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Beiträge zur Untersuchung des Strahlaustrittsverhaltens aus EffusionskühlbohrungenSchlott, André 08 December 2016 (has links)
Die Kühlung thermisch hoch belasteter Bauteile wird häufig mit Kühlverfahren realisiert, die auf dem Prinzip des Massetransports durch die Bauteilwand beruhen. Neben der Film- und Transpirationskühlung gehört die Effusionskühlung zu diesen Verfahren und basiert auf einer Reihe oder einem Raster von Bohrungen. Dieser Ansatz ermöglicht sowohl den Abtransport von Wärme aus dem Bauteil als auch die Ausbildung eines schützenden Kühlmittelfilms auf der Bauteiloberfläche.
Viele Autoren beschäftigten sich in ihren Arbeiten mit den Auswirkungen der Filmkühlung auf den Wärmeübergang an der Bauteilwand und definierten einen Filmkühlwirkungsgrad, der die Effektivität der Kühlung widerspiegelt. Auch die Freistrahlen aus Effusionskühlbohrungen wurden mit diesen Mitteln untersucht und eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Einflussgrößen auf den Filmkühlwirkungsgrad identifiziert. Dazu gehören insbesondere geometrische Bedingungen, wie z.B. der Bohrungswinkel, das Verhältnis von Länge zu Durchmesser der Bohrung und die Austrittsgeometrie der Bohrungen. In späteren Beiträgen analysierten verschiedene Autoren die Einflüsse der Turbulenz sowie der Stoffwerte von Kühlmittel und Hauptströmung. Dabei kamen meist Luft und seltener Kohlendioxid oder Stickstoff als Kühlmittel zum Einsatz.
In den letzten Jahren wurde das Verhalten des Kühlmittelstrahls vor allem numerisch untersucht. Dabei beschränkte sich das Berechnungsgebiet oftmals auf das direkte Umfeld der Effusionskühlbohrung und die Identifikation und Beschreibung auftretender Wirbelstrukturen. Der Bereich weiter stromab der Bohrung blieb oft unberücksichtigt. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt den Ansatz, den Kühlmittelstrahl in der Hauptströmung zu beobachten. Das wird durch die Verwendung von Helium und Argon als Kühlmittel möglich, denn diese Gase können in der Luftströmung detektiert werden. Durch eine in zwei Richtungen bewegliche Kombisonde wird Gas aus der Grenzschicht abgesaugt und die Konzentration des Kühlmittels bestimmt. Die so an diskreten Punkten stromab der Effusionskühlbohrung erhaltenen Konzentrations- und Geschwindigkeitsprofile ermöglichen die Verfolgung des Kühlmittelstrahls und dessen Wechselwirkungen mit der Hauptströmung.
Für eine vergleichende Analyse der gemessenen Profile entstand ein empirisches Verfahren zur Systematisierung der gesamten Messdaten. Die Definition einer mittleren Kühlmittelkonzentration innerhalb einer zweckmäßig festgelegten Höhe über der Wand und eines normierten Einblasparameters, der das Verhältnis der molaren Massen von Kühlmittel und Hauptströmung berücksichtigt, sind der Kern des empirischen Verfahrens. Für Vergleiche mit der Literatur erfolgte die Berechnung eines Filmkühlwirkungsgrads auf Basis der Massebilanz in der Grenzschicht und der mittleren Kühlmittelkonzentration. Während der Datenauswertung zeigte sich, dass der Bohrungswinkel einen geringen Einfluss auf die mittlere Kühlmittelkonzentration hat und so ein Bohrungswinkel von 30° ein guter Kompromiss zwischen Herstellungsaufwand und Kühlwirkung ist. Kühlmedien mit geringer molarer Masse und hoher spezifischer Wärmekapazität sollten bevorzugt werden, da deren Kühlwirkung hoch, der Einfluss auf die Grenzschicht aber gering ist. / The cooling of thermally heavily loaded components is commonly performed by injecting a mass flow through the component’s wall into the hot flow, which is called Film cooling. The main goal is to form a coolant film to reduce the hot side heat transfer and to absorb thermal energy in order to protect the component’s wall. There are different techniques available called film cooling, transpiration cooling and effusion cooling. By applying transpiration cooling, the cooling fluid is injected through a porous material into the hot gas flow. Unfortunately, these porous materials do not have the physical strength required to work within gas turbines. If the injection is done with a row or a pattern of holes so the cooling film is renewed at certain positions, the cooling technique is called effusion cooling. Film cooling means the injection of fluid through a slot without renewing the film.
