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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cenários unificados para a expansão acelerada do Universo / Unified Scenarios for the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe

Leila Lobato Graef 24 June 2015 (has links)
Nos encontramos atualmente em um momento histórico privilegiado para a cosmologia. Na última década, o grande progresso das observações astronô- micas permitiu que diversos modelos cosmológicos pudessem ser testados com grande precisão. Com uma série de resultados observacionais sendo lançados, obtivemos informações valiosas sobre a expansão acelerada do universo primitivo e a expansão acelerada atual. Em sua essência, tais esforços observacionais buscam esclarecer algumas das questões mais fundamentais da cosmologia moderna, como a compreensão do mecanismo responsável pela aceleração do universo. Muitas perguntas estão associadas à tal questão, entre elas podemos citar: (i) Qual a natureza da substância, ou qual a origem do fenômeno, que está atualmente acelerando a expansão do universo? (ii) Por qual razão esta expansão acelerada iniciou recentemente (nos últimos 5-8 bilhões de anos), e não no passado distante ou no futuro remoto? (iii) Qual a variante inflacionária que operou no universo primitivo e qual sua conexão (se existe alguma) com o atual estágio acelerado do universo? Em nossa compreensão, as indagações acima fazem parte dos maiores problemas da cosmologia atual. A ampla abrangência de tais questões significa que avanços em qualquer uma delas terá implicações teóricas e observacionais em outras áreas envolvendo a interface formada pela Astronomia, Cosmologia e Física de Partículas. As três questões acima estão diretamente conectadas com os objetivos do presente trabalho. Acreditamos também que seu estudo pode lançar alguma luz e melhorar nossa compreensão sobre questões mais fundamentais da física. Neste contexto, analisamos diferentes modelos cosmológicos para a acelera- ção do universo à luz dos mais recentes dados observacionais de supernovas, radiação cósmica de fundo e oscilações acústicas de bárions. Propomos, aqui, alternativas ao Modelo Padrão da Cosmologia, ao mostrar que diversos fenômenos físicos podem estar associados à expansão do universo, gerando a aceleração observada sem a necessidade de se introduzir componentes desconhecidas no universo além da matéria escura. Além de desenvolver uma revisão crítica do Modelo Padrão, discutimos nesta tese especialmente três modelos para a expansão acelerada do universo. O primeiro deles considera a aceleração cósmica como sendo efeito da criação quântica de partículas de matéria escura, ou radiação, às custas do campo gravitacional variando continuamente com a expansão do universo. O segundo modelo considera o processo de viscosidade volumar no fluido cosmológico como sendo responsável pela aceleração. Esta viscosidade volumar se deve à perda de equilíbrio termodinâmico durante a expansão do fluido. O terceiro modelo, o modelo de decaimento do vácuo, considera como responsá- vel pela aceleração uma energia do vácuo que decai nas outras componentes cósmicas continuamente ao longo do tempo. Analisamos as relações existentes entre estes três modelos, além do Modelo Padrão, e as condições sob as quais os mesmos fornecem uma dinâmica equivalente para o universo. Também obtemos interessantes vínculos para os parâmetros destes modelos ao fazermos, além de uma análise observacional, uma análise teórica baseada na dinâmica e na termodinâmica associada a cada cenário. Sugerimos que estes cenários são capazes de aliviar diversos problemas conceituais do Modelo Padrão da Cosmologia. Numa segunda etapa, mostramos que os processos físicos descritos acima podem ser responsáveis tanto pela aceleração cósmica atual, quanto pela aceleração primordial que se supõe ter ocorrido no universo antigo. Tal abordagem fornece uma descrição unificada para a evolução cosmológica. Acreditamos ser de fundamental importância que o processo que dirigiu a aceleração primordial possa ser relacionado com o mesmo responsável pela atual fase de expansão acelerada do universo. Além disto, é possível que as dificuldades que atingem a interface que une a Relatividade Geral, a Cosmologia e a Teoria Quântica de Campos possam ser amenizadas através de uma melhor compreensão do processo de criação gravitacional de partículas, do decaimento do vácuo e suas conexões com o contexto da inflação primordial. Para comparar e vincular os modelos propostos, analisamos também o processo de formação das estruturas cosmológicas nestes modelos. Introduzimos a teoria de perturbações cosmológicas, primeiramente, através de uma análise do Modelo Padrão. A partir daí, apresentamos uma abordagem mais geral para o tratamento das perturbações chamada teoria de campo efetiva para a inflação. Neste contexto, analisamos quais previsões são obtidas ao se quebrar algumas suposições usualmente assumidas nestes modelos. Por fim, através de uma análise do espectro de potências primordial do modelo de criação gravitacional de partículas e do modelo de viscosidade, mostramos, pela primeira vez, que os mesmos podem ser capazes de gerar