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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of feedback to secondary schools from The Cambridge overseas school certificate(COSC) english language examinations in Lesotho

Tlebere, Maleshoane Matheko 24 April 2006 (has links)
Degree: Master of Arts Department: English / This study investigates how feedback from the Cambridge Overseas School Certificate (COSC) English language examinations marking board is transmitted to the teachers and other stakeholders for effective teaching and learning in Lesotho secondary schools. The aim was to discover teachers’ and other stakeholders’ views, feelings and reactions to examiners’ reports. The focus was also on the general information that comes from the marking board. In carrying out this study, interviews, questionnaires and documents were used to examine the extent to which teachers access and make use of this information in improving their pedagogical practices. End of year results, from selected schools, covering a period of five years, were analysed. The major findings of the research revealed that there was a correlation between the feedback and students’ results. Based on feedback from the marking board there were positive washback effects on teaching methods and on teachers’ perceptions, resulting in improved students’ scores. Nevertheless, there were contradicting views on the issue of washback effects and this situation simply highlighted the ambivalence of the concept of washback, especially on the high-stakes tests such as the COSC discussed here. One major discovery was in relation to the issue of full localization of COSC. An overwhelming majority of the respondents suggested that localized marking of the COSC has positive washback effects on teaching and learning of English language in the context of Lesotho, and more positive results are envisaged with full localization of such examinations and the curricula. It is hoped that the MOE, will make informed policy modifications using some of the findings in this report.

Radiogenic Dating and Microstructure Analysis of Shear Zones Found Within the Seve Nappe Complex in the Åre Region, Jämtland, Scandinavian Caledonides / Radiometrisk datering och mikrostrukturanalys av skjuvzoner upptäckta i Seveskollankomplexet i Åreregionen, Jämtland, skandinaviska Kaledoniderna

Alessandrini, Cameron January 2017 (has links)
The North Atlantic Caledonides are a continent-continent collision type orogeny found in WesternScandinavia, Svalbard, Greenland and the British Isles. They are thought to have formed as a result of a complex history consisting of repeated ocean opening and closure. The tectonostratigraphy of the Scandinavian Caledonides consists of four allochthons that overlay the crystalline, autochthonous basement. The allochthons are thought to have been transported hundreds of kilometers eastward during the Scandian collision.To investigate the complex history of the Scandinavian Caledonides, a scientific drilling initiative called the Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) project began in 2014. The first phase of the project was to drill a borehole to approximately 2500m depth, to sample a thick section of the Lower Seve Nappe of the Middle Allochthon, as well as the underlying thrust zone.The current hypothesis is that the Middle Seve Nappe has been juxtaposed with the Lower Seve Nappe while still in the subduction channel. Both Seve nappes were emplaced onto the underlying units somewhat later. To test this hypothesis, Rb-Sr dating and Ar-Ar dating has been conducted on white and dark mica found in samples taken from the shear zones. Rb-Sr dating yielded an age of 413 ± 12 Ma and Ar-Ar dating yielded an average age of 424.1± 2.9 Ma. Since the Rb-Sr and Ar-Ar ages overlap, it is interpreted that the crystallization age of the samples is recorded in both cases. Likely, the rocks cooled rather quickly, resulting in a negligible difference in Rb-Sr and Ar-Ar ages. Comparing these results to previous age dating work completed in the same area illustrate a complex subduction/exhumation history. At c. 455 Ma, the Middle and Lower Seve nappes were subducted beneath an island arc and peak pressure metamorphic conditions were reached. Shortly afterwards,exhumation of the subducted sheet began, as a result of the buoyancy of the subducted crust, as well as tectonic under pressure caused by wedge extraction. At c. 424 Ma, the Middle Seve was juxtaposed over the Lower Seve while still in the subduction channel, and at c. 424 - 421.2 Ma both the Middle and Lower Seve nappes were exhumed and transported eastward, where they were thrust above the underlying Särv Nappe and Lower Allochthon, creating the lower shear zone which is the focus of this study. Data from this study will help to establish a coherent model of mid-Palaeozoic mountain building, and provide insight on how this mountain chain, as well as its Himalaya-Tibet analogue have formed. / Den kaledoniska bergskedjan är en kontinent-kontinent kollison orogenes som återfinns i västra Skandinavien, Svalbard, Grönland och på de brittiska öarna. Bergskedjan har formats som ett resultat av en komplicerad historia av repeterad öppning och stängning av Iapetushavet. Skandinaviska kaledoniderna består av fyra allochthoner som täcker urberggrunden. Allochthonerna tros ha blivit transporterade hundratals kilometer i östlig riktning under den Skandiska kollisionen.För att kunna utreda den komplicerade historia som de skandinaviska Kaledoniderna har så har ett borrningsprojekt tagits fram under år 2014 med namnet “Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides” (COSC). Det första skedet i projektet var att borra ett 2500 meter djupt borrhål för att ta prover från den undre Seveskollan som belägen i den mellersta allochthonen, samt den underliggande överskjutningszonen.Hypotesen är att den mellersta Seveskollan har placerats intill den undre Seveskollan då de befann sig i en subduktionskanal. Både mellersta och undre Seveskollan har placerats uppepå den underliggande bergsenheten något senare. För att testa hypotesen har Rb-Sr och Ar-Ar datering utförts på prover med vitt glimmer som tagits från skjuvzonen. Kompositionskartor av vitt glimmer påvisar inga uppenbara tecken på zonation, vilket innebär att glimmerkornen nyligen bildats eller omkristalliserats under skjuvning. Rb-Sr dateringen gav en ålder på 413 ± 12 miljoner år och Ar-Ar dateringen gav en ålder på424.1 ± 2.9 miljoner år. Detta tolkas som åldern på de omkristalliserade glimmerkornen.Resultatet har jämförts med tidigare åldersdateringar i samma område och påvisar en komplicerad subduktionshistoria. För 460 miljoner år sedan subducerade mellersta och undre Seveskollan under en öbåge. För ungefär 440 miljoner år började upplyftandet av de subducerade skollorna som ett resultat av bärkraften av den subducerande jordskorpan, även av tektoniska rörelser orsakad av en kilutdragning. För 424 miljoner år sedan blev mellersta Seveskollan placerad ovanpå undre Seveskollan när de befann sig i subduktionskanalen. Slutligen, för cirka 415 miljoner år sedan blev både den mellersta och undre Seveskollan upplyfta och transporterade i östlig riktning där de skjuvade över den underliggande Särvskollan och den undre allochthonen.Data från denna studie kommer att bidra till skapandet av en följdriktig modell av den mitt-Paleozoiskabergskedjebildningen  och

