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Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Systems of Coupled OscillatorsBernard, Brian Patrick January 2014 (has links)
<p>Mechanical oscillators form the primary structure of a wide variety of devices including energy harvesters and vibration absorbers, and also have parallel systems in electrical fields for signal processing. In the area of wave propagation, recent study in periodic chains have focused on active tuning methods to control bandgap regions, bands in the frequency response in which no propagating wave modes exist. In energy harvesting, several coupled systems have been proposed to enhance the peak power or bandwidth of a single harvester through arrays or dynamic magnification. Though there are applications in several fields, the work in this dissertation can all fit into the category of coupled non-linear oscillators. In each sub-field, this study demonstrates means to advance state of the art techniques by adding nonlinearity to a coupled system of linear oscillators, or by adding a coupled device to a nonlinear oscillator.</p><p>The first part of this dissertation develops the analytical methods for studying wave propagation in nonlinear systems. A framework for studying rotational systems is presented and used to design an testbed for wave propagation experiments using a chain of axially aligned pendulums. Standard analytical methods are also adapted to allow uncertainty analysis techniques to provide insight into the relative impact of variations in design parameters. Most analytical insight in these systems is derived from a linearlized model and assumes low amplitude oscillations. Additional study on the nonlinear system is performed to analyze the types of deviations from this behavior that would be expected as amplitudes increase and nonlinear effects become more prominent.</p><p>The second part of this dissertation describes and demonstrates the first means of passive control of bandgap regions in a periodic structure. By imposing an asymmetrical bistability to an oscillator in each unit cell, it is analytically shown that each potential well has different wave propagation behaviors. Experimental demonstrations are also provided to confirm the simulated results.</p><p>The final section performs analytical and numerical analysis of a new system design to improve the performance of a nonlinear energy harvester by adding an excited dynamic magnifier. It is shown that this addition results in higher peak power and wider bandwidth than the uncoupled harvester. Unlike standard dynamic magnifiers, this performance does not come at the expense of power efficiency, and unlike harvester arrays, does not require the added cost of multiple energy harvesters.</p> / Dissertation
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Computational studies of electron transport and reaction rate models for argon plasmaMin, Timothy T. 20 December 2010 (has links)
A validation study was performed on a capacitively coupled argon discharge
to determine the most suitable models for chemistry and electron
transport. Chemical reaction rate and electron transport models choices include
equilibrium or non-equilibrium electron EDFs. Experimental studies
performed by our collaborative partners in the Colorado School of Mines.
Conditions for the studies are 138, 315, and 618 mTorr where the cycle averaged
power varied at 20, 50, and 80 Watts in which the voltage supply
was driven at 13.56 MHz. Simulations were performed using pressures and
voltage used in experiments. The most accurate case was for 138 mTorr
at 50 Watts using a non-Maxwellian EDF based chemistry (called Bolsig+
chemistry) and a constant electron momentum transfer cross section of 20
Angstroms which was computed from Boeuf’s paper; this model accurately
modeled power deposition to within 2.6%. Furthermore, species number densities, electron temperature, and sheath thicknesses are obtained. Using
Bolsig+ chemistry resulted in 20,000K higher electron temperatures than
using Arrhenius chemistry rates. Results indicate that power deposition occurs
due to electrons gaining energy from the sheath which in turn bombard
neutral species producing metastable argon. / text
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Evaluation of crack depth in concrete using non-contact surface wave transmission measurementKee, Seong-Hoon 01 June 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to develop a non-contact air-coupled NDT method to identify and characterize surface-breaking cracks in concrete structures using surface wave transmission measurements. It has been found that the surface wave transmission (SWT) across a surface-breaking crack is related to the crack depth. However, inconsistence was noticed in surface wave transmission measurements. In this dissertation, the author first summarized limitations of the current SWT method for application to concrete structures, which include inconsistent sensor coupling, near-field effect of sensors, effects of crack width, external loading effect on surface wave transmission coefficient, and lack of a repeatable source.
