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Accounting for anxiety : an analysis of an early first-century material ethic from Matt 6:19-34Tryon, Denzil Bruce 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh (Old and New Testament))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This paper undertakes a detailed study of Matt 6:19-34 for the specific purpose of accounting for the unique context and content of the material/financial ethic being articulated here by Jesus. The passage, made up of four pericopes, is located within the first of the five discourses of Jesus recorded in Matthew’s Gospel in which Jesus evidently articulates the ethical standards required of the children of the emerging Kingdom of God.
The need for such a study stems from an understanding that the passage, indeed the Sermon as a whole, has been treated by traditional scholarship in a somewhat distanced and abstract manner i.e. it has been read without adequate cognisance being taken of the particular socio-linguistic and socio-historical context in which it was originally formulated and articulated.
Relatively recent social-scientific and socio-historical New Testament scholarship, however, has provided a specific set of interpretive tools that enable a modern reader to make a far more dynamic and context-sensitive interpretation possible.
Accordingly, this paper undertakes a socio-rhetorical analysis of Matt 6:19-34, together with a social-scientific and socio-historic/financial/religious analysis of the eastern Mediterranean world of late Second Temple times. Together these interpretive tools shed new light on the text and provide the opportunity for re-reading that text in a way that, hopefully, more closely articulates the ethic as an original audience might have heard it.
Specifically, the use of these interpretive tools provide insights into why it was that Jesus explicitly prohibited worry, some six times in the passage, amongst the children of the Kingdom concerning the provision of their food, drink and clothing i.e. the tools provide something of an explanation for both the rhetorical force of the ethic and the underlying realities that gave rise to its formulation in the first place. These insights are then applied in an attempt at formulating a dynamically equivalent ethic that might be appropriated and applied by present day children of the Kingdom reading the passage today.
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Give us a king to govern us : an ideological reading of 1Samuel 8-12Lee, Hung-En 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to explore "who is saying what to whom for what purpose" in the text of 1 Samuel 8-12 through an analysis of the manifestations of ideology in this text. The emphasis of this thesis lies in the application of multiple methodologies in biblical interpretation with a view to (a) reconstructing the material and ideological conditions under which the biblical text was produced in order to determine which group produced the text and whose socioeconomic interests it served; and (b) investigating how these conditions are encoded in reproducing a particular ideology in order to determine how the texts incorporated the particular ideologies or interests of the time.
The present research, for this reason, combines an extrinsic and an intrinsic analysis to read the world of 1 Samuel. The extrinsic analysis makes use of a social-historical and a social scientific approach to explore the particular circumstances. It indicates that the biblical writing should be regarded as conscious writing which aims to interpret historical incidents and construct specific ideologies. 1 Samuel 8-12 might therefore have been constructed by exilic groups to provide reasons for their difficult past. The intrinsic analysis makes use of narrative criticism, especially the theory of conflict plot, to do an in-depth investigation of the rhetoric of 1 Samuel 8-12. This analysis indicates that these chapters highlight the ambivalence of the monarchy, although the surface structure might tell a different story. The findings of the research have led to the conclusion that 1 Samuel 8-12 appears to present no clear position with regard to the future of the monarchy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om vas te stel "wie sê wat vir wie, en met watter doel" in die teks van 1 Samuel 8-12. Dit word gedoen deur 'n analise te maak van hoe ideologie in hierdie teks manifesteer. Die klem van hierdie studie lê in die toepassing van verskillende metodologieë van bybelinterpretasie ten einde (a) die materiaal en ideologiese omstandighede waarin die bybelteks geproduseer is, te rekonstrueer, met die oog daarop om vas te stel wie die teks geproduseer het, en wie se belange daardeur gedien word; en (b) te ondersoek hoe hierdie omstandighede enkodeer is in die formulering van a spesifieke ideologie, ten einde te bepaal hoe die teks die betrokke ideologieë of belange van die tyd geïnkorporeer het.