um cenário inflacionário para o universo primitivo em concordância com as observações atuais. / We are currently in a privileged moment for cosmology. In the last decade, the great progress of astronomical observations made possible that several cosmological models could be tested with great accuracy. With several observational data being released we obtained valuable information concerning the primordial acceleration of the universe and the recent accelerated expansion. Essentially, these observational efforts aim to clarify some of the most fundamental questions of modern cosmology, which concerns the understanding of the mechanism responsible for the acceleration of the universe. Many questions are related to this issue, among them we can mention: (i) What is the nature of the substance, or what is the origin of the phenomenom, responsible for the acceleration of the expansion? (ii) For which reason the accelerated expansion started recently (within the last 5-8 billion years), and not in the distant past or distant future? (iii) What is the inflationary variant that operated in the early universe, and what is its connection (if there is any) with the current accelerated stage of the universe? In our understanding the above questions are part of the biggest problems in modern cosmology. The interconnection between these issues means that advances in any of them will have theoretical and observational implications in other areas involving the interface formed by Astronomy, Cosmology and Particle Physics. The three questions above are directly connected to the objectives of this work. We also belive that their study can shed some light in our understanding of the remaining issues. In this context, we analyze different cosmological models for the acceleration of the universe in the light of the latest data released from supernovae, cosmic microwave background and baryon acoustic oscillations, comparing the results with the ones concerning the Standard Model of Cosmology. We propose alternatives to the Standard Model of Cosmology, by showing that several physical phenomena can be associated to the expansion of the universe, producing the observed acceleration without the need to introduce unknown components in the universe besides the dark matter. In addition to developing a critical revision of the Standard Model, we discuss in this thesis especially three models for the accelerated expansion of the universe. The first one considers the cosmic acceleration as an effect of the creation of dark matter particles, or radiation, at the expense of the gravitational field varying continuously with the expansion of the universe. The second model considers the process of bulk viscosity in the cosmological fluid as being responsible for the acceleration of the universe. This bulk viscosity is due to the loss of local thermodynamic equilibrium during the expansion of the fluid. The third model, the vacuum decaying model, considers as responsible for the acceleration, a vacuum energy which decays continuously into other cosmological components. We analyze the relations between these three models, and also the Standard Model, and the conditions under which they provide an equivalent dynamic to the universe. We also obtain interesting constraints for the parameters of these models by making, besides an observacional analysis, a theoretical analysis based on the dynamics and thermodynamics associated to each scenario. We will show that these alternative scenarios are able to alleviate several theoretical problems of the Standard Cosmological Model. In a second part, we show that the physical phenomena described above may be responsible for the recent cosmic acceleration, as well as for the primordial acceleration that is supposed to have occurred in the early universe. Such approach provides an unified description for the cosmological history. We belive it is of great importance that the process responsible for inflation can be identified with the one responsible for the current phase of accelerated expansion of the universe. Moreover, it is quite possible that the difficulties concerning the interface connecting General Relativity, Cosmology and Quantum Field Theory can be reduced through a better understanding of the gravitational particle creation process, the decay of the vacuum and its connections with the primordial inflationary context. In order to constrain and compare the models proposed here, we also analyse the process of cosmological structure formation in these models. We firstly introduce the perturbation theory through an analysis of the Standard Model. Then we introduce a more general approach to the treatment of cosmological perturbations which is called effective field theory of inflation. In this context, we analyse which predictions are obtained when we break some of the assumptions usually imposed in these models. Finally, through an analysis of the primordial power spectrum of the gravitational particle creation model and the viscosity model, we show, for the first time, that these models are able to describe an inflationary scenario for the early universe totally in agreement with current observations.