Geophysical studies of the upper crust of the central Swedish Caledonides in relation to the COSC scientific drilling project

Hedin, Peter January 2015 (has links)
The Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC) project aims to provide a deeper understanding of mountain belt dynamics through scientific deep drilling in the central parts of the mountain belt of western Sweden. The main targets include a subduction related allochthon, the basal orogenic detachment and the underlying partially subducted Precambrian basement. Research covered by this thesis, focusing primarily on reflection seismic data, was done within the framework of the COSC project. The 55 km long composite COSC Seismic Profile (CSP) images the upper crust in high resolution and established the basis for the selection of the optimum location for the two 2.5 km deep COSC boreholes. Together with potential field and magnetotelluric data, these profiles allowed the construction of a constrained regional interpretation of the major tectonic units. Non-conventional pseudo 3D processing techniques were applied to the 2D data prior to the drilling of the first borehole, COSC-1, to provide predictions about the 3D geometry of subsurface structures and potential zones of interest for the sampling programs. COSC-1 was drilled in 2014 and reached the targeted depth with nearly complete core recovery. A continuous geological section and a wealth of information from on-site and off-site scientific investigations were obtained. A major post-drilling seismic survey was conducted in and around the borehole and included a 3D reflection seismic experiment. The structurally and lithologically complex Lower Seve Nappe proved difficult to image in detail using standard processing techniques, but its basal mylonite zone and underlying structures are well resolved. The 3D data, from the surface down to the total drilled depth, show good correlation with the initial mapping of the COSC-1 core as well as with preliminary results from on-core and downhole logging.   Good correlation is also observed between the 2D and 3D reflection seismic datasets. These will provide a strong link between the two boreholes and a means to extrapolate the results from the cores and boreholes into the surrounding rock. Ultimately, they will contribute to the deeper understanding of the tectonic evolution of the region, the Scandinavian Caledonides and the formation of major orogens. / Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides

Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data Constrained by Borehole Logs and Reflection Seismic Sections