Om hierdie rede kombineer die studie 'n ekstrensieke en 'n intrensieke analise om die wêreld van 1 Samuel te lees. Die ekstrensieke analise gebruik 'n sosio-historiese en sosiaal-wetenskaplike benadering om die betrokke omstandighede na te vors. Hierdie benadering dui aan dat die bybelteks beskou kan word as 'n bewuste geskrif wat ten doel het om sekere historiese gebeure te interpreteer en om spesifieke ideologieë te konstrueer. 1 Samuel 8-12 is daarom moontlik gekonstrueer deur eksiliese groepe om verklarings vir hul moeilike verlede te gee. Die intrinsieke analise maak gebruik van narratiewe kritiek, veral die teorie van konflikplot, om 'n in-diepte studie te maak van die retoriek van 1 Samuel 8-12. Hierdie analise toon dat die betrokke hoofstukke die ambivalensie van die koningskap beklemtoon, hoewel die oppervlaktestruktuur moontlik 'n ander verhaal vertel. Die bevindings van hierdie navorsing lei dan tot die konklusie dat 1 Samuel 8-12 skynbaar geen duidelike posisie met betrekking tot die toekoms van die koningskap aanbied nie.
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Paul and empire : patronage in the Pauline rhetoric of 1 Corinthians 4:14-21Van Wyk, Roelof Reinout 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In reading the letters of Paul to the community in Corinth, it becomes apparent that Paul
communicated from a position of authority. Given the existence of the mighty Roman Empire at
the time of Paul’s writings, it raises questions regarding the ways such Empire would have
affected Paul. This study assesses the possibility that Paul was influenced, not only by the
material Roman world, but also by the socio-political and social-cultural dynamics of the Roman
order. Paul may have utilised such order, but as spiritual leader, he could also have opposed it
to his own ends and aims. The purpose of this study is to investigate such dynamism.
The point of departure is, firstly to briefly discuss the nature of the Roman Empire that filled the
ancient Roman world with coinage, statues, temples, poetry, song and public rhetoric. The
ubiquitous Roman Empire enforced itself through power dynamics constituted in physical force,
rhetoric, the patronage system and the Imperial Cult. Patronage operated in tandem with other
aspects of the imperial system as a means of social control. It leads, therefore, to a more
focussed investigation of patronage as one of the significant dimensions of Empire. Honour,
prestige and status disparity governed social relations through complex, reciprocal relationships.
No one was immune to the social tug-of-war, and within this context, Paul engaged in his
Corinthian correspondence.
Paul’s first Corinthian correspondence, specifically 1 Cor 4:14-21, is then comparatively
investigated in the light of patronage as dimension of Empire. Paul integrated values such as
honour and shame, and used the system of patronage in order to achieve his objectives with the
Corinthian community. The socio-rhetorical analysis of this section of Paul’s correspondence
investigates socio-cultural, intertextual and ideological aspects of the text. 1 Cor 4:14-21 is the
culmination of the first part of Paul’s argument for ὁμόνια (concord), and he empowers his
deliberation through patronage. He positions himself uniquely as father of the community, which
empowers him with patria potestas (absolute authority). He also describes the way the
Corinthians should bestow honour upon themselves. Paul’s use of a challenge-riposte and
encomium brings all the weight of his argument to bear, upon his mimetic command to μιμηταί
μου γίνεσθε (be imitators of me).
The findings of this study indicate that Paul also opposes Empire in various ways. He opposes
patronage, when he champions allegiance to an alternative Κύριος (Lord) that represents an
alternative kingdom. He acts as a broker between Christ and the community, but the reciprocal
relationship consists of shameful behaviour. Paul’s application of patronage does not serve to
enhance his social position and poses a significant challenge to the norms of patronage in the
Empire. The patent and unresolved tension within his rhetoric stretches between liberal use of
patronage, and his opposition of aspects of the imperial order, such as patronage and the abuse
of power. This leads to the conclusion that Paul still subjected the attributes of Empire to his
own objectives. He had more than a purely political or merely spiritual agenda in mind and
ultimately this remains the power and mystery of his argument. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: By die lees van die sendbriewe van Paulus aan die jong Christelike gemeente in Korinte val dit
op dat Paulus, hoewel in herderlike trant, vanuit ’n gesagsposisie tot die gemeente spreek.
