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The influence of cow age on grazing distribution and utilization of mountain riparian areas and adjacent uplandsMorrison, Julie A. 31 May 2002 (has links)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of cow age on grazing
distribution relative to mountain riparian areas. In each of two years, sixty cow-calf
pairs were stratified by age into the following treatments: 1) thirty first calf heifers
(442 kg, body condition score (BCS)=4.5), and 2) thirty mature cows (5-7 years of
age; 569 kg, BCS=5.0). From late July to early September, treatments were randomly
assigned to four pastures with treatments reversed in Year 2. Analysis of hourly cattle
locations observed during 4-d periods early (d 15 to d 18) and late (d 36 to d 39 in
Year 1; d 29 to d 32 in Year 2) during the grazing bout revealed a three-way
interaction between cow age, time of day, and grazing bout (P<0.01). In the morning
hours of the early grazing bout, mature cows distributed farther from the stream
(P<0.10), and occupied the riparian vegetation type less (P<0.10) than first calf
heifers. No differences (P>0.10) in distribution occurred between age classes from
1300 h until dark. Similarly, during the late grazing bout, no differences were
observed (P>0.10) between the distribution of the age classes. While no difference
(P=0.20) occurred between age classes in total minutes spent grazing, first calf
heifers foraged longer during the morning and evening bouts (P<0.10). The forage
utilization pattern and the fecal deposits within 1-m of the stream were not different (P>0.10) between age classes. While mature cows tended (P=0.17) to have higher dry
matter intake (DMI), first calf heifers consumed more feed per unit of body weight
(BW) (P=0.08). Though first calf heifers tended (P=0.13) to gain more BW, no
differences occurred between age classes in BCS change (P=0.69), or calf average
daily gain (ADG) (P=0.34). In summary, mature cows distributed farther from water
and spent more time outside the riparian vegetation zones during the morning hours
early (d 15 to d 18) in the trial compared to first calf heifers. / Graduation date: 2003
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An Economic Evaluation of Winter-feeding Strategies for Lactating Organic Dairy Cows Utilizing Different Forage and Concentrate Feeding Systems in MaineClark, Gabriel Willis January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Melamine, from fertilizer to pasture to cow’s milkBotha, Dawn Dorothy 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Animal Sciences))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine the rate of transfer of melamine as fertilizer ingredient to
kikuyu pastures and if melamine would be transferred from the fertilized pasture to cow’s milk.
Three trials were conducted in the study, viz. a pilot pot plant trial, an applied pasture trial and a
milk production trial.
Melamine is a commercially available industrial chemical with a high nitrogen content. Large
quantities of melamine waste can sometimes be incorporated into crop and pasture fertilizers due
to the high N content. An initial pot plant trial with kikuyu was conducted to determine whether
melamine would be absorbed as such from the soil to the plant material. The pots were fertilized in
the form of melamine adulterated Chinese maize Gluten 60, at a rate equivalent to 8.8 kg of
melamine/ha. Results indicated that melamine was indeed absorbed and 7 days after fertilization,
the concentration of melamine in the grass was 228 mg/kg.
An applied pasture trial was then conducted were three pastures of 0.3 ha each were used. One
pasture served as a control and received N fertilization in the form of LAN at a rate of 40 kg N/ha.
The other two pastures also received LAN, but with 10% (Treatment 1) and 20% (Treatment 2) of
the LAN-N substituted with melamine-N. All three pastures also received P-fertilization in the form
of Single Superphosphate at a rate of 20 kg P/ha and KCl fertilizer at a rate of 50 kg K/ha. Pasture
samples were taken once a week for 10 weeks, each time at the exact same spot in each camp.
Samples were dried and finely milled before analysis via LC-MS/MS for melamine content. The
initial concentration of melamine in the grass of Treatment 2 was higher than that in the grass of
Treatment 1. The rate at which melamine decayed in the plant material was found to be quite
similar for the two melamine treatments. In this trial, melamine took around 10 weeks to reach
undetectable levels in the grass. It was concluded that melamine was absorbed as such from the
soil by pasture grass when included in a fertilizer.