Tomografia do potencial gravitacional primordial através da polarização da radiação cósmica de fundo em aglomerados de galáxias / Tomography of the primordial gravitational potential using cosmic microwave background polarization in galaxy clusters

Henrique Scemes Xavier 26 November 2007 (has links)
Após uma revisão das bases da cosmologia moderna e dos mecanismos de produção de anisotropias na radiação cósmica de fundo, calculamos a relação entre a polarização da radiação cósmica de fundo causada por espalhamento Thomson no gás ionizado presente em aglomerados de galáxias e o potencial gravitacional da época do desacoplamento dos fótons com a matéria, em z \' 1100. Mostramos como é possível realizar, em teoria, uma tomografia desse potencial gravitacional em todo o universo observável e como a correlação desse sinal de polarização com o contraste de densidade de matéria poderia nos ajudar a restringir parâmetros cosmológicos. Entretanto, o fraco sinal esperado para essa polarização nos leva à conclusão de que uma tomografia do potencial gravitacional, através desse método, é impraticável no futuro próximo. / After a review of the foundations of modern cosmology and the cosmic microwave background anisotropies production mechanisms, we calculated the relation between the cosmic microwave background polarization caused by Thomson scattering in the ionized gas found in galaxy clusters and the gravitational potential from the photon decoupling epoch, on z \' 1100. We have shown how it is possible to make, in theory, a tomography of this potential over all the observable universe and how the correlation of this polarization signal with the matter density contrast could help us constrain cosmological parameters. However, the weak signal expected for this polarization shows that a gravitational potential tomography using this method is unfeasible in the near future.

Polarização da radiação cósmica de fundo / Cosmic microwave background polarization

Paulo Henrique Flose Reimberg 03 September 2009 (has links)
Utilizando conceitos de macânica quântica e teoria cinética apresentamos uma rederivação da equação de Boltzmann para a polarização. Mostramos a equivalência entre a equação que derivamos e a equação de Boltzmann encontrada na literatura ( [1], [2], [3] ) além de mostrar que essas derivações correspondem a considerar-se o efeito, sobre a polarização dos fótons da radiação cósmica de fundo, de dois espalhamentos Thompson com elétrons durante recombinação. Conduzimo-nos, ainda, a descrever a polarização completamente no espaço real, como iniciado em [4] em um caso especial. Mostramos a possibilidade dessa conversão, recobramos a geometria que está associada ao estudo do problema no espaço real e verificamos satisfeitas as condições de causalidade. / Applying concepts of quantum mechanics and kinetic theory we show a re-derivation of Boltzmann equation for the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization. We show the equivalence between our derivation and those already known ( [1], [2], [3] ) and also that these derivations correspond to take into account the effect, on the photon polarization, of two Thompson scattering on electrons while decoupling from matter. We adress ourselves, then, to give a complete formalism for the CMB polarization problem in real space, as started in [4] in a special case. Besides the possibility of complete treatment of the problem in real space, we recover the geometry that describes it and that tha causal relations are satisfied.

