is uitgewys.
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The role of culture in the translation of advertisements: a comparative investigation of selected texts with German as source language and South African English as target languageMatviyenko, Olena January 2009 (has links)
The globalisation of economies and trade growth have made it necessary for international companies to communicate with consumers of different languages and cultures, since a major objective is to sell a standardised product to consumers with linguistic and cultural backgrounds which are different from those to which the manufacturers are accustomed. Once brought to a foreign country, the sales of a product must be promoted by way of advertising. To begin with, the method of advertising depends on the kind of product to be marketed. In addition, persuasive texts, which are characteristic of the language of advertising, not only employ particular pragmatic strategies, but are based on the values and cultural traditions of the relevant society. In different cultures different signs, symbols, names and customs will be used in different situations. In the case of the translation or localisation of advertisements, a translator must be very sensitive to the loss and gain of cultural elements. These could include objects, historical references, customs and habits that are unique to the source culture and not present in the target culture. The main focus of the research is on the culture-specific elements in advertising texts and their depiction in translation. This treatise investigates certain aspects of translation theory (such as theories of equivalence, Skopos theory and other similar theories) to form a basis for conducting this study and then adapts them to the process of translation. In addition, two main opposite techniques known as standardisation or localisation of the advertising message are discussed. The number of source texts (original) and target texts (localised) are examined closely to reveal any misrepresentations and to identify the method of translation applicable in each case.
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The impact of social media marketing on purchase decisions in the tyre industryRamsunder, Monica January 2011 (has links)
Technology and the boom of the internet have encouraged people to connect with each other, share information and build relationships (Stelzner, 2009; 2010) and the social web has presented a new form of communication through social media which allow people to interact and converse with each other (Evans, 2010). This presents marketers with the opportunity to affect consumers purchase decisions through online marketing and social media. This social engagement by consumers has significant impact on marketing activities as marketers need to be aware of the factors affecting consumer’s purchase decision (Evans, 2010). Continental Tyre South Africa (CTSA), a local tyre manufacturer, is embarking on a social media marketing strategy. No other local tyre manufacturer has a presence on social media platforms. As a result CTSA would have first mover advantage. The main objective of the research that follows is to establish if South African tyre purchasers are supportive of social media as an online research tool to learn more about tyre brands. The significance of this research study is that marketing communications has taken on a different dimension with the growth of online market places and the natural step for CTSA is to engage in social media marketing. The literature review revealed that many modern consumers sought peer advice over social networks thus social media has promoted consumer-to-consumer communication and has made it possible for consumers and brands to interact with each other (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). It was concluded that whilst social media marketing presents marketers with a more cost effective form of marketing, further research regarding South African’s online purchasing activities would be required to assess if the time, money and resources required to manage social media marketing for CTSA would be beneficial to the organisation. As a result a qualitative empirical study was conducted by means of a questionnaire. The research elements were broken down into three segments; the internet and social media, consumer-brand engagement and online iv recommendations. The research revealed that social media marketing is an appropriate strategy for CTSA. The main findings further revealed that CTSA would need to engage in an aggressive traditional marketing campaign in order to drive consumers to engage in the social media campaigns. Strategies must include dedicated social media fan pages, online banners, and online advertisements. Based on the research analysis it is recommended that that most appropriate social media platforms for CTSA to launch social media marketing activities are Facebook and Twitter.