For the milk production study, eighteen lactating Holstein cows, 60 ± 5.1 (SE) DIM, with a daily milk
production of 36.5 ± 2.0 (SE) kg/d and weighing 609 ± 12.8 (SE) kg, were stratified according to milk production and then randomly allocated to three groups of six cows. The groups were then
randomly allocated to the three pastures used in the applied pasture trial. Cows were kept on the
melamine fertilized pasture for 9 days, in which they were allowed to graze the pasture for
approximately 10 hours each day. After the 9 day period, melamine was withdrawn by placing the
cows on the control pasture that did not receive melamine contaminated fertilization for another 7
days. During these 16 days, milk was collected twice a day, viz. during the morning and afternoon
milkings. Milk samples of each cow were sub-divided into two samples, one was preserved with
potassium dichromate and analysed for milk composition and the other was frozen until analysed
for melamine by LC-MS/MS. For the duration of the trial, melamine containing milk was destroyed
in order to prevent it from contaminating milk collected from the rest of the herd. Results from the
analysis for melamine confirmed that melamine was transferred from melamine fertilized pasture to
milk. In this study, it took 6 days from melamine withdrawal for melamine to reach undetectable
levels in the milk. It was also found that the melamine fertilized pasture did not have any significant
effect on the average milk production and milk composition of the cows. The aim of the study was
met and it was confirmed that melamine can be transferred from fertilizer to the soil, to the pasture and to the milk of cows grazing these pastures. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die tempo van oordrag van melamien as bemestingstof na
Kikuyu weiding te bepaal, asook om te bepaal of melamien oorgedra sal word vanaf die bemeste
weiding na melk. Drie proewe is uitgevoer wat ‘n potplant loodsproef, ‘n toegepaste weidings proef
en ‘n melkproduksie proef ingesluit het.
Melamien is ʼn kommersieël-beskikbare industriële chemikalieë met ʼn hoë stikstof inhoud. Groot
hoeveelhede van melamien-afval kan soms in kunsmis ingesluit word vir die bemesting van
gewasse en weidings, weens die hoë stikstof inhoud van melamien. ʼn Potplant loodsproef met
Kikuyu is uitgevoer om te bepaal of melamien vanaf die grond deur die plantmateriaal geabsorbeer
word. Melamienbemesting is in die vorm van vervalste Chinese mieliegluten 60 toegedien teen ʼn
hoeveelheid gelykstaande aan 8.8 kg melamien/ha. Die resultate van hierdie proef het getoon dat
melamien wel deur die plantmateriaal geabsorbeer is en 7 dae nadat bemesting toegedien is, was
die konsentrasie van melamien in die gras 228 of mg/kg.
ʼn Toegepaste weidingstudie is uitgevoer waar drie kampe van 0.3 ha elk gebruik is. Een van die
kampe het as ʼn kontrole gedien en het stikstof bemesting in die vorm van KAN teen 40 kg N/ha
ontvang. Die ander twee kampe het KAN bemesting ontvang waar 10% (Behandeling 1) en 20%
(Behandeling 2) van die KAN-N deur melamien-N vervang is. Al drie kampe het ook
fosfaatbemesting in die vorm van Enkel Superfosfaat ontvang teen 20 kg P/ha, asook KCl kunsmis
teen 50 kg K/ha. Weidingmonsters is eenmaal per week op dieselfde plek in elke kamp geneem vir
10 weke nadat bemesting toegedien is geneem. Monsters is gedroog en daarna fyngemaal
voordat dit vir melamieninhoud geanaliseer is met behulp van LC-MS/MS. Die aanvanklike
melamienkonsentrasie in die gras van Behandeling 2 was hoër as die in die gras van Behandeling
1. Die tempo waarteen die melamienkonsentrasie in die plant materiaal afgeneem het, was baie
dieselfde vir Behandelings 1 en Behandeling 2. Dit het ongeveer 10 weke geneem voordat die
melamien in die gras nie-waarneembare vlakke bereik het. Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat
melamien wat in die vorm van kunsmis toegedien word, as sodanig uit die grond geabsorbeer word
deur die gras. Vir die melkproduksiestudie is agtien lakterede Holsteinkoeie, 60 ± 5.1 (SE) dae in melk, met ‘n
daaglikse melkproduksie van 36.5 ± 2.0 (SE) kg/dag en ‘n liggaamsmassa van 609 ± 12.8 (SE) kg,
volgens hul melkproduksie gerangskik en ewekansig in drie groepe van ses koeie elk ingedeel. Die
groepe is daarna ewekansig aan die drie kampe, wat in die toegepaste weidingstudie gebruik is
toegedien. Die koeie is vir 9 dae op die melamienbemeste weidings gehou, waartydens hulle
toegelaat is om vir ongeveer 10 ure elke dag te wei. Na die tydperk van 9 d, is die koeie vanaf die
melamienbemeste weidings onttrek deur hulle op die kontroleweiding te plaas vir ʼn verdere 7 dae.