Many authors analyze the effect of the film or effusion cooling on the wall temperature, the heat transfer coefficient or the cooling effectiveness. Many influencing factors were identified, such as the length to diameter relation, the hole’s alignment, fluid properties as well as turbulence and vortices. Recent works use numerical simulations to investigate the turbulent flow and vortex development in the near field of the injection hole. Due to the complexity of the simulation, the effects far downstream area were not covered by these simulations.
This work investigates the behavior of the cooling jet within the boundary layer above the wall. Therefore a foreign gas (Helium, Argon) was injected as coolant into a cross flow and a pitot probe was used to get gas samples out of the boundary layer and the coolant gas fraction was measured. The measured concentration was empirically systematized by comparative data analysis. Therefore, a mean concentration within a certain height above the wall was calculated. Also a normed blowing rate was used to include the molar masses of coolant and cross flow. With this mean concentration a cooling effectiveness is calculated based on a balance model and compared to the results in the literature.
As a result of the data evaluation, the hole’s angle was found to have a minor influence on the mean coolant concentration. An angle of about 30° is a good compromise between production effort and cooling efficiency. Also coolant fluids with a low molar mass and high specific heat capacity should be preferred because of their low impact on the boundary layer.
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Optimization of Distributed Cooling and Cold Storage in Sweden : Case Study - Norrenergi AB / Optimering av fjärrkyla och kyllager i Sverige: fallstudien Norrenergi ABYifru Woldemariam, Biramo January 2019 (has links)
District cooling supply is vital for service, commercial and industrial sectors like hospitals, data centers, supermarkets and sensitive laboratory facilities. The main cooling demand in the case of Sweden also originates from these sectors. The cooling demand in Stockholm is expanding mainly because of demand for comfort cooling, and data centers are rising. To cover the existing cooling demand and rising cooling demand, different cooling strategies have to be employed for optimal production of cold. This project concerns the optimization of such a district cooling system with primarily cold storage. This is achieved by choosing a case study network, namely considering the district cooling network of Norrenergi AB, in Sweden. Norrenergi AB is a company involved in supplying district cooling for cold consumers situated around Solna and Sundbyberg regions. The company provides around 70 GWh district cooling per year. The sources for the district cooling supply are free cooling, electrically driven chillers, and cold recovery from heat pumps. Besides these cold sources, currently, the parts of the peak cold demand are shaved using cold storage that is more cost-effectively charged during night-time, adopting the concept of power-to-cold. In running the district cooling system operation, Norrenergi AB’s current electricity mix is 100% renewable. In this thesis work, the existing district cooling network of Norrenergi AB is modeled using BoFiT optimization software (which is the base scenario), and then four future scenarios are developed, considering new, additional cold storages. The scenarios developed were meant to further optimize the existing district cooling grid to cater to the same existing total demand. This is assessed by integrating respective cold storages having larger (i.e., 15 MW capacity) or smaller (i.e., two cold storages each with 3 MW capacity) into the existing district cooling grid. The 15 MW capacity cold storage is integrated into Sundbybergsverket (Scenario 1) and in Frösundaverket (Scenario 2). While, from the smaller cold storages, the first one is integrated into the system in a manner that it supplies cooling for selected cooling customers, that is Scenario 3. The second small cold storage integrated in a way that supplies cooling to the entire grid, which is Scenario 4. Similar to the existing cold storage, in developed scenarios as well, the power-to-cold concept is utilized by charging the cold storage during the time in which the electricity price is lower (i.e., at night). The key outcome of this thesis work reveals that all the developed scenarios lead to cost savings in terms of the consumed electricity for producing DC. The achieved cost saving from each of the four scenarios developed are 23%, 4%, 13%, and 14%, respectively. Among all these scenarios, the first scenario has led to the largest cutback of DC production cost and impliesthat incorporating larger cold storages in cooling production plants results in higher savings. A performed sensitivity analysis also implies that increasing the supply capacity of free cooling results in production cost savings. Besides, an increased cooling capacity by 30% with respect to the base scenario results in a 10.6% cost saving. This saving infers that it is good to utilize free cooling as far as there is an opportunity to increase the use of free cooling. / Tillgången på kyla är i dag avgörande för service, kommersiella och industriella sektorer som sjukhus, serverhallar, kontor, stormarknader och känsliga laboratorieanläggningar. Den huvudsakliga efterfrågan på kyla i Sverige härstammar också från dessa sektorer. Kylbehovet i Stockholm