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The use of mobile phones by Generation Y students at two universities in the city of JohannesburgKoutras, Eleni 30 June 2006 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to examine the use of mobile phones by Generation Y students in the city of Johannesburg in order to increase understanding of this segment's consumer behaviour. Generation Y is an important market segment in that it is making more independent purchase-related decisions and has a large amount of disposable income. The primary data for this study is based on focus group interviews and a quantitative study of a sample of 200 Generation Y tertiary students. Some of the findings are as follows: * Generation Y's use of mobile phones: Generation Y respondents have owned a mobile phone for between three to five years; the majority own Nokia mobile phones, are on prepaid packages and are not big spenders on airtime; furthermore, SMS is seen as the most cost-effective way to communicate. * Competition in the mobile phone market: The perceptions of this segment are that Vodacom is the "cool" operator, MTN is the most "expensive" network operator and Cell C is "cheap and youthful". * Mobile phone brand awareness: Nokia was the most cited brand of mobile phone and was found to be the first choice of many of the respondents. Samsung was reported as the second most cited brand with Motorola, Siemens and Sony Ericsson following. The results have implications for network providers, handset manufacturers and marketers alike as they will ultimately improve these stakeholder's chances of marketing effectively to this dynamic youth market. / Business Management / M. Comm. (Business Management)
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Emotive reactions to the consumer education project of the South African dairy industryYao, Valery Yao 09 1900 (has links)
Historically, consumer perceptions towards dairy products have been measured using a rational cognitive approach. However, recent consumer insights suggest that emotions play a dominant role in consumer decision making. The South African dairy industry therefore identified a need to determine emotive reactions to educational messages in addition to the reasons underpinning dairy consumption. Using a mixed method research approach, reactions from 81 South African dairy consumers were obtained, using three different, but interrelated measuring instruments. Descriptive statistics, hierarchical ladder maps and correlation analyses were used to examine emotive and cognitive consumer reaction to a number of generic dairy messages and products. The findings indicate that certain communication messages appear to have a stronger impact on consumers due to specific emotions that these messages elicit. Personal values underpinning dairy consumption decisions were also identified within the context of emotive reactions to the selected dairy products. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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Barriers and motivators to online grocery shopping in South Africa : a supply chain perspectiveSnyman, Alicia Neva 11 1900 (has links)
Online grocery retailing holds potentially fruitful outcomes for retailers in South Africa. However, South African retailers and consumers have been slow to adopt and participate in this form of grocery retailing. This study explores the barriers and motivators to online grocery shopping in South Africa from a supply chain perspective. Therefore, the study was done from both the customer and the retailer’s perspective. Three qualitative data collection methods were employed to collect the data. Firstly, a website analysis of four e-grocers was conducted and compared. Secondly, two focus group discussions were conducted – among consumers who use online grocery shopping, and those who do not. Thirdly, an in-depth interview was conducted with one of the online operations managers of an e-grocer in South Africa. The results revealed four different ‘sets’ of motivators or barriers to online grocery shopping in South Africa: consumer-specific, retailer-specific, website-specific and supply chain-specific. Results from this study could be used to shed some light on how to overcome the hurdles of becoming a multi-channel grocery retailer in South Africa. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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Marketing implications of hip-hop culture in the greater Durban areaHawkins, Raymond Hilary January 2010 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in compliance with requirements for the Master Degree in Technology: Marketing, Durban University of Technology, 2010. / Hip-Hop culture has created a lot of interest and controversy around the world. Most people have used and engaged in debates without having a clear understanding of it. Although there are numerous articles to be found on Hip-Hop culture, very little research has been done on this particular topic. The confusion that surrounds Hip-Hop culture highlights the need for marketers to conduct more research on this particular area.
This particular study was conducted within the South African marketplace, in four Durban areas using a quantitative research method. The sample for the study was supposed to consist of 400 hundred respondents, but only 350 respondents were selected using a convenience sampling. Respondents were required to complete a six paged questionnaire with the interviewer's assistance.
The main objective of the research was to identify and analyze the marketing implications of Hip-Hop culture in the greater Durban area. The results revealed that 60% of the respondents are strongly committed to Hip-Hop culture and they are brand fanatics. Therefore, this seeks to say, that marketers need concentrate on promoting Hip-Hop products and services. And is the high time to know the Hip-Hop culture's needs and wants. / Lesotho Government (National Man-Power) ; Pebble Bed Modular Reactors ; National Research Foundation
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