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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da estabilidade de maracujà (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa degener) em pÃ, proveniente de cultivo orgÃnico. / Study of the stability of passion fruit powder (Passiflora edullis f. flavicarpa) from organic farming

Juliana Nascimento da Costa 25 January 2012 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / O maracujà à um fruto originÃrio da AmÃrica Tropical, sendo cultivado em paÃses de climas tropical e subtropical, pertencente à famÃlia Passifloraceae, gÃnero Passiflora. O Brasil à o maior produtor mundial de maracujÃ, sendo o maracujÃ-amarelo ou azedo, o mais cultivado, tendo sua produÃÃo voltada ao consumo in natura e à industrializaÃÃo. Dentre os mÃtodos de cultivo do maracujÃ, tem-se a produÃÃo pelo sistema orgÃnico, ainda incipiente no Brasil, no entanto, jà existe grande demanda, principalmente no mercado Europeu, se tornando uma prÃtica cada vez mais comum, visando aliar qualidade de produtos alimentÃcios com a preservaÃÃo ambiental. O MaracujÃ-amarelo à muito apreciado na alimentaÃÃo humana pelo seu sabor intenso e aroma exÃtico, no entanto, a sua elevada perecibilidade dificulta o aumento da vida pÃs-colheita e armazenamento in natura dos frutos. Considerando as tendÃncias atuais por alimentos nutritivos e de rÃpido preparo, a sua utilizaÃÃo sob a forma desidratada, consiste em uma interessante alternativa para a reduÃÃo de perdas, agregar valor ao produto e proporcionar outras maneiras de consumo da fruta. Com base nessas informaÃÃes, o objetivo do trabalho à avaliar a estabilidade do pà de maracujà amarelo, proveniente de cultivo orgÃnico, obtido por spray drying, durante armazenamento por 360 dias, sob temperatura ambiente (Â25ÂC), caracterizando-o quanto aos aspectos fÃsico-quÃmicos, quÃmicos e microbiolÃgicos, acompanhando assim a qualidade desse produto ao longo de sua vida de prateleira. O produto em pà orgÃnico foi cedido por uma empresa processadora de frutos, localizada em Ubajara/CE. ApÃs o processamento as amostras foram levadas para o LaboratÃrio de Frutos e HortaliÃas e Microbiologia de Alimentos do DTA/CCA/UFC em Fortaleza, CE, onde foram mantidas à temperatura ambiente (Â25ÂC) durante os procedimentos analÃticos. Os pÃs de maracujà foram avaliados a cada 30 dias, durante 360 dias de armazenamento, quanto aos seguintes parÃmetros: pH, sÃlidos solÃveis, acidez titulÃvel, SS/AT, atividade de Ãgua, umidade, cinzas, higroscopicidade, solubilidade, aÃÃcares solÃveis totais, aÃÃcares redutores, coordenadas de cor L* a*, b*, croma (c*) e hue ( h*), flavonÃides-amarelos, polifenÃis extraÃveis totais, clorofila total, Ãcido ascÃrbico e β-caroteno. O pà de maracujà orgÃnico manteve-se praticamente estÃvel durante os 360 dias de armazenamento, sob temperatura ambiente (Â25ÂC), oferecendo um grande potencial de utilizaÃÃo, por apresentar adequada retenÃÃo de Ãcido ascÃrbico, higroscopicidade desejada, baixa atividade de Ãgua, pH Ãcido estÃvel, altos teores de cinzas, aÃÃcares, polifenÃis extraÃveis totais e resultados microbiolÃgicos satisfatÃrios, estando o produto sob Ãtimas condiÃÃes higiÃnico-sanitÃrias, apto para o consumo humano. / Passion fruit is a fruit which originates from Tropical America, is cultivated in countries with tropical and subtropical climates, and belongs to the Passifloracea family and Passiflora genus. Brazil is the largest producer of passion fruit in the world, and yellow or sour passion fruit is the most cultivated. Its production has focused on in natura consumption and industrialization. Among the methods of cultivation of passion fruit, the organic production system stands out. It is still incipient in Brazil, but there is great demand, especially in the European market, as it is becoming a common practice in order to combine food quality with environmental preservation. The yellow passion fruit is highly appreciated for the intense flavor and exotic aroma of this fruit, but it has high perishability which makes it difficult to increase the postharvest life and storage of in natura fruits. Considering the current trends in nutritional foods, which canbe prepared quickly their use in dehydrated form is an interesting alternative to reduce losses, add value to the product and provide other ways consume the fruit. Based on this information, the study aims to evaluate the stability of the passion fruit powder from organic cultivation, obtained by spray drying, during 360 days of storage at room temperature (Â25ÂC), characterizing it as to the physical-chemical, chemical and microbiological aspects, monitoring the quality of the product throughout its shelf life. The organic powder product was obtained from a fruit processing company, located in Ubajara, Ceara, north-east Brazil. After processing, the samples were taken to the Fruits and Vegetables Laboratory and to Food Microbiology Laboratory of DTA/CCA/UFC in Fortaleza, where they were kept at room temperature (Â25ÂC) during the analytical procedures. The passion fruit powder was evaluated every 30 days during 360 days of storage, for the following parameters: pH, soluble solids, titratable acidity, SS/AT, water activity, moisture, ash, hygroscopicity, solubility, soluble sugars, reducers sugars, color coordinates L*, a*, b*, chroma (c*) and Hue (H*), total anthocyanins, yellow flavonoids, total extractable polyphenols, total chlorophyll, ascorbic acid and β-carotene. The passion fruit powder remained stable during 360 days of storage at room temperature (Â25ÂC), offering a great potential for use. It presented adequate retention of ascorbic acid, hygroscopicity desired, low water activity, acid pH stable, high levels of ash, sugars, total extractable polyphenols and satisfactory microbiological result so that the product was in optimum hygienic and sanitary condition, fit for human consumption.

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