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El Habeas corpus y las resoluciones del Tribunal ConstitucionalZelada Bartra, Jaime Víctor January 2003 (has links)
El Proceso Constitucional de Hábeas Corpus, es una institución jurídica de trascendental importancia para el desarrollo de una sociedad, toda vez que se trata de una acción de garantía que procede en los casos en que se violen o amenacen los Derechos Constitucionales por acción o por omisión de actos de cumplimiento obligatorio. Siendo la libertad individual su razón de ser. Si bien esta Institución se encuentra presente en el desarrollo de los pueblos del mundo, sin embargo, no tienen una evolución idéntica ni sus mismos caracteres, aun cuando guarden similitudes.
La acción del Hábeas Corpus tiene una literatura impresionante, sobre todo en Inglaterra y en los Estados Unidos de América. En la actualidad, es usada como medio de asegurar el control judicial del Ejecutivo, fundamentalmente en caso de extradición e inmigración, pero es utilizable en otras áreas del poder, tales como detención e internamiento bajo poderes de emergencia o cuando es limitada o restringida la libertad en pacientes mentales.
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Kontrastní porovnání anglického a španělského pasíva na základě korpusu / Contrastive research in English and Spanish passive based on the corpusLukáčová, Katarína January 2011 (has links)
Contrastive research in English and Spanish passive based on the corpus The analysis that was accomplished in this thesis concerning a contrative comparison of the passive frequency in English and Spanish languages was supposed to confirm several hypotheses stated in the introduction. The hypotheses were about the agent of the passive constructions, its frequency and obligation of it being expressed according to the style of the text. Thanks to the analysis it was discovered that the agent is often unexpressed in neither of the styles - scientific or novelistic. If the agent is explicitly expressed it is often due to the practical reasons; otherwise the possibilty not to express it explicitly - one of the main advantages that the passive voice offers - is used abunadantly. Nevertheless, the texts representing the novelistic style are evidently using more instances of the reflexive type of the passive. Mainly, when the agent is not relevant or unknown. In the scientific texts, there is a great tendency towards using a personal pronoun or a general noun and the verb in active voice. The problem connected with this practice is the narrow number of possibilities and therefore lack of elegance in the text. The reasons for using the influence of the functional sentence perspective are also different according to...
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Computergestützte 3D-Rekonstruktionen und stereologische Untersuchungen an Thalamus und Striatum von normalen und pathologisch veränderten Gehirnen des Menschen / Computer assisted 3D-reconstructions and stereological investigations of thalamus and striatum of normal and pathological changed human brainsMüller, Kerstin Anni January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Es wurden insgesamt sieben Gallozyanin-gefärbte Schnittserien durch die rechte oder linke Hemisphäre von zwei Kontrollfällen (männlich, 28 Jahre, rechte Hemisphäre, weiblich, 65 Jahre, linke Hemisphäre), einem Fall mit Megalenzephalie (männlich, 48 Jahre, linke Hemisphäre), einem Fall von M. Little (65 Jahre, männlich, linke Hemisphäre), einem Fall von Alzheimerscher Krankheit (85 Jahre, weiblich, linke Hemisphäre) und einem Fall mit Huntingtonscher Krankheit (männlich, 49 Jahre, beide Hemisphären) verwendet. Die zentralen Anteile der Hemisphären mit den kompletten Schnittserien durch Thalami und Corpora striata wurden mit einer digitalen Kamera in Nahaufnahmetechnik aufgenommen, mit einem kommerziellen Bildbearbeitungs-programm (Adobe Photoshop 6.0®) aufbereitet und die derart aufbereiteten Bilder am Computer mit einer Computer gestützten 3D-Rekonstruktionssoftware (Amira®) verar-beitet. Ein wesentlicher Schritt in der Bearbeitung besteht in der Abgrenzung von Thalamus und Striatum von den benachbarten Strukturen. Die hohe Schnittdicke von 440 µm erleichterte dabei die zytoarchitektonische Abgrenzung beider Kerngebiete. Anders als erwartet unterliegen