In this dissertation, the author attempts to find solutions to the aforementioned problems. First, non-contact air-coupled sensors were applied to the SWT method to reduce experimental errors caused by inconsistent coupling condition of conventional contact sensors. Air-coupled sensing enables reliable and consistent results, and significantly improves test-speed. Results from laboratory and field tests demonstrate effectiveness of air-coupled sensors. Second, appropriate sensor-to-source configurations are proposed to reduce undesirable effects: (i) the near-field effect of sensors around a crack, and (ii) contribution of multiple modes in a plate-like structure with a finite thickness. Near-scattering of surface waves interacting with a surface-breaking crack was investigated using numerical simulations (finite element method) and experimental studies over a wide range of the normalized crack depth (h/λ: crack depth normalized by wavelength of surface waves) and the normalized frequency-thickness ratio (f-H/CR: frequency-thick normalized by Rayleigh wave speed). Third, effects of external loadings on transmission coefficient of surface waves in concrete were investigated through a series of experimental studies. In the research, variation of the transmission coefficient is presented as a function of crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD). This provides a guideline on minimum CMOD to which the SWT method can be reasonably applied. In addition, the author experimentally demonstrates that using low-cost piezoceramic sensors is effective in generating consistent stress waves in concrete. Finally, the author demonstrates that the air-coupled SWT method developed in this study is effective for in-situ estimates of a surface-breaking crack in large concrete structures. / text
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Graphite furnace: capacitively coupled plasma- atomic spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma - massspectrometry for the determination of silica and trace metals in water余東民, Yu, Tung-man. January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / toc / Chemistry / Master / Master of Philosophy
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Identifying Target Genes related to Respiratory Network Dysfunction in a Mouse Model for the Rett SyndromeVogelgesang, Steffen 19 November 2012 (has links)
Das Rett Syndrom (RTT) gehört zu den tiefgreifenden Entwicklungsstörungen des Gehirns von dem fast ausschließlich Mädchen betroffen sind (ICD-10, F84.10). Ursächlich für die Pathogenese sind Mutationen im X-chromsomalen MECP2-Gen, welches für den Transkriptionsfaktor Methyl-CpG binding protein 2 (MeCP2) kodiert. Unterschiedliche neurologische Symptome treten zwischen 6 und 18 Monaten nach der Geburt auf, wobei schwere Rhythmussstörungen der Atmung für ein Viertel plötzlicher Todesfälle bei Rett-Patientinnen verantwortlich gemacht werden. Der neuronale Atmungsrhythmus bei Säugern wird in verschieden Regionen des ponto-medullären Hirnstammes generiert, wobei der Prä-Bötzinger Komplex als essentiell für die Rhythmogenese der Atmung angesehen wird.
Mittels Genexpressionsstudien in der Ventralen Respiratorischen Gruppe (VRG), die den Prä-Bötzinger-Komplex einschließt, zeigte sich eine massiv erhöhte, pathologische Expression des Serotoninrezeptor 5B sowohl auf mRNA-, als auch auf Proteinebene bei MeCP2-defizienten Mäusen zum postnatalen Entwicklungstag P40. Der Serotoninrezeptor 5B (5-HTR5B) gehört zur Klasse der G-Protein-gekoppelten Rezeptoren. Durch detaillierte Analysen des 5-HTR5B-Proteins konnte eine natürliche Trunkierung des Rezeptors nachgewiesen werden. Des Weiteren wurde eine ungewöhnliche intrazelluläre Lokalisierung in Membranen von vesikulären und tubulären Kompartimenten beobachtet. Trotz dieser ungewöhnlichen Eigenschaften besitzt der Rezeptor weiterhin die Fähigkeit, das inhibitorische G-Protein Gαi3 konstitutiv zu aktivieren und somit den Anstieg von cAMP zu verhindern. Durch genetisches Ausschalten des 5-HTR5B Proteins (knockout) konnte gezeigt werden, dass die durch 5-HTR5B-verminderte cAMP-Konzentration in der VRG ursächlich für den gestörten Atmungsrhythmus MeCP2-defizienter Mäuse ist. Die sich aus diesen Ergebnissen ableitende pharmakologische Strategie, die cAMP Konzentration zu erhöhen, führte zu einem deutlich verbesserten Atmungsrhythmus. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit implizieren neue Therapieansätze zur Behandlung der Atmungs-störungen von Rett-Patienten.