Gedurende hierdie 16 dae is melkmonsters tweekeer per dag geneem, tydens die oggend- en die
middagmelkings. Die melkmonsters van elke koei is vervolgens onderverdeel in twee monsters,
waarvan een met kaliumdichromaat gepreserveer is vir die beplaing van melksamestelling, terwyl
die ander een gevries is totdat dit later vir melamien inhoud ontleed is met behulp van LC-MS/MS.
Melk van die koeie wat op die melamienweidings gewei het, is weggegooi om te voorkom dat melk
van die res van die kudde gekontamineer kon word. Die resultate van die melamienanalises het
getoon dat melamien oorgedra word vanaf die melamienbemeste weiding na die melk. Tydens
hierdie studie het dit 6 dae geneem vandat koeie vanaf die melamienbemeste weidings onttrek is,
totdat die melkmelamien nie-bepaalbare vlakke bereik het. Daar is bevind dat melamienbemeste
weidings geen betekenisvolle uitwerking op die gemiddelde produksie en samestelling van die
melk gehad het nie. Die doel van hierdie studie is bereik en daar is getoon dat melamien vanaf
kunsmis na die grond, na die gras en na die melk oorgedra kan word wanneer koeie op weidings
geplaas word wat melamienbemeste kunsmis ontvang het.
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Analýza výživy a ekonomických ukazatelů produkce mléka v daném zemědělském podnikuZEMAN, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
Under operational conditions the concept of nutrition and efficiency of milk cows (the breed: Holstein Friesian cattle) was assessed in the chosen agricultural enterprise during the years 2015 and 2016, as well as the production of feed for the milk cows and the economical aspect of milk production during the period of decreasing prices of its purchase. The thesis embodies the assessment of the negative impact of a low rainfall total in the locality of monitored enterprise specialising in the production of bulky feed. Because of this fact the feed amount of productive milk cows were changed in 2016. An interannual decrease of milk yield about 1,92 l per 1 peace of kettle and 1 day was recorded on the grounds of the change of feed doses. The decrease in efficiency and consequently the decrease in delivery of market milk to trade in 2016, together with low prices of purchase of milk, had direct influence on a low economical profits in the area of milk production and milk-cows breeding of the monitored enterprise.
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Substitution of maize with high fibre by-products in concentrates supplemented to dairy cows grazing kikuyu/ryegrass pasture during springLingnau, Werner August Leonhard 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Animal Sciences))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Kikuyu over-sown with ryegrass forms the basis of pasture based systems in the Southern Cape. During
early spring, energy is the first limiting nutrient in kikuyu/ryegrass pasture, supplementation is thus
essential. Supplementation consists mainly of high starch concentrates (high maize inclusion), which is
expensive and could negatively affect rumen parameters. The objective of this study was to determine if
milk production could be improved or maintained, and if the rumen environment would be improved, by
replacing high starch concentrates with low starch (high by-product) concentrates for dairy cows on
kikuyu/ryegrass pasture.
Forty-five multiparous, high producing, lactating Jersey cows [body weight, 340 ± 34.7 kg; milk yield (MY),
19.6 ± 2.23kg/d; days in milk (DIM), 153 ± 33.5; lactation number, 3.6 ± 1.85; (mean ± SD)] were used in
the production study. A randomised block design was used. The forty-five cows were allocated to fifteen
groups of three each (blocking) on the basis of MY, DIM, and lactation number. Cows from each group
were randomly allocated to one of three treatment groups (high starch, medium starch and low starch
concentrate supplementation). Cows were fed 6kg (3kg during each milking) concentrate per day and
were allocated fresh pasture ad lib after each milking. There were no significant differences (P > 0.05)
found in milk yield and fat corrected milk yield between treatment groups. Milk fat percentage was
significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the low starch treatment than in the high starch treatment. Milk fat yield
was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in both the low starch and the medium starch treatment when
compared to the high starch treatment. Milk protein and lactose percentages, as well as milk urea
nitrogen and somatic cell count, did not differ significantly (P > 0.05) between treatments. Live weight
change, as well as body condition score change, was unaffected (P > 0.05) by treatments indicating body
reserves were not used to maintain milk production in the low starch treatment. A rumen metabolism study was also done with ten lactating, cannulated Jersey cows [body weight, 332 ±
56.3 kg; MY, 17.3 ± 1.73kg/d (mean ± SD)] were used. The cows were divided into two groups of five
each, on the basis of lactation number, DIM, and MY. The five cows from each group were randomly
allocated to one of two treatment groups (high starch and low starch concentrate supplementation) and
used in a cross-over design. Cows were fed 6kg concentrate per day and were allocated fresh pasture ad
lib after each milking. The volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the
high starch treatment when compared to the low starch treatment. The individual VFA’s, acetic-,
propionic- and butyric acid concentrations were also significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the high starch
treatments when compared to the low starch treatment. The acetic to propionic acid ratio was unaffected
(P > 0.05) by treatment. Rumen ammonia-nitrogen concentration was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the
high starch treatment. Rumen pH was unaffected (P > 0.05) by supplementation type. The in sacco dry
matter and neutral detergent fibre digestibilities of the kikuyu/ryegrass pasture were unaffected (P > 0.05)
by treatment type.