auch Serienschnitte mit einer Dicke von 440 µm Schrumpfungsartefakten, die nicht immer auf den ersten Blick erkennbar sind. Aus diesem Grund beschränken sich die 3D-Rekonstruktionen nicht auf das manuelle Abgrenzen von Strukturen. Vielmehr müssen alle Schnitte sorgfältig den Koordinaten des Raumes angepasst, hintereinander in der z-Achse angeordnet und bei Bedarf gedreht und verschoben werden. Die Rekonstruktionssoftware bietet für diese Prozedur eine halbautomatische Unterstützung. Einzelne stark verformte Schnitte mussten aber dennoch teilweise aufwändig der Serie angepasst werden. Amira® bietet vielseitige Möglichkeiten in der Darstellung der räumlich rekonstruierten Schnitte. Durch Interpolation werden die Rohdaten zum Teil stark verändert und die ursprünglich kantigen und eckigen Formen zunehmend geglättet. Diese Glättung ist der Erfahrung/Willkür des Untersuchers anheim gestellt und folglich werden die Grenzen zwischen einer realistischen 3D-Rekonstruktion und einer Fiktion fließend. Neben 3D-Rekonstruktionen lassen sich mit Amira auch die Volumina von Striatum und Thalamus berechnen. Diese Daten wurden mit den stereologisch bestimmten Kernvolumina und Nervenzellzahlen verglichen. Grundsätzlich liegen die mit Amira erhobenen Volumenwerte zwischen 1,4 und 6,65% unter den stereologisch geschätzten Werten. Diese Diskrepanz ist bei der bekannten biologischen Variabilität des menschlichen ZNS akzeptabel und im Vergleich mit Literaturangaben und -abbildungen dürften Form und Größe der rekonstruierten Thalami und Corpora striata der Wirklichkeit weitgehend entsprechen. Die Nervenzellzahlen schwanken dabei in einem weiten Bereich zwischen rund 71 Millionen im Striatum bei Megalenzephalie und weniger als 7 Millionen bei Chorea Huntington. Im Thalamus liegt die Nervenzellzahl zwischen rund 18 Millionen (Kontrollfall) und etwas mehr als 6 Millionen bei dem untersuchten Fall mit M. Little. Berücksichtigt man die vielfältigen physiologischen Verbindungen zwischen Thalamus und Striatum, so lassen die Schwankungen in den Nervenzellzahlen auf komplexe Interaktionen und Defizite bei den untersuchten Fällen schließen. Im Ergebnis unerwartet ist die weitgehende Konstanz in Form und Aussehen von Thalamus und Striatum im Endstadium von Alzheimerscher Demenz und bei einem Fall von M. Little. Offensichtlich stehen globale Atrophie- bzw. Degenerationsprozesse bei der Alzheimerschen Krankheit im Vordergrund mit der Folge, dass Thalamus und Striatum trotz deutlicher Nervenzellausfälle bei erhöhter Zahl von Gliazellen insgesamt nur wenig kleiner werden. Allerdings tat sich bei dem Fall mit M. Alzheimer an der Ventralseite des Thalamus eine Rinne auf, die bei den anderen untersuchten Fällen nicht gefunden und deren Ursache nicht geklärt werden konnte. Dramatisch erschienen die Größen- und Formveränderung des Striatum beim Chorea-Huntington-Fall. Nervenzell- und Gliazellausfälle im Striatum bei Chorea Huntington dürften die ausgeprägten makroskopischen Veränderungen erklären. Die Kombination von Serienschnitttechnik mit hoher Schnittdicke und einer Computer gestützten 3D-Rekonstruktion bietet bisher nie da gewesene und faszinierende Aspekte vom Bau des menschlichen ZNS. Nach Import in spezielle Computersoftware zur Animation von 3D-Modellen eröffnen die 3D-Rekonstruktionen auch neue Aspekte in der Präsentation der vermuteten Funktionsweise des ZNS. Dabei sollte aber in Anbetracht der komplexen methodischen Faktoren immer eine kritische Distanz zu vielfältigen Darstellungsformen am Bildschirm gewahrt bleiben. / In total we investigated seven gallocyanin stained slice series through the right and left hemisphere of two control cases (man, age 28, right hemisphere, female, age 65, left hemisphere), one case of Megalencephaly (man, age 48, left hemisphere), one case of M. Little (man, age 65, left hemisphere), one case of Alzheimers Disease (female, age 85, left hemisphere) and one case of Huntingtons Disease (man, age 49, both hemispheres). The central parts of the hemispheres with the complete slice series through thalamus and striatum were captured with a digital camera and processed with a commercial picture-processing-programme (Adobe Photoshop 6.0®) and the result was further processed to 3D-models with another software (Amira®). One fundamental step in this procedure is the demarcation between thalamus and