Post-inflationary non-Gaussianities on the cosmic microwave background

Su, Shi Chun January 2015 (has links)
The cosmic microwave background (CMB) provides unprecedented details about the history of our universe and helps to establish the standard model in modern cosmology. With the ongoing and future CMB observations, higher precision can be achieved and novel windows will be opened for studying different phenomena. Non-Gaussianity is one of the most exciting effects which fascinate many cosmologists. While numerous alternative inflationary models predict detectable primordial non-Gaussianities generated during inflation, the single-field slow-roll inflation of the standard model is known to produce negligible non-Gaussianities. However, post-inflationary processes guarantee the generation of non-Gaussianities through the nonlinear evolution of our universe after inflation, regardless of the underlying inflationary theory. These non-Gaussianities not only may contaminate the potential primordial non-Gaussian signals, but also may offer independent tests for late-time physics (such as General Relativity). Therefore, it is of great interest to study them quantitatively. In this thesis, we will study the post-inflationary non-Gaussianities in two main aspects. First, we calculate the CMB bispectrum imprinted by the 2nd-order perturbations during recombination. We carry out a numerical calculation including all the dominant effects at recombination and separate them consistently from the late-time effects. We find that the recombination bispectrum is subdominant compared to the ISW-lensing bispectrum. Although the effect will not be detectable for the Planck mission, its signal-to-noise is large enough that they present themselves as systematics. Thus, it has to be taken into account in future experiments. Second, we formulate the lensing, redshift and time-delay effects through the Boltzmann equation. The new formalism allows us to explicitly list out all the approximations implied in the canonical remapping approach. In particular, we quantify the correction of the CMB temperature power spectrum from the lens-lens couplings and confirm that the correction is small.

Can CMB Surveys Help the AGN Community?

Partridge, Bruce, Bonavera, Laura, López-Caniego, Marcos, Datta, Rahul, Gonzalez-Nuevo, Joaquin, Gralla, Megan, Herranz, Diego, Lähteenmäki, Anne, Mocanu, Laura, Prince, Heather, Vieira, Joaquin, Whitehorn, Nathan, Zhang, Lizhong 30 August 2017 (has links)
Contemporary projects to measure anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are now detecting hundreds to thousands of extragalactic radio sources, most of them blazars. As a member of a group of CMB scientists involved in the construction of catalogues of such sources and their analysis, I wish to point out the potential value of CMB surveys to studies of AGN jets and their polarization. Current CMB projects, for instance, reach mJy sensitivity, offer wide sky coverage, are blind and generally of uniform sensitivity across the sky (hence useful statistically), make essentially simultaneous multi-frequency observations at frequencies from 30 to 857 GHz, routinely offer repeated observations of sources with interesting cadences and now generally provide polarization measurements. The aim here is not to analyze in any depth the AGN science already derived from such projects, but rather to heighten awareness of their promise for the AGN community.

A study of instrumental systematic effects due to quasi-optical components on CMB polarisation experiments

Fung, Ho Ting January 2015 (has links)
The new generation of astronomical instruments are not only in need of the highest sensitivity but require also well-controlled and known instrumental systematic effects. This is particularly relevant for projects dedicated to the study of the Cosmic Microwave background (CMB). Following the success of the Planck mission in providing the most detailed picture of the CMB temperature anisotropy to date, the next generation of CMB projects such as COrE (a potential future mission) and QUBIC (a ground based instrument)will be aiming to study the polarisation anisotropy of the CMB. However, the expectedB mode signal from the CMB is several orders of magnitude weaker than the temperature counterpart. Hence the calibration procedures will have to be more stringent than the ones that have been adopted for Planck, to get a proper detection of the primordialB mode signal. For instance, measurements for the receiver and optical systematic effects must be taken into consideration to get a proper reconstruction of the B modepower spectrum. This thesis is focused on the impact of real individual receiver and optical componentson the observation of the primordial B modes. To achieve this, several receiver and quasioptical components have been measured and modelled for their instrumental systematic effects. An analysis pipeline has also been developed, to assess the impact of such instrumental systematic effects on the observation of the primordial B modes. Using the results from the measurements and the analysis pipeline, the instrumental systematic effects that are of concern to the observation of primordial B modes have been identified. This is assuming that no effort has been made to mitigate such instrumental systematic effects.