Results indicated that milk production could be maintained with low starch concentrates which also
improved milk composition. Results further suggested that the rumen environment was relatively
unaffected by low starch concentrate supplementation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kikoejoe, oorgesaai met raaigras, vorm die basis van weidingstelsels in the Suid-Kaap. Tydens die
lentemaande is energie die eerste beperkende voedingstof op kikoejoe/raaigras weidings, wat
kragvoeraanvulling noodsaaklik maak. Aanvulling bestaan grootliks uit hoëstysel-kragvoer (hoë mielieinhoud)
wat nie net duur is nie, maar dit kan ook die rumenomgewing benadeel. Die doel van die studie
was om vas te stel of melkproduksievlakke onderhou kan word en of rumenomgewing verbeter kan word
deur die vervanging van hoëstysel-kragvoer met laestysel-kragvoer (hoë neweprodukinhoud) vir
melkkoeie op kikoejoe/raaigras weidingstelsels.
Vyf-en-veertig meervoudige pariteit-, hoë produserende, lakterende Jerseykoeie [liggaamsmassa, 340 ±
34.7 kg; melkproduksie, 19.6 ± 2.23kg/d; dae in melk, 153 ± 33.5; laktasienommer, 3.6 ± 1.85; (gem ±
standaardafwyking)] is gebruik vir die produksiestudie van die proef. Daar is gebruik gemaak van ‘n
ewekansige blokontwerp. Die vyf-en-veertig koeie is opgedeel in vyftien groepe van drie elk, gebaseer op
melkproduksie, dae in melk en laktasienommer. Koeie in elke groep is ewekansig aan een van drie
behandelings (hoëstysel-, mediumstysel- of laestysel-kragvoeraanvulling) geallokeer. Koeie is daagliks
6kg (3kg tydens twee milkings) kragvoer gevoer en vars weiding was ad lib beskikbaar na elke melking.
Daar was geen beduidende verskil (P > 0.05) in melkopbrengs of vet-gekorrigeerde melkopbrengs tussen
die drie behandelings nie. Bottervetpersentasie was beduidend hoër (P < 0.05) in die
laestyselbehandeling in vergelyking met die hoëstyselbehandeling. Bottervetopbrengs was beduidend
hoër (P < 0.05) in beide die laestysel- en mediumstyselbehandelings in vergelyking met die
hoëstyselbehandeling. Melkproteïen- en melklaktosepersentasies, asook melkureumstikstof en somatise
seltelling, was onveranderd (P > 0.05) tussen behandelinge. Liggaamsmassa en liggaamskondisietelling
het geen verskille (P > 0.05) getoon tussen behandelings nie, wat daarop dui dat liggaamsreserwes nie
gebruik is om melkproduksie in die laestyselbehandeling te onderhou nie. ‘n Rumenmetabolismestudie is ook uitgevoer met tien lakterende, gekannuleerde Jerseykoeie
[liggaamsmassa, 332 ± 56.3 kg; melkproduksie, 17.3 ± 1.73kg/d (gem ± standard afwyking)]. Die koeie is
in twee groepe van vyf elk verdeel, gebasseer op laktasienommer, dae in melk en melkproduksie. Die vyf
koeie van elke groep is in ‘n omslagontwerp gebruik en is ewekansig aan een van twee behandelings
(hoëstysel- of laestysel-kragvoeraanvulling) geallokeer. Koeie het daagliks 6kg kragvoer ontvang en vars
weiding was ad lib beskikbaar na elke melking. Die vlugtige vetsuurkonsentrasie was beduidend hoër (P
< 0.05) in die hoëstyselbehandeling as in die laestyselbehandeling. Die individuele vlugtige vetsure
naamlik asynsuur, propionsuur en bottersuur, was ook beduidend hoër (P < 0.05) in die
hoëstyselbehandeling as in die laestyselbehandeling. Die asynsuur- tot propionsuurverhoudings het geen
verskille (P > 0.05) tussen behandelings getoon nie. Rumen-ammoniakstikstof was beduidend hoër (P <
0.05) in die hoëstyselbehandeling as in die laestyselbehandeling. Rumen-pH het geen verskille (P > 0.05)
getoon tussen behandelings nie. Die in sacco droëmateriaal- en neutraalbestande veselverteerbaarhede
van kikoejoe/raaigras weiding het geen verskille (P > 0.05) tussen behandelings getoon nie.