striatum and their sourrounding cell groups. The high slice thickness of 440 µm makes this much easier. Different from our expactation we found shrinking artefacts even in slices with a thickness of 440 µm, which were not always visible at first sight. For this reason we had to do more than manual demarcation of the structures, e.g. arrangement of all slices in a row in z-axes and rotation of the slices when needed. The reconstruction software can do this semiautomatically, but in some cases we had to do this on our own in a very difficult procedure. Amira® has a lot of possibilities to show the reconstructed slices. The original database is transformated during the reconstruction procedure so that the models are influenced subjective. Besides 3D-reconstructions we can measure the volume of striatum and thalamus with Amira®. We compared this data with the volumes determined with stereological methods and can say that the volumes measured with Amira® lay 1,4-6,65% under the volumes determined with stereological methods. This different is acceptabel in the face of biological variability. The amount of neurons extend from 71 millions in striatum with Megalencephaly to 7 millions in striatum with Huntingtons Disease. In the thalamus it extends from18 millions in a control case to 6 millions in a M.Little case. Unexpected was the constant form and shape of thalamus and striatum in the late stages of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimers Disease. We suggest that the undergoing neurons are replaced by glia and so the macroscopical form remains nearly constant. On the other hand we could see dramatically changes in form and size of the striatum in the Huntingtons Disease case. The combination of serial slice technique with high sliche thickness and computer supported 3D-reconstruction offers new and fascinating aspects of the human central nervous system. Knowing the complex methods to get to this reconstructions one should always observe these models critical.
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Tandemporenkaliumkanäle in der Amygdala / Tandem Pore Potassium Channels in the AmygdalaDobler, Tina Melanie January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die Neurone der medialen Amygdala spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verarbeitung von unkonditionierter Angst und aggressivem Verhalten (Nelson and Trainor, 2007). Ihre Erregbarkeit wird höchstwahrscheinlich durch eine Hintergrundleitfähigkeit von K2P-Kanälen und ihrem molekularen Korrelat reguliert. Bisher sind 15 dieser K2P-Kanäle bekannt. In der hier vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Expression und die physiologische Funktion des TASK-3, einem säure-sensitivem K2P-Kanal, in dieser Gehirnregion untersucht. Bisher konnte die TASK-3-Expression durch in situ-Hybridisierungen in erwachsenen Ratten gezeigt werden (Karschin et al., 2001). Entsprechend konnten wir einen, dem TASK-3 ähnlichen Strom, durch elektrophysiologische Ganzzellmessungen in akuten Hirnschnitten nachweisen. Um die Beteiligung des TASK-3 an diesem Gesamtstrom zu überprüfen, verwendeten wir den selektiven TASK-3 Antagonisten Ruthenium Rot oder veränderten den extrazellulären pH-Wert auf pH 6,4. Ruthenium-Rot- bzw. pH-sensitive Neurone zeigten ein negativeres Ruhemembranpotential (-56.31 mV ± 1.51; n = 17) als die Neurone, die nicht sensitive für Ruthenium-Rot oder pH-Veränderungen waren (-48.39 mV ± 1.55; n = 13; p = 0.001). Zusätzlich verstärkte Ruthenium Rot die Aktionspotenzialfrequenz und die Aktionspotenzialbreite bei Stromapplikation in den Zellen mit einem positiveren Ruhemembranpotenzial. Unsere in situ-Hybridisierungen in C57/Bl6 Mäusen zeigten eine starke Expression des TASK-3-Kanals in den Neuronen der medialen Amygdala. Darum wurde die Erregbarkeit von TASK-3 Wildtypneuronen mit denen von TASK-3-Knockoutneurone verglichen. Wir konnten einen säuresensitiven Kaliumstrom in den TASK-3 Wildtypzellen identifizieren, welche in den TASK-3 Knockoutzellen abwesend war. Überraschenderweise tauchten keine Unterschiede in der Aktionspotenzialform, dem Ruhemembranpotenzial oder des Rheobasestrom auf. Verhaltenstests zeigten, dass TASK-3 Wildtyp Mäuse auf die Präsentation von TMT, ein Duftstoff aus den Fäkalien von Füchsen, stärker freezen, als TASK-3 Knockoutmäuse. Dies zeigt, dass ein Fehlen des