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A Conserved CCAP-signaling Pathway Controlling Ecdysis in a hemimetabolous insect, Rhodnius prolixusLee, Do Hee 10 January 2014 (has links)
In insects, ecdysis is an important feature of growth and development and is tightly controlled by a variety of neuropeptides. In holometabolous insects, crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) is one of many factors that regulate ecdysis behaviours; however, not much is known about the control of ecdysis in hemimetabolous insects. In this thesis, the CCAP-signaling pathway is shown to be essential for successful ecdysis in the hemimetabolous insect, Rhodnius prolixus. The cDNA sequence of the CCAP gene has been cloned from the R. prolixus central nervous system (CNS) and the functional role of CCAP as a neuromodulator/neurotransmitter demonstrated. Specifically, the expression of RhoprCCAP in CNS neurons producing extensive CCAP-like immunoreactive processes within the neuropile indicates that CCAP plays central roles in coordination of other neurons. RhoprCCAP also acts as a neurohomone/neuromodulator released peripherally to coordinate many tissues. Thus, CCAP-like immunoreactive processes are found in neurohemal sites and also on peripheral tissues. The RhoprCCAP receptor (RhoprCCAPR) has been cloned and shown to be a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR). RhoprCCAPR expression is observed in the CNS and certain peripheral tissues of R. prolixus. Also, CCAP stimulates hindgut contractions and increases the heartbeat rate in a dose-dependent manner. The involvement of CCAP in R. prolixus ecdysis has been investigated. Up-regulation of the RhoprCCAP transcript in the CNS and the RhoprCCAP receptor (RhoprCCAPR) transcript in the CNS and specific peripheral tissues was observed immediately prior to ecdysis. Also, decreasing staining intensity of CCAP-like immunoreactivity in neurons immediately following ecdysis indicates the release of CCAP during ecdysis. The critical importance of the CCAP-signalling pathway was further demonstrated by knockdown of the RhoprCCAP and RhoprCCAPR transcripts utilizing double stranded RNA interference. Insects with these transcripts knocked down have high mortality (up to 84%), typically at the expected time of ecdysis, or have ecdysis extremely delayed. Taken together, this thesis demonstrates that RhoprCCAP plays a crucial role in regulating ecdysis behaviours in R. prolixus, and clearly shows the conserved nature of the CCAP-signaling pathway in ecdysis for both holometabolous and hemimetabolous insects.
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Damage evaluation of civil engineering structures under extreme loadingsAyhan Tezer, Bahar 07 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In many industrial and scientific domains, especially in civil engineering and mechanical engineering fields, materials that can be used on the microstructure scale, are highly heterogeneous by comparison to the nature of mechanical behavior. This feature can make the prediction of the behavior of the structure subjected to various loading types, necessary for sustainable design, difficult enough. The construction of civil engineering structures is regulated all over the world: the standards are more stringent and taken into account, up to a limit state, due to different loadings, for example severe loadings such as impact or earthquake. Behavior models of materials and structures must include the development of these design criteria and thereby become more complex, highly nonlinear. These models are often based on phenomenological approaches, are capable of reproducing the material response to the ultimate level. Stress-strain responses of materials under cyclic loading, for which many researches have been executed in the previous years in order to characterize and model, are defined by different kind of cyclic plasticity properties such as cyclic hardening, ratcheting and relaxation. By using the existing constitutive models, these mentioned responses can be simulated in a reasonable way. However, there may be failure in some simulation for the structural responses and local and global deformation. Inadequacy of these studies can be solved by developing strong constitutive models with the help of the experiments and the knowledge of the principles of working of different inelastic behavior mechanisms together. This dissertation develops a phenomenological constitutive model which is capable of coupling two basic inelastic behavior mechanisms, plasticity and damage by studying the cyclic inelastic features. In either plasticity or damage part, both isotropic and linear kinematic hardening effects are taken into account. The main advantage of the model is the use of independent plasticity versus damage criteria for describing the inelastic mechanisms. Another advantage concerns the numerical implementation of such model provided in hybrid-stress variational framework, resulting with much enhanced accuracy and efficient computation of stress and internal variables in each element. The model is assessed by simulating hysteresis loop shape, cyclic hardening, cyclic relaxation, and finally a series of ratcheting responses under uniaxial loading responses. Overall, this dissertation demonstrates a methodical and systematic development of a constitutive model for simulating a broad set of cycle responses. Several illustrative examples are presented in order to confirm the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed formulation in application to cyclic loading.
