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The Efficacy of Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback on Intermediate-high ESL Learners' Writing AccuracyLee, Soon Yeun 28 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigated the efficacy of dynamic written corrective feedback (DWCF) on intermediate-high students' writing accuracy when compared to a traditional grammar instruction approach. DWCF is an innovative written corrective feedback method that requires a multifaceted process and interaction between the teacher and the students in order to help the students improve their writing accuracy. The central principle of DWCF is that feedback should be manageable, meaningful, timely, and constant. The research question was raised based on the positive effects of DWCF found in advanced-low and advanced-mid proficiency level students (Evans et al., in press; Evans, Hartshorn, & Strong-Krause, 2009; Hartshorn, 2008; Hartshorn et al., in press). Similar to previous studies, this study attempted to examine the effectiveness of DWCF in terms of proficiency level. It further explored students' perspectives and attitudes towards DWCF. Two groups of ESL students participated in this study: a control group (n=18) that was taught using a traditional grammar instruction method, and a treatment group (n=35) that was taught using a DWCF approach. The findings in this study revealed that both methods improved the intermediate-high students' linguistic accuracy in writing. However, the findings of this study suggest that the instruction utilizing DWCF is preferable to traditional grammar instruction when it comes to improving intermediate-high students' writing accuracy for two reasons: first, DWCF was slightly more effective than the traditional grammar instruction used, and second, students strongly preferred the instruction using DWCF to traditional grammar instruction. The findings of this study further validate other work suggesting the positive effects found in advanced proficiency levels. This study indicates that ESL learners benefit from manageable, meaningful, timely, and constant error feedback in improving their linguistic accuracy in writing. Furthermore, this study suggests the desirability of applying DWCF to other contexts.
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Recasts in the EFL classroom : a comparison of native and nonnative teachersYang, Yi-Chun Christine 29 September 2010 (has links)
Recasting (i.e., corrective feedback in which the teacher paraphrases a learner's incorrect utterance without explicitly labeling it as erroneous) is a frequent phenomenon in classroom discourse. Despite its frequency and naturalness, educators continue to debate its efficacy. At issue is whether learners notice such implicit feedback in order to make use of it. This on-going debate centers on the following question: What makes a teacher's recast noticeable to a student? While most of the studies in the recast literature have emphasized student factors such as working memory and/or developmental readiness (e.g., Havranek & Cesnik, 2001), few studies have explored how teacher factors affect learner perceptions of and receptivity to recasts. This study fills this gap by employing qualitative methods to investigate student perceptions of their teacher recasts. Six classes in Applied English Departments at three different institutes of technology in mid-southern Taiwan participated in this study. Different methods were employed to gather student and teacher data in order to arrive at a more complete understanding of classroom recasts: classroom observations, individual student interviews, group stimulated recall interviews, and teacher interviews. According to student interview data, seven teacher categories (e.g., nativeness, teacher language use, teacher affect, etc.) were found to have a significant impact on students’ noticing of and receptivity to recasts. In particular, the findings indicate that EFL student perceptions of recasts are profoundly affected by teachers’ language use (e.g. phonetic and syntactic features) and teachers' nativeness (e.g., native vs. nonnative). Other factors such as teacher-student rapport also mediate students’ attention to and understanding of feedback. In addition to the student self-report data, classroom observation data of teachers' behavior indicated striking differences as well--native teachers tended to correct more grammatical errors while nonnative teachers corrected more phonological errors. In light of these findings, suggestions for improving student awareness of corrective recasts are given to both native and nonnative teachers. It is hoped that the qualitative categories uncovered in this study will lead to more rigorous, testable hypotheses for future quantitative analysis. / text
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Watching the signs : an examination of foreign/second language written corrective feedbackLeeman, Paul Eric 02 October 2014 (has links)
This report seeks to examine the literature related to written corrective feedback in second/foreign language classrooms in order to inform the most effective pedagogical practices related to this topic. I begin with an article by Truscott which would set the tone for the academic debate on whether or not to provide written corrective feedback in L2 classrooms. In his 1996 article Truscott claims that written corrective feedback a) is not helpful, b) is harmful, and c) should be eliminated entirely. Chapter 1 covers this debate, referred to as the Truscott Debate, reviewing the many articles that directly answer the challenge laid down by Truscott (1996). Following a review of this academic debate, I examine the literature that investigates the specific providers of feedback (teachers or peer feedback), the types of feedback (direct or indirect) and the degree of focus related to those feedback options. Chapter 4 reviews other factors that can also affect the efficacy of written corrective feedback, such as student motivation, learner levels, and oral feedback in conjunction with written feedback and online feedback. Chapter 5 puts forth particular circumstances in which each type of feedback can be efficacious, offering a guide for the provision of feedback in a variety of circumstances. / text
