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Production technology and properties of composite material made out of porous cement paste and crushed expanded polystyrene / Kompozitinės medžiagos iš poringosios cemento tešlos ir trupinto polistireninio putplasčio gamybos technologija ir savybėsKligys, Modestas 04 December 2009 (has links)
The composite material of different density, where porous cement paste serves as matrix and crushed waste expanded polystyrene packages serve as inclusions, was developed. The compositions of formative mixtures and technological parameters of production for this composite material were selected and its properties were investigated. / Sukurta skirtingo tankio kompozitinė medžiaga, kurioje matrica yra poringoji cemento tešla, o intarpai - trupintos polistireninio putplasčio pakavimo taros atliekos. Parinktos minėtos kompozitinės medžiagos formavimo mišinių sudėtys, gamybos technologiniai parametrai ir ištirtos jos bandinių savybės.
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Úprava krmné dávky pro nosnice za účelem zlepšení pevnosti a tvrdosti skořápek vajec. / The adjustment of the feed ration for laying hens in order to improve the strength and the hardness of eggshellsHEINDL, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
This major thesis expands the issue of the bachelor thesis "The issue of raising laying hens considering on introduction of enriched cages" and adds new knowledge relating to the topic feed rations and their influence on the final production. The theoretical part of the thesis analyses the basic theoretical concepts cohering with this topic, focused on creating a comprehensive overview of the structure and quality of the eggs, the basic ingredients in the feed rations, qualitative parameters of grapes as the modified additive provided by us and last but not least there is processed the recent overview of the current state of large-scale farmers in the Czech republic. The practical part of the thesis aims to test the effect of the proposed feed with an additive in the form of the crushed grape seeds, on the strength of the eggshell, by homogeneous samples of the breeds through from us proposed measuring instrument. Subsequently, a statistical evaluation of measured results is realized. In conclusion, the consideration is extended to the economic evaluation of costs and profits in case of the implementation of the suggested feed ration into practice in order to quantify the difference compared to the commonly used feed ration.
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Avaliação do ciclo de vida da brita para a construção civil: estudo de casoRossi, Efigênia 09 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-09 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The civil construction is one of the most important activities for the economic and social development, however it also behaves as a major generator of environmental impacts. The aggregates for construction include crushed stone, sand and gravel and they are the most consumed inputs in the world. About 60 to 80% of the volume of concrete is composed by them and crushed stone has an extensive use. This study aims to wage the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of crushed stone in the production of concrete applied in civil construction, through the identification and discussion of quantitative stages of extraction, processing, storage, transport, use and final disposal. In the developing of the methodology we used the standard recommendations of ISO 14040 and 14044, where the study is divided in four parts: Definition of goal and scope, Life Cycle Inventory Analysis (LCI), Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) and Interpretation. The largest impacts related to the following categories: Human toxicity (soil), Acidification, Nutrient enrichment and Global Warming. The results indicate that the critical steps of the whole life cycle of gravel are, in descending order: Extraction, Transportation from processing to trucks and Final disposal. The emissions from these critical stages correspond to those of higher fuel consumption. As alternatives to mitigate and minimize these impacts we proposed preventive maintenance of equipment and investment in technologies that allow the use of less polluting fuels, such as S50, S10, biodiesel and other biofuels. / A construção civil é uma das mais importantes atividades para o desenvolvimento econômico e social, entretanto comporta-se também como uma grande geradora de impactos ambientais. Os agregados da construção civil perfazem os insumos minerais mais consumidos no mundo, dentre eles enquadram-se a brita, a areia e o cascalho. Cerca de 60 a 80% do volume de concreto é composto pelos agregados e a brita destaca-se devido à sua extensa utilização. Este trabalho tem por objetivo realizar a Avaliação do Ciclo de vida (ACV) da brita na produção de concretos para a construção civil, por meio da identificação e discussão de indicadores quantitativos das etapas de extração, beneficiamento, armazenagem, transporte, uso e disposição final. No desenvolvimento da metodologia foram utilizadas as recomendações normativas das NBR 14040 e 14044, em que há a divisão do estudo em quatro partes: Definição de objetivo e escopo; Análise de inventário do ciclo de vida (ICV); Avaliação do impacto do ciclo de vida (AICV) e Interpretação. Os maiores impactos correspondem às seguintes categorias: Toxicidade humana (solo), Acidificação, Eutrofização e Aquecimento Global. Os resultados permitem afirmar que as etapas críticas de todo o ciclo de vida da brita são, em ordem decrescente: Extração, Transporte do beneficiamento aos caminhões e Disposição final. As emissões provenientes dessas etapas críticas correspondem àquelas de maior consumo de combustível. Como alternativas para mitigar e minimizar esses impactos propõe-se a manutenção preventiva dos equipamentos e o investimento em tecnologias que permitam a utilização de combustíveis menos poluentes, tais como o S50, S10, biodiesel e outros biocombustíveis.
