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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cultural Adaptation In Mental Health Programming: Are We Doing Enough To Promote Change?

January 2015 (has links)
1 / Veronica Coriano

Adaptation of a Leadership Training Program for Latinas

Macias, Rosemarie L 26 April 2013 (has links)
Involving community participants in the adaptation of culturally-specific programs has the potential to greatly