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Teacher Participation and Feedback Styles During Classroom Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication in Intermediate German: A Multiple Case StudyGoertler, Senta January 2006 (has links)
This mixed design multiple case study of learners' interactions explores the effects of teacher participation during third semester German in-class chatting activities. Three third-semester German courses taught by two different teachers were investigated over the course of one semester, during which the class members were asked to chat for 20 minutes per week using activities design by the researcher and adapted from the textbook.Multiple data sets were collected: teachers' participation styles and feedback moves; students' language learning achievement levels; students' attitudes towards corrective feedback and technology; their experience with feedback and technology; and evidence in chat transcripts of errors, uptake, and error uptake. Students were administered a pre- and post-instruction achievement test on the structures taught during third semester German. In addition, they were surveyed at the beginning and the end of the semester on their attitudes and experiences with feedback and technology in the foreign language classroom. Furthermore, chat transcripts were analyzed to identify errors, corrective feedback, teacher moves, uptake, error uptake, student and teacher word count and words per minute, error rate, and target language use. In order to better understand the context of the transcripts, classroom observations were conducted once a month, and students completed a self-report form after each chat session. Informal conversations with the teachers provided additional insights.It was found that the students overwhelmingly appreciated teacher involvement and feedback, and that they saw chatting as both fun and beneficial for language learning. The corrective feedback rate was generally low, as were rates of uptake and error uptake. The two teachers were found to have different interaction and feedback styles. Furthermore, the three classes operated with differing levels of technical support during the lab sessions, which did not appear to influence the students' experiences except for the amount of teacher output. Six case study subjects, namely the two students from each class who contributed the most to chat sessions, were selected for an in-depth analysis of their chat transcripts.
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Relationships between Patient Motivation for Physical Rehabilitiation and Subscales on the Edwards Personal Preference ScheduleGilbert, Algie Stephen, 1925- 08 1900 (has links)
This study was concerned with the relationship between patient motivation for treatment in three of the various therapy sections of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service of the Veterans Administration General Medical and Surgical Hospital, Long Beach, California, and needs as measured by the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule. Of the six therapies under the direction of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service consideration was given to the following: Occupational Therapy (OT), Physical Therapy (PT), and Corrective Therapy (CT)
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A Comparison of Microlab Discussions of Interpersonal Competencies and Corrective Feedback on Counselor Trainees' Defensiveness LevelsDean, Christian 21 May 2005 (has links)
This study explored the comparison of microlab discussions of interpersonal competencies and corrective feedback on counselor trainees' defensiveness levels. Additionally, the effects of microlab discussions of interpersonal competencies or corrective feedback on counselor trainees' beliefs about their ability to communicate more clearly, receive corrective feedback with less difficulty, and act on corrective feedback receive more easily were explored. Participants in this study (N = 72) were counselor trainees enrolled in three different universities within the New Orleans metropolitan area. Participants completed the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale: Second Edition (TSCS: 2; Fitts & Warren, 1996) at least three weeks before taking part in a microlab discussion of interpersonal competencies or corrective feedback or not taking part in any discussion. Upon completion of the microlab discussion, participants in the treatment conditions completed the TSCS: 2 for the second time. Participants in the control condition simply met and completed the second administration of the TSCS: 2. Analyses of covariance were conducted on the posttest scores using the pretest as a covariate. Also, interaction effects were explored between demographic characteristics and treatment condition on posttest scores as well as responses to a group evaluation. Results did not support any of the hypotheses associated with participants who engaged in microlab discussion would have a lower defensiveness score as compared to a control group. Promising findings resulted from reactions to both microlabs by participants regarding their beliefs about their abilities to communicate more clearly, receive corrective feedback with less difficulty, and act on corrective feedback received more easily in the future. Also, a pattern associated with the number of courses completed was indicated due to a significant correlation with change in defensiveness course and interaction effects with treatment condition on responses to question 1 and 3 of the group evaluation. Counselor education programs, counselors who work with groups, and counselor trainees may benefit from exploring the possible benefits associated with microlab discussions as a form of pregroup training. Future research may provide more insight into the development of an instrument to more effectively measure defensiveness within the context of receiving corrective feedback. Also, the development of multi-session pregroup training may prove to be more effective in reducing defensiveness levels.