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Ersättning av naturgrus med krossat berg i betong / Replacement of natural aggregate with crushed rock in concreteHaji, Hassan Yasin, Beigi, Younes January 2017 (has links)
Betong är ett av de mest använda byggnadsmaterialen i världen. Den består av en blandning av cement, vatten och ballast. Ballasten utgör cirka 65-75 % av betongmassan. Merparten av denna ballast kommer i nuläget från naturgrus. En ersättning av naturgrusballasten är önskvärd i enlighet med Regeringens miljömål för ”Grundvatten av god kvalitet” som innebär att uttaget på naturgrus ska minskas till 1-3 miljoner ton/år fram till år 2020. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på att testa ersätta naturgrus med krossberg i betong. Målet var att få likvärdiga egenskaper i den nya betongblandningen både när det gäller tryckhållfasthet och arbetbarhet. Ett annat mål var att ta reda på hur en ökad krossbergförbrukning skulle bidra till att nå en hållbar utveckling i betongindustrin. Arbetet utfördes i samarbete med Ulricehamn Betong AB (UBAB), en betongfabrik i närheten av Ulricehamn. Arbetet genomfördes i form av en laboratoriestudie där resultat från två testserier jämfördes med ”referensbetong”. Referensbetongen är baserad på ett känt- och beprövat betongrecept på UBAB. De två testserierna fokuserar på två parametrar i betongblandningen som varieras, krossbergandelen i betongreceptet och mängden flytmedel så kallad superplasticerare. Syftet var att undersöka hur variationen av dessa två parametrar i betongblandningen påverkar betongens egenskaper bland annat tryckhållfasthet och arbetbarhet. Testerna utfördes på gjutna kuber vid 1 och 28 dygns ålder och i visa fall även vid 5 dygns ålder. Resultaten av alla dessa tester presenteras och analyseras i rapporten. En hållbarhetsanalys på ballast i allmänhet och betongballast i synnerhet genomfördes också i rapporten. I denna hållbarhetsanalys beskrevs miljöpåverkan av transport som är knyten till ballastmaterial. Testresultaten från alla försöken visar att alla väsentliga egenskaper är oförändrade och är likvärdiga med betong med merparten av naturgrus. Krosset är tillgängligt i närtrakten vilket leder i sin tur till mindre transporter och mindre utsläpp till luften. En ökad förbrukning av betong med merparten av krossat berg bidrar därmed till hållbarheten inom betongindustrin i allmänhet och UBAB:s hållbarhetsmål om minskad CO2 utsläpp kan uppnås i synnerhet. Ur social hållbarhetssynpunkt är en betong med upp till 70 % krossbergsersättning av naturgrus en arbetsmiljövänlig och hållbar lösning till det sinande naturgrusbiståndet. För att åstadkomma en betongproduktion med mer krossbergandel bör forskning kring ämnet göras tills ersättningen av naturgruset omfattar hela 100 % av betongballasten och minst 3 tester av samma försök ska göras för att utesluta slumpen. / Concrete is one of the most used building materials in the world. It consists of a mixture of cement, water and aggregate. The concrete constitutes of approximately 65-75% of aggregates. Most of this used aggregate is natural aggregate. A replacement of natural aggregate is desirable in accordance with the Government's environmental objective for '' Groundwater of Good Quality ', which means that the use of natural aggregate will be reduced to 1-3 million tones/year by 2020. In this master thesis a study to test the replacement of natural aggregate with crushed stone in concrete is presented. The goal was to produce equivalent properties to standard concrete in the new concrete mix, both in terms of compressive strength and workability. Another goal was to find out how an increasing use of crushed aggregates would contribute to achieve sustainable development in the concrete industry. The work was carried out in cooperation with Ulricehamn Betong AB (UBAB), a concrete factory near Ulricehamn. The work consisted of laboratory study where two test series results were compared with tests from a "reference concrete". The reference concrete is based on a well-known and proven concrete recipe from UBAB. The two test series comprise two parameters that are varied in the concrete mixture, the crushed rock fraction and the amount of additive, so-called superplasticizer. The purpose was to investigate how the variation of these two parameters in the concrete mixture affects the properties of concrete such as compressive strength and workability. The tests were carried out on cast cubes at 1 and 28 days of age and, when appropriate, at 5 days of age. The results of all these tests are presented and analyzed in the report. A sustainability analysis of aggregate in general and concrete aggregate in particular is also presented in the report. This sustainability analysis describes the environmental impact of transport that is attributed to aggregate material both in a local and global perspective. Test results from all trials show that these essential properties are unchanged and are equivalent to the concrete which mostly contains natural aggregates. The rock is available nearby area, which in turn leads to less transport and less emissions to the air. Increased consumption of concrete with most of crushed rock contributes to the sustainability of the concrete industry in general and the achievement of UBAB's sustainability targets on reduced CO2 emissions. From a social sustainability perspective, a concrete with up to 70% crushed rocks is a work environmentally friend and a sustainable solution to the ending natural aggregates. To achieve a concrete production with more crushing rock, a research on the subject should be done until the replacement of the natural aggregates comprises 100% of the concrete ballast and at least 3 tests of same attempt must be done to exclude the chance.
