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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perception des sensations physiques et des émotions dans le comportement alimentaire : lien avec la consommation alimentaire et le statut pondéral en population générale / Perception of physical sensations and emotions in the context of eating behavior : associations with food intake and weight status in the general population

Camilleri, Geraldine 03 November 2015 (has links)
Les traits psychologiques individuels peuvent faciliter ou nuire au contrôle alimentaire et pondéral non seulement chez les obèses, mais également dans l’ensemble de la population. La littérature s’est jusqu’à présent principalement focalisée sur les traits négatifs tels que la restriction ou l’alimentation liée aux émotions négatives. A l’inverse, des traits positifs (ou adaptatifs) tels que l’alimentation intuitive et la pleine conscience pourraient favoriser une alimentation saine et un maintien du poids. L'alimentation intuitive est caractérisée par une consommation motivée par les signaux physiologiques de faim et de satiété plutôt qu’en réponse aux stimuli externes et émotionnels, couplée à une faible préoccupation vis-à-vis de l’alimentation. La pleine conscience est définie par une prise de conscience de l’instant présent sans jugement de valeur. L’objectif principal de ce travail était de mesurer l’alimentation liée aux émotions, l’alimentation intuitive et la pleine conscience dans un large échantillon d’adultes en population générale issus de la cohorte NutriNet-Santé, et d’évaluer leur association avec la consommation alimentaire et le statut pondéral de façon transversale. Chez les femmes, une forte alimentation liée aux émotions était associée à une plus forte consommation d’aliments riches en énergie, en particulier les aliments gras et sucrés. La présence de symptômes dépressifs exacerbait cette association. Pour les hommes, cette relation était mise en évidence seulement chez ceux sans symptômes dépressifs. La version traduite et validée d’un questionnaire d’alimentation intuitive a montré des caractéristiques psychométriques satisfaisantes. Des scores plus élevés aux dimensions « manger pour des raisons physiques plutôt qu’émotionnelles » et « recourir à ses signaux de faim et de satiété» étaient associés à des choix alimentaires bénéfiques pour la santé tandis que des scores plus élevés à la dimension « permission inconditionnelle de manger » étaient associés à une alimentation moins saine. Par ailleurs, l’alimentation intuitive et ses trois dimensions étaient inversement associées au statut pondéral. La disposition de pleine conscience était inversement associée au surpoids et à l’obésité chez les femmes, et à l’obésité chez les hommes. De plus, dans l’ensemble, toutes les dimensions de la pleine conscience (« observation », « description », « agir en pleine conscience », « non-jugement » et « non-réactivité ») étaient inversement associées au statut pondéral chez les femmes tandis que chez les hommes, seules les dimensions « observation » et non-réactivité » l’étaient. De façon cohérente, la pratique de techniques psycho-physiques pouvant développer la pleine conscience était inversement associée au statut pondéral. Ces résultats illustrent l’importance des déterminants psychologiques sur le comportement alimentaire et le statut pondéral. Plus particulièrement, ils montrent l’importance de considérer des conduites positives, et pas uniquement des conduites à risque, à la fois en prévention primaire et secondaire de l’obésité. / Individual psychological traits can positively or adversely affect eating and weight control notonly among obese individuals, but also in the whole population. So far, the literature hasmainly focused on negative traits such as restrained or emotional eating. Yet, positive (oradaptive) traits such as intuitive eating and mindfulness might predispose people to eat morehealthfully and maintain weight. Intuitive eating is defined as generally eating in response tophysiological hunger and satiety signals, and not in response to external and/or emotionalcues, together with low overall preoccupation with food. Mindfulness is defined as nonjudgmentalawareness of the present moment.Our main objective was to quantify emotional eating, intuitive eating and mindfulness in alarge sample of adults from the general population (the NutriNet-Santé cohort) and to assesswhether they were cross-sectionally associated with food intake and weight status.In women, higher emotional eating was associated with higher consumption of energy densesnack foods, and in particular sweet-and-fatty foods. The presence of depressive symptomsexacerbated this association. In men, this association was found in those without depressivesymptoms only.We translated and validated an existing intuitive eating questionnaire into French, and thistranslated version demonstrated satisfactory psychometric properties.Higher scores on the dimensions “eating for physical rather than emotional reasons” and“reliance on hunger and satiety cues” were associated with healthier food choices whilehigher scores on the dimension “unconditional permission to eat” were associated with a lesshealthy diet. However, overall intuitive eating and its three dimensions were all inverselyassociated with weight status.Dispositional mindfulness was inversely associated with overweight and obesity in womenand with obesity in men. In addition, overall, all dimensions of mindfulness (“observing”,“describing”, “acting with awareness”, “non-judging” and “non-reactivity”) were inverselyassociated with weight status in women, while only the “observing” and “non-reactivity”dimensions were inversely associated with weight status in men. In line with this, mind-bodypractices, which can help to develop mindfulness, were also inversely associated with weightstatus.These results illustrate the importance of psychological determinants of dietary behavior andweight status. In particular, our results underline the value of considering positive behaviors,and not only behaviors at risk, for both primary and secondary prevention of obesity.