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Desenvolvimento de sistema computacional para planejamento e controle da manutenção do reator IEA-R1 / Development of a computational program to planning and control of the IEA-R1 reactor maintenanceMartins, Mauro Onofre 29 May 2015 (has links)
A manutenção é uma atividade essencial em reatores nucleares. Os componentes de sistemas de segurança de uma instalação industrial devem ter uma baixa probabilidade de falha, especialmente se houver um elevado risco de acidentes que podem causar danos ambientais. Em instalações nucleares, a presença de sistemas de segurança são uma especificação técnica e uma exigência para a sua licença de funcionamento. De forma a gerenciar todo o fluxo de informações provenientes das manutenções do Reator IEA-R1 foi desenvolvido um sistema computacional, que além de planejar e controlar toda a manutenção mantém atualizados documentos e registros para salvaguardar a qualidade e garantir a segurança na operação do Reator IEA-R1. O sistema computacional possui níveis de acesso e apresenta relatórios detalhados de todas as manutenções previstas e executadas, e também um histórico individual de cada equipamento durante sua vida útil na instalação. O trabalho apresenta todas as etapas de desenvolvimento do sistema, sua descrição, compatibilidades, aplicação, vantagens e resultados obtidos experimentalmente. / Maintenance is an essential activity in nuclear reactors. The safety systems components of an industrial plant should have a low failure probability, especially in case of high risk of accidents with potential for environment damage. In nuclear facilities, the security systems are a technical specification and a requirement for license operation. In order to manage the IEA-R1 maintenance information flow, a computational program (software) was developed, to plan and control all the maintenance, update the documents and records to quality safeguard and ensure the safe reactor operation. The software has access levels and share detailed maintenance planned and implemented reports, and equipment reports, during its facility lifetime. This work presents all the stages of the software development, description, compatibilities, application, advantages and experimental results.