Yan, Ping January 2016 (has links)
This thesis presents two new algorithms for doing constrained Magnetotelluric (MT) inversion based on an existing Occam 2D inversion program. The first algorithm includes borehole resistivity logs as prior information to constrain resistivity directly in the vicinity of boreholes. The second algorithm uses reflection seismic data as prior constraints to transfer structural information from seismic images to 2D resistivity models. These two algorithms are efficient (proved through tests of synthetic examples) and widely applicable. In this thesis, they have been successfully applied to the COSC (Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides) MT data. The COSC project aims to study the mountain belt dynamics in central Sweden by drilling two 2.5 km deep boreholes. MT data were collected to locate the main décollement that separates the overlying Caledonian allochthons and the underlying Precambrian basement, as the main décollement is associated with very conductive Alum shale. The previous interpretation based on part of the COSC seismic profile (CSP) was that the main décollement was located along a reflection with depth of 4.5 km underneath Åre and ~3 km underneath Mörsil, in central Jämtland. The MT resistivity model reveals a very conductive layer in the central and western parts of the profile, the top of which coincides with the first seismic reflection. This means that the first conductive alum shale layer occurs at less than 1 km depth, supporting a new interpretation of the main décollement at shallower depth. In a re-interpretation of the CSP data based on the MT model, the main décollement occurs a few hundred metres below the top of the conductor and is coincident with a laterally continuous seismic reflection. Further, the overlying seismic reflections resemble imbricated alum shale of the Lower Allochthon. MT inversion using seismic constraints from CSP gives further support to the new interpretation. Moreover, MT investigations were conducted in the Alnö alkaline and carbonatite ring-intrusion complex in Sweden. 2D and 3D resistivity models inverted from MT data together with resistivity and porosity laboratory measurements delineate a fossil magma chamber as a resistive anomaly surrounded by electrically conductive up-doming and ring-shaped faults and fractures.

Pressure-Temperature-time Constraints on the Deep Subduction of the Seve Nappe Complex in Jämtland and southern Västerbotten, Scandinavian Caledonides / Tryck-temperatur och åldersbestämmning av Seveskollancomplexet i Jämtland och södra Västerbotten, Skandinaviska Kaledoniderna