Inequality, Welfare, Household Composition and Prices: A Comparative Study on Australian and Canadian Data

Blacklow, P Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines and compares the nature, magnitude and movement in the inequality of income and expenditure of Australian households from 1975-76 to 1998-99 and Canadian households from 1978 to 1992. The inequality of welfare impacts on an individual’s feelings of belonging and participation in society and the level of social division within it. It may have such tangible effects as political unrest and increased crime. This raises the issue of, what is happening to the inequality of welfare and how to measure household welfare and inequality? The thesis considers the normative judgements made in measuring the inequality, desirable properties of inequality indices and the appropriate variable to represent household welfare. It finds in favour of expenditure as a more appropriate measure of a household’s living standards than income and that equivalence scales and cost of living indices should be used to account for variation in household composition and prices. The majority of past studies of Australian and Canadian inequality report an increase in income inequality throughout the latter half of the 20th century. However, the timing and size of increase is dependent upon the inequality indices, equivalence scales and sample selection used in each study. While many studies have focussed on the distribution of income, few have considered the inequality of expenditure or the explicit role of prices in inequality movements via a cost of living index. The thesis specifies a demographically extended complete demand system and uses household survey and price data to obtain estimates of its parameters to construct and compare alternate equivalence scales and demographically varying cost of living indices. The independence of the equivalence scale to reference utility was found not to hold suggesting that welfare comparisons between households of varying demographic types will be dependent on the specification of the household cost function. While the estimated price elasticities vary significantly across households, prices of commodity groups have moved such that the change in the cost of living over time is relatively uniform across households. The thesis finds that the real adult equivalent disposable income inequality of households has been rising in Australia consistently from 1975-76 to 1998-99, while real adult equivalent expenditure inequality recorded a fall over the period as a whole. In contrast, the inequality of Canadian household real adult equivalent disposable income and expenditure, have moved together, rising from 1978 to 1986 before falling in 1992. Australia has a higher magnitude of inequality in the distribution of household equivalent expenditure compared to Canada. The decline in the inequality of accommodation expenditure has been significant for Australia and Canada in offsetting the rise in inequality of expenditure on food and alcohol and tobacco. The rise in wage inequality and to a lesser extent investment income inequality, have largely accounted for the rise in gross income inequality in both countries. The thesis finds that the movement in Australian inequality is not overly sensitive to equivalence scale specification, although Engel, OECD and per capita scaled welfare tend to exaggerate the movement when compared to demand system based scales. In Canada from 1982 to 1986 changes in household composition resulted in significant difference in the movement of inequality estimates for different equivalence scales. The Engel, OECD and per capita based estimates showed a fall in inequality in contrast to the demand system based scales. The magnitude and the movement in inequality for both countries are insensitive to the specification of price indices. Excluding observations from the original sample can have extreme consequences on the reported magnitude and trend in inequality. By exploiting the additive decomposability property of inequality, the employment status and education level of the household head for Australia and Canada respectively, were found to have a large effect on the magnitude and movement in inequality. Age of the household head and the demographic type of the household were found to explain less than a sixth of the magnitude and trend in household inequality for both Australia and Canada. To summarise, this thesis makes the following contributions: Methodological i) It considers the normative judgements made in measuring inequality, the desirable properties of inequality indices and the appropriate variable to use to represent household welfare. ii) It accounts for differences amongst the demographic composition of households by using equivalence scales based upon an explicitly defined demographic extended demand system. iii) It accounts for price movements by developing a cost of living index based upon an explicitly defined demographic household cost function and complete demand system. Empirical i) Real adult equivalent disposable income inequality of households has been rising in Australia consistently from 1975-76 to 1998-99, while real adult equivalent expenditure inequality recorded a fall over the period as a whole. ii) In contrast Canadian household real adult equivalent disposable income and expenditure inequality have moved together, rising from 1978 to 1986 before falling in 1992. iii) The movement in Australian and Canadian inequality is not overly sensitive to different demand system based scales but Engel, OECD and per capita scaled estimates tend to exaggerate the movement of Australian inequality and report movements in Canadian inequality from 1982-1986 reverse to the demand system based scales. iv) The magnitude and the movement in inequality for both countries are not very sensitive to the specification of price indices. However there is evidence that regional price movements in Canada have helped to offset inequality, while allowing for differing price impacts across households using the CLI reduces this effect. For Australia price movements appear to have reduced the fall in expenditure inequality and increased the rise in income inequality slightly. v) Excluding observations from the original sample can have extreme consequences on the reported magnitude and trend in inequality. vi) Employment status and education level of the household head for Australia and Canada respectively, were found to have a large effect on the magnitude and movement in inequality. Greater than, what could be explained by decomposing by age of the household head or the demographic type of the household.