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The pharmacological and cellular effects of human somatostatin receptor homo- and heterodimerization /Grant, Michael, 1976- January 2008 (has links)
Somatostatin (SST) is a peptide hormone that was originally identified in the hypothalamus and subsequently found throughout the central nervous system and in various peripheral organs. Generally classified as an inhibitory factor, SST is secreted by endocrine, neuronal and immune cells and acts to regulate cell secretion, neurotransmission and cell proliferation. There are five receptor-subtypes known to engage SST, termed SSTR1-5, all belonging to the superfamily of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Within the past few years, there has been a prepondef8:llce of evidence to suggest the importance of GPCR dimerization in receptor-biogenesis, regulation and pharmacology. It has been previously reported in our laboratory, that human (h) SSTR5 homo- and heterodimerizes with hSSTR1 in an agonist-regulated manner. However, it was unclear as to the contribution of each subtype in the formation of the hSSTR1/hSSTR5 heterodimer, the possible molecular determinants involved and the effects of heterodimerization on the pharmacology of the receptors. Furthermore, the dimerization properties of other hSSTRs including their heterodimerization remain undetermined. Here, we demonstrate that agonist binding to hSSTR5 and not hSSTR1 modulates the formation of the heterodimer, with particular emphasis on its carboxyl-terminal tail in specifying the interaction. We also determined the mechanics of the hSSTR2 homodimer, unlike the previous hSSTRs investigated, forms constitutive dimers that dissociate into monomers following activation with agonist. This feature is important for receptor trafficking, as preventing their dissociation impairs agonist-mediated endocytosis. Lastly, we investigated the heterodimerization of hSSTR2 and hSSTR5, an interaction that, like the hSSTR1/hSSTR5 heterodimer, is subtype-specific, requiring selective-activation of hSSTR2 and not hSSTR5. The heterodimer exhibited enhanced signalling characteristics including, prolonged activation of MAP kinases and an increase in the induction of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1. These enhanced properties of the heterodimer conferred an extended growth inhibitory response. Dimerization of GPCRs, with particular emphasis on heterodimers, generates novel receptors with unique properties distinct from those of the individual receptor monomers/homodimers. An understanding on the mechanisms involved in GPCR dimerization could provide a rationale in future drug design.
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Bonded-particle Modeling of Thermally Induced Damage in RockWanne, Toivo 28 September 2009 (has links)
The objective of the research presented in this thesis is to validate the parallel-bonded modeling method in the context of coupled thermo-mechanical simulations. The simulation results were compared with analytical and experimental data, in the attempt to assess the usability of this particular modeling method. Previous studies of numerical approaches that related to the thermal fracturing of hard rock had used continuum-based models with constitutive relations. The simulations in the thesis were conducted using Particle Flow Code (PFC) which was chosen for the research because of its several benefits. The code has unique features such as spontaneous damage development without imposed conditions, and emergent properties such as material heterogeneity, and dynamic behavior giving possibility to monitor synthetic seismic events. The basic code has been available since 1995 and research using the code has produced hundreds of publications. The thermal option for the code is a recent addition and lacked verification, validation and applications. The thesis is the answer for that. In the course of the research work new particle clustering and grouping routines were developed and tested. Three modeling studies were conducted varying from laboratory to field scales. The 2D modeling study of the heated cylinder experiment yielded similar results both in fracture-behavioral and acoustic emission (AE) magnitude ranges when compared with the laboratory data. The 3D cubic numerical specimens, created with breakable particle clusters, were heated, and the induced damage was observed by P wave velocity measurements. The results showed trends comparable to the laboratory data: P wave velocity decreases with rising temperatures of up to 250°C and cluster-boundary cracking occurs, comparable to grain-boundary cracking in the heated rock samples. The large 2D tunnel models captured the phenomena observed in-situ displaying the difference in the damage to the roof and floor regions, respectively. This damage was due to the filling material confinement of about 100 kPa on the tunnel floor. In general, the results of the thermo-mechanical simulations were in accordance with the experimental data. The modeled temperature evolutions during the heating and cooling periods were also in accordance with the experimental and analytical data.
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Miniaturized quadrature hybrid and rat race coupler utilizing coupled lines for LTE frequency bandsRahman, Masiur January 2013 (has links)
Nowadays, demands for fully integrated and miniaturized RFIC (Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits) have increased in wireless microwave communication system. Passive components such as coupler, divider and filters are always fabricated in outside of ICs due to their bulky sizes, which have been a great barrier to a realization of a fully integrated design. To solve this problem, miniaturization of passive components is one of the big issues at the present time. This paper shows the development of two important microwave passive components, quadrature hybrid and rat-race couplers for LTE lower (698 -960 MHz) and higher (1.71 - 2.70 GHz) frequency bands, which are obtained by replacing quarter-wave (λ/4) transmission line of a conventional coupler by their equivalent coupled line, resulting in significant size reduction. The miniaturized quadrature and rat race couplers are designed and fabricated with a Rogers 4360 substrate as a platform in producing significantly reduction. The design is validated by electromagnetic simulation and measurement. The size of the implemented quadrature hybrid coupler is 30 × 26.8 mm^2 and 14.9 × 12.5 mm^2, which are 82.60 % and 69.03% compared to the conventional couplers for lower and higher frequency band respectively. And, 55.5 × 27.9 mm^2 and 19.2 × 14.8 mm^2 for rat race coupler, which are 79.69 % and 62.35 % compared to the conventional coupler for lower and higher frequency band, respectively. Also, the reflection coefficient and the isolation are as good as conventional one and coupling procedure is similar or better than it.
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