Gesien die tyd waarin Paulus geleef het, ’n tydperk van die bestaan van die magtige Romeinse
Ryk, rys die vraag onwillekeurig of Paulus as geestelike leier van opkomende gemeentes nie
enigermate deur die heersende Romeinse maatskaplike orde beïnvloed is nie. In die
onderhawige studie word die moontlikheid van nader betrag dat die sosiaal-politieke en sosiaalkulturele
aspekte van die Romeinse bestel Paulus wel kon beïnvloed het. Die wyse waarop
Paulus sodanige orde sou kon aanwend of moontlik teëstaan word ondersoek.
Die vertrekpunt is dus om allereers die aard van die Romeinse Ryk - gekenmerk deur ‘n eie
muntstelsel, tallose standbeelde, tempels, digkuns, sang en openbare retoriek - in hooftrekke
uiteen te sit. Die uitgebreide Ryk het sy mag gevestig en gehandhaaf deur middel van
kragdadigheid, retoriek, weldoenerskap en die Keiserkultus.
Ter verdieping van die ondersoek word weldoenerskap as onderdeel van die Romeinse sosiaalpolitieke
orde in fyner besonderhede beskou. Daaruit blyk dat beskermheerskap ter
ondersteuning gedien het ten einde doeltreffender maatskaplike beheer uit te oefen. ‘n Verfynde
wisselwerking het - deur middel van die dinamiek van eer, aansien en mag - sosiale
verhoudings en gedrag beheer: niemand was teen die woelinge van die sosiale stryd gevrywaar
nie. Dit was teen hierdie agtergrond van die werklikheid van die magtige Romeinse imperium
dat Paulus met die Korintiërs gekorrespondeer het.
Paulus word daarna vergelykenderwys ondersoek aan die hand van die gedeelte uit sy brief
aan die Korintiërs soos gevind in 1 Kor 4:14-21. Daarin beroep hy hom op waardes soos eer en
skaamte, terwyl hy die stelsel van weldoenerskap aanwend ten einde sy oogmerke met die
gemeente te bereik. Die sosio-retoriese analise van hierdie gedeelte van Paulus se sendbrief
ondersoek sosiaal-kulturele, intertekstuele en ideologiese aspekte van die brief. 1 Kor 4:14-21 is
die hoogtepunt van die eerste gedeelte van Paulus se betoog vir ὁμόνια (eenheid) en hy
versterk sy argument deur middel van weldoenerskap. Op uitsonderlike wyse posisioneer hy
hom as vader van die gemeente: in sy betoog beklee hy hom met patria potestas (absolute
gesag). Paulus se gebruik van ‘n challenge-riposte en van ‘n inkomium verleen groter
seggenskrag aan sy direktief om hom na te volg; μιμηταί μου γίνεσθε (volg my na).
Die uitkoms van hierdie studie is dat Paulus die imperiale orde ook op verskeie wyses sterk
teëstaan. Wat Paulus verkondig het te make met ‘n alternatiewe Κύριος (Heer) en ‘n gans
andersoortige koninkryk. Hy tree op as ‘n bemiddelaar (broker) tussen Christus en die
gemeenskap, maar poog nie om sosiale bevordering te bewerkstellig, soos bepaal deur die
norme van die imperial orde nie. Daar is dus ‘n aanwesige spanning in Paulus se retoriek wat
dui daarop dat Paulus dimensies van die Ryk, soos weldoenerskap, ondergeskik gestel het aan
sy eie doelwitte. Die slotsom waartoe geraak word, is dat by Paulus meer as suiwer politieke
motivering enersyds, of bloot geestelike motivering andersyds, aanwesig was. Hierin is sowel
die krag as die misterie van sy betoog geleë.
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The scope of the Old Testament and the nature of its theology : determining the object and subject of Old Testament theology by means of the SeptuagintKotze, Gideon Rudolph 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh (Old and New Testament))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The present study focuses on the difficulties surrounding the identification of an object and subject for the discipline of Old Testament theology. The goal thereof is to address these difficulties by establishing the legitimacy of an interdisciplinary engagement therewith. In order to achieve this goal the significance of the Greek translations of the Jewish scriptures, the Septuagint, for determining the object and subject of Old Testament theology is pursued.