expanderar främst på grund av efterfrågan på komfortkyla och serverhallar stiger. För att täcka det befintliga kylbehovet och den stigande efterfrågan på kyla, kan olika strategier användas för att uppnå en optimal production av kyla. Detta projekt handlar om optimering av ett fjärrkylsystem med kyllager. Detta har genomförts genom en fallstudie baserad på Norrenergis fjärrkylanät i Sverige. Norrenergi AB är ett företag som bl.a levererar fjärrkyla till kunder i Solna och Sundbyberg. Bolaget levererar cirka 70 GWh fjärrkyla per år, med hjälp av frikyla, kylmaskiner och värmepumpar. Förutom ovannämnda produktion används ett fjärrkyllager för att leverera fjärrkyla och jämna ut lasten över dygnet, och detta laddas när behovet av fjärrkyla är lägre. Elen som används för att producera Norrenergis fjärrkyla är helt förnybar. I detta examensarbete har Norrenergis befintliga fjärrkylanät modellerats med hjälp av BoFiT optimeringsprogram och sedan har fyra framtida scenarion utvecklats, med nya, distribuerade kyllager. De scenarierna som utvecklades var tänkta att ytterligare optimera det befintliga fjärrkylanätet, för att tillgodose samma befintliga totala efterfrågan. Detta bedöms genom att integrera kyllager av olika kapacitet i befintligt fjärrkylanät - ett större 15 MW lager eller två kyllager om vadera 3 MW kapacitet. Ett 15 MW fjärrkyllager integreras i Sundbybergsverket (scenario 1) och i Frösundaverket (scenario 2). De mindre fjärrkyllagren integreras i systemet så att kylning levereras till utvalda kunder (scenario 3). I scenario 4 integreras de mindre lagren så att kylning levereras till hela nätet. Precis som med det existerande kyllagret, ska dessa nya lager i de olika scenariona laddas under natten då elpriset är lägre, därav namnet kraftkyla. De viktigaste resultaten ur detta examensarbete visade att alla utvecklade scenarion ledde till kostnadsbesparingar med hänsyn till elförbrukningen. De uppnådda kostnadsbesparingarna från de fyra scenariona var 23%, 4%, 13% respektive 14%. Bland alla scenarier, leder det första scenariot den största besparingen av produktionskostnaden och medför att integrering av kyllager vid produktionsanläggningarna resulterar i högre besparingar. Den känslighetsanalys som genomfördes innebar också att en ökning av leveranskapaciteten för frikyla leder till besparingar i produktionskostnaderna. En ökad frikylkapacitet med 30% med avseende på basscenariot resulterade i 1% kostnadsbesparing. Denna kostnadsbesparing visar också att det är bra att använda frikyla så länge möjligheten finns att öka användandet av frikyla.
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Experimental and Numerical Study of Endwall Film CoolingMahadevan, Srikrishna 01 January 2015 (has links)
This research work investigates the thermal performance of a film-cooled gas turbine endwall under two different mainstream flow conditions. In the first part of the research investigation, the effect of unsteady passing wakes on a film-cooled pitchwise-curved surface (representing an endwall without airfoils) was experimentally studied for heat transfer characteristics on a time-averaged basis. The temperature sensitive paint technique was used to obtain the local temperatures on the test surface. The required heat flux input was provided using foil heaters. Discrete film injection was implemented on the test surface using cylindrical holes with a streamwise inclination angle of 35? and no compound angle relative to the mean approach velocity vector. The passing wakes increased the heat transfer coefficients at both the wake passing frequencies that were experimented. Due to the increasing film cooling jet turbulence and strong jet-mainstream interaction at higher blowing ratios, the heat transfer coefficients were amplified. A combination of film injection and unsteady passing wakes resulted in a maximum pitch-averaged and centerline heat transfer augmentation of ? 28% and 31.7% relative to the no wake and no film injection case. The second part of the research study involves an experimental and numerical analysis of secondary flow and coolant film interaction in a high subsonic annular cascade with a maximum isentropic throat Mach number of ? 0.68. Endwall (platform) thermal protection is provided using discrete cylindrical holes with a streamwise inclination angle of 30? and no compound angle relative to the mean approach velocity vector. The surface flow visualization on the inner endwall provided the location of the saddle point and the three-dimensional separation lines. Computational predictions showed that the leading-edge horseshoe vortex was confined to approximately 1.5% of the airfoil span for the no film injection case and intensified with low momentum film injection. At the highest blowing ratio, the film cooling jet weakened the horseshoe vortex at the leading-edge plane. The passage vortex was intensified with coolant injection at all blowing ratios. It was seen that increasing average blowing ratio improved the film effectiveness on the endwall. The discharge coefficients calculated for each film cooling hole indicated significant non-uniformity in the coolant discharge at lower blowing ratios and the strong dependence of discharge coefficients on the mainstream static pressure and the location of three-dimensional separation lines. Near the airfoil suction side, a region of coalesced film cooling jets providing close to uniform film coverage was observed, indicative of the mainstream acceleration and the influence of three-dimensional separation lines.