Διαστρωματική ανάλυση των αποδόσεων των μετοχών στο Χρηματιστήριο Αθηνών για την περίοδο 2004-2011 / Cross-sectional analysis of stock returns in Exchange of Athens, period 2004-2011

Σβίγγου, Αργυρώ 01 February 2013 (has links)
Η παρούσα εργασία αποτελεί μια διερεύνηση των παραγόντων που επηρεάζουν τις μέσες αποδόσεις των μετοχών που διαπραγματεύονται στο Χρηματιστήριο Αθηνών για τη περίοδο Ιούλιος 2004 – Ιούνιος 2011. Οι παράγοντες αυτοί αφορούν σε θεμελιώδεις οικονομικές μεταβλητές, όπως είναι ο δείκτης λογιστική προς χρηματιστηριακή αξία ενώ εξετάζεται και η επίδραση του συντελεστή β. Η μεθοδολογική προσέγγιση είναι όμοια με αυτή που εφάρμοσαν οι Fama και French (1992) , όπου στο πρώτο στάδιο οι μετοχές ομαδοποιούνται σε χαρτοφυλάκια με προκαθορισμένα κριτήρια ενώ σε δεύτερο στάδιο διενεργούνται μηνιαίες διαστρωματικές παλινδρομήσεις. Το βασικό αποτέλεσμα της εργασίας είναι ότι οι μέσες αποδόσεις των μετοχών στο Χρηματιστήριο Αθηνών δεν συνδέονται με το συντελεστή β (κίνδυνο της αγοράς) ενώ δεν εντοπίστηκε κάποια ισχυρή σχέση με κάποιο άλλο παράγοντα κινδύνου που αφορά στη χρηματιστηριακή αξία των μετοχών ή στο δείκτη λογιστική προς χρηματιστηριακή αξία. / This study is an investigation of the factors affecting the average returns of stocks that traded on the Athens Stock Exchange for the period July 2004 - June 2011. These factors relate to fundamental economic variables, such as book to market ratio. Also, we examine the influence of the coefficient β. The methodological approach is similar to that applied by Fama and French (1992), where in the first stage, stocks are grouped into portfolios with predefined criteria and subsequently carried out monthly cross sectional regressions. The main result of this study is that average stock returns in the ASE is not associated with the coefficient b (market risk) and not found a strong relationship with another risk factor for the market value of the stocks or book to market ratio.