Holmberg, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
The Scandinavian Caledonides are defined by long transported thrust sheets emplaced in a nappe stratigraphic succession onto the Paleozoic Baltica platform, as a result of the collision between the paleo-continents Baltica and Laurentia. This Palaeozoic collisional orogen is nowadays exposed at mid-crustal levels, thus provides an excellent ground for in situ studies of mountain building processes. The complex nappe stack is subdivided into the Lower, Middle, Upper and Uppermost allochthons. The tectonostratigraphic highest unit in the Middle Allochthon is the Seve Nappe Complex (SNC), itself segmented into Lower, Middle and Upper Seve nappes, which all experienced different metamorphic evolution. The SNC is known for high pressure (HP) and ultrahigh pressure (UHP) subduction related rocks and the target for the Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides (COSC-1) scientific drilling programme. The drilling resulted in a continuous c. 2.4 km long drill core through the Lower Seve Nappe, drilled in the eastern slope of Åreskutan Mt in west-central Jämtland. Above the COSC-1 profile lies the high grade Middle Seve Nappe (i.e. Åreskutan Nappe), which experienced UHP verified by the presence of microdiamonds in kyanite bearing gneisses. Recently, microdiamonds have also been discovered in gneisses (described here) further north close to Saxnäs in southern Västerbotten.     The metamorphic history of the Lower Seve Nappe is reconstructed based on material from the COSC-1 drill core, which also enables evaluation of the tectonometamorphic relationship to the overlying high grade Middle Seve Nappe. The Lower Seve Nappe comprise calc-silicates, calcareous gneisses and mylonitic micaschists and two tectonometamorphic events are recognized, prograde metamorphism (M1-D1) and retrograde thrust related metamorphism (M2-D2). Pressure and temperature (PT) conditions of the Lower Seve Nappe is constrained by state-of-the-art Quartz-in-Garnet (QuiG) barometry based on the shift in Raman band position of quartz inclusions in garnet, and Titanium-in-Quartz (TitaniQ) thermometry (satellite masters project). Supplementary conventional barometry based on phengite composition is applied where the use of QuiG is limited. The PT conditions of the M1-D1 is constrained to ~ 8-13 kbar, 525-695 o C and the M2-D2 event ~7-10 kbar, 450-550 o C. Conclusively, the Lower Seve Nappe was metamorphosed in upper greenschist-amphibolite to lower eclogite facies conditions at depths around 40-60 km and later suffered from greenschist overprint during thrusting. Lu-Hf garnet geochronology confirm that the overlying high-grade Åreskutan Nappe experienced UHP conditions around 450 Ma at depths around 120 km. Likewise, Ar-Ar dating implies peak conditions of the Lower Seve around 460-450 Ma. Moreover, their respective lower shear zones were active at the same time, c. 424 Ma. Conclusively, they were juxtaposed in their current tectonostratigraphic positions in a subduction channel in the early Silurian as a result of exhumation. Additionally, the microdiamond bearing kyanite-garnet gneisses from Saxnäs indeed show similarities to the Åreskutan gneisses, which strongly implies that the UHPM in this unit of the Scandinavian Caledonides is of regional character. / De Skandinaviska Kaledoniderna har bildats genom en kollision mellan de två kontinentalplattorna Baltika och Laurentia då Japetushavet stängdes omkring 400 miljoner år sedan. Till följd av de starkt komprimerande krafterna transporterades stora flak (skollor) av havsbottenberggrund och kontinentalskorpa hundratals kilometer upp på Baltikakontinenten. Skollorna är överskjutna på varandra omlott och benämns som undre, mellersta, övre och översta skollberggrunderna och återfinns idag i vår fjällkedja. Innan kollisionen med Laurentia krockade Baltika med en vulkanisk öbåge, vilket resulterade i att delar av Baltika pressades ner så pass djupt att bland annat diamanter bildades till följd av det ultrahöga trycket. Bevis för omvandling under extremt tryck finns i den så kallade Seveskollan som utgör en del av den mellersta skollberggrunden. Seveskollan är ett komplex av tre olika enheter, som utsatts för olika grad av metamorfos till följd av tryck och temperatur. Till följd av väder och vind under miljontals år så är fjällkedjan idag nederoderad och därav väl exponerad. Det gör att de Skandinaviska Kaledoniderna är en av världens bästa platser att studera och förstå bergskedjebildade processer. Av den anledningen borrade djupborrningsprojektet COSC-1 en cirka 2.4 km långt kärnborrhål genom den lägst belägna enheten i Seve komplexet (lägre Seveskollan) strax nedanför Åreskutan i Jämtlandsfjällen. Över COSC-1 profilen ligger den berggrund som tillhör den mellersta Seveskollan, även kallad Åreskutanskollan. Åreskutanskollan är en del av Baltika som utsattes för ultrahöga tryck, och i kyanitförande gnejser har diamanter inneslutna i det motståndskraftiga mineralet granat påträffats. Nyligen, längre norrut i Saxnäs (södra Västerbotten) har ytterligare diamantförande gnejser påträffats i den mellersta Seveskollan, som karaktäriseras i den här studien.      Material från COSC-1 borrkärnan har använts för att bestämma under vilka tryck och temperatur bergarterna i den lägre Seveskollan har metmorfoserats, för att förstå den tektoniska och metamorfa utvecklingen och även relationen till den överliggande högmetamorfa Åreskutanskollan. Trycket har bestämts genom den relativt oprövade metoden QuiG -barometri. Små kristaller av kvarts inneslutna i granat har analyserats med Raman spektroskopi och de fysikaliska parametrarna av kvarts och granat kan direkt översättas till tryck. Temperatur har erhållits genom det temperaturkänsliga ämnet titan i kvartsinneslutningarna. Resultatet visar att den lägre Seveskollan har genomgått minst två metamorfa faser genom tektonisk påverkan. Den första fasen varierar från övre grönskiffer-amfibolit till lägre eklogitfacies under tryck och temperatur av ca 8-13 kbar, 525-695 o C. Den andra fasen är associerad med överskjutning och skjuvning, vilket orsakade retrograd metamorfos i grönskifferfacies under lägre tryck och temperatur (ca 7-10 kbar, 450-550 o C). Datering baserat på radioaktivt sönderfall av lutetium till hafnium i granat fastställer att Åreskutanskollan utsattes för ultrahögt tryck för omkring 450 miljoner år sedan, samtidigt som lägre Seveskollan nådde metamorft klimax. Resultaten visar även att lägre och mellersta Seveskollorna skjuvades samtidigt, omkring 424 miljoner år sedan. Det betyder att de erhöll sina nuvarande tektonostratigrafiska positioner på stort djup innan överskjutningen på Baltika. Detaljerad petrografi påvisar att de diamantförande kyanit-och granatförande gnejserna från Saxnäs visar påtagliga likheter med Åreskutanskollans högtrycksgnejser. Det tyder på att berggrunden i Saxnäs kan kopplas samman med Åreskutanskollan och att ultrahögtrycksmetamorfos av den mellersta Seveskollan omfattar ett större område än vad som tidigare antagits.

