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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Programação linear na análise de viabilidade técnica e econômica de projeto multimina

Silva, Pedro Augusto Costa January 2016 (has links)
Os custos de produção de minério de ferro possuem variações de acordo com a especificidade de cada mina. Na fase mina, dois dos maiores custos de produção estão associados aos índices: distância média de transporte e a relação estéril minério. A implantação do projeto de múltiplas minas e correias transportadoras em Itabira visa diminuir os custos associados a estes dois indicadores. O método de alimentação da planta de beneficiamento oriundo de múltiplas minas foca em reduzir a relação estéril minério global do complexo e a implantação de correias transportadoras mitiga o aumento da distância média de transporte. O presente trabalho tem seu enfoque em uma proposta de lavra de múltiplas minas e de uma pilha de minério para alimentação de três diferentes usinas. Propõem-se um modelo de programação linear por metas que determinará a melhor alimentação das usinas, menor distância média de transporte e menor relação estéril minério. Este modelo de otimização foi elaborado utilizando o software LINGO com interface com EXCEL, e avalia cenários diversificados entre o transporte por caminhões fora de estrada e o transporte misto entre caminhões fora de estrada e transportadores de correia de longa distância. Os resultados apresentados mostram que o método de múltiplas minas é uma saída técnica e economicamente viável para melhor aproveitamento das jazidas do Complexo Minerador de Itabira, apresentando uma economia que varia de US$82M até US$118M dependendo do local de instalação das unidades de Britagem Semimóvel (BSMs). / Production costs of iron ore varies according to the specificity of each mine. In the mining phase, some of the largest operational costs are associated to the haulage distance and the stripping ratio. In this context, the implementation of the multiple mines project and the conveyor belts at the Itabira Complex Mines aims to optimize these two indicators. The multiple mines methodology focuses on reducing the overall stripping ratio of the complex, and the implementation of conveyor belts mitigates the increase of the haulage distance. Two mines and a stock pile are available to feed three different concentration plants. The goal is to achieve the best way to feed the plants considering the economic aspects. A linear goal programming model is proposed to determine the best iron ore mass feeding the plants from different mines, taking into account the least haulage distance and the smallest stripping ratio. This optimization model was developed using LINGO Software to interface with EXCEL and evaluate diversified scenarios. The results showed that the method of multiple mines is a technical and economically viable method for mine planning at the Itabira Complex.

Fracture behavior of rubber powder modified rubber blends applied for conveying belt top covers

Euchler, Eric, Stocek, Radek, Gehde, Michael, Bunzel, Jörg-Michael, Saal, Wolfgang, Kipscholl, Reinhold 30 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is concentrated on the experimental investigation of wear resistance of rubber powder modified rubber blends. Styrene-Butadiene-Rubber (SBR) blends applied for conveying belt top covers have been modified by ground rubber (rubber powder) based on SBR. We theoretically described the rubber wear mechanism due to loading conditions occurring at conveyor belts in the field, to simulate wear behavior of top cover rubber materials. An own developed testing equipment based on gravimetric determination of mass loss of rubber test specimen was used investigating dynamic wear with respect to fracture properties of top cover materials. Furthermore we investigated fatigue crack growth (FCG) data over a broad range of tearing energy by Tear Analyzer to characterize crack propagation behavior of rubber powder modified rubber blends. Thus, we demonstrate the influence of rubber powder on resistance against occurrence of fracture as well as dynamic wear as a function of the rubber powder content in rubber blends applied for conveying belt top covers.

Dirección de Proyecto con la aplicación de la Guía del PMBOK® y de las buenas prácticas del PMI en el proyecto de ampliación del Sistema de Transporte de equipaje del aeropuerto Internacional Kuntur (AIK) / Application PMBOK® Guide and good practices of PMI in the expansion project of the Luggage Transport System of AIK