Investigating the relationship between the use of advanced placement credit and performance in subsequent college courses

Sheila F Hurt (10586288) 07 May 2021 (has links)
Research on the Advanced Placement (AP) program generally shows that students scoring 4s and 5s on AP exams outperform their non-AP peers in subsequent college courses. However, faculty often advise students with AP credit to repeat prerequisite courses in college before attempting advanced coursework, and there are few studies that provide empirical evidence about outcomes related to the use of AP credit. I compared grades of 26,843 students in 34 STEM courses using two-level cross-sectional multilevel modeling and found that students with AP credit in biology, calculus, chemistry, or physics significantly outperformed non-AP students after controlling for high school GPA and SAT Math scores, whether they used their AP credit to fulfill course pre-requisites or not. Additionally, I investigated outcomes of 10,152 students who had earned AP credit for course pre-requisites, depending on whether or not they chose to use their AP credit or repeat it at the college level prior to taking subsequent courses. I found that contextual factors, such as the specific target course and the student’s home college, were highly influential in determining the propensity to use AP credit. Measures of prior academic achievement also influenced the propensity to use AP credit, but most demographic factors did not. After applying propensity weights, I found no causal effect of using AP credit on subsequent course grades. The use of two-level cross-sectional multilevel modeling showed that the effect of using AP credit on subsequent course grades varied significantly across courses. The results of this study show that students who use AP credit to move directly into subsequent college STEM courses do not earn lower grades in those courses as a result of their decision to use AP credit.

Tooth Loss and Atherosclerosis: The Nagahama study / ながはま0次予防コホート事業における喪失歯数と動脈硬化との関係に関する研究

Asai, Keita 24 November 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第19362号 / 医博第4039号 / 新制||医||1011(附属図書館) / 32376 / 新制||医||1011 / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 横出 正之, 教授 佐藤 俊哉, 教授 森田 智視 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Self-Reported Health among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Multimethod Study to Understand the Complexity and Role of Adaptation to Health Adversity

Whitmore, Carly January 2022 (has links)
Self-reported health is typically captured as a response to the question, “In general, would you rate your health as excellent, very good, good, fair or poor?” Among community-dwelling older adults (≥65 years), self-reported health decreases as the number of chronic conditions increases. Despite this well-documented relationship, little is known about how other sociodemographic or health-related factors may shape this relationship, what may predict high self-reported health among this population, or how older adults perceive these factors as influencing their perceptions of health. Informed by the Lifecourse Model of Multimorbidity Resilience, the objective of this multimethod research study was to advance understanding of self-reported health among community-dwelling older adults. To this end, four research studies were completed: 1) scoping review of the factors associated with self-reported health, 2) cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging to understand the relationship between multimorbidity and self-reported health and the factors that predict high self-reported health; 3) qualitative case study to explore the influence of individual, social, and environmental factors on self-reported health, including multimorbidity resilience, in community-dwelling older adults, and; 4) a multimethod study that brought together all findings in a matrix analysis. From this work, two meta-inferences were generated: 1) the factors that shape self-reported health are multidimensional and complex; and 2) adaptation to health adversity, resulting from experiences acquired over the lifecourse, shape how older adults perceive their health. Findings from this work advance three implications. First, there is a need to use and apply information gained by asking about self-reported health in clinical practice to inform care planning. Second, there is a need for whole person care to guide health and social care policy for older adults. Third, future health research must further explore longitudinal understanding of self-reported health as well as additional qualitative understanding of the differences of those older adults with the well-being paradox. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Park, Sunjoo 12 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Cross-Sectional Stiffness Properties of Complex Drone Wings