The problems surrounding the object of study in Old Testament theology are identified and discussed in terms of both canon and text. The advent of Canon criticism, with its focus on the nature, function and history of the biblical canon, as well as the study of the recent textual discoveries in the area surrounding the Dead Sea, have rendered previous consensus regarding the formation of the biblical canon(s) and the history of the biblical texts problematic. This necessitates a thorough reconsidering of the scope of the term “Old Testament”, and consequently, the basis on which the discipline of Old Testament theology is practiced.
The rise to prominence of a so-called new or postmodern epistemological situation and the resulting influence of developments and shifts in literary studies on Biblical criticism, coupled with new challenges within the historical study of the biblical texts and a rediscovery of the importance of Wisdom literature forces upon the Old Testament theologian the responsibility to indicate and clarify the relationship between the Old Testament and divine revelation. Consequently, the nature of the Old Testament’s theology, and therefore, the subject of study in the discipline of Old Testament theology come under scrutiny.
The focus of the study subsequently shifts to topics treated in the study of the Septuagint in order to indicate how these relate to the problems plaguing the discipline of Old Testament theology. Issues relating to the proper use of terminology in Septuagint-studies, theories of the origin of the Septuagint, and the techniques that were employed in translating the Semitic source texts of the Jewish scriptures into Greek, occupy the student in this regard. As a result, the legitimacy of employing insights from Septuagint-studies in delineating the object and subject of study in Old Testament theology is demonstrated.
The final chapter identifies several overtures for furthering the study of the significance of the Septuagint for Old Testament theology in general. A number of methodological problems in the latter can be subsumed under the twin heading of the scope of the “Old Testament” and the nature of its theology. Chapter 36 of the Greek translation of the book of Job acts as a brief case study in order to demonstrate the suggestions that are made in this concluding chapter of the study.
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Theological perspectives on land restoration in Leviticus 25:8-55Hartze, Anthony George 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Old and New Testament))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Since the dismantling of Apartheid in 1994, those who were dispossessed of their land under South Africa’s previous government are being restored or compensated for land that had been taken away from them prior to 1994. Christians, through their theological pronouncements and writings on justice, peace and liberation, played an active role in helping to dismantle Apartheid. And today they continue to sustain a theological role in a number of different ways relative to reconstructing our country. One such area is land restoration.
Leviticus 25:8-55 (hereinafter named ‘Leviticus 25’) has become a key text for this purpose. It is an ancient legal code on land restoration for the ancient Israelites. Since it is an ancient legal text it is understandably difficult to find consensus among modern Old Testament theologians about its prescriptions. Therefore this study will discuss the perspectives of six recent scholars in their commentaries. Three of these scholars approach their perspectives from an evangelical trend (which is essentially my position), two from a Jewish trend, and one from a critical trend.
The two key questions that this study will attempt to answer are: (1) What is the theological understanding of six scholars on land restoration in their commentaries on Leviticus 25 during the past twenty-six years? (2) How do they agree or differ in their theological understanding of land restoration in Leviticus 25?
The first three chapters will lay the groundwork for the discussion of ‘Theological Perspectives on Land Restoration in Leviticus 25.’ Chapter one introduces the study by defining its research problem, and formulating its hypothesis, and indicating its methodology. Thereafter, chapter two will briefly discuss five basic concepts in the book of Leviticus that impact upon land restoration in Leviticus 25. These concepts are covenant, land, holiness, atonement and Jubilee. Chapter three will be a research survey on the book of Leviticus in which the following topics will be looked at: (1) The relation of Leviticus to the Pentateuch as a whole; (2) its authorship and date; (3) its contents and structure; (4) how Leviticus is interpreted; and (5) the two theological axes upon which the book revolves.
