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Falling Down: The Influence Of Traffic Patterns And Availability Of Emergency Medical Service Personnel On The Lethality Of Violent EncountersLibby, Nicholas 01 January 2006 (has links)
This study investigates the impact of traffic patterns and the availability of emergency medical services on the lethality of violent interpersonal encounters. Key situational and contextual factors are controlled using the criminal events perspective. Data were taken from the 2002 National Incident-Based Reporting System of the FBI, as well as from fire/rescue and EMS services of Memphis, TN, Cincinnati, OH, and Richmond, VA. Additive models of logistic regression analysis revealed that fire/rescue availability, firearm use, incidents arising out of arguments, outdoor locations, and victim gender are the most consistent predictors of whether or not a violent incident will result in a homicide.
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Predictors Of Firearm Use And Effects Of Weaponry On Victim Injury In Violent Crime: A Criminal Events ApproachLibby, Nicholas 01 January 2009 (has links)
This study, framed in the criminal events perspective, investigates situational and contextual factors of violent interpersonal encounters that impact the likelihood of offender weapon usage and, when a weapon is used, the likelihood that it will be a firearm. Furthermore, this study examines the effects that weapons have on levels of victim injury along with other factors that may impact injury independent of weapon use. Three specific topics of interest are addressed: whether or not black offenders were more likely to make use of a firearm, what factors impact firearm use amongst female offenders, and if the findings of Kleck and McElrath (1991), which stated that firearm use largely prevents injury, but when victim injury does occur, it is more likely to be lethal, could be replicated using a more recent and comprehensive source of information. Data were collected from the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Findings were that black offenders were more likely to use firearms, but this pattern is essentially limited to black male offenders. Female offenders were more likely to use a firearm against a stranger and during the course of a robbery. Finally, firearm use was associated with a decrease in the likelihood of a victim suffering nonlethal injury, but when injury did occur, firearms significantly increased the chances of victim death. Theoretical and policy implications and suggestions for future research are also discussed.
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Correlates And Causes Of Violence Against Police Officers: A Criminal Events AnalysisCovington, Michele 01 January 2010 (has links)
Violence against police officers is a major problem in America. Previous studies on violence and police officers have usually focused on violence by police officers, not violence against police officers. This study is the first of its kind as it examines violence against police officers from a comprehensive, criminal events perspective with detailed use of force/officer violence data collected by the Orlando Police Department. Individual officer characteristics, individual offender characteristics, situational variables, and geographical factors are considered. Logistic regression results indicate that use of force incidents are more likely to involve battery against one or more police officers when multiple officers are involved, when offenders are female, when offenders are of larger size (measured by weight), and when offenders are known to have recently consumed alcohol before the incident. Spatial analysis results indicate that there is significant clustering of batteries against police officers within the City of Orlando, and that the areas where police battery is predominant are very similar to areas where alcohol-related businesses are prevalent, and theoretically, more alcohol is consumed. Policy implications and directions for future research are discussed.
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O que vale nesta vida é o repente Trajetórias de vida e acontecimentos criminaisBuiatti, Natália Bernardes Palazzo 05 February 2015 (has links)
The concern with public safety somehow defines the way of life and also the social
relationships. From medieval walled cities to contemporary gated communities, it is possible
to observe different strategies to prevent invasions, goods appropriations or even physical
violence. There also is a complete normative setting, which responds to a historical and social
time, in order to define what a crime is. In face of an event characterized as criminal there is,
at least, two perspectives to be considered, one related to the involvement and reaction of the
people directly involved and another one concerning the socio-institutional treatment of such
event, both reflecting and revealing power relations. This study assumes that the reaction to
the event is a remarkable fact and it brings revealing elements of other past events and for
future projections experience both in the individual aspect or in relation to historical and
collective elements. It considers, from the autobiographical testimony of people involved in
criminal situations, what is collective and what is historical on such experiences. The crime in
this study is considered from its institutional judgement and it brings revealing elements of a
collective history. Four different people, frequent users of the several Crime Prevention
Centers of Uberlândia, were asked to speak about their life histories, to talk about the crime
for which they are being penalized and to talk on the institutional treatment related to the
same one. The Oral Life History method was the basis for the interviews. Specialized authors
on Psycho-criminology and on Critical Psychology were the main theoretical support chosen
for the interviews analysis and reflections around the crime, subjectivity, interdisciplinarity
and also the role of the psychologist in Law and Public Safety institutions. From such
analysis, it is observed that there is a wide path redefinition of some concepts and professional
positions regarding the various elements of a crime. Among the professionals, the
psychologist, in such field, must assume the political role where he is inserted. It is concluded
that interventions in public safety rely on facts, which are not always the most significant
events for the involved individuals, and that concentrates almost all of their actions in
individual interventions, insufficient to deal with the criminal matters, which are much more
complex and involve historical and collective variables that go far beyond to the individuals
directly involved on it. / A preocupação com a segurança pública é aspecto definidor de modo de vida e de relações
sociais. É possível perceber estratégias de evitar invasões, apropriações materiais ou a
violência física na própria estruturação das cidades e na forma com que as pessoas se
relacionam desde as cidades muradas medievais até os condomínios fechados
contemporâneos. Há, no mínimo, duas perspectivas a serem consideradas diante de um
acontecimento criminal, uma relacionada ao envolvimento e reação das pessoas diretamente
envolvidas e outra que diz respeito ao tratamento social deste acontecimento e que passa por
instituições, ambas refletem e revelam relações de poder. Este estudo parte do pressuposto
que a reação ao acontecimento é fato marcante e que traz elementos reveladores de outras
vivências passadas e também para projeções de vivências futuras seja no aspecto individual,
seja em relação aos elementos históricos e coletivos. Considera, a partir da narração
autobiográfica de pessoas envolvidas em situações criminais, o que há de coletivo e histórico
nestas vivências. O crime, neste estudo, é considerado a partir de sua inscrição institucional,
no entanto, traz elementos reveladores de uma história coletiva. Quatro pessoas, usuárias dos
Centros de Prevenção à Criminalidade de Uberlândia, foram convidadas a narrar suas
histórias de vida, a falar sobre o crime pelo qual respondem pena e sobre o tratamento
institucional ao mesmo. O método de História Oral de Vida foi a base das entrevistas. Autores
em Psicocriminologia e em Psicologia Crítica foram os principais apoios teóricos escolhidos
para análise das entrevistas e reflexões acerca do crime, subjetividade, interdisciplinariedade e
do papel do psicólogo nas instituições de Direito e Segurança Pública. A partir da análise,
percebe-se que há um caminho aberto de ressignificação de alguns conceitos e posições
profissionais em criminologia, que o psicólogo, neste campo, deve assumir o papel político no
qual está inserido e ainda, conclui-se que as intervenções em segurança pública se apoiam em
fatos que nem sempre são os acontecimentos mais significativos para o sujeito, e que
concentram a quase totalidade de suas ações em intervenções individuais, insuficientes para
lidar com as questões criminais, que são muito mais complexas e envolvem variáveis
históricas e coletivas que vão muito além dos sujeitos envolvidos. / Mestre em Psicologia Aplicada
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