Chávez Lobatón, Omar Roberto, Eléspuru Alhuay, Joanna Stephany, Reynoso Morales, Roberto Andrés, Urbina Chaffo, Marco Antonio, Pérez Arias, Kevin Grimaldo 05 August 2019 (has links)
Peruvian Airport Company (en adelante PAC) es la empresa a la cual se le ha adjudicado la concesión del mantenimiento, ampliación y administración del Aeropuerto Internacional Kuntur (en adelante AIK). De acuerdo con el contrato de concesión y el Plan de Desarrollo mínimo para la modernización de la infraestructura aeroportuaria, PAC está obligado a cumplir con hitos de inversión y mejoras obligatorias relacionadas con el incremento de las operaciones aeroportuarias. Para poder cumplir con ello, se busca que para el año 2022 el sistema actual incremente su capacidad de procesamiento de equipajes de 1,735 a 3,229 equipajes/hora en horario de máxima demanda. Mediante la implementación del programa “Mejoras en el sistema de transporte de equipajes” se busca ampliar y mejorar el sistema actual y evitar “cuellos de botella” y picos de demanda que podrían generar reclamos por parte de las aerolíneas y multas por incumplimiento de parte del organismo regulador (OSITRAN – MTC). Este programa está conformado por cuatro proyectos: Upgrade del sistema de máquinas de rayos X, Mejoras en el sistema de transferencia, Trabajos de Infraestructura y Ampliación e instalación de fajas transportadoras. El proyecto objeto de estudio del presente trabajo de investigación, es la Ampliación e instalación de fajas transportadoras en las zonas 01 a la 07 y deberá ser ejecutado en 453 días, desde el 06/02/2017 hasta el 31/10/2018. Se proyecta un valor actual neto de U$ 1,679,821 utilizando la tasa de retorno WACC de 9.26% y un presupuesto de $. 4,744,521. / Peruvian Airport Company (PAC) is the company that has been awarded the maintenance, expansion and administration of Kuntur International Airport (AIK). In accordance with the concession contract and the Minimum Development Plan for the modernization of airport infrastructure, PAC is obliged to comply with investment milestones and mandatory improvements related to the increase airport operations. In order to comply with this, the current system should process approximately 3,229 bags/hour during peak demand hours by 2022; however, it currently only processes 1,735 bags/hour. The implementation of the "Improvements in the baggage transport system" program seeks to expand and improve the current system and avoid "bottlenecks" and spikes in demand that could lead to airline claims and fines for non-compliance by the regulatory body (OSITRAN – MTC). This program involves four projects: Upgrade of the X-ray machine system, Improvements in the transfer system, Infrastructure Works and Expansion and installation of conveyor belts. The project under study covers only the supervision of the expansion and installation of conveyor belts in zones 01 to 07 and should be implemented in 453 days, from 06/02/2017 to 29/10/2018. A net present value of $1,679,821 is projected using WACC return rate 9.26% and a budgeted amount of $. 4,744,521. / Trabajo de investigación

CleanBand – Reinigung, Desinfektion und antibakterielle Behandlung von Transportbändern in der Lebensmittelindustrie

Horn, Kerstin, Küzün, Berrin, Stancu, Claudia, Fröhlich, Maik, Naumenko, Evgenij 30 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Die moderne Lebensmittel- und Verpackungsindustrie stellt hohe Anforderungen an den Umgang mit den Produkten und die Prozesshygiene. Transportbänder sind gängige Werkzeuge in der Produktion und unterliegen je nach Einsatzart den verschiedensten Anforderungen. Atmosphärische Plasmen stellen eine innovative Technologie zur gezielten Modifizierung von Oberflächen dar. Die Behandlung von Transportbändern mit atmosphärischen Plasmen verspricht eine Optimierung der Reinigungszyklen in der Lebensmittelindustrie und eine Verbesserung der Hygiene beim Transport von Lebensmitteln auf Transportbändern allgemein. [Zusammenfassung]

CleanBand – Reinigung, Desinfektion und antibakterielle Behandlung von Transportbändern in der Lebensmittelindustrie

Horn, Kerstin, Küzün, Berrin, Stancu, Claudia, Fröhlich, Maik, Naumenko, Evgenij 30 May 2018 (has links)
Die moderne Lebensmittel- und Verpackungsindustrie stellt hohe Anforderungen an den Umgang mit den Produkten und die Prozesshygiene. Transportbänder sind gängige Werkzeuge in der Produktion und unterliegen je nach Einsatzart den verschiedensten Anforderungen. Atmosphärische Plasmen stellen eine innovative Technologie zur gezielten Modifizierung von Oberflächen dar. Die Behandlung von Transportbändern mit atmosphärischen Plasmen verspricht eine Optimierung der Reinigungszyklen in der Lebensmittelindustrie und eine Verbesserung der Hygiene beim Transport von Lebensmitteln auf Transportbändern allgemein. [Zusammenfassung]

Fracture behavior of rubber powder modified rubber blends applied for conveying belt top covers

Euchler, Eric, Stocek, Radek, Gehde, Michael, Bunzel, Jörg-Michael, Saal, Wolfgang, Kipscholl, Reinhold January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is concentrated on the experimental investigation of wear resistance of rubber powder modified rubber blends. Styrene-Butadiene-Rubber (SBR) blends applied for conveying belt top covers have been modified by ground rubber (rubber powder) based on SBR. We theoretically described the rubber wear mechanism due to loading conditions occurring at conveyor belts in the field, to simulate wear behavior of top cover rubber materials. An own developed testing equipment based on gravimetric determination of mass loss of rubber test specimen was used investigating dynamic wear with respect to fracture properties of top cover materials. Furthermore we investigated fatigue crack growth (FCG) data over a broad range of tearing energy by Tear Analyzer to characterize crack propagation behavior of rubber powder modified rubber blends. Thus, we demonstrate the influence of rubber powder on resistance against occurrence of fracture as well as dynamic wear as a function of the rubber powder content in rubber blends applied for conveying belt top covers.

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