Non-gaussianités inflationnaires : prévisions théoriques et conséquences observationnelles / Inflationary non-Gaussianity : theoretical predictions and observational consequences

Jung, Gabriel 22 May 2018 (has links)
Le fond diffus cosmologique (CMB) permet d'étudier la physique à l'oeuvre dans l'univers primordial.Ses anisotropies ont été mesurées récemment avec une haute précision par le satellite Planck. Ces mesures sont en accord avec les prédictions de l'inflation, la théorie décrivant une période d'expansion rapide et accélérée de l'univers primordial. Pour distinguer les différents modèles d'inflation, il est important de chercher des déviations de la distribution gaussienne des anisotropies du CMB, appelées non-gaussianités.Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude, à la fois des points de vue observationnels et théoriques, des non-gaussianités du type bispectral (liées aux fonctions de corrélations à trois points), caractérisées par les paramètres d'amplitude fNL.Après une partie introductive sur le modèle standard de la cosmologie et la théorie des perturbations cosmologiques,la deuxième partie de ce manuscrit décrit la méthode de l'estimateur de bispectre binné, utilisée pour extraire de l'information sur les non-gaussianités à partir des mesures du CMB. Pour obtenir des informations sur l'univers primordial, les données doivent être nettoyées de la contamination dûe aux avant-plans galactiques. Nous vérifions les résultats au niveau du bispectre. Des modèles numériques de plusieurs avant-plans galactiques sont déterminés à partir des données de Planck. Ces modèles ont été utilisés dans des analyses des cartes de la température du CMB et du ciel brut, afin d'améliorer la détermination de la quantité de non-gaussianités primordiales.La troisième partie de ce manuscrit porte sur l'étude des non-gaussianités bispectrales produites dans des modèles d'inflation à deux champs avec des termes cinétiques standards. Il est important de mieux comprendre quelles régions de l'espace des modèles d'inflation ont été éliminées par les résultats de Planck.Nous appliquons une nouvelle expression de fNL au cas d'un potentiel somme et nous montrons qu'il est très difficile de satisfaire en même temps aux conditions permettant fNL grand et la contrainte observationnelle sur l'indice spectral ns. Pour le cas de la somme de deux potentiels monomiaux et d'une constante, nous montrons explicitement dans quelles régions de l'espace des paramètres cela est possible et comment construire un tel modèle. Finalement, nous utilisons la nouvelle expression pour fNL pour montrer que dans le cas du potentiel somme, les résultats analytiques restent valides au-delà de l'approximation de roulement lent. / A powerful probe of the physics at play in the early universe is the Cosmic Microwave Background(CMB). Its anisotropies have been measured recently with high precision by the Planck satellite. These measurements are in agreement with the predictions of inflation, a theory describing a period of fast and accelerated expansion in the early universe. To discriminate between the different inflation models, it is important to look for deviations from Gaussianity of the CMB anisotropies (i.e. non-Gaussianity). This thesis is devoted to the study of non-Gaussianity of the bispectral type (related to the three-point correlation functions) parametrized by its amplitude parameters fNL, both from the theoretical and observational points of view.After an introductory part on standard cosmology, the second part of the thesis describes the method of the binned bispectrum estimator, used to extract information about non-Gaussianity from CMB measurements.In order to recover information about the primordial universe, one has to clean observational data from the contamination caused by galactic foregrounds. We verify the results at the bispectral level. Numerical templates for the temperature bispectra of several galactic foregrounds are determined using data from the 2015 Planck release. These templates are then used to perform joint analyses on raw sky and CMB temperature data maps, to improve the determination of the amount of primordial non-Gaussianity. In the third part, the level of bispectral non-Gaussianity produced in two-field inflation models with standard kinetic terms is investigated using the long-wavelength formalism. It is important to better understand what regions of inflation model space have been ruled out by Planck. We apply a newly derived expression for fNL to the case of a sum potential and show that it is very difficult to satisfy simultaneously the conditions for a large fNL and the observational constraints on the spectral index ns. In the case of the sum of two monomial potentials and a constant we explicitly show in which small region of parameter space this is possible, and we show how to construct such a model. Finally, we also use the new expression for fNL to show that for the sum potential,the explicit expressions remain valid even beyond the slow-roll approximation.