Die resultate het aangedui dat melkproduksie onderhou kan word en dat melksamestelling verbeter kan
word met laestysel-kragvoeraanvulling. Resultate het ook daarop gedui dat die rumenomgewing nie
noodwendig verbeter word deur die aanvulling van laestysel-kragvoer vir koeie op kikoejoe/raaigras
weidings nie.
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The effect of fine particle removal from ground forage samples on In Saccro dry matter and neutral detergent fiber disappearance valuesMack, Claudia Isabell 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Animal Sciences))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In vitro and in situ methods using the in sacco technique have a wide application in ruminant
nutrition as they allow the degradability and quality of forages and ruminant diets to be
determined quicker and at a lower cost than in vivo methods. These trials make use of artificial
fibre bags, made of polyester (dacron) or nylon which are available in variable pore sizes.
Results from such degradability trials are of great value to feed formulation programs such as
AMTS.cattle and CPM Dairy and the more accurate the results are obtained from such trials the
more accurate feed formulation models are enabling the ruminant nutritionist to formulate the
best diet possible to reach the genetic potential of ruminants. The accepted method for in sacco
trials (NRC, 2001) requires that the feed samples are ground through a 2 mm screen. This
usually results in a variety of particle sizes, including a significant amount of extremely fine
particles. Research has, however, shown that these fine particles can potentially be washed out
of the dacron bags that are used in in sacco degradability trials. This would result in an overestimation
of the soluble and rapidly fermentable nutrient fractions. The objective of this study
was to determine the effect of fine particle removal from ground forage samples on the chemical
composition and in vitro dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) degradability of
forages. Lucerne hay, oat hay and wheat straw samples were sourced from seven different
locations in the Western Cape. Samples were milled through a 2 mm screen and then sieved
through either 150 μm, 125 μm or 106 μm. All fractions were analysed for DM, crude protein
(CP), NDF, fat and ash. Based on the NDF content of the original samples, four samples from
each forage type were selected for in vitro trials to determine DM and NDF disappearance over
time. Samples were incubated for 0, 6, 24 and 48 hours in an ANKOM Daisy II incubator.
Significant variation occurred within forage types in terms of chemical composition. Fine particle removal had no effect on the NDF content of lucerne hay and wheat straw, but sieved oat hay
fractions had a higher NDF content than the un-sieved samples. The NDF content was on
average 635.9 for the sieved OH fractions, whereas the NDF content of the un-sieved samples
was 606.8. The CP content of sieved oat hay (61.4 on average) and wheat straw fractions (47.7
on average) were lower than the un-sieved fractions (65.7 for OH and 55.4 for WS), whereas for
lucerne hay, sieving had no effect on CP content.
Dry matter and NDF disappearances were significantly higher for the un-sieved samples than
for the sieved fractions for all three forage types at all incubation times, which indicates an overestimation
of the soluble and readily digestible forage fractions. Compared to sieved samples,
DMD values at 0 hours (washing only) of the un-sieved samples were, on average, 13.8%
higher for lucerne hay, 27.3% for oat hay and 44.7% for wheat straw. At 48 h, the overestimation
of lucerne DMD for the un-sieved samples was between 4.0% (compared to 106 μm
sieve) and 7.3% (compared to 150 μm sieve). This over-estimation in the un-sieved samples
was carried over to all four time points. No significant differences between the fractions (150,
125 and 106) were found within a forage type at all incubation times. The estimated degradation
rates and the predicted digested proportions were also significantly higher for the un-sieved
fractions compared to the sieved fractions. It was concluded that fine particle removal from
forage samples would result in more accurate estimations of in sacco nutrient degradability. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In sacco in vitro- en in situ-metodes word dikwels toegepas in die studie van herkouervoeding
aangesien hierdie metodes vinniger, meer effektief en meer ekonomies is as in vivo-metodes.