Combination of Borehole Seismic and Downhole Logging to Investigate the Vicinity of the COSC‑1 Borehole in Western Scandinavia

Krauß, Felix 05 July 2018 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden bohrlochseismsiche Messungen sowohl mit Bohrlochmessungen als auch mit oberflächenseismischen Messungen ausgewertet und verglichen um das bohrlochnahe Umfeld der Forschungsbohrung COSC-1 (Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides) zu beschreiben. Die bohrlochseismischen Daten zeigen deutlich hohe Reflektivität und seismische Anisotropie der erbohrten geologischen Einheit, der Seve-Decke. Diese Decke zeichnet sich durch einen häufigen Wechsel von mafischen und felsischen Gesteinen aus, welcher auch durch eine Clusteranalyse der Bohrlochmessungen deutlich wird. Die Ergebnisse der Clusteranalyse korrelieren gut mit den seismisch abgebildeten Untergrundstrukturen und den seismischen Geschwindigkeiten. Abschließend wurde die virtual source method als Beispiel der seismischen Interferometrie an einem Teildatensatz erfolgreich getestet. Mit dem Ansatz wurde eine künstliche Messgeometrie mit seismischen Quellen und Empfängern im Bohrloch erzeugt, welche eine gute Datenqualität aufzeigen. / In this thesis, the vicinity of the scientific borehole COSC-1 (Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian Caledonides) is investigated by the combination of a borehole seismic survey with downhole logging data and a surface seismic survey. The borehole seismic data show a significantly higher reflectivity and seismic anisotropy within the drilled geological unit, the Seve Nappe. This nappe is characterised by frequent changes of mafic and felsic lithologies that are also highlighted by a cluster analysis. The results of the cluster analysis correlate well with structures of the subsurface as imaged by the surface seismic survey and with seismic velocities. Additionally, the virtual source method as example for seismic interferometry is applied to a data subset. This approach created a virtual survey geometry with seismic sources and receivers within the borehole and a good data quality.

An investigation of performance in the Biology 5090 at selected high schools in Lesotho / Investigation of performance in the Biology five thousand and ninety at selected high schools in Lesotho

Lebata, Mamalanga Calextina 06 1900 (has links)
Performance in Lesotho at senior level (COSC) has been poor. One of the subjects which is performed poorly is Biology 5090. This prompted the researcher to examine factors responsible for the poor performance in Biology 5090. The study also aimed at finding ways in which teachers envisage to improve Biology 5090 performance. Data was collected from three schools through semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The study also adopted the General System Theory (GST) as the theoretical framework. Data was analyzed in line with qualitative content analysis, and from the perspective of the GST. The data analysis scheme was developed and presented (appendix P). The results of the study showed that Biology 5090 performance was affected by factors such as human resources, and the transformation process. The study also suggested ways in which Biology 5090 performance could be improved in Lesotho. These include: in-serving training, team work and others. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)

An investigation of performance in the Biology 5090 at selected high schools in Lesotho / Investigation of performance in the Biology five thousand and ninety at selected high schools in Lesotho

Lebata, Mamalanga Calextina 06 1900 (has links)
Performance in Lesotho at senior level (COSC) has been poor. One of the subjects which is performed poorly is Biology 5090. This prompted the researcher to examine factors responsible for the poor performance in Biology 5090. The study also aimed at finding ways in which teachers envisage to improve Biology 5090 performance. Data was collected from three schools through semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The study also adopted the General System Theory (GST) as the theoretical framework. Data was analyzed in line with qualitative content analysis, and from the perspective of the GST. The data analysis scheme was developed and presented (appendix P). The results of the study showed that Biology 5090 performance was affected by factors such as human resources, and the transformation process. The study also suggested ways in which Biology 5090 performance could be improved in Lesotho. These include: in-serving training, team work and others. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)

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