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Využití vedlejších materiálů z výroby kameniva do vozovky / The use of the secondary aggregates to pavementHurtiš, Maroš January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis deals with the possibilities of using waste aggregate from main rock production to hydraulically bound mixtures, witch are used in base and sub base pavement. The theoretical part describes conditions and properties of bound mixtures, aggregates and cement. The practical part describes the process of design, mixture preparing and laboratory test carried out on them. The bound mixtures are testing in compressive strength, frost and water resistace and resilient modulus.
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Produktivita práce v cihlářském průmyslu / Productivity of work at brick industryPopelář, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Description of the technological process of production and overview of materials applied in the brick-making industry, which are used for the manufacture of fired bricks.The introduction of ground straw as a new material for brick making, which should replace the currently processed sawdust, mainly due to the high price of timber.The result is an overall evaluation of useful characteristics, demands on processing these two materials and their mutual comparison from a technological and economic point of view.
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Valorisation de rebuts de bouteilles en verre et des cendres de bois dans la fabrication de briques en argile cuite / Valorization of crushed glass bottles and wood ashes in the manufacture of fired clay bricksMilohin, Gbènondé Sèna Gladys 05 November 2019 (has links)
L’argile est une ressource locale, abondante mais peu valorisée au Bénin. Le recyclage des déchets constitue de nos jours, un enjeu majeur au niveau mondial. Les briques d’argile cuite sont des matériaux à fort tonnage de production capables d’absorber différents produits considérés comme des déchets. Cette thèse vise d’une part la valorisation des matériaux de construction localement disponibles au Bénin, notamment l’argile et d’autre part, le recyclage des déchets en construction. Ainsi, nous nous proposons de valoriser des bouteilles en verre non recyclés et des cendres issues de la combustion du charbon de bois lors de la préparation des repas au Bénin, dans la matrice argileuse destinée à l’élaboration de briques cuites. Le but est de ressortir les formulations idéales des produits qui présentent des propriétés physiques et mécaniques suffisantes. Les études ont montré que le dosage de 5% des cendres de bois du Bénin et 20% de verres broyés favorise un gain de résistance à la traction par flexion trois points sans modifier la résistance à la compression des blocs d’argile cuits de Zogbodomey et de Sèmè-Podji. En outre, le dosage en ajout ne modifie pas les propriétés thermiques des blocs cuits. L’utilisation des cendres de charbon de bois et des déchets de verre comme matières premières secondaires dans la fabrication de briques cuites constitue alors un grand atout pour l’amélioration du cadre de vie des béninois. / Clay is a local resource, abundant but little valued in Benin. Waste recycling is nowadays a major issue at the global level. The fired clay bricks are high production tonnage materials capable of absorbing different products considered as waste. This thesis aims on the one hand the valuation of building materials locally available in Benin, including clay and secondly, the recycling of waste under construction. Thus, we propose to valorize nonrecycled glass bottles and ashes from the burning of charcoal during the preparation of meals in Benin, in the clay matrix for the preparation of cooked bricks. The goal is to highlight the ideal formulations of products that have sufficient physical and mechanical properties. Studies have shown that the 5% Benin wood ashes content and 20% crushed glass content increase the tensile strength by three-point bending without modifying the compressive strength of the Zogbodomey fired clay blocks from Seme-Podji. In addition, the addition dosage does not modify the thermal properties of the fired blocks. The use of wood ashes and glass waste as a secondary raw material in the manufacture of fired bricks is an effective alternative to land and environmental conservation, and it can be a sustainable and cost-effective solution for the building industry. These materials are then a great asset for improving the living environment in Benin.