TASK-3 zu einer geringeren Furchtantwort beiträgt. Zusammengefasst zeigen diese Daten, dass TASK-3 bei der zellulären Erregbarkeit von Neuronen der medialen Amygdala von Ratten eine große Rolle spielt. Diese TASK-3-Kanäle sind in der medialen Amygdala von Mäusen ebenso exprimiert, wo sie zur Verarbeitung von Furchtverhalten beitragen. / Neurones of the medial amygdala play an important role in processing unconditioned fear and aggressive behaviour (Nelson and Trainor, 2007). Their excitability is supposed to be regulated by a background conductance with two-pore domain potassium channels (K2P) as its molecular correlate. So far, there are 15 K2P channels known. In this thesis the expression and the physiological function of TASK-3, an acid-sensitive K2P-channel, in this brain region was investigated. Previously, there was a TASK-3 channel expression in the medial amygdala from adult rats demonstrated by in situ-hybridisation (Karschin et al., 2001). Correspondingly, we also detected a TASK-3-like current by electrophysiological whole-cell measurements in acute brain slices. To identify the contribution of TASK-3 to the standing outward current (IKso) upon depolarising pulses we used the selective TASK-3 antagonist ruthenium red (RR) or acidification to pH 6.4. RR- or pH-sensitive neurones showed a more hyperpolarised resting membrane potential (-56.31 mV ± 1.51; n = 17) compared to neurones lacking TASK-3-like currents (-48.39 mV ± 1.55; n = 13; p = 0.001). In addition, Ruthenium Red enhanced action potential frequency and action potential width during current injections in the more hyperpolarised cells. Our in situ-hybridizations in C57/Bl6 mice indicate that the same member of the K2P, acid sensitive TASK-3 channel, is also strongly expressed in neurones of the medial amygdala of mice. We therefore compared medial amygdaloid excitability in TASK-3 wildtype and TASK-3 knockout mice. We could detect an acid sensitive potassium current in the TASK-3 wildtype mice, which was absent in the TASK-3 knockout mice. Surprisingly, we could not detect significant differences in parameters defining the shape of an action potential, the resting membrane potential or the rheobase current. Behavioural tests analyzing the freezing behaviour showed that TASK-3 wildtype mice do react stronger to the frightful odour of TMT than TASK-3 knockout mice. Indicating, that TASK-3 knockout mice do have less fear response. Taken together, these data suggest that TASK-3 channels are very important in controlling cellular excitability of medial amygdaloid neurones in rats. These TASK-3 channels are also expressed in mice where they contribute to the fear behaviour of freezing.
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Constitution de ressources linguistiques multilingues à partir de corpus de textes parallèles et comparables / Using parallel and comparable corpora for multilingual linguistic resources extractionBouamor, Dhouha 21 February 2014 (has links)
Les lexiques bilingues sont des ressources particulièrement utiles pour la Traduction Automatique et la Recherche d’Information Translingue. Leur construction manuelle nécessite une expertise forte dans les deux langues concernées et est un processus coûteux. Plusieurs méthodes automatiques ont été proposées comme une alternative, mais elles qui ne sont disponibles que dans un nombre limité de langues et leurs performances sont encore loin derrière la qualité des traductions manuelles.Notre travail porte sur l'extraction de ces lexiques bilingues à partir de corpus de textes parallèles et comparables, c'est à dire la reconnaissance et l'alignement d'un vocabulaire commun multilingue présent dans ces corpus. / Bilingual lexicons are central components of machine translation and cross-lingual information retrieval systems. Their manual construction requires extensive expertise in both languages involved and it is a costly process. Several automatic methods were proposed as an alternative but they often rely of resources available in a limited number of languages and their performances are still far behind the quality of manual translations.Our work concerns bilingual lexicon extraction from multilingual parallel and comparable corpora, in other words, the process of finding translation pairs among the common multilingual vocabulary available in such corpora.
