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‘Aigarchaeota’, a deeply branching lineage in the domain Archaea with no cultivated representatives, includes both thermophilic and hyperthermophilic microorganisms that reside in terrestrial and marine geothermal environments. The ‘Aigarchaeota’ consists of at least nine proposed genus-level groups that have been confirmed via 16S rRNA sequencing, with ‘Aigarchaeota’ Group 1 (AigG1) being the focus of this study. Based on cultivation-independent genomic data available from several AigG1 members in Great Boiling Spring (GBS), NV, and Yellowstone National Park, 22 different types of growth media were designed and tested for their ability to support growth of AigG1. One of these cultures, G1-10, was found to contain AigG1 at ~5% abundance, as well as other novel thermophilic microbial groups including a new species of the genus Pyrobaculum, members of the candidate phyla ‘Calescamentes’ and ‘Fervidibacteria’, and the novel archaeal lineage NAG1 (‘Geoarchaeota’). To attempt to obtain pure cultures of AigG1 and other novel thermophiles, a single-cell sorting system using an optical trap and a microfluidic device was constructed. The system was validated by sorting E. coli cells, which demonstrated that single, viable cells could be reliably obtained. Using this single cell sorting device on the G1-10 culture, a pure culture of a member of the genus Pyrobaculum was obtained, which was shown to represent a distinct species in this phylum by whole genome sequencing and in silico DNA-DNA hybridization. Additionally, a pure culture of the first representative of the candidate phylum ‘Fervidibacteria’ from an enrichment culture derived from G1-10. Additionally, to aid in morphology-based sorting of AigG1 and stable isotope labeling studies, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) based on catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD-FISH) were developed and an AigG1-specific probe was tested. CARD-FISH was successfully used to detect AigG1 in both the G1-10 culture and in natural sediment samples from GBS. Stable isotope labeling incubations were performed with a variety of 13C-labeled substrates (bicarbonate, amino acids, sugars, and short chain fatty acids) on GBS sediments and G1-10 culture samples, and CARD-FISH was used to specifically detect AigG1 in the fixed samples. Nanometer-scale secondary-ion mass spectrometry (nano-SIMS) will then be used to determine whether AigG1 was capable of taking up the different carbon substrates tested. Overall, the results and accomplishments from this project and follow up nano-SIMS analysis will allow a better understanding of the metabolic potential of AigG1 and will aid future efforts to attempt to obtain pure cultures of this novel lineage.
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Diferenciação dos sistemas produtivos de mandioca por meio da análise emergética em Campos Novos Paulista-SP /Dias, Paulo Emilio Ferreira January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Leonardo de Barros Pinto / Resumo: A mandioca é cultivada em grande parte do território nacional, portanto, em distintas regiões, sob diferentes sistemas de produção. Na produção de alimentos, chamada “mandioca de mesa”, é considerada uma das principais fontes de carboidratos, vitaminas e sais minerais, o que representa um aspecto importante à alimentação de populações em países pobres. Para a indústria, a mandioca assume destaque na composição de embalagens, colas, mineração, têxtil e farmacêutica e também o de alimentos embutidos, dentre outros, por meio da utilização da fécula. Devido à necessidade do desenvolvimento de sistemas produtivos sustentáveis (melhores desempenhos ambientais, econômicos e sociais), e, em razão da importância da mandioca no cenário agrícola brasileiro, este estudo teve como finalidade realizar o balanço emergético, comparando e analisando distintos sistemas produtivos de mandioca. Ademais, índices emergéticos podem ser utilizados para se ter uma correlação e interação do homem com o meio ambiente, servindo também para se avaliar como estes sistemas se comportam econômica e ecologicamente. Assim, a utilização da análise emergética permite que os custos emergéticos e benefícios sejam comparados, e desta forma, contribuem para gestão de recursos de forma sustentável. Por meio de instrumentos de coleta de dados, foram determinados todos os recursos renováveis (R), não renováveis (N) e financeiros (F) para cada um dos 35 estabelecimentos rurais participantes desta pesquisa. Devido algum... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre
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Effects of Cell Phone Cameras on Police Working BehaviorMallett, Michael J. Derek 01 January 2019 (has links)