Chapter four is the heart of this study. It will discuss, chronologically, the perspectives of six recent Old Testament scholars in their commentaries on Leviticus 25. It will also compare their perspectives to show how they agree or disagree with each other. The aim of this chapter is to show how different perspectives on land restoration in Leviticus 25 aid us today in understanding this great theme. Chapter five, the final chapter, will show how this study proved its hypothesis, while also showing how the different theological trends of the six scholars studied influenced their interpretations of Leviticus 25.
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The exodus and identity formation in view of the origin and migration narratives of the YorubaOlojede, Funlola O. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh (Old and New Testament))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / This study examines the exodus event and its impact on identity formation in the light of the
origin and migration narratives of the Yoruba people. On the one hand, it is observed that
migration is not only an ancient but a universal phenomenon. Its rootedness in Africa and its
profound influence on identity formation are therefore brought to the fore by comparing the
origin and migration narratives of the Yoruba with those of the Tiv and the amaZulu. The
findings show that certain elements of the origin and migration narratives such as a common
ancestor, a common ancestral home, a common belief in Supreme Deity etc., provide a basis
for identity formation and recognition among these Africans, in particular, the Yoruba.
On the other hand, the study focuses on the Sea event in Exodus 14-15:18 which is composed
of both a narrative and a poetic rendition of the sea-crossing by the children of Israel. In the
Sea event, Israel acknowledged in story and song that it was Yahweh who as a warrior,
delivered its people from the hand of Pharaoh and took them safely to the other side of the
Sea. This research shows that a literary consideration of the text and especially of the
interplay between prose and poetry points to Yahweh as the main character in the Sea event.
Consequently, Israel’s identity is defined in Yahweh whose own identity as warrior and
deliverer brought Israel victory over the Egyptians and paved the way for a new nation in a
new land. In this sense, Israel’s identity is assumed to be a theological one.
It is argued that the Yoruba origin and migration narratives help to bring to light the
memories of exodus and Israel’s recollection of Yahweh as the root of its identity. The
narratives help to appreciate more clearly Yahweh’s role in the midst of his people and the
his centrality to Israel’s self-understanding even as they show that these can provide valuable
resources in today’s world where migration and the struggle for identity are features that are
not likely to fade away. Besides, the juxtaposition of cosmogonic myths and migration
theories in attesting to the elements of Yoruba identity formation, have a parallel in the
blending of both cosmic and migration elements in Exodus 14-15:18. This blending also
foregrounds the role of Yahweh in the Sea event.
In addition, the study suggests that the interaction between prose and poetry in the Sea event
is an instance of a separate genre which further research may confirm in Yoruba, especially in
folk-tales and in oríkì-oríle (praise names/epithet).
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From time-bound to timeless : the rhetoric of lamentations and its appropriationGiffone, Benjamin D. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study postulates a unifying rhetorical function for the book of Lamentations during the
Persian period. After the destruction of the temple in 587 BCE, the people of Judah were
geographically scattered and religiously and culturally fragmented. Lamentations, with its
ahistorical, timeless character, its acrostic form, its posture of protest, and its totalizing
references to all the different classes and groups of Judahites, became a rallying point for
Jews seeking restoration after the exile, as well as a perpetual reflection on YHWH’s role in
human suffering for oppressed Jews in many places and at many times through history.
The historical component of this study seeks to establish the fragmentation of Judah
and the goals of the various Judahite groups during the Persian period. The literary
component attempts to demonstrate Lamentations’ suitability as a portable, timeless
expression of suffering before YHWH, and as a source of imagery and motivation for Jewish
restoration hopes.
This study contributes to the understanding of the formation of Jewish identity, which
since the destruction of the first temple has been shaped by minority status in nearly every
cultural context, and by the evolution of a portable, textual religion. This study concludes that
the preservation of the book of Lamentations was both a reflection of and a contribution to
these two aspects of Jewish identity.