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Redações do ENEM: estudo dos desvios da norma padrão sob a perspectiva de corpos / ENEM essays: a study of deviations from the standard norm from a corpus perspective.Pinheiro, Gisele Montilha 27 March 2008 (has links)
Desvios da norma padrão, comumente chamados de \"erros\", são fatos comuns na escrita dos aprendizes da variante culta de uma língua materna como o português brasileiro. Tratados como um \"mal a ser combatido\", eles são, na verdade, importantes indícios do processo de assimilação da escrita culta pelo falante nativo. Revelam qual a tendência da transformação que naturalmente ocorre numa língua, demonstrando, por exemplo, a obsolência das gramáticas tradicionais, que não aceitam determinadas construções já muito freqüentes. Mas seria possível detectar algum padrão desses desvios? Haveria desvios típicos de um determinado perfil de redatores? Essas indagações motivaram a presente investigação, que se baseou na concepção de que esses estudos são de natureza empírica, comprometidos com a noção de que a língua funciona tal como um sistema probabilístico, de onde é possível prever tendências, por exemplo, de mudança. Falamos, pois, de uma investigação à luz da Lingüística de Corpus. Composto de redações do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM), edição de 2002, cedidas pelo Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais (INEP) juntamente com determinados traços do perfil dos redatores, construímos um corpus que foi batizado de Corvo, e se ocupou de uma faixa específica de textos: a de pior desempenho no ENEM no quesito domínio da norma culta. Observamos, desse modo, textos em que, supostamente, há freqüência maior de desvios e maior variedade de tipos de desvios. Nossa metodologia de pesquisa apoiou-se no uso do revisor gramatical automático ReGra, bastante popular no país e que auxilia o usuário no uso correto do português culto padrão. Além disso, construímos um material próprio de detecção e classificação dos desvios gramaticais, aumentando a capacidade de tratamento automático dos textos. Assim, foi possível gerar uma versão do corpus anotada em desvios, i.e., os textos apresentam indicações de quando e qual tipo de desvios ocorrem. Como resultado temos um mapeamento do Corvo; ou seja, um panorama dos desvios típicos de um determinado tip o de perfil de redator. Constatamos a deficiência ortográfica como o traço típico do grupo de indivíduos investigado, mas, sobretudo, que a ortografia é motor para o pleno funcionamento de uma revisão gramatical automática. O revisor ReGra mostrou-se incapaz de processar satisfatoriamente textos desse tipo de redator, mas, ainda assim, comprovou que esses textos apresentam desvios gramaticais de tratamento complexo, cuja intervenção do revisor, se acontece, pouco altera na qualidade geral dos mesmos. Com respeito à tipologia de desvio, pudemos constatar a validade da tipologia aplicada na pesquisa, que advém do ReGra e, portanto, está à margem das discussões teóricas ortodoxas. De fato, há recorrência de tipos de desvios, e isso numa freqüência que nos autoriza admitir a fraca assimilação de certas regras gramaticais tomadas como básicas (p.ex., a pontuação, a concordância e a regência). Constatamos, com relação ao perfil de redatores, que textos com maior potencial para a revisão da escrita, i.e., aqueles que alteram significativamente a qualidade textual com interferências pontuais de revisão, são justamente os produzidos pelos concluintes do ensino médio e não pelos egressos. / Deviations from the standard norm, usually called \'mistakes\', are common events in writing pieces of language learners speakers of a native language such as Brazilian Portuguese. They are treated as \'an evil that must be fought\'. They are, in fact, important evidence of the acquisition process of writing in the standard norm by the native speaker. They reveal the transformation trend, which normally occurs in a language, showing, for instance, the obsolescence of traditional grammars that do not accept certain patterns, which are frequent nonetheless. However, is it possible to identify a pattern in these deviations? Are there common deviations among a certain profile of students? These are the questions motivating this study, which is based on the concept that these investigations are empirical in nature, and are marked by the notion that language operates as a probabilistic system, in which it is possible to forecast trends of change, for example. We are, therefore, speaking of an investigation in the light of Corpus Linguistics. We compiled a corpus of essays written during the National Middle Education Exam (ENEM) carried out in 2002. These essays were obtained with the National Institute for Research in Education (INEP) together with the profile of the students. The corpus was called Corvo, and it is made up of a certain bracket of texts: those having obtained the worst performance rate in the ENEM in the standard norm category. We observed, therefore, texts in which there are, allegedly, a greater frequency of