Recording police officers can result in distraction, fear, and false perceptions of law enforcement personnel when citizens upload the videos to social media, though little is understood about police perceptions of this phenomenon. Using evaluation apprehension theory, emotional labor theory, and emotional intelligence as the foundation, the purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the feelings and experiences of police officers recorded by citizens with cell phone cameras while working. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 10 police officers in the State of Indiana who were recorded with cell phone cameras. The data were transcribed, inductively coded, and then subjected to descriptive 7 steps, thematic, and cross-case analysis procedures. Key findings suggest officers experienced feelings of disengagement from duties when recorded by citizens. Results revealed concerns of professional appearance, self-reputation, and self-esteem. However, the study also indicated that the application of emotional intelligence and emotional labor from leadership could be used to assist officers in managing such disengagement. The implications for social change provided by this study include the development of training materials for law enforcement professionals who work through emotional intelligence while fostering opportunities for community engagement. For the public, this study provides an educational opportunity for the community to understand the feelings and significances of police officers who are recorded.
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Industrihampa -hinder och drivkrafter för en utökad och kommersiell odling i SverigeBöcker, Helena, Lind, Paulina January 2019 (has links)
Klimatförändringarna är en av vår tids största miljöproblem. Kött är det livsmedel som ger störst klimatpåverkan då ca 70 procent av de grödor som odlas används som djurfoder och idisslande djur släpper ut metan. Nästan en femtedel av de globala utsläppen av växthusgaser kommer från animalieproduktion. Betesdjur är dock avgörande för att nå de nationella miljömålen ”Ett rikt odlingslandskap” och ”Ett rikt växt- och djurliv”. Industrihampa är en gröda som kan användas som proteinfodertillskott och för att minska metangasbildningen under matspjälkningsprocessen hos idisslare. Hampan har också stora möjligheter att bidra positivt till att nå ett flertal av de andra nationella miljömålen då den kan ersätta fossila råvaror inom energi, bygg- och tillverkningsindustrin samt minska behovet av mineralgödsel i jordbruket. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka vilka hinder och drivkrafter som finns för en utökad och kommersiell hampaproduktion i Sverige. Genom att även undersöka om odling och användning av industrihampa ur ett kretsloppsperspektiv kan vara en del av lösningen i att bromsa klimatförändringarna, avser arbetet att förmedla kunskap om hur industrihampa kan minska klimatpåverkan från köttdjursuppfödning i Sverige och bidra till uppfyllandet av flera nationella miljömål. En litteraturstudie har gjorts för att få en djupare kunskap om problematiken kring klimatförändringar kopplat till lantbruk och köttdjursuppfödning samt för att bättre förstå hur industrihampa skulle kunna motverka detta. Intervjuer har utförts med hampaodlare, andra lantbrukare, intresseorganisationer och myndigheter för att samla in data om orsakerna till att odlingen av hampa i Sverige är så begränsad. Resultaten visar att hinder för en utökad och kommersiell odling är låg kunskap om hampan och dess egenskaper, dyrt utsäde, brist på lämpliga maskiner och en lagstiftning som ger utrymme för bred tolkning som narkotika och läkemedelskopplade tolkningar. Drivkrafter för ökad hampaodling är bland annat att grödan är mycket intressant och har stor potential att användas som råvara inom ett brett användningsområde. Den har god konkurrens mot ogräs och den är bra för miljön då den kan sanera mark som är förorenad av tungmetaller samt kan ersätta fossila material i tillverkningsindustrin och bomull i textilindustrin. Studien drar genom litteraturstudien slutsatsen att odling och användning av hampa i teorin har goda förutsättningar att bidra till att nå elva av sexton nationella miljömål. Drivkrafter för en ökad odling är en nyfikenhet på grödan, hampans potential att ut ett miljöperspektiv ersätta sämre råvaror och material samt konkurrensförmågan mot ogräs och minskat behov av växtskyddsmedel. Dock framkommer det ett flertal aspekter i intervjustudien som visar att i praktiken finns hinder som påverkar och hämmar en utökad och kommersiell odling av hampa, och därmed även möjligheten att bidra till att nå miljömålen. Lagstiftningen behöver förtydligas både för odlare samt myndigheter för att undvika osäkerhet och tolkningsproblem kring industrihampa kontra droghampa. Kunskapen om odling och användning av hampan behöver öka samt spridas. Större efterfrågan på hampa som råvara behövs. Här ligger ett stort ansvar på Sveriges regering och tillverkningsindustrin att lyfta fram grödan som ett alternativ.