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A Study of Blockage due to Ingested Airborne Particulate in a Simulated Double-Wall Turbine Internal Cooling PassagePeterson, Blair A. 19 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Increasing the Heat Transfer on a Grooved Surface Under Dry and Wet Conditions by Using of Jet ImpingementAlghamdi, Abdulrahman Saeed 15 June 2020 (has links)
An approach to hybrid cooling technique is proposed using air jets which impinge on a triangular grooved surface with dry grooves and grooves containing water. One major application is for condensers of thermoelectric power plants. The heat and mass transfer analogy were successfully used to evaluate the simultaneous heat and mass transfer. Results showed that hybrid jet impingement produced high heat flux levels at low jet velocities and flow rates. Experimental results were used to characterize the resulting heat transfer under different conditions such as flow open area percentage, array orifices diameter and array to surface stand-off distance. The results have shown that jet impingement is capable of delivering high transfer rates with lower cooling cost rates compared to current industry conventional techniques. Water is efficiently used in hybrid jet impingement because evaporative energy is absorbed directly from the surface instead of cooling air to near wet-bulb temperature. / Master of Science / Array jet impingement cooling experiments were conducted on a triangular grooved surface with the surface at a constant temperature. Results showed that jet impingement can provide high transfer rates with lower rates of cooling cost in comparison to contemporary conventional techniques in the industry. Experiments on the triangular grooved surfaces were performed at dry and wet surface conditions. Under the dry conditions, the objective is to characterize the resulting heat transfer under varying operational conditions such as jet speed, array orifice diameter, array to surface stand-off distance, and flow open area percentage. Results from the triangular surface when dry showed less improvement in heat transfer than the rectangular grooved surface. A hybrid cooling technique approach was proposed and developed by using air jets impinging on a triangular grooved surface with the grooves containing water. The approach is being suggested and experimentally tested for its viability as an alternative to thermoelectric power plant cooling towers. Convection heat and mass transfer coefficients were experimentally measured for different wet coverage of the surface. Results showed that the hybrid jet impingement produced high heat flux levels at low jet velocities and flow rates. The highest heat transfer was consistently found with a 50% coverage of the surface. Hybrid jet impingement showed an improvement up to 500% in heat transfer as compared to jet impingement on a dry grooved surface.