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Efeitos cefalométricos promovidos pelos aparelhos extrabucal cervical e distalizadores de molares superiores Jones Jig, no tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II / Comparative cephalometric effects of cervical headgear and Jones Jig appliances in Class II malocclusion treatmentFernanda Pinelli Henriques Fontes 25 February 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Este estudo comparou os efeitos cefalométricos promovidos por dois aparelhos distalizadores de molares superiores distintos, o aparelho extrabucal cervical e o aparelho Jones Jig de caráter intrabucal, associados ao aparelho ortodôntico fixo. Objetivos: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi obter e comparar os valores entre os distalizadores , afim de saber quais as diferenças que ocorrem entre os protocolos de tratamento. Material e Métodos: O grupo AEB consiste de 25 pacientes apresentando má oclusão de Classe II, com idade média inicial de 13,00 anos, tratados por meio do aparelho extrabucal cervical associado ao aparelho ortodôntico fixo. O grupo Jones Jig foi de 21 pacientes possuindo má oclusão de Classe II, com idade média inicial de 12,88 anos, tratados com o aparelho Jones Jig seguido do aparelho ortodôntico fixo. Foram avaliadas as telerradiografias em norma lateral no início e no final do tratamento ortodôntico. Os grupos foram compatibilizados em relação à idade inicial, gênero da amostra, severidade da má oclusão de Classe II, características cefalométricas iniciais e finais. A partir das telerradiografias foram obtidos os traçados cefalométricos, utilizando-se o programa Dentalfacial Planner 7.02 para avaliação das grandezas esqueléticas e dentoalveolares. Foi realizado o teste estatístico teste t de Student não paramétrico para dados normais e o Man Witney para os dados não normais. Resultados: Houve um redirecionamento do crescimento maxilar no grupo AEB, resultando na restrição do vetor de crescimento maxilar para anterior, o que promoveu a melhora da relação maxilomandibular esquelética. No grupo Jones Jig, verificou somente efeitos dentoalveolares. Em ambos os protocolos de tratamento, não houve diferenças na mandíbula a não ser as diferenças que ocorrem naturalmente com o crescimento craniofacial. Não houve diferença nas repercussões de ambos os tratamentos no perfil facial tegumentar. Conclusão: Ambos os aparelhos corrigiram a má oclusão de Classe II, de forma semelhante, com a estabilização sagital do complexo dentoalveolar superior proporcionada pelos aparelhos distalizadores, enquanto que o complexo dentoalveolar inferior avançava em direção anterior, devido ao crescimento mandibular. / Introduction: This study compared the effects of two cephalometric promoted by two different molar distalizers, the cervical headgear and intraoral Jones Jig appliance, associated with fixed orthodontic appliances. Objectives: The aim of this study was to obtain and compare values between two different types of distalizer devices in order to know what the differences that occur between the treatment protocols. Material and Methods: The headgear group consists of 25 patients with Class II malocclusion, with an initial mean age of 13,00 years, treated by cervical headgear associated with fixed orthodontic appliance. The Jones Jig group is 21 patients having Class II malocclusion, with an initial mean age of 12,88 years, treated with the Jones Jig appliance followed by fixed orthodontic appliance. We evaluated the lateral cephalograms at the beginning and end of orthodontic treatment. The groups were matched for initial age, sample gender, severity of Class II malocclusion, initial and final cephalometric features. The radiographs were obtained from the cephalometric, using Dentalfacial Planner 7.02 program to evaluate the skeletal and dentoalveolar magnitudes. The nonparametric statistical t test and Man Witiney was performed. Results: There was a redirection of maxillary growth in the headgear group resulting in the restriction of maxillary growth vector for earlier, which allowed improvement of skeletal maxillomandibular relationship. Jones Jig group, there were only dentoalveolar effects. In both treatment protocols, there were no differences in the jaw unless the differences that naturally occur with craniofacial growth. Conclusion: Both appliances have corrected the Class II malocclusion, similarly, with the sagittal stabilization of the upper dentoalveolar complex provided by the distalizers, while the lower dentoalveolar complex advanced in an anterior direction due to mandibular growth. There was no difference in the effects of both treatments in soft facial profile.