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Applying Public Relations Theory to Assess Service-Learning RelationshipsStrand, Karen 01 May 2014 (has links)
In Service-Learning (S-L) partnerships, universities and community organizations exchange resources and influence. Community engagement scholars Cruz and Giles proposed that relationships within S-L partnerships serve as units of analysis for the study of community outcomes of engagement. Yet, the scholarship of engagement lacks a suitable instrument to assess such relationships. This study brings together two lines of scholarship-relationship studies within community engagement and cocreational studies within public relations-to address the problem of assessing the community outcomes of S-L relationships, and it applies Cruz and Giles' ideas about using relationship analysis to assess community outcomes when it considers the perspectives of representatives of nonprofit organizations relative to their relationships with S-L students. Specifically, this qualitative study applies public relations theory to the problem of assessing project-based S-L relationships.
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Development of production of Lentinula edodes (Shiitake mushrooms) on inoculated logs of a range of tree speciesAji, Irwan Mahakam Lesmono January 2009 (has links)
Shiitake (Lentinula edodes (Berkeley) Pegler) produces an edible mushroom that has been cultivated for centuries in China, Korea, Japan, Singapore, Thailand and other Asian countries. Shiitake mushrooms grow naturally on decaying wood of hardwood trees and have traditionally been grown on short lengths of freshly-cut logs. Until now, there has been no serious exploration of the potential for Australian forest owners to utilise small logs of native or plantation forest species for shiitake mushroom production, such as eucalypt (Eucalyptus spp.). / Logs of six tree species were harvested from farm forestry plantations in Victoria and inoculated with shiitake infected dowels imported from the United States. Over the course of the next 18 months the logs were soaked four times to initiate fruiting. The fresh mushrooms were harvested and weighed to allow a comparison between log species and size. A sample of the mushrooms from each log species produced in the 2nd and 3rd fruiting were tested for their protein and fibre content. / Quercus robur was the most productive species. Over the course of the trial (four frutings) the oak logs produced almost 1 kilogram of fresh mushrooms per log which was significantly more than E. cladocalyx (527 g/log) and Alnus glutinosa (465 g/log) and Eucalyptus nitens (389 g/log) which were all, in turn, significantly more productive than Populus sp. (140 g/log) and Acacia melanoxyon (98 g/log). Larger logs produced more fruit although this may have been related to the greater number of inoculations. The protein and fibre content of mushrooms produced from shining gum logs was slightly lower than that from the oak logs but greater than that from alder. Sugar gum mushrooms had the lowest protein content. / The research suggests that there is potential to use eucalypt logs thinned from young fast-grown farm plantations as the basis for a log-based shiitake industry although more work is required to test the marketability of eucalypt grown shiitake and the economic viability of small scale production units.
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Birthright-MatamuatangaHughes, Miles Maurice January 2010 (has links)
Set on a farm on the Kaipara Harbour of Northland, New Zealand, this novel traces the lives of a family over a six year period near the end of the twentieth century. Themes include: Scottish and Croatian-Dalmatian immigration, Māori spiritual and cultural values, the weaving and assimilation of diverse cultures into a vibrant new culture, the economics of farming on marginal lands, father-son relationships, sibling rivalry, marijuana cultivation and the disparities between urban and rural lifestyles and expectations. The plotline follows the frustrations and subsequent actions of the eldest son as he seeks a future, which he realises is dependent on his acquiring the family farm. His impulsive behaviour leads to the climax of the story and puts himself and other members of the family in jeopardy and risks the family losing the farm altogether.
