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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energy Losses Study on District Cooling Pipes : Steady-state Modeling and Simulation

Calance, Marius Alexandru January 2014 (has links)
Distributionsförluster är en viktig faktor i fjärrenergisystem. Genom att optimera förluster i sådana system, kan både ekonomiska och miljömässiga aspekter uppfyllas. Tyvärr finns det ringa information om rörförluster i fjärrkylasystem. Föreliggande studie fokuserar på förluster i ett fjärrkylanät genom att både använda ett R-nätverk och FEM simuleringsmodeller. Ett R-nätverksmodell bestående av termiska konduktanser har utvecklats genom analytiska ekvationer och simuleringar med FEM har utfört för validering av modellen. Därefter har ett fjärrkylanätverk som konstrueras i Gävle, analyserats. Undersökningen omfattar 15 olika rördiametrar i tre utföranden (dubbelrör med två symmetriska och en osymmetrisk värmeisolering) och i tre förläggningsdjup (0,8; 2 och 4 meter) för en säsong om 7 månader (April t o m Oktober). Särskilt utreds ökningen av temperaturen hos framledningsmediet, där matningsrören förlagts i en å mitt i staden om en sträcka av 1 km. Den maximala förlusten under säsongen, bland alla rörkonfigurationer, motsvarar 2 % av den totala levererade energin. Slutligen konstateras att kombinationen av isolerad framledningsrör och oisolerade returrör verkar som en gångbar investering, ekonomiskt och tekniskt, men kan inte användas i hela nätet eftersom stora delar har redan byggts med oisolerade plaströr. R-nätverksmodellen, som visades vara effektiv och pålitlig i undersökningen, kan som beräkningsverktyg, framförallt för dimensionering och för att uppskatta energiförluster. / Distribution losses are a very important factor in district energy systems. By optimizing the losses in such a system, both economical and environmental aspects can be fulfilled. Unfortunately, there is few information regarding losses for district cooling systems. This study focuses on losses in district cooling networks by using both R-network and FEM simulation models. A R-network model composed of thermal conductances has been developed through analytical equations and simulations have been performed for validation. Afterwards, an in-progress construction project of a district cooling network from the city of Gävle, Sweden, is analyzed. The assessment consists of 15 pipe diameters in three configurations (two symmetric cases and one asymmetric), at three ground laying depths (0.8, 2 and 4 meters) for a duration of 7 months (April to October). A particular case in which the main distribution pipes from and to the plant are submerged in the city’s river for a distance of 1 km is investigated in order to estimate the temperature increase of the supply water. A maximum cooling loss below 2% of the total delivered energy during the season for any network configuration resulted from the calculation. Finally, the mixed pipes array seems to be a feasible investment both economically and technically but it cannot be used for the entire network spread since a part of the network has been already built with the non-insulated plastic pipes. The R-network model proved to be effective and reliable in the analysis which provides confidence that it can serve as a solid foundation for a calculation tool - primarily for design purposes and also for estimating energy loss.

Implementace kogeneracni jednotky do siti "Smart Heating and Cooling Networks" / Implementation of Cogeneration Unit in "Smart Heating and Cooling Networks"

Uhr­k, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the Masterâs thesis was to create a computational model for integration of the cogeneration unit into the smart thermal network. For the better use of waste heat from the selected cogeneration unit MOTORGAS MGM250 during the summer period, the absorption circuit was dimensioned and the appropriate trigeneration computational model was formed. In the theoretical part, the function, operation and heat performance of the cogeneration unit as well as the suitability of the connection of the cogeneration unit with the absorption chiller during the summer period were described. In the practical part, the operational data of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Brno University of Technology and the theoretical performance data from created cogeneration and trigeneration computational models were compared. Based on this comparison, the conclusion about the suitability of use of both computational models was made.

Modèle d'aide à la conduite de réseaux de froid / Decision-support model for district cooling operation

Casetta, Damien 27 October 2017 (has links)
La maîtrise de la demande en climatisation des bâtiments tertiaires peut contribuer à la limitation du réchauffement climatique à 2°C. Les réseaux de froid urbain sont une solution pour répondre à cette demande avec une haute efficacité énergétique. Une conduite performante est cependant essentielle pour maintenir et augmenter leurs avantages compétitifs. L'objectif de la thèse est de contribuer à la construction d'un outil d'aide à la conduite journalière des réseaux de froid. La difficulté réside à deux niveaux : la diversité des décisions et la complexité des phénomènes physiques sous-jacents. L'originalité est de proposer une méthodologie pour aider au pilotage des groupes frigorifiques, des tours aéroréfrigérantes, de la pression différentielle et de la répartition de puissance entre des centrales de production aux performances variables. La méthodologie développée est appliquée au réseau de froid de Paris-Bercy exploité par Climespace. Tout d'abord, un modèle intégrant une représentation physique des centrales de production, du réseau de distribution et des sous-stations, est développé. En particulier, un modèle de type semi-empirique, paramétrable sur des mesures, est modifié pour calculer les performances non-nominales des groupes frigorifiques centrifuges. La validation du modèle complet est réalisée sur un jeu de données indépendant de l'identification. Ensuite, le modèle est exploité pour rechercher une conduite optimisée à partir d'un modèle de prévision de la demande. La méthode proposée est séquentielle : résolution a priori des optimisations locales puis génération de modèles quadratiques de centrales servant à déterminer la répartition optimale. La pression différentielle est minimisée à partir de l'identification, par simulation, de la sous-station défavorisée. Enfin, la réduction de la consommation électrique est évaluée sur une semaine d'été. / Cooling demand management of commercial buildings can contribute to limit global warming below 2°C. District cooling is an energy-efficient option. However, improving operational performance is of great importance to ensure and increase its competitive advantages. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the development of a decision-support tool for daily operation of district cooling networks. Challenges lie at two levels: diversity of decisions to be taken and complexity of physical phenomena involved. The original aspect of our work is to propose a methodology to improve chillers and cooling towers control, differential pressure management and dispatching between production plants with variable efficiency. Our developments are applied to the district cooling of Paris-Bercy, operated by Climespace. First; a model featuring a physical description of chilled-water production plants, distribution network and buildings substations, is developed. In particular, a semi-empirical model with identified parameters is modified to compute non-nominal characteristics of centrifugal chillers. The system model is validated against an independent dataset. Then, the model is used to find optimized controls from cooling loads forecast. The proposed methodology is sequential: pre-computation of optimal set-points at plant level and then generation of quadratic plant models to solve the dispatching optimization problem at each time step. Differential pressure is minimized with a simulation-based tracking of the critical substation. To conclude, electricity consumption reduction with optimized controls is evaluated during a summer week.

Moderní bioplynová stanice jako součást „Smart Regions“ / Modern Biogas Station as Part of "Smart Regions"

Horák, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of computational model of a biogas plant and its use in the concept of intelligent region with focusing on district heating and cooling network. The introduction contains review of technology used in the biogas plant. This review covers the description of modern biogas plants and determination of the energy and technology parameters for computational model of biogas plant. The next part of thesis describes analyze of the dynamics of the operation and the possibilities of using waste heat from biogas plant. The last and also the most important part is based on design of computational model of a biogas plant and design of connection of a biogas plant to the district heating and cooling network.

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