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Разработка системы компьютерного зрения для определения вида фракции щебня : магистерская диссертация / Development of a computer vision system for determining the type of crushed stone fractionАхметов, В. М., Akhmetov, V. M. January 2024 (has links)
Основная цель выпускной квалификационной работы состоит в разработке системы компьютерного зрения для определения вида фракции щебня. А также определении наиболее эффективного метода для определения фракции щебня, сравнивая задачи компьютерного зрения: обнаружение объектов и классификация. Первая часть исследования посвящена анализу существующий методов и алгоритмов классификации изображений на основе нейронных сетей. Были проанализированы модели, предназначенные для обнаружения объектов и классификации. Для задачи классификации изображений сравнение выполнялось для моделей: Resnet, Efficientnet, Deit, Tinyvit. Для задачи обнаружения объектов: Yolo, Faster R-CNN и SSD. Во второй части исследования была обучена модель обнаружения объектов и обучены модели классификации. После произведено сравнение производительности данных моделей для решаемой задачи – определения фракции щебня. Третья часть выпускной квалификационной работы направлена на разработку системы компьютерного зрения для определения фракции щебня. Для работоспособности системы было развернуто два Docker-контейнера и сервер Uvicorn с работающим приложением FastAPI. / The main objective of the final qualification work is to develop a computer vision system for determining the type of crushed stone fraction. As well as determining the most effective method for determining the crushed stone fraction, comparing the tasks of computer vision: object detection and classification. The first part of the study is devoted to the analysis of existing methods and algorithms for image classification based on neural networks. Models designed for object detection and classification were analyzed. For the task of image classification, the comparison was performed for the following models: Resnet, Efficientnet, Deit, Tinyvit. For the task of object detection: Yolo, Faster R-CNN and SSD. In the second part of the study, an object detection model was trained and classification models were trained. After that, a comparison of the performance of these models for the problem being solved - determining the crushed stone fraction was made. The third part of the final qualification work is aimed at developing a computer vision system for determining the crushed stone fraction. For the system to work, two Docker containers and a Uvicorn server with a running FastAPI application were deployed.
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Využití nestandardního drobného kameniva do stmelených směsí podkladních vrstev vozovek / The use of the waste aggregates for bound mixtures of pavementsChloupek, Adam January 2019 (has links)
The works deals with the possibilities of using non-standard fraction of fine crushed aggregate in route base layers. Goal of my thesis is research of using material from specific location. Theoretical part summarizes basic knowledge regarding bound mixtures and their normative requirements. Practical part of my thesis describes my various mixture design and following testing and determination of design properties by official and experimental tests. The conclusion summarizes the researched outputs and findings, which confirm the future possibilities of using this material in base layers.
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Využití těženého kameniva do podkladních vrstev vozovek / The usage of the quarried aggregates to base layers of pavementsBorkesz, Michael January 2017 (has links)
The work deals with the possibilities of using fine crushed and quarried aggregate to base layers of roads. The introduction of the theoretical part explains the origin of this type of aggregate. There are also described the tests, which were used to verify the attributes and features of these mixtures and their use in cemented base layers of roads. In a brief way, the work also deals with foreign research and the possibilities that arise from it. In the practical part is then described the process of mixture preparing and laboratory tests carried out on them, the production of test specimens, load tests of these specimens and interpretation of the results. The conclusion summarizes the findings. Here are also discussed ways to apply them in practice.
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Проект завода по производству бетонных и растворных смесей с использованием вторичных заполнителей производительностью 50 000 м3 в год : магистерская диссертация / The project of a plant for the production of concrete and mortar mixes using secondary aggregates with a capacity of 50,000 m3 per yearГо, Ч., Go, C. January 2024 (has links)
The master's thesis is devoted to the design of a plant for the production of concrete and mortar mixtures. It is proposed to use aggregates obtained from concrete waste as coarse and fine aggregates. Based on the research work carried out, the principal possibility of obtaining heavy concretes of strength classes B15-B20 is shown, which can be used in low-rise construction, as well as for the construction of non-critical structures. A technological scheme for the preparation of secondary aggregates from concrete waste, a scheme for the production of mixtures based on them has been developed. A factory of a given capacity has been designed, the main and auxiliary equipment has been calculated and selected. The graphic part has been completed. / Магистерская диссертация посвящена проектированию завода по производству бетонных и растворных смесей. В качестве крупного и мелкого заполнителей предлагается использовать заполнители, полученные из бетонного лома. На основании проведенной исследовательской работы показана принципиальная возможность получения тяжелых бетонов классов по прочности В15-В20, можно применять в малоэтажном строительстве, а также для возведения не ответственных конструкций. Разработана технологическая схема подготовки вторичных заполнителей из бетонного лома, схема производства смесей на их основе. Запроектирован завод заданной производительности, рассчитано и подобрано основное и вспомогательное оборудование. Выполнена графическая часть.
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Проект завода по производству бетонных и растворных смесей с использованием вторичных заполнителей из кирпичного боя производительностью 30 000 м3 в год : магистерская диссертация / The project of a plant for the production of concrete and mortar mixtures using secondary aggregates from a brick waste with a capacity of 30,000 m3 per yearЛю, М., Lyu, M. January 2024 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена проектированию завода по производству бетонных и растворных смесей. В качестве крупного и мелкого заполнителей предлагается использовать заполнители, полученные из кирпичного боя. На основании проведенной исследовательской работы показана принципиальная возможность получения тяжелых бетонов классов по прочности не ниже В22,5, марки по водонепроницаемости W8, и марки по морозостойкости F1100 на основе вторичных щебня и песка. Разработана технологическая схема подготовки вторичных заполнителей из кирпичного боя, схема производства смесей на их основе. Запроектирован завод заданной производительности, рассчитано и подобрано основное и вспомогательное оборудование. Выполнена графическая часть. / The master's thesis is devoted to the design of a plant for the production of concrete and mortar mixtures. It is proposed to use fillers obtained from brick waste as coarse and fine fillers. Based on the research work carried out, the principal possibility of obtaining heavy concretes of strength classes not lower than B22.5, waterproof grades W8, and frost resistance grades F1100 based on secondary crushed stone and sand is shown. A technological scheme for the preparation of secondary aggregates from brick waste, a scheme for the production of mixtures based on them has been developed. A factory of a given capacity has been designed, the main and auxiliary equipment has been calculated and selected. The graphic part is completed.
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Stavebně technologický projekt výrobní a administrativní haly ATX / Building Construction Project for Industrial and Administrative Building ATXŠrámek, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this master’s thesis is a solution of chosen parts of building construction project. The project solves industrial hall that contains productions and administrative space. This thesis includes technological regulations for substructure, study of performing the main technological stages, design of using machines, checking and testing plans. Other phrases parts are time schedules, budget, calculations, design of site equipment including engineering report and report for performing access road. Starting materials, which were used for this thesis, were engineering report also including working drawings.
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