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Avaliação da influência da expansão rápida da maxila sobre a recidiva do apinhamento ântero-superior em casos tratados ortodonticamente com extrações de pré-molares / Evaluation of the influence of rapid maxillary expansion on the relapse of maxillary anterior crowding in cases ortodontically treated with premolar extractionMartins, Patrícia Paschoal 17 January 2007 (has links)
A estabilidade a longo prazo do tratamento ortodôntico é o objetivo dos ortodontistas na busca do sucesso dos casos clínicos. Desta forma o presente estudo objetivou avaliar retrospectivamente a influência da expansão rápida da maxila na estabilidade pós-contenção do alinhamento dos dentes ântero-superiores, em casos tratados com extração de pré-molares. A amostra foi constituída de 60 pacientes de ambos os gêneros, com más oclusões de Classe I e Classe II, tratados com extrações de 4 pré-molares, utilizando-se a mecânica de Edgewise. A amostra foi dividida em dois grupos, de acordo com o protocolo de tratamento, sendo o Grupo 1 composto por 30 pacientes (14 do gênero masculino e 1 do gênero feminino), com idade inicial média de 13,55 anos (d.p.= ± 1,58 anos), tratados ortodonticamente com extrações de quatro pré-molares. O Grupo 2 apresentou 30 pacientes (9 do gênero masculino e 21 do gênero feminino), com idade inicial média de 13,98 anos (d.p.= ± 2,61 anos), tratados ortodonticamente com expansão rápida da maxila e posteriormente mecânica corretiva com extrações de quatro pré-molares ou dois pré-molares superiores. Foram avaliados os modelos de estudo referentes às fases inicial (T1), final (T2) e pós-contenção (T3) de cada paciente, medindo-se o de Little, as distâncias intercaninos, interpré-molares, intermolares, o comprimento e o perímetro do arco. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada pela análise de variância (ANOVA) a um critério para avaliação intragrupos entre as três fases. O teste de Tukey foi aplicado nas variáveis que apresentaram resultados estatisticamente significantes. A comparação intergrupos foi realizada pelo teste t independente. O teste de Pearson foi utilizado para correlacionar o Índice de Irregularidade de Little às demais variáveis estudadas. Os resultados evidenciaram que o Índice de Irregularidade de Little apresentou 9,40% de recidiva para o grupo 1 e 13,57% para o grupo 2. Não ocorreu diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos na recidiva das distâncias intercaninos, interpré-molares e intermolares, no comprimento e no perímetro do arco. Entretanto, o grupo 2 apresentou maior quantidade de recidiva na quantidade de apinhamento ântero-superior em relação ao grupo 1. Portanto, houve influência da expansão rápida da maxila na estabilidade do alinhamento dos incisivos superiores. / The long-term stability of orthodontic treatment is the objective of orthodontists in the search for success in clinical cases. Thus, the present retrospective study evaluated the influence of rapid maxillary expansion on the post-retention stability of alignment of maxillary anterior teeth in patients treated with premolar extraction. The sample was composed of 60 patients of both genders, with Class I and Class II malocclusions, treated by extraction of 4 premolars and edgewise mechanics. The sample was divided into two groups according to the treatment protocol. Group 1 comprised 30 patients (14 males and 16 females), with initial mean age 13.55 years (s.d. = ± 1.58 years), orthodontically treated by extraction of four premolars. Group 2 included 30 patients (9 males and 21 females), with initial mean age 13.98 years (s.d. = ± 2.61 years), orthodontically treated by rapid maxillary expansion followed by corrective mechanics with extraction of four premolars or two maxillary premolars. Dental casts obtained from all patients at initial (T1), final (T2) and postretention stages (T3) were assessed by measurements of the Little irregularity index, intercanine, interpremolar and intermolar distances, and length and perimeter of the maxillary arch. Statistical analysis of data was performed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for evaluation within groups among the three stages. The Tukey test was applied for the variables presenting statistically significant outcomes. Comparison between groups was performed by the independent t test. The Pearson test was used to correlate the Little irregularity index to the other study variables. The results demonstrated that the Little irregularity index presented 9.40% of relapse for Group 1 and 13.57% for Group 2. There was no statistically significant difference between groups as to the relapse in intercanine, interpremolar or intermolar distance, length and perimeter of the maxillary arch. However, Group 2 exhibited greater relapse in the amount of maxillary anterior crowding compared to Group 1. Thus, rapid maxillary expansion influenced the stability of alignment of maxillary incisors.