Muthirevula, Neeharika 05 January 2017 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to develop a beam element in order to model the wing of a drone, made of composite materials. The proposed model consists of the framework for the structural design and analysis of long slender beam like structures, e.g., wings, wind turbine blades, and helicopter rotor blades, etc. The main feature consists of the addition of the coupling between axial and bending with torsional effects that may arise when using composite materials and the coupling stemming from the inhomogeneity in cross-sections of any arbitrary geometry. This type of modeling approach allows for an accurate yet computationally inexpensive representation of a general class of beam-like structures. The framework for beam analysis consists of main two parts, cross-sectional analysis of the beam sections and then using this section analysis to build up the finite element model. The cross-sectional analysis is performed in order to predict the structural properties for composite sections, which are used for the beam model. The thesis consists of the model to validate the convergence of the element size required for the cross-sectional analysis. This follows by the validation of the shell models of constant cross-section to assess the performance of the beam elements, including coupling terms. This framework also has the capability of calculating the strains and displacements at various points of the cross-section. Natural frequencies and mode shapes are compared for different cases of increasing complexity with those available in the papers. Then, the framework is used to analyze the wing of a drone and compare the results to a model developed in NASTRAN. / Master of Science

An approach to modeling and forecasting real estate residential property market

Al-Marwani, Hamed Ahmed January 2014 (has links)
This thesis aims to provide an approach to real estate residential modeling and forecasting covering property types’ correlation, time series attributes within a region or a city, and socio-economic attributes of preferred real estate locations. The thesis covers residential estate markets and concentrates on property types, while previous studies that have considered country wide house price indices. There is a gap identified in the literature in the need to study correlations between property types within a region or a city and whether they will provide diversification benefits for real estate investors such as risk reduction per unit of returns. The thesis concentrates on property type seasonality in addition to modeling time series attributes within a region or city instead of real estate index seasonality. This thesis the first to combine modern information systems techniques such as geographic information systems (GIS) with socio-economic factors to help understanding causal relationships that can be used to forecast real estate prices. The results show that it is more achievable to forecast real estate prices within a city than for the real estate market of the entire country. The GIS and socio-economic modeling results show that higher property prices are awarded to real estate with more green spaces, residents with higher disposable incomes, lower council tax bands, fewer tax benefits claimants, and better health services. Previous studies have examined real estate price indices at the macro level (the general, all real estate house price indices). There has not been a study that examines real estate price forecasts by property types within a city. The contribution of this thesis is its focus on time series analysis as well as causal modeling within a city with the objective of providing a better understanding of the dynamics of real estate price changes.