Statistics of the CMB polarised anisotropies : unveiling the primordial universe / Statistique des anisotropies polarisées du fond diffus cosmologique : dévoiler l'univers primordial

Ferté, Agnès 26 September 2014 (has links)
La compréhension des premiers instants de notre Univers complèterait notre description de son histoire et permettrait également une exploration de la physique fondamentale à des échelles d'énergie jusque là inatteignables. L'inflation cosmique est le scénario privilégié pour décrire ces premiers instants car il s'intègre très bien dans le modèle standard de la cosmologie. Selon ce scénario l'Univers aurait connu une courte période d'expansion accélérée peu après le Big Bang. Quelques indices favorisent ce modèle cependant toujours en attente d'une signature observationnelle décisive. Les modes B du fond diffus comologique (FDC) aux grandes échelles angulaires sont générés par les ondes gravitationnelles primordiales, produites durant l'inflation cosmique. Dans ce cadre, la détection des modes B primordiaux est le but de nombreuses expériences, actuelles ou à venir. Cependant, des effets astrophysiques et instrumentaux rendent sa détection difficile. Plus précisément, une couverture incomplète de la polarisation du FDC (inhérente à toute observation du FDC) entraine la fuite des modes E dans B, un problème majeur dans l'estimation des modes B. Cet effet peut empêcher une détection des modes B même à partir de cartes parfaitement nettoyées, car les modes E fuyant (beaucoup plus intenses) masquent les modes B. Diverses méthodes offrant une estimation de modes B théoriquement non affectés par cette fuite, ont été récemment proposées dans la littérature. Cependant, lorsqu'elles sont appliquées à des expériences réalistes, elles ne corrigent plus exactement cette fuite. Ces méthodes doivent donc être validées dans le cadre d'expériences réalistes. Dans ce but, j'ai travaillé sur l'implémentation et le développement numérique de trois méthodes typiques de pseudospectres. Ensuite, je les ai testé dans le cas de deux expériences fiducielles, typiques d'une expérience suborbitale et d'une potentielle mission satellite. J'ai alors montré l'efficacité et la nécessité d'une méthode en particulier: la méthode dite pure. J'ai également montré que le cas d'une couverture quasi complète du ciel n'est pas trivial, à cause des contours compliqués du masque galactique et des points sources. Par conséquent, une estimation optimale de pseudospectre des modes B exige l'utilisation d'une telle méthode également dans le contexte d'une mission satellite. Grâce à cette méthode, j'ai fait des prévisions réalistes sur les contraintes qu'une détection de la polarisation du FDC pourra apporter sur la physique de l'Univers primordial. J'ai tout d'abord étudié la détectabilité du rapport tenseur-sur-scalaire r qui quantifie l'amplitude des ondes gravitationnelles primordiales, directement relié à l'échelle d'énergie de l'inflation, dans le cas de différentes expériences dédiées à la détection de la polarisation du FDC. J'ai montré qu'une mission satellite nous permettrait de mesurer un rapport tenseur-sur-scalaire de l'ordre de 0.001, autorisant une distinction entre les modèles d'inflation à champ fort et faible. De plus, dans le cas d'une extension du modèle standard de la cosmologie, des corrélations EB et TB du FDC peuvent être générées. En particulier, j'ai prévu les contraintes que nous pourrons mettre sur une violation de parité durant l'univers primordial à partir d'observations sur une grande ou une petite partie du ciel. Mes résultats ont montré qu'une expérience satellite est nécessaire pour mettre des contraintes sur une gamme de modèles de violation de parité. J'ai finalement abordé la problématique de la détectabilité d'une signature observationnelle d'un champ magnétique primordial. / A deep understanding of the first instants of the Universe would not only complete our description of the cosmic history but also enable an exploration of new fundamental phsyics at energy scales unexplored on Earth laboratories and colliders. The most favoured scenario which describes these first instants is the cosmic inflation, an ephemeral period of accelerated expansion shortly after the big bang. Some hints are in favour of this scenario which is however still waiting for a smoking-gun observational signature. The cosmic microwave background (CMB) B modes would be generated at large angular scales by primordial gravitational waves produced during the cosmic inflation. In this frame, the primordial CMB B modes are the aim of various ongoing or being-deployed experiments, as well as being-planned satellite mission. However, unavoidable instrumental and astrophysical features makes its detection difficult. More specifically, a partial sky coverage of the CMB polarisation (inherent to any CMB measurements) leads to the E-to-B leakage, a major issue on the estimation of the CMB B modes power spectrum. This effect can prevent from a detection of the primordial B modes even if the polarisation maps are perfectly cleaned, since the (much more intense) leaked E-modes mask the B-modes. Various methods have been proposed in the literature offering a B modes estimation theoretically free from any leakage. However, when applied to real data, they are no longer completely leakage-free and remove part of the information on B-modes. These methods consequently need to be validate in the frame of real data analysis. In this purpose, I have worked on the implementation and numerical developments of three typical pseudospectrum methods. Afterwards, I have tested each of them in the case of two fiducial experimental set ups, typical of current balloon-borne or ground based experiments and of potential satellite mission. I have therefore stated on the efficiency and necessity of one of them: the so-called pure method. I have also shown that the case of nearly full sky coverage is not trivial because of the intricate shape of the contours of the point-sources and galactic mask. As a result this method is also required for an optimal B modes pseudospectrum estimation in the context of a satellite mission. With this powerful method, I performed realistic forecasts on the constraints that a CMB polarisation detection could set on the physics of the primordial universe. First of all, I have studied the detectability of the tensor-to-scalar ratio r, amounting the amplitude of primordial gravity waves and directly related to the energy scale of inflation, in the case of current suborbital experiments, a potential array of telescopes and a potential satellite mission. I have shown that a satellite-like experiment dedicated to the CMB polarisation detection will enable us to measure a tensor-to-scalar ratio of about 0.001, thus allowing for distinguishing between large and small field models of inflation. Moreover, in extension of the standard model of cosmology, the CMB EB and TB correlations can be generated. In particular, I have forecast the constraints that one could set on a parity violation in the gravitational waves during the primordial universe from observations on a small and a large part of the sky. Our results have shown that a satellite-like experiment is mandatory to set constraints on a range of parity violation models. I finally address the problematic of the detectability of observational signature of a primordial magnetic field.