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Efeitos cefalométricos promovidos pelos aparelhos extrabucal cervical e distalizadores de molares superiores Jones Jig, no tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II / Comparative cephalometric effects of cervical headgear and Jones Jig appliances in Class II malocclusion treatmentFontes, Fernanda Pinelli Henriques 25 February 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Este estudo comparou os efeitos cefalométricos promovidos por dois aparelhos distalizadores de molares superiores distintos, o aparelho extrabucal cervical e o aparelho Jones Jig de caráter intrabucal, associados ao aparelho ortodôntico fixo. Objetivos: O objetivo do presente trabalho foi obter e comparar os valores entre os distalizadores , afim de saber quais as diferenças que ocorrem entre os protocolos de tratamento. Material e Métodos: O grupo AEB consiste de 25 pacientes apresentando má oclusão de Classe II, com idade média inicial de 13,00 anos, tratados por meio do aparelho extrabucal cervical associado ao aparelho ortodôntico fixo. O grupo Jones Jig foi de 21 pacientes possuindo má oclusão de Classe II, com idade média inicial de 12,88 anos, tratados com o aparelho Jones Jig seguido do aparelho ortodôntico fixo. Foram avaliadas as telerradiografias em norma lateral no início e no final do tratamento ortodôntico. Os grupos foram compatibilizados em relação à idade inicial, gênero da amostra, severidade da má oclusão de Classe II, características cefalométricas iniciais e finais. A partir das telerradiografias foram obtidos os traçados cefalométricos, utilizando-se o programa Dentalfacial Planner 7.02 para avaliação das grandezas esqueléticas e dentoalveolares. Foi realizado o teste estatístico teste t de Student não paramétrico para dados normais e o Man Witney para os dados não normais. Resultados: Houve um redirecionamento do crescimento maxilar no grupo AEB, resultando na restrição do vetor de crescimento maxilar para anterior, o que promoveu a melhora da relação maxilomandibular esquelética. No grupo Jones Jig, verificou somente efeitos dentoalveolares. Em ambos os protocolos de tratamento, não houve diferenças na mandíbula a não ser as diferenças que ocorrem naturalmente com o crescimento craniofacial. Não houve diferença nas repercussões de ambos os tratamentos no perfil facial tegumentar. Conclusão: Ambos os aparelhos corrigiram a má oclusão de Classe II, de forma semelhante, com a estabilização sagital do complexo dentoalveolar superior proporcionada pelos aparelhos distalizadores, enquanto que o complexo dentoalveolar inferior avançava em direção anterior, devido ao crescimento mandibular. / Introduction: This study compared the effects of two cephalometric promoted by two different molar distalizers, the cervical headgear and intraoral Jones Jig appliance, associated with fixed orthodontic appliances. Objectives: The aim of this study was to obtain and compare values between two different types of distalizer devices in order to know what the differences that occur between the treatment protocols. Material and Methods: The headgear group consists of 25 patients with Class II malocclusion, with an initial mean age of 13,00 years, treated by cervical headgear associated with fixed orthodontic appliance. The Jones Jig group is 21 patients having Class II malocclusion, with an initial mean age of 12,88 years, treated with the Jones Jig appliance followed by fixed orthodontic appliance. We evaluated the lateral cephalograms at the beginning and end of orthodontic treatment. The groups were matched for initial age, sample gender, severity of Class II malocclusion, initial and final cephalometric features. The radiographs were obtained from the cephalometric, using Dentalfacial Planner 7.02 program to evaluate the skeletal and dentoalveolar magnitudes. The nonparametric statistical t test and Man Witiney was performed. Results: There was a redirection of maxillary growth in the headgear group resulting in the restriction of maxillary growth vector for earlier, which allowed improvement of skeletal maxillomandibular relationship. Jones Jig group, there were only dentoalveolar effects. In both treatment protocols, there were no differences in the jaw unless the differences that naturally occur with craniofacial growth. Conclusion: Both appliances have corrected the Class II malocclusion, similarly, with the sagittal stabilization of the upper dentoalveolar complex provided by the distalizers, while the lower dentoalveolar complex advanced in an anterior direction due to mandibular growth. There was no difference in the effects of both treatments in soft facial profile.
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