This study also contributes to the interpretation of Lamentations—and the genre of
communal lament—as literature and liturgy. It also explores the possibility of literary
connections between Lamentations, Isaiah 40-55, and the genre of penitential prayers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie postuleer ‘n verenigende retoriese funksie vir die boek Klaagliedere gedurende
die Persiese periode. Na die vernietiging van die tempel in 587 vC was die inwoners van Juda
geografies versprei en godsdienstig en kultureel gefragmenteer. Klaagliedere se ahistoriese en
tydlose karakter, die akrostiese vorm, die geneentheid tot protes, en die totaliserende
verwysings na al die verskillende klasse en groepe van Judeërs, het ‘n aanhakpunt geword vir
Jode wat heropbou na die ballingskap nagestreef het, asook vir die voortgaande nadenke by
onderdrukte Jode in baie plekke en tye deur die geskiedenis, oor Jahwe se rol in menslike
Die historiese komponent van hierdie studie probeer die fragmentering van Juda
gedurende die Persiese periode vasstel, asook die doelwitte van die verskillende groepe in
Juda. Die literêre komponent poog om te illustreer dat Klaagliedere uitermate geskik was as
oordraagbare, tydlose uitdrukking van lyding voor Jahwe, en dat dit ‘n bron van verbeelding
en motivering vir die Joodse heropbou-hoop was.
Die studie dra by tot die verstaan van die vorming van Joodse identiteit wat sedert die
vernietiging van die eerste tempel sterk beïnvloed is deur hul minderheidstatus in byna elke
kulturele konteks, maar ook deur die ontwikkeling van ‘n oordraagbare, tekstuele godsdiens.
Hierdie studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat die bewaring van die boek Klaagliedere beide
‘n nadenke oor en ‘n bydrae tot hierdie twee aspekte van Joodse identiteit was.
Die studie maak ook ‘n bydrae tot die interpretasie van Klaagliedere—asook die genre van
gemeenskaplike klag—as literatuur en liturgie. Dit ondersoek ook die moontlike literêre
verhoudings tussen Klaagliedere, Jesaja 40-55 en die genre van boetepsalms.
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Ephesians and Artemis : the influence of the religious climate of western Asia Minor of the first century AD on the content and terminology of Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:15-23Visagie, André Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh (Old and New Testament))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis interacts with the generally held view that Ephesians is a general
epistle with no concrete historical context and contingency, by arguing that this
letter addresses particular religious concerns and beliefs of the believers of
Ephesus and surrounds. A focussed literary survey of the religious-historical
material of the western Mediterranean region in the first century AD is conducted,
with particular attention paid to the cult of the Ephesian Artemis and the
prevalence of magic. Special focus is placed upon Ephesians 1:15-23, which is
exegeted using both grammatical-historical and socio-rhetorical methods of
interpretation to gain insights into how the author employed and reformulated
contemporary terms and concepts to demonstrate the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Serious consideration of the religious and magical context of the first century
Greco-Roman world when interpreting this letter to the Ephesians may open
many possible avenues for future study, particularly in the area of understanding the letter in an African context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie tree in dialoog met die algemene opvatting dat die Efesiërs-brief ’n
algemene brief of omsendskrywe was, wat geen besondere historiese konteks of
dringende saak aangespreek het nie. Die studie oordeel dat die brief spesifieke
religieuse sake en oortuigings van die gelowiges in Efese en omgewing
aangespreek het. Deur ’n literêre oorsig is daar gefokus op die religieushistoriese
materiaal van die westelike Mediterreense area in die eerste eeu nC,
met besondere nadruk op die Artemis-kultus en wydverspreide magie. Spesiale
klem is geplaas op Efesiërs 1:15-23, wat met behulp van beide grammatikaalhistoriese
en sosio-retoriese metodes geëksegetiseer is ten einde te bepaal hoe
die outeur kontemporêre terme en konsepte wat die heerskap van Jesus Christus
demonstreer, gebruik en herformuleer het. Noukeurige oorweging van die
religieuse en magiese konteks van die eerste-eeuse Grieks-Romeinse wêreld ten
tyde van die interpretasie van Efesiërs mag deure open vir moontlike verdere
areas van studie, veral met die oog op die verstaan van die brief in ’n Afrika konteks.