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Augmentation of Jet Impingement Heat Transfer on a Grooved Surface Under Wet and Dry ConditionsAlsaiari, Abdulmohsen Omar 27 November 2018 (has links)
Array jet impingement cooling experiments were performed on flat and grooved surfaces with the surface at a constant temperature. For the flat surface, power and temperature measurements were performed to obtain convection coefficients under a wide range of operating conditions such as jet speed, orifice to surface stand-of distance, and open area percentage. Cooling performance (CP) was calculated as the ratio between heat transfer and fan power. An empirical model was developed to predict jet impingement heat transfer taking into account the entrainment effects. Experimental results showed that jet impingement can provide high transfer rates with lower rates of cooling cost in comparison to contemporary conventional techniques in the industry. CP values over 279 were measured which are significantly higher than the standard values of 70 to 95 in current technology. The model enhanced prediction accuracy by taking into account the entrainment effects; an effect that is rarely considered in the literature. Experiments on the grooved surfaces were performed at dry and wet surface conditions. Under dry conditions, results showed 10%~55% improvement in heat transfer when compared to the flat surface. Improvement percentage tends to be higher at wider gaps between the array of orifices and the grooved surface. An improvement of 30%~40% was observed when increasing Re either by increasing orifice diameter or jet speed. Similar improvement was observed at higher flow open area percentages. No significant improvement in heat transfer resulted from decreasing the size of the grooves from 3.56mm to 2.54mm. Similarly, no noticeable change in heat transfer resulted from changing the relative position of the jets striking the surface at the top of the grooves to the bottom of the grooves. Deeper grooves with twice the depth gave statistically similar average heat transfer coefficients as shallower grooves. Under wet conditions, a hybrid cooling technique approach was proposed by using air jets impinging on a grooved surface with the grooves containing water. The approached is proposed and evaluated experimentally for its feasibility as an alternative for cooling towers of thermoelectric power plants. Convection heat and mass transfer coefficients were measured experimentally using the heat mass transfer analogy. Results showed that hybrid jet impingement provided high magnitudes of heat flux at low jet speeds and flow rates. High coefficients of performance CP > 3000, and heat fluxes > 8,000W/m2 were observed. Hybrid jet impingement showed 500% improvement as compared to jet impingement on a dry flat surface. CP values of hybrid jet impingement is 600% to 1,500% more as compared to performance of air-cooled condensers and wet cooling towers. Water use for hybrid jet impingement cooling is efficient since evaporation energy is absorbed from the surface directly instead of cooling air to near wet-bulb temperature. / PHD / This thesis explored the possibility of using air jets on the outside surface of a device that is used to condense steam. An experiment apparatus was used to imitate the conditions of steam condensation in the lab. A flat metallic surface was heated by placing an electric heater beneath it. The metallic surface was cooled using air jets coming out of orifices situated above the hot metallic surface. A fan, connected to an electric motor, was used to create the air jets. The amount of heat transfer was measured by measuring the electric power the heater consumed. This measured power was compared to the power needed to run the fan. The ratio of heat transfer to fan power is called the coefficient of performance CP. The CP values of more than 200 were obtained when air jets were used meaning that we need one kilowatt of mechanical power to remove 200 kilowatts of heat. This CP value is 300% more than the current technology used in the industry where CP ranges from 70 to 90. This means that we can build very efficient steam condensers for power plants. This type of condensers that uses air jets allows the power plant to be efficient and to be able to increase the amount of power generated without extra cost.
Further enhancement of the CP can be achieved by making the hot surface grooved instead of flat with the grooves containing water. Air jets, coming out of orifices situated above the grooved surface, were used for cooling. The CP values of more than 3,000 were obtained when air jets were used with wet grooved surface. This CP values is 1,500% more than the current technology used in the industry. This type of condensers that uses air jets on wet grooves allows the power plant to be efficient and to be able to tremendously increase the amount of power generated without extra power and water costs.
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A control system for the efficient operation of bulk air coolers on a mine / Stephan van JaarsveldVan Jaarsveld, Stephan January 2015 (has links)
Eskom provides 98% of South Africa’s ever increasing electricity demand. The mining sector
is a vital contributor to the economy, but also consumes vast amounts of electricity. This
sector is responsible for almost 15% of the country’s electricity usage.
Mines heavily depend on the supply of cold water and air. Refrigeration systems are therefore
constantly operational and can account for 25% of a mine’s electricity costs. The need
therefore exists to investigate possible energy savings initiatives.
Refrigeration systems are typically used to lower the temperature of water and air. Bulk Air
Coolers (BACs) are used to produce cold air. The aim of this study is to investigate possible
electricity cost savings in a mine refrigeration system. This can be achieved by enabling
equipment to dynamically adapt to changes in their environment. Electricity usage reduction
has the greatest financial impact if it occurs during Eskom peak periods. Time-dependent
schedules of operation are therefore used to achieve this objective.
Due to the lack of such a controller in the mining industry, the focus of this study is a
BAC control system. A BAC controller would be able to follow guidelines that could lead to
electricity cost savings. It was therefore developed and incorporated in the Real-time Energy
Management System (REMS). The BAC controller combines various inputs and constraints
to determine the output. An electricity usage reduction during the Eskom evening peak
period was consequently achieved.