Constraints on primordial gravitational waves from the large scales CMB data / Contraintes sur les ondes gravitationnelles primordiales à partir des grandes échelles des données du CMB à grande échelle

Vanneste, Sylvain 20 September 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse s’articule autour du développement d'outils d’analyse des modes B du fond diffus cosmologique (CMB) dans le but d'estimer l’amplitude des ondes gravitationnelles primordiales produites durant la période inflationnaire.Nous nous intéressons plus précisément aux grandes échelles angulaires, pour lesquelles le signal attendu des modes B primordiaux est dominant. Ces échelles étant particulièrement contaminées par des émissions polarisées galactiques, nous avons étudié et développé des méthodes permettant de réduire ces contaminations et de caractériser les résidus. Ces outils peuvent être utilisés pour analyser les données des satellites tels que Planck ou LiteBIRD. Afin de quantifier l’amplitude des modes B, nous avons développé et caractérisé un estimateur de spectre en puissance des anisotropies du CMB. Celui-ci s’exécute dans l'espace des pixels et permet de croiser des cartes mesurées par différent détecteurs. La méthode est optimale, et minimise les fuites de variance des modes E vers les modes B.Nous avons appliqué les méthodes de nettoyage et d’estimation de spectre aux cartes de données et de simulations en polarisation fournies publiquement par Planck. Nos contraintes sur la comportement spectral de la poussière et du rayonnement synchrotron galactique sont en accord avec les analyses précédentes. Enfin, nous avons pu déduire une limite supérieure sur l’amplitude des ondes gravitationnelles primordiales. / This thesis focuses on the development of analysis tools of the primordial B modes of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Our goal is to extract the amplitude of the primordial gravitational waves produced during the inflationary period.Specifically, we are interested in the large angular scales, for which the primary B modes signal is expected to be dominant. Since these scales are particularly contaminated by polarised galactic emissions, we have studied and developed approaches to reduce those contaminations and to characterise their residuals. Those methods are applicable to satellite missions such as Planck or LiteBIRD.In order to estimate the B modes amplitude, we developed and characterised a CMB anisotropies power spectrum estimator. The algorithm is pixels-based and allows to cross-correlate maps measured by different detectors. The method is optimal and minimises the E-to-B variance leakage.We applied the cleaning and spectrum estimation approaches to the polarisation data and simulation maps publicly provided by Planck. The constraints that we deduce are in agreement with past analysis. Ultimately, we derive an upper limit on the primordial gravitational waves amplitude.