469 |
An assessment of African Christian beliefs in ancestors in view of a responsible interpretation of 1 Corinthians 8:4-6 within the South African contextMqala, Lieberman Mxolisi 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2003 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The object of this study is to assess African Christian beliefs in ancestors in lieu of a
responsible interpretation of 1 Corinthians 8 :4 - 6. Warranting this assessment is the
confusion that arises from the perception that African beliefs in ancestors and the
tenets of Christian faith are compatible. Scriptural teaching seems to address the
question of "ancestral worship" and does seem to portray it as something mutually
exclusive to the tenets of Christian faith. Some of the authors cited in the thesis attest
to this, and others seem to be rising in defence of "ancestor worship" by
accommodating it without any problem on the same level as Christianity. Syncretism
arises in the desire to strike a compromise between the two religions and allow
African Christians to practise "ancestor worship" whilst confessing to be Christians at
the same time.
The selected text, ] Corinthians 8: 4-6, will be the centre of the assessment into the
practice of "ancestor worship" by African Christians. This is because it contains a
passage where Paul addresses the issue of food dedicated to idols. Paul's resolution of
the issue - with his intention of maintaining harmony in the church and in the spirit of
love - seems to accommodate the eating of meats offered to idols, but encourages
abstinence in consideration of the weak. This principle of love may seem to bring
accommodation, yet after a rigorous discussion the thesis concludes that the text still
excludes the worship of idols. "Ancestor worship" is in this thesis seen to be within
the given definitions of idolatry as it involves the sacrificing of meats and foods to
ancestors and the deceased.
In the final analysis the quest for a solution to ancestor beliefs and practices by
African Christians challenges the Church to focus on a responsible interpretation of
Biblical texts, and in such a way that it would bring light as to whether ancestor
beliefs and practices are in continuation with Biblical perspectives or not. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om Afrika-Christene se opvattings met betrekking tot
hul voorouers aan die hand van 'n verantwoorde verstaan van 1 Korintiers 8:4-6 te
evalueer. Die studie is genoodsaak deur verwarring oor die vraag of die beginsels en
praktyke van "voooroueraanbidding" met die Christelike geloof versoen kan word.
Vol gens die studie blyk dit dat die gekose teks die vraag van "vooroueraanbidding"
aanspreek, en wel as onversoenbaar met die wesensaard van die Christelike geloof.
Sommige van die bronne waarna die tesis verwys, onderskryf hierdie standpunt,
terwyl ander "vooroueraanbidding" verdedig en probleemloos op dieselfde vlak as die
Christelike geloof akkommodeer. Die gevolg is dat sinkretisme ontstaan as 'n kornpromis
tussen die twee perspektiewe, wat dit vir belydende Afrika-Christene moontlik
maak om "vooroueraanbidding" te bedryf.
1 Korintiers 8:4-6 vonn die kemgesigspunt vanwaar die praktyk van "vooroueraanbidding"
deur Afrika-Christene geevalueer word. In die gedeelte bespreek Paulus
die vraag of Christene voedsel mag eet wat aan afgode gewy is. In die lig van sy
bedoeling om 'n gees van liefde en eenheid in die gemeente aan te moedig, laat hy
ruimte vir Christene se vryheid om afgodsvleis te eet, maar beveel aan dat dit ter wille
van swakkeres in die geloofliefs gelaat moet word. Hoewel die liefdesbeginsel ruimte
mag laat vir die akkommodering van "vooroueraanbidding", kom die tesis 11<'1 indringende
bespreking tot die slotsom dat I Korintiers 8:4-6 dit as 'n opsie vir Christene
uitsluit, "Vooroueraanbidding" word hier gedefinieer as afgodery, aangesien dit die
offerande van vleis en ander kos aan voorouers en afgestorwenes insluit.
Om enigsins 'n oplossing vir die probleem van "vooroueraanbidding" deur Afrika-
Christene te vind, vra in die finale instansie dat kerke sal fokus op 'n verantwoorde
interpretasie van die Bybel, wat sal kan aandui of sodanige geloofspraktyke 'n
voortsetting van Bybelse perspektiewe is al dan nie.