The BAC controller was implemented on three sites. Electrical energy usage during the
evening peak period was reduced via the load shifting method. This aids Eskom in their
effort to reduce the peak period demand. Air temperature and dam levels were closely
monitored during the peak period. If any preset condition was violated, the load shifting
was abandoned for that day.
It was shown that a total power reduction of 7 MW is possible between the three sites. The
electricity savings occurred in the evening peak period. A calculation was made to determine
the possible annual savings by using the achieved daily cost savings. The winter months were
not included in the calculation. An annual cost saving of R1 166 694.41 is therefore possible
without having to reduce output quantities. / MIng(Computer and Electronic Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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A control system for the efficient operation of bulk air coolers on a mine / Stephan van JaarsveldVan Jaarsveld, Stephan January 2015 (has links)
Eskom provides 98% of South Africa’s ever increasing electricity demand. The mining sector
is a vital contributor to the economy, but also consumes vast amounts of electricity. This
sector is responsible for almost 15% of the country’s electricity usage.
Mines heavily depend on the supply of cold water and air. Refrigeration systems are therefore
constantly operational and can account for 25% of a mine’s electricity costs. The need
therefore exists to investigate possible energy savings initiatives.
Refrigeration systems are typically used to lower the temperature of water and air. Bulk Air
Coolers (BACs) are used to produce cold air. The aim of this study is to investigate possible
electricity cost savings in a mine refrigeration system. This can be achieved by enabling
equipment to dynamically adapt to changes in their environment. Electricity usage reduction
has the greatest financial impact if it occurs during Eskom peak periods. Time-dependent
schedules of operation are therefore used to achieve this objective.
Due to the lack of such a controller in the mining industry, the focus of this study is a
BAC control system. A BAC controller would be able to follow guidelines that could lead to
electricity cost savings. It was therefore developed and incorporated in the Real-time Energy
Management System (REMS). The BAC controller combines various inputs and constraints
to determine the output. An electricity usage reduction during the Eskom evening peak
period was consequently achieved.
The BAC controller was implemented on three sites. Electrical energy usage during the
evening peak period was reduced via the load shifting method. This aids Eskom in their
effort to reduce the peak period demand. Air temperature and dam levels were closely
monitored during the peak period. If any preset condition was violated, the load shifting
was abandoned for that day.
It was shown that a total power reduction of 7 MW is possible between the three sites. The
electricity savings occurred in the evening peak period. A calculation was made to determine
the possible annual savings by using the achieved daily cost savings. The winter months were
not included in the calculation. An annual cost saving of R1 166 694.41 is therefore possible
without having to reduce output quantities. / MIng(Computer and Electronic Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Investigation of performance enhancing devices for the rain zones of wet-cooling towersTerblanche, Riaan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The performance of a natural draught wet-cooling tower can be improved by reducing the
average drop size in the rain zone. In this thesis, the effect of installing different horizontal
grids below the fill on drop size in the rain zone is investigated experimentally and
theoretically. A specially designed horizontal grid consisting of evenly spaced slats and a grid
made from expanded metal sheeting are tested. Drop size distribution measurements are taken
below different cooling tower fills to determine the respective Sauter mean drop sizes and also
below different configurations of splash grids to determine the reduction in drop size. Drop
break-up through a grid of horizontally placed slats is modelled and compared to measured
data to determine the optimum configuration in terms of spacing between the grid and fill, slat
width and slat spacing. A cross flow rain zone is modelled under different air and water flow
combinations with CFD for two distributions that represent the rain with and without splash
grids and the results are compared. The Merkel transfer characteristic for all the flow
conditions using both distributions are determined using a Lagrangian, Merkel, Poppe and e-
NTU method in order to quantify the increase in rain zone Merkel number. Pressure drop over
the cross flow rain zone is also determined and compared for the two distributions under
considerations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verkoelingsvermoë van ‘n reënsone van ‘n natuurlike trek nat koeltoring kan verbeter
word deur die verkleining van die gemiddelde druppelgrootte. In hierdie tesis word die effek
wat horisontale roosters op die druppelgrootte het, wanneer dit onder die pakking geïnstalleer
is, eksperimenteel en teoreties ondersoek. ‘n Spesiaal ontwerpte rooster bestaande uit
horisontaal gepakte latte en ‘n gerolde metaal rooster word onderskeidelik vir hierdie doel
gebruik. Druppelgrootte metings word geneem onder verskillende koeltoring
pakkingsmateriaal om die Sauter gemiddelde diameter te bepaal, asook onder die verskillende
rooster opstellings om die verkleinde druppelgrootte te bepaal wat die rooster veroorsaak.