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Změny vnitřní stavby klastických sedimentárních hornin při zkoušce Schmidtovým kladivem / Modification of rock fabric of clastic sedimentary rocks due to the Schmidt hammer testSnížek, Petr January 2013 (has links)
iv Summary Schmidt hammer is the instrument which is used for the assessment of rock mechanical properties and this instrument is classified as the indirect method. This method is based on the assessment of rebound value (R) of the Schmidt hammer, which is measurred by the amount of rebound of the impact plunger from the surface of tested rock. Schmidt hammer is called as the non-destructive method of rock assessment and it is called as in situ testing method as well. The main objective of this work is provement, that Schmidt hammer testing is destructive method and define degree of damage which is caused in the rock mass. Sedimentary rocks were used for the testing, mostly sandstones and arkose sandstones with different types of cement. This made it possible to test the fraction of the rock mass and the relation between fraction and type of cement. The clasts of the rocks had different properties than it was possible to find the relation between grain size and fraction of the rock. Already in procedure of the testing by Schmidt hammer it was obvious, that this metod is definitely destructive. Rock surface after hitting by plunger of Schmidt hammer gains macroscopically observeable destruction. On the surface is the circular track of the plunger and the surface is grinded. It is possible to wipe the small...
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Utilização de métodos geoelétricos para auxílio do planejamento de lavra em pedreira de gnaisse / Utilization of geoelectrical methods as a tool to aid in work front planning in gneiss mineMartins, Camila Carroci 06 May 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta e discute resultados de aplicações de métodos geofísicos elétricos como ferramenta de auxílio no planejamento e lavra em pedreira de gnaisse para fabricação de brita. Neste trabalho a espessura do capeamento foi investigada, além de identificar zonas da transição solo-rocha e mapear o contato entre diferentes litologias para avaliar a profundidade do corpo rochoso na base da cava da pedreira. Para isso foram adquiridos treze SEVs e quatro CE em duas frentes de trabalho, a primeira em outubro de 2011 onde foram adquiridos uma parte dos dados de SEVs e todos os caminhamentos elétricos e a segunda frente em fevereiro de 2012 onde foi adquirido o restante dos dados de SEVs. A metodologia utilizada foi a eletrorresistividade e a polarização induzida, diante do histórico de sucesso em aplicações semelhantes. As SEVs possibilitaram delimitar o contato com a rocha sã em subsuperfície, bem como mostrar as relações entre o xisto e o gnaisse, além de identificar uma possível intercalação xisto-gnaisse na porção oeste da pedreira. Ademais as SEVs sugerem que o contato no mapa geológico deve ser reavaliado, especialmente a SEV04, que de acordo com o mapa estaria em área de gnaisse, mas a sondagem apresentou resistividades muito baixas para esse tipo de litologia. Através dos caminhamentos foi possível identificar o contato entre a rocha da jazida, o gnaisse e o xisto em todas as seções. Especificamente as linhas CE02 e CE04 mostraram os contatos entre as litologias um pouco discordantes do esperado pelo mapa geológico da área da pedreira. Dessa forma, foi possível definir melhor os contatos geológicos em algumas áreas e corroborar a interpretação estrutural em outras áreas, de forma a auxiliar o planejamento de futuras frentes de lavra. / This work presents end discusses the results of applying electrical geophysical methods as a tool to aid in work front planning in gneiss mine for crushed stones application. This mine produces aggregates for civil construction industry and has a gneiss source rock. In this work the topsoil thickness has been investigated, as well the transitional areas between soil and rock. Moreover the contacts between different lithology have mapped in order to assess the source rock´s depth at the mining boundaries. Thereunto thirteen VES and four EP were acquired in two different stages, the first one was performed on October 2011, where a portion of VES and all the EP were acquired. The second stage was on February 2012 to record the rest of VES data. The methodology used was electroresistivity and induced polarization, due the success history of these methodologies in similar applications. VES