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The daughters of Zelophehad : a Nigerian perspective on inheritance of land by women according to Numbers 27:1-11Ahiamadu, Amadi 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Chapter one of this research and its hypothesis outlines the way in which land inheritance
has been applied in past decades to the total exclusion of women. This study includes
mainly the Ogba and Ekpeye and concentrates on areas where the Bible has been read
for nearly 100 years without any appreciable impact on the cultural restrictions imposed on
women with respect to the inheritance of land.
Chapter two highlights the practices of land tenure in both the ancient Near East (ANE)
and ancient Israel, with specific emphasis on the concepts of ahuzzah and nahalah, the
role of the kinsman redeemer (goe/) in the redemption and retension of the family
inheritance, and the importance of the dowry as a substitute for land inheritance.
Chapter three looks at the social and religious status of women in the ANE and ancient
Israel, and illustrates the importance of women as daughters or wives. The specific
inheritance rights enjoyed by women in ANE societies are also mentioned.
The inheritance rights of women in South-east Nigeria and the Niger Delta are covered in
chapter four. The traditional system of land holding and the relationship between this
system and the socio-economic status of women are disussed. Empirical evidence from
the Niger Delta communities is given and a comparison made with other groups in Niqerie.
The thesis proceeds to make a functionally equivalent translation of the Zelophehad
narrative (Num. 27:1-11) with the understanding that such unique texts, if properly
understood, could impact on the cultural perceptions of the people in terms of the
inheritance rights of women. This contrasts with the more literal, second language
translations which seem not to have had any significant impact on the communities so far.
The final chapter makes an evaluation of the central hypothesis. Due to logistic difficulties,
the application of the results of the research to the target communities may have to wait
until funds are available to test the translation within the target communities. Such a test
will have to be done over a period of time to determine its impact on the problem facing
women with respect to inheritance rights. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoofstuk een van hierdie studie en hipotese fokus op die navorsingsvraag, naamlik die
wyse waarop grondnalatenskap die afgelope dekades tot die algehele uitsluiting van vroue
plaasgevind het. Die studie sluit hoofsaaklik die Ogba en Ekpeye in, en konsentreer op
streke waar die Bybel die afgelope 100 jaar gelees is sonder enige noemenswaardige
impak op die kulturele beperkings op vroue met betrekking tot die erf van grond.
Hoofstuk twee bespreek die grondbesitpraktyke in beide die antieke Nabye Ooste (ANa)
en antieke Israel. Spesifieke aandag word geskenk aan die konsepte van ahuzzah en
nahalah, die rol van die bloedverwant losser (goel) in die aflos en behoud van die familie
erfenis, en die belang van die bruidskat as substituut vir 'n nalatenskap van grond.
Hoofstuk drie kyk na die sosiale en godsdienstige status van vroue in die ANa en antieke
Israel, en illustreer die belangrikheid van vroue as dogters of getroudes in die
gemeenskap. Die spesifieke erfregte wat vroue in die ANO geniet het, word ook genoem.
Die erfreg van vroue in Suid-oos Niqerie en die Niger Delta word in hoofstuk vier gedek.
Die tradisionele stelsel van grondbesit word bespreek, asook die verhouding tussen
hierdie sisteem en die sosio-ekonomiese status van vroue. Empiriese bewyse uit die Niger
Delta gemeenskappe word verskaf en 'n vergelyking getref met ander groepe in Niqerie.
Die tesis maak 'n funksioneel gelykwaardige vertaling van die Selofgad-verhaal (Num.
27: 1-11), met die verstandhouding dat sulke unieke tekste, indien behoorlike verstaan, 'n
impak kan he op kulturele waarnemings ten opsigte van die erfreg van vroue. Dit
kontrasteer met die meer letterlike, tweedetaal vertalings wat tot dusver skynbaar geen
noemenswaardige impak op die gemeenskappe gehad het nie.
In die finale hoofstuk word die sentrale hipotese qeevalueer. Die toepassing van die
resultate van die navorsing op die teikengemeenskappe sal, as gevolg van logistieke
struikelblokke, moet wag tot fondse beskikbaar is om die vertaling op die
teikengemeenskappe te toets. Sodanige toets sal oor "n tydperk moet strek ten einde die
impak daarvan op die probleem wat vroue ervaar ten opsigte van erfreg vas te stel.
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