Hierdie studies maak gebruik van kunsveselsakkies, gemaak van poliëster (dacron) of nylon wat
beskikbaar is in verskeie poriegroottes. Resultate van sulke verteringsproewe is belangrik vir
toepassing in voerformuleringsprogramme soos AMTS.cattle en CPM Dairy. Die resultate wat
deur hierdie studies verkry word, is belangrik vir akkurate voerformulering deur formuleringsmodelle
en stel die herkouervoedingkundige in staat om die ideale voer te formuleer vir die
manifestering van die dier se genetiese potensieaal. Die aanvaarde in sacco-metode (NRC,
2001) vereis dat voermonsters deur ‘n 2 mm sif gemaal word wat ‘n groot verskeidenheid
partikelgroottes tot gevolg het met ‘n beduidende hoeveelheid baie fyn materiaal. Navorsing het
getoon dat hierdie baie fyn partikels uit die dacronsakkies gewas kan word tydens in sacco
verteringstudies, met die gevolg dat die oplosbare en vinnig-verteerbare fraksie oorskat kan
word. Die doel van die huidige studie was om die invloed van die verwydering van fyn partikels
op die chemiese samestelling van ruvoermonsters te bepaal, asook die in vitro droë materiaal
(DM) en neutraal-onoplosbaare vesel (NDF) verteerbaarheid daarvan. Monsters van lusernhooi,
hawerhooi en koringstrooi, afkomstig van sewe verskillende lokaliteite in die Wes-Kaap, is deur
'n 2 mm sif gemaal en sub-monsters is deur ‘n reeks siwwe met poriegroottes van 150 μm, 125
μm of 106 μm gesif. Al die fraksies is geanaliseer vir DM, ruproteïen (RP), NDF, vet en as. Vier
monsters van elke voertipe is op grond van die NDF-inhoud geselekteer vir in vitro-studies om
die DM- en NDF- verteerbaarheid oor tyd te bepaal. Monsters is vir 0, 6, 24 of 48 uur
geïnkubeer. Die resultate het getoon dat daar betekenisvolle variasie in chemiese samestelling
binne ruvoertipes voorgekom het. Die verwydering van die fyn partikels het geen invloed die NDF-inhoud van lusernhooi en koringstrooi gehad nie. Wat hawerhooi betref, was die NDFinhoud
van die gesifte monsters egter betekenisvol hoër in vergelyking met die ongesifte
monsters. Die NDF inhoud was gemiddeld 635.9 vir die gesifte monsters en vir die ongesifte
monsters 606.8. Sifting het geen invloed op die RP-inhoud van lusernhooi gehad nie, maar vir
hawerhooi (61.4 gemiddeld) en koringstrooi (47.7 gemiddeld) was die RP-inhoud van die gesifte
monsters betekenisvol laer as dié van die ongesifte monsters (65.7 vir hawerhooi en 55.4 vir
In vergelyking met die gesifte monsters, was die in vitro DM- en NDF-verteerbaarhede
betekenisvol hoër vir die ongesifte monsters vir al drie ruvoertipes by alle inkubasietye. Hierdie
resultate bevestig ‘n oorskatting van oplosbare en maklik verteerbare fraksies in gemaalde
voermonsters. In vergelyking met die gesifte monsters, was die DMV-waardes van die ongesifte
monsters by 0 ure (slegs gewas) gemiddeld 13.8% hoër vir lusernhooi, 27.3% vir hawerhooi en
44.7% vir koringstrooi. Na 48 h inkubasie was die oorskatting van lusern DMV vir die ongesifte
monsters tussen 4.0% (vergeleke met die 106 μm sif) en 7.3% (vergeleke met 150 μm sif). Die
oorskatting is oorgedra na al vier inkubasietye. Die resultate het geen noemenswaardige
verskille tussen die fraksies (150 μm, 125 μm en 106 μm poriegroottes) van ‘n ruvoertipe by
enige inkubasietyd aangedui nie. Die beraamde verteringstempo’s en verteerde fraksies was
ook aansienlik hoër vir die ongesifte monsters in vergelyking met die gesifte monsters. Die
gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat die verwydering van fyn partikels uit gemaalde ruvoermonsters
die akkurate bepaling van in sacco verteerbaarheidswaardes verhoog.
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