Fatores associados ? ocorr?ncia da viol?ncia de g?nero

Silva, Bianka Sousa Martins 21 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Verena Bastos (verena@uefs.br) on 2015-07-31T13:39:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO DE BIANKA 2015.pdf: 1088519 bytes, checksum: 3efca07e3a24a9e6cadd7b95dbe70562 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-31T13:39:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTACAO DE BIANKA 2015.pdf: 1088519 bytes, checksum: 3efca07e3a24a9e6cadd7b95dbe70562 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-21 / Objective: To assess factors related to the occurrence of gender violence in a population of northeastern Bahia in 2007 and identify risk behaviors in women who have witnessed family violence during their childhood and were victims of violence in adulthood. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted with 4170 individuals, of both sexes, aged 15 years and living in the city of Feira de Santana , Bahia. A probabilistic sample of clusters derived from census tracts was used. Data were collected during home visits with use of household and individual questionnaire record. Bivariate and the Chi square test analyzes were performed considering IC95 % and p ? 0.05 for statistically significant association. To verify the factors associated with violence , we used a hierarchical logistic regression analysis. Results: The prevalence of physical and / or emotional violence was 18,63%. Regarding the history of violence in childhood prevalence was equal to 12,14%. Women had a higher prevalence (19,7%) than men (16,5%) with 1,31 times higher prevalence of victimization. It was observed that women who have never been to school (15,08%), non-white (12,61%) and had an income of up to 1 minimum wage (14.17%) had a higher incidence of physical violence in childhood. The women drinkers had 1,43 times higher prevalence of experiencing violence in childhood and, in relation to smoking, this prevalence increased to 1,56. Adjusted by hierarchical logistic regression analysis showed a positive association between women suffer physical and / or emotional violence with household type (RP = 1,28; IC95%: 1,10; 1,54), type of building (RP = 1,66; IC95%: 1,14; 2,41), smoking (RP = 1,36; IC95%: 1,10; 1,70) and violence in childhood (RP = 2,13; IC95%: 1,79; 2,53). Conclusions: Gender violence is a complex problem with social roots and that deserves to be addressed as a public health problem . Thus , it is urgent policies to combat poverty , interpersonal conflicts, especially those from the interior of the family system , substance use , particularly alcohol measures as well as preparation in the care of victims of violence and the deployment of a service to protect women victimized because many remain silent for fear of reprisals from their attackers. / Objetivo: Analisar os fatores relacionados ? ocorr?ncia da viol?ncia de g?nero em uma popula??o do nordeste da Bahia no ano de 2007 e identificar os comportamentos de risco de mulheres que presenciaram viol?ncia na fam?lia durante sua inf?ncia e foram v?timas de viol?ncia na vida adulta. M?todos: Trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal realizado com 4170 indiv?duos, de ambos os sexos, com idade acima de 15 anos e residentes no munic?pio de Feira de Santana-BA. Foi utilizada uma amostra probabil?stica de conglomerados derivados de setores censit?rios. Os dados foram coletados em visitas domiciliares com uso de ficha domiciliar e question?rio individual. Foram realizadas an?lises bivariadas e Teste do Qui Quadrado de Pearson, considerando IC95% e p ? 0,05 para associa??o estatisticamente significante. Para verificar os fatores associados ? viol?ncia, empregou-se a an?lise de regress?o log?stica hierarquizada. Resultados: A preval?ncia de viol?ncia f?sica e/ou emocional foi de 18,63%. Em rela??o ? hist?ria de viol?ncia na inf?ncia a preval?ncia foi igual a 12,14%. As mulheres apresentaram preval?ncia superior (19,7%) aos homens (16,5%) com preval?ncia 1,31 vezes maior de vitimiza??o. Foi poss?vel observar que mulheres que nunca foram ? escola (15,08%), n?o brancas (12,61%) e que tinham renda de at? 1 sal?rio m?nimo (14,17%) apresentaram maior ocorr?ncia de viol?ncia f?sica na inf?ncia. As mulheres etilistas tiveram preval?ncia 1,43 vezes maior de ter sofrido viol?ncia na inf?ncia e, em rela??o ao h?bito de fumar, esta preval?ncia aumentou para 1,56. A an?lise ajustada por regress?o log?stica hierarquizada mostrou uma associa??o positiva entre a mulher sofrer viol?ncia f?sica e/ou emocional com tipo de domic?lio (RP = 1,28; IC95%: 1,10; 1,54), tipo de edifica??o (RP = 1,66; IC95%: 1,14; 2,41), tabagismo (RP = 1,36; IC95%: 1,10; 1,70) e viol?ncia na inf?ncia (RP = 2,13; IC95%: 1,79; 2,53). Conclus?es: A viol?ncia de g?nero ? um problema complexo com ra?zes sociais e que merece ser abordada como um problema de sa?de p?blica. Assim, urge medidas pol?ticas para o combate da pobreza, conflitos interpessoais, sobretudo os oriundos do interior do sistema familiar, ao consumo de subst?ncias, principalmente o ?lcool, bem como o preparo no atendimento das v?timas de viol?ncia e a implanta??o de um servi?o de prote??o ?s mulheres vitimizadas, pois muitas se calam por medo de sofrer repres?lias por parte de seus agressores.

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