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運用新共同邊界法探討多重產出銀行業市場競爭度與成本效率 / A New Approach to Jointly Estimating the Lerner Index and Cost Efficiency for Multi-output Banks under a New Meta-Frontier Framework江典霖, Chiang, Dien Lin Unknown Date (has links)
過去文獻大多使用Lerner指數來衡量銀行業之市場競爭度,但在計算過程中有可能出現其值為負之問題。為解決上述問題,本文運用關聯結構函數建立聯立隨機邊界模型,它由銀行成本邊界與兩條產出價格邊界所組成,可以同時衡量放款市場及投資市場之市場競爭度與成本效率。另外,為比較西歐五個國家的銀行市場競爭度與成本效率,本文進一步採用Huang et al. (2014)所提出的新隨機共同邊界模型,此模型除使用共同成本邊界計算技術缺口比率外,還透過產出價格共同邊界衡量潛在Lerner指數,進一步拆解成Lerner指數與MC gap ratio (MCGR)兩部分,可以比較不同國家間的市場競爭程度。 / This paper proposes the copula-based simultaneous stochastic frontier model (CSSFM), composed of a cost frontier and two output price frontiers for the banking sector, in order to measure cost efficiency and market power in the markets of loans and investments. The new Lerner index can be estimated by relying on the simultaneous equations model, consisting of three frontier equations, which avoids obtaining negative measures of the Lerner index. We then apply the new meta-frontier model to simultaneously estimate and compare cost efficiency and market power across five countries over the period 1998-2010. The salient feature of our proposed approach is that it allows for calculating the technology gap ratio on the basis of the cost frontier, as well as evaluating the potential Lerner index from price frontiers, which can be decomposed into the country-specific Lerner index and marginal cost gap ratio.
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考慮樣本選擇之兩性薪資低付與差異分析: 隨機邊界關聯結構模型之應用 / An Analysis of Gender Wage Underpayment and Differential with Censoring: A Combination of the Stochastic Frontier Approach with Copula Methods劉洪禎 Unknown Date (has links)
本文採民國94、96、98、100、102年的台灣 「人力運用調查」 資料庫, 以關聯結構法找出組合誤差間的關聯結構密度函數與聯合機率密度函數, 建構隨機邊界關聯結構模型, 解決勞動市場上樣本選擇性問題。 之後分別針對男性及女性估計薪資方程式, 探討每位勞工的薪資效率程度。 本文男、 女性的勞工各按年齡、 工作經驗、 職業、 行業、 教育程度、 公司規模、 工作身分、 婚姻狀態、 工作地分為9大類, 在各類中分群比較薪資效率。
實證結果顯示, 公司規模、 工作身分、 工作地等 3 類, 不論有無考慮樣本選擇, 同一性別中的薪資效率變動趨勢大致一致, 但其餘 6 類, 有考慮樣本選擇的薪資效率變動明顯不同於未考慮樣本選擇。 在考慮了樣本選擇之後的實證結果大多打破以往文獻的預期, 可能是因為過往文獻探討薪資效率時, 大多未考慮樣本選擇, 即將無工作者樣本完全排除, 導致迴歸分析結果僅適用於有工作者。
除了探討薪資效率外, 本文也嘗試在隨機邊界法的架構下, 提出一個衡量性別歧視的新觀點, 將兩性薪資無效率的差異視為一種性別歧視。 若以新觀點衡量台灣的勞動市場, 會發現這5個年度中, 薪資差異幾乎可以完全歸諸於性別歧視。 這顯示即使兩性的薪資差異雖然逐年縮小, 但性別的刻板印象仍存於當今的台灣勞動市場, 造成明顯的性別歧視。 / This paper adopts the "Manpower Utilization Survey" data, a database conducted by Directorate General of Budget, Accounting & Statistics, Executive Yuan, ROC (DGBAS), to study the issues of gender wage differentials and underpayment. The econometric model considers sample selection under the framework of the stochastic frontier model with copula methods. It requires to correct for sample selection and derive the copula density function and joint probability density function by copula method. We separately estimate the male and female wage equations, respectively, to evaluate the wage efficiency and decompose the average wage differential between male and female into several components.
The paper distinguishes workers into 9 categories, including age, experience, occupation, industry, education, firm size, working identity, marital status and working area, and compares the wage efficiency between those categories. The empirical results shows that, the trend of wage efficiency in the categories of firm size, working identity, and working area are almost the same in each gender whether correcting for the sample selection bias or not. However, in the remaining 6 categories, the wage efficiency changes substantially after correcting the sample selection bias. With the correction of the sample election bias, most of the findings differ from those from the past literatures. This may be attributed to the fact that the past works mainly focus on employed workers and lead to possible sample selection bias.
The paper also tries to offer a new method to measure the gender discrimination, which considers the difference in wage inefficiency between the male-female inefficiency as an element of discrimination. The paper finds that the wage differential between male and female can explain almost the entire discrimination. This findings confirms that the gender discrimination still exists in the Taiwan’s labor market eventhough the wage differential between male and female decreases over time.
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