Matrices de bolomètres supraconducteurs pour la mesure de la polarisation du fond diffus cosmologique : application à l’expérience QUBIC / TES-arrays for the detection of CMB B-mode polarisation : application to the QUBIC experiment

Perbost, Camille 16 December 2016 (has links)
Le fond diffus cosmologique (CMB) est la première lumière libérée par l’Univers.À ce titre, elle constitue la photographie la plus ancienne à laquelle nous ayons accès.Ces photons recèlent des trésors d’informations capables de nous renseigner tant sur le contenu énergétique de l’Univers que sur son histoire. En retraçant son évolution jusqu’aujourd’hui, on est capable d’établir des scénarios quant à la période qui a précédé l’émission du CMB, inaccessible aux observations. Plus particulièrement,la plupart des modèles s’accordent à dire que l’Univers aurait connu juste après le Big Bang une période d’expansion exponentielle qualifiée d’inflation. L’un des défis majeurs de la cosmologie consiste à confirmer et contraindre ces modèles en cherchant sur le CMB les empreintes théoriques laissées par l’inflation : un motif de polarisation qualifié de mode B. Cependant, ce signal est attendu à un niveau très faible, sa détection requiert donc la mise en place d’instruments extrêmement sensibles. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans l’effort technologique mené au sein du projet QUBIC pour cette quête. Dans cette optique on s’est intéressé aux détecteurs, des matrices de plusieurs centaines de bolomètres supraconducteurs. Dans un premier temps, on a défini une méthode permettant de dimensionner les détecteurs et la matrice pour répondre au mieux à nos attentes à travers l’ajustement de paramètres pertinents. Puis on a mené pour la première fois dans la collaboration toute la réalisation d’une matrice de 256détecteurs sur laquelle on a par la suite effectué et exposé des tests préliminaires prometteurs pour la future implémentation du plan focal de QUBIC. / The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is the very first light of the Uni- verse and thus constitutes the oldest picture of its initial state. These photons carry valuable information constraining both the energy content and the history of the Universe. CMB observations allow us to reconstruct what occurred before the CMB anisotropies were imprinted. The most promising theoretical models all postulate an epoch of exponential expansion known as inflation just after the Big Bang. One of the major challenges of observational cosmology is hence to confirm or falsify inflation as well as to discover how inflation was realized in a particular model by searching for its imprint on the CMB polarization B-mode. This signal is however expected to be extremely weak and its detection requires a very sensitive experiment. This thesis reports on contributions to the technology development for the innovative QUBIC instrument, focusing on the perfection of an array of several hundreds of supercon- ducting bolometric detectors. A method was defined to design the detector array through tuning the relevant parameters to best meet our requirements. Then a 256- detector prototype array was fully manufactured and characterized. The preliminary characterization gave promising results for the forthcoming implementation of the QUBIC focal plane.

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