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Regeneration dynamics in response to slash-and-burn agriculture in a tropical deciduous forest of western MexicoRoth, Daniela 05 January 1996 (has links)
Graduation date: 1996
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Agricultural Soil Bacteria; A Study of Collection, Cultivation, and LysogenySides, Katherine Elizabeth 01 May 2010 (has links)
The aim of this research project was to test new collection and cultivation techniques that may increase the range of cultivable diversity of soil bacteria. Fortified BioSep beads were employed in situ to capture soil bacteria, and the success of the beads was analyzed using Phylochip microarray analysis. In the cultivation phase, three different media substrates and increased incubation period were evaluated for the ability to select novel or rare bacteria. Over 700 agricultural soil bacterial isolates were classified, including a rare Gemmatimonadetes sp., a rare Verrucomicrobia sp., several Acidobacteria sp., and many novel isolates. Land management, media, and incubation period each resulted in lineage specific preferences. The yeast fortified BioSep bead cultivation collection was significantly different from the bulk soil or acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) fortified bead cultivation collections, and there were lineage specific differences in all three collection types.
Phylochip analysis showed a significant difference between bulk soil and all BioSep bead (water, yeast, or AHL fortified) communities based on microarray analysis of 16S rDNA. The yeast fortified BioSep bead community was richer in operational taxonomic units (OTU) than all others. The number of phyla determined by the Phylochip analysis was much higher than that seen in the overall cultivation collection.
Prophage induction assays of 21 isolates were performed, using mitomycin C (mitC) and a mixture of six AHLs, to examine soil lysogenic phage-host interactions. The fraction induced by mitC was 29%, and 10% were induced by AHL. There was no correlation between induction and land management or host growth rate.
This research showed that increases in cultivable diversity can be attained by the use of BioSep beads in the collection process, varying media substrates, and by extending incubation of inoculate cultures. Phylochip analysis, however, revealed that even with altered cultivation methods, there is still a wealth of soil bacterial diversity that remains to be cultivated from this site. We also found that AHLs impact the interactions between soil bacterial hosts and prophage.
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Biological Hydrogen Production By Using Co-cultures Of Pns BacteriaBaysal, Gorkem 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Biological hydrogen production is a renewable, carbon-neutral and clean route for hydrogen production. Purple non-sulfur (PNS) bacteria have the ability to produce biohydrogen via photofermentation process. The type of the bacterial strain used in photofermentation is known to have an important effect on hydrogen yield. In this study, the effect of different co-cultures of PNS bacteria on photofermentation process was investigated in search of improving the hydrogen yield.
For this purpose, growth, hydrogen production and substrate utilization of single and co-cultures of different PNS bacteria (R. capsulatus (DSM 1710), R. capsulatus hup-
(YO3), R. palustris (DSM 127) and R. sphaeroides O.U.001 (DSM 5864)) were compared on artificial H2 production medium in 150 mL photobioreactors under continuous illumination and anaerobic conditions.
In general, higher hydrogen yields were obtained via co-cultivation of two different PNS bacteria when compared with single cultures. Further increase in hydrogen yield was observed with co-cultivation of three different PNS bacteria.
Co-cultures of two different PNS bacteria have resulted in up to 1.4 and 2.1 fold increase in hydrogen yield and hydrogen productivity.
Whereas co-cultures of three different PNS bacteria have resulted in up to 1.6 and 2.0 fold increase in hydrogen yield and hydrogen productivity compared to single cultures.
These results indicate that, defined co-cultures of PNS bacteria produce hydrogen at a higher yield and productivity, due most probably to some synergistic relationship. Further studies regarding the physiological and molecular changes need to be carried out for deeper understanding of the mechanism of hydrogen production in co-cultures.
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