deviations and a greater variety of kinds of deviations. The research methodology was supported by the electronic grammar checker - ReGra - which is very popular in the country, and helps the user in writing standard Portuguese correctly. In addition, we built a specific tool for identifying and classifying grammar deviations, thus, increasing the ability to treat the texts electronically. Therefore, it was possible to generate an annotated version of the corpus according to the deviations, i.e., the texts were annotated according to when and what kind of deviations they presented. As a result, we have a mapping of the Corvo; that is, a view of the common deviations of students belonging to a certain profile. We identified poor spelling as a common feature of the group, but, above all, that spelling is the engine enabling a full grammatical check to operate. The ReGra grammar checker was not able to satisfactorily process these kinds of texts, but, even so, it proved that these texts presented complex grammar deviations, and the intervention of the checker, when it is applied, little alters their overall quality. In regard to deviation typology, we identified the validity of the typology used in this study, which results from the ReGra and, therefore, lies in the outskirts of orthodox theoretical discussions. In fact, certain kinds of deviations reoccur at a frequency that enables us to admit a poor assimilation of certain grammatical rules considered basic (e.g., punctuation, agreement and use of prepositions). We found that in regard to the profile of the students, texts with a greater writing check potential, that is, a check that would significantly improve text quality through individual checking interferences, are te xts produced by students who finished middle education and not those produced by students who are finishing the course.
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A Linguística de Corpus na formação do tradutor: compilação e proposta de análise de um corpus paralelo de aprendizes de tradução / Corpus linguistics in translator education: compilation and analysis proposal of a parallel corpus of translation learnersOliveira, Joacyr Tupinambás de 01 December 2014 (has links)
Os estudos sobre o ensino da tradução no Brasil ainda oferecem muito espaço para discussões. Valendo-se disso, este trabalho traz como um de seus objetivos uma breve reflexão sobre a sala de aula e sugere um possível método de ensino de tradução baseado na análise de material produzido por tradutores-aprendizes. A intenção é que, por meio da Linguística de Corpus, consigamos observar o processo de construção do texto de chegada pela ótica do aluno, nos mesmos moldes que o fazemos ao analisar material produzido por aprendizes de idiomas. Para tanto, compilamos um corpus de aprendizes de tradução, constituído por oito textos originais e cerca de 100 traduções para cada um deles. Alinhar tantas traduções referentes a um original de modo a permitir análises não foi tarefa fácil. A estratégia empregada para superar tal dificuldade foi o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia específica de alinhamento tendo como ferramenta planilhas eletrônicas. Tal metodologia tornou-se o foco central desta pesquisa. A utilização de fórmulas para a manipulação de dados textuais na planilha eletrônica resultou em um corpus alinhado, com todos os textos de partida e suas referidas traduções com cabeçalhos e com todas as linhas etiquetadas. Esse procedimento possibilitou a organização de um corpus para ser analisado tanto no editor de planilhas eletrônicas quando em programas como AntConc e WordSmith Tools. Além disso, também apresentamos a planilha eletrônica como uma ferramenta didática para ser usada nas aulas de prática de tradução. / Studies on the teaching of translation in Brazil still offer room for discussions. Having that in mind, one of the goals of this research aims at fostering a brief reflection upon the classroom and proposes a teaching method based on the analyses of material produced by translation learners. We show that Corpus Linguistics can be used to analyze student translations in the same way we do when we analyze material produced by language learners. For that purpose, we compiled a corpus of translations produced by learners, consisting of eight source texts in English and about 800 translations into Portuguese, approximately 100 for each text. Aligning so many translations to their original texts to favor analyses was not a simple task. Such difficulties were overcome by the development of a methodology for alignment, which became the central focus of this research. By utilizing formulas to deal with textual data in spreadsheets resulted in an aligned corpus containing source texts and their referring translations with headers and all lines tagged. Such procedure allowed us to come up with a corpus to be analyzed in both the spreadsheet editor and in programs such as AntConc and WordSmith Tools. In addition to that, we also introduced the spreadsheets as a didactic tool to be used in translation practice classes.