allowed to define the contact with the bedrock in subsurface and show the relationships between the schist and the gneiss. Moreover those results identified a possible intercalation of schist-gneiss on west portion at the mine. Furthermore the VES suggest a reevaluation in the geological map, mainly where SEV04 took place, because for the map, the contact would be on gneiss environment, but the sounding showed slower resistivity values for this kind of rock. Through the EP was possible to identify the contact between the gneiss and the schist in all the sections. Specifically the lines CE02 and CE04 showed the contact for both lithologies slightly discordant that were expect for the geological map. Thereby was possible to better define the geological contacts in some places and corroborate the interpretation in others, in order to assess the future work front planning for this mine.
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Alternativas para o transporte da areia e brita. / Alternatives for sand and crushed stone transportation.Aguirre, Alberto de Barros 01 December 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho versa sobre a possibilidade de redução de custos com a utilização de modais de transportes alternativos ao rodoviário, como o ferroviário e o hidroviário, para a obtenção de areia e brita, agregados para a construção civil de baixo preço, que têm volume de consumo bastante elevado, para sua disponibilização na cidade de São Paulo. As atividades de mineração assim como as demais atividades econômicas na era da globalização têm suas operações bastante semelhantes a níveis de custo, com pouca ou nenhuma possibilidade de redução, sem afetar diretamente a qualidade. O que se busca é identificar alternativas de ganho na competitividade por meio da redução de custos logísticos, única opção para atingir um melhor preço de venda. Para tanto, valeu-se de estudo das características e aplicabilidade das várias formas de transporte, como fator estratégico para a composição de custos adequados à competitividade desejada pelas empresas envolvidas na sua comercialização. Ao mesmo tempo, no emprego dessas alternativas de transporte, encontra-se a possibilidade de redução do congestionamento do tráfego e de melhoria na condição ambiental pela utilização de modais mais limpos. Trata-se de estudo de caso de natureza descritivo-exploratória do tipo quali-quantitativo com coleta de dados por meio de entrevista aberta, de pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. A discussão dos dados, oriundos das fontes primárias e da simulação permitiu chegar ao resultado que viabiliza a utilização do modal ferroviário a curto prazo e a utilização do hidroviário mais a longo prazo pela inexistência de infra-estrutura. O seu emprego resulta, além da redução de custos com frete, na melhoria do tráfego de veículos e na qualidade ambiental. / This work aims at focusing the possibility of cost reduction by the utilization of alternative means of transportation in relation to highways, railways and waterways in order to obtain sand and gravel, which are highly consumed, for civil construction at low added value to be available in São Paulo city. The mining activities as well as the other economic activities in the globalization era have very similar operations at cost level, having little or no possibility of reduction without directly affecting quality. What is searched is the identification of gain alternatives in competitiveness by reducing costs in logistics, it being the only option to reach a better sale price, by means of studying characteristics and applicability of various ways of transportation, as a strategic factor to compose adequate costs in relation to the competitiveness desired by the companies involved in their commerce. Likewise in the application of such alternatives of transportation there is a possibility of reducing traffic jams and improving the environmental condition by using cleaner means. It is a case study of descriptive-exploratory nature of the qualitative-quantitative type with collection of data in open interviews, documental and bibliographical research. The discussion of data coming from primary sources and from simulation made possible the result that makes viable the utilization of railway means in the short run and the utilization of waterway in the long run due to lack of infrastructure. Besides cost reduction in freight, its application brings improvement to traffic of vehicles and environmental quality.
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