Druppelopbreking deur ‘n laag horisontaal gepakte latte word gemodelleer en vergelyk met
gemete data om sodoende die beste kombinasie tussen die afstand onder die
pakkingsmateriaal, latwydte en latspasiëring te bepaal. ‘n Kruisvloei reënsone word
gemodelleer met CFD onder verkillende lug- en watervoeikombinasies vir twee
druppelverdelings wat die reënsone met en sonder roosters verteenwoordig. Die Merkel
oordragskoëffisiënt vir die twee verdelings word bereken en vergelyk deur van ‘n Lagrange- ,
Merkel- , Poppe- en e-NTU metode gebruik te maak om sodoende die verbetering in reënsone
Merkelgetal te kwantifiseer. Drukvalle oor die reënsone word ook bereken en vergelyk vir die
twee verdelings wat beskou is.
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Evaluation of natural draught wet-cooling tower performance uncertaintiesVan Der Merwe, Daniel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A natural draught wet-cooling tower (NDWCT) was modelled using the Merkel method with an
improved energy equation as recommended by Kloppers and Kroger (2005a) - referred to as the
Improved Merkel method. The improved energy equation is used for calculating the heat rejection rate of
the tower and includes the energy associated with water evaporation. The sensitivity indexes of a
NDWCT were calculated numerically with the Improved Merkel method model. It was found that the
perfonnance of a NDWCT is most sensitive to the fill Merkel number. The "Natklos" fill test facility at
Stellenbosch University was used to estimate typical uncertainties found in fill performance
characteristics. The zeroth order uncertainty for the Merkel number and loss coefficient was calculated to
be 0.2100 m-1 and 0.4248 m- 1
, respectively, while the first order uncertainty for the Merkel number and
loss coefficient was calculated to be 0.1933 m- 1 and 0.2008 m-1
, respectively. ASME requires that the
uncertainty in tower capability has to be less than 6 % for a NDWCT perfonnance test to be deemed
ASME approved. Propagating typical measurement uncertainties found in NDWCT test standards and
experimental data into the tower capability showed that the 6 % uncertainty limit imposed by ASME is
unrealistic and too stringent. Performance curve generator (PCG) is a software package developed that
generates NDWCT perfonnance curves. With these performance curves it is possible to easily and
effectively adjust the off-design test results in order to detennine whether the NDWCT has met its
guarantee or not. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die werksverrigting van 'n natuurlike trek nat koeltoring (NTNT) is gemodelleer deur gebruik te maak
van die Merkel metode met 'n verbeterde energie vergelyking, soos aanbeveel deur Kloppers en Kroger
(2005a) - Verbeterde Merkel metode. Die energie vergelyking word gebruik om die toring se tempo van
warmteoordrag te bereken en sluit die energieverlies as gevolg van verdamping in. Die Verbeterde
Merkel metode model was gebruik om die sensitiwiteits-indekse van 'n NTNT te bepaal. Die analise toon
dat die toring se werksverrigting die sensitiefste is vir die pakking se Merkel getal. Die Natklos pakkingstoetsfasiliteit
aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch was gebruik om tipiese onsekerheid in die pakkingsprestasiekarakteristieke
te bepaal. Die zero-orde onsekerheid in die Merkel getal en verlieskoeffisient was
bereken as 0.2100 m· 1 en 0.4248 m· 1
, onderskeidelik, terwyl die eerste-orde onsekerhede bereken was as
0.1933 m·1 en 0.2008 m· 1
, onderskeidelik. Die toelaatbare onsekerheid in toringvennoe vir 'n NTNT
aanvaardingstoes volgens ASME is 6 %. Deur tipes meetonsekerhede, soos gegee deur NTNT
aanvaardings-toesstandaarde sowel as eksperimentele data, deur te propageer, word 'n onsekerheid veel
groter as die toelaatbare 6 % gegenereer. 'n Renekaarpakket, genaamd Performance Curve Generator
(PCG), is ontwikkel om werksverrigtinskurwes vir 'n NTNT te genereer. PCG se werksverrigtinskurwes
maak dit moonltik om maklik te bepaal of a NTNT sy ontwerpskriterea bereik het of nie.
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