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The Relationship Between Instrumental Music Training and Corpus Callosum GrowthVan Hook, Colin January 2004 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Ellen Winner / Recent studies have shown differences between several structures in the brains of professional level musicians and non-musicians. Professional musicians form an ideal group to study changes in the human brain due to the unique abilities required of them. Since many musicians begin training at a young age, it is assumed that these differences are attributable to intense, early experience brought on by the cognitive and motor demands of music training. However, it remains to be seen whether these structural differences are due to changes brought on by experience or preexisting ones which draw children to music lessons. Using magnetic resonance images, I compared the size of the corpus callosums in two groups of children who ranged between the ages of five and seven, one just beginning music lessons and another not beginning music lessons. I also compared the groups in terms of their performance on a finger tapping test for differences in speed and accuracy. A second set of comparisons of callosal size was conducted between nine-to-eleven-year-olds who had been taking music lessons for at least a year and those who had not. Differences in the five-to-seven-year-olds were seen in the anterior corpus callosum corrected for brain volume between the musician and non-musician groups. Differences in accuracy of finger tapping were seen between the musicians and non musicians, as well as between those in the musician group who had received less than sixteen or twenty-five weeks of training versus those who had received less. These findings indicate that while musicians start out with at least one slightly larger measure of corpus callosum size, differences in finger skill tend to develop slowly. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2004. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Psychology. / Discipline: College Honors Program.
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Análise de um corpus de textos de segurança da aviação à luz dos Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus: os termos \'segurança\', \'safety\' e \'security\' / Analysis of a corpus of texts of safety and security in aviation under the view of Corpus-Based Translation Studies: terms segurança, safety and securityCosta, Carlos Eduardo Piazentine 21 June 2017 (has links)
A linguagem da tradução apresenta, de forma independente, tendências e características típicas em sua natureza. Este estudo examinou o termo segurança em português e suas duas principais traduções para o inglês safety e security, na temática de segurança da linguagem da aviação. Para tanto, fundamentamo-nos, principalmente, nos Estudos de Tradução Baseados em Corpus (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996) e na Linguística de Corpus (BERBER SARDINHA, 2000, 2004; TOGNINI-BONELLI, 2001). Relacionamos os três termos entre si, apontando semelhanças, generalidades e particularidades. Para a compilação do corpus paralelo de estudo, utilizamos duas revistas científicas brasileiras da área de aviação (Conexão Sipaer, 2009; Aviation in Focus, 2006) e compilamos também, dois corpora comparáveis de apoio de textos de segurança da aviação originalmente em português (Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil; Força Aérea Brasileira) e de textos originalmente em inglês (Organização de Aviação Civil Internacional). A pesquisa conta com o programa WordSmith Tools versão 6.0 e suas ferramentas WordList, KeyWords e Concord. Os tipos de corpora empregados permitiram refletir sobre as características da linguagem da tradução, assim como evidenciar uma correlação dos usos e sentidos dos termos analisados. As traduções apresentam traços de explicitação, simplificação e normalização. Por meio dos corpora comparáveis, obtivemos as principais expressões fixas e semifixas compostas pelos termos nas duas línguas, apresentadas em listas, acompanhadas de seus contextos em português e inglês. Os resultados apresentados apontam para uma melhor compreensão desses termos, na linguagem da aviação, e visam a contribuir com esclarecimentos para tradutores e profissionais que utilizam essa linguagem de especialidade a respeito do tema. / Translation language carries out certain trends and characteristics in its own nature. The present study aims at observing the term segurança in Portuguese and its two main translations into English safety and security in aviation language. The theories and methodologies used are those of Corpus-based Translation Studies (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996) and Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2000, 2004; TOGNINI-BONELLI, 2001). The three terms were related and we pointed out their similarities, generalities and peculiarities. For compiling the main corpus we used Brazilian journals in the aviation field (Conexão Sipaer, 2009; Aviation in Focus, 2006). For the comparable corpora, we used aviation texts originally in Portuguese (National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil; Brazilian Air Force) and texts originally in English (International Civil Aviation Organization). This study used the software WordSmith Tools version 6.0 and the tools WordList, KeyWords and Concord. The tranlated texts showed characteristics of explicitation, simplification and normalisation. The types of corpora we used leaded to a reflection over the characteristics of translation language as well as they allowed us to obtain evidence and relate uses of the analysed terms. The comparable corpora gave out the main fixed and semifixed expressions originated from the simple terms in Portuguese and English which are presented through lists followed by their contexts. The results contribute to a better understanding of the terms in aviation language and are expected to be usefull as evidence to translators and professionals in this field and theme.
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Uma análise da linguagem da tradução presente em relatórios de sustentabilidade à luz dos estudos da tradução baseados em Corpus / An analysis of the translation language found in sustainability reports in light of Corpus-Based Translation StudiesPrata, Vanessa Domingues 04 August 2017 (has links)
Milhares de empresas ao redor do mundo publicam anualmente relatórios de sustentabilidade, documentos que divulgam o desempenho econômico, ambiental, social e de governança da organização. Segundo dados de 2014, do relatório Spotlight on corporate transparency: Insights from GLOBE 2014, da empresa de auditoria KPMG, mais de 5.000 empresas em 88 países elaboram esses relatórios seguindo as diretrizes GRI Global Reporting Initiative (KPMG, 2014, p. 4). Frequentemente, tais relatórios são elaborados na língua oficial do país em que as empresas estão instaladas (língua de partida) e traduzidos para o inglês (língua de chegada). O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar a linguagem da tradução presente em relatórios de sustentabilidade que seguem o padrão GRI para identificar os principais traços típicos da tradução, tais como explicitação, simplificação e normalização, seguindo o arcabouço teórico de Baker (1993, 1995, 1996). Como objetivo secundário visamos identificar os principais termos e expressões desse modelo de relatório em português e seus equivalentes em inglês, para a compilação de uma proposta de glossário bilíngue na direção português-inglês. O estudo foi feito principalmente por meio dos Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus e da Linguística de Corpus, utilizando um corpus paralelo, com 10 documentos coletados da internet em português com as respectivas traduções para o inglês, e dois corpora comparáveis bilíngues, com um total de 30 documentos em português e outros 30 escritos em inglês. Em relação ao objetivo principal, notamos que, embora os documentos originais e as traduções do corpus de estudo sejam bastante semelhantes, isto é, apresentem o mesmo número de páginas, o mesmo layout e, aparentemente, o mesmo conteúdo em cada página, foi possível notar traços de explicitação, simplificação e normalização na linguagem traduzida. / Thousands of companies around the world annually publish sustainability reports, documents that disclose the organization\'s economic, environmental, social and governance performance. According to data from 2014 report Spotlight on Corporate Transparency: Insights from GLOBE 2014, published by auditing company KPMG, more than 5,000 companies in 88 countries compile these reports following the GRI Global Reporting Initiative guidelines (KPMG, 2014, p.4). Such reports are often produced in the official language of the country where the companies are established (the source language) and translated into English (the target language). The aim of this research is to analyze the translation language present in sustainability reports that follow the GRI standard to identify the main typical features of translation, such as explicitation, simplification and normalization, following the theoretical framework of Baker (1993, 1995, 1996). As a secondary goal we aim to identify the main terms and expressions of this model of report in Portuguese and their English equivalents, for the compilation of a proposal of a bilingual glossary in the Portuguese-English direction. The study was carried out mainly through Corpus-Based Translation Studies and Corpus Linguistics, using a parallel corpus, with 10 documents collected from the Internet in Portuguese with the respective English translations, and two comparable bilingual corpora with a total of 30 documents in Portuguese and other 30 documents written in English. In relation to the main objective, we noticed that, although the original documents and the translations of the study corpus are very similar, that is, they present the same number of pages, the same layout and, apparently, the same content in each page, it was possible to note traces of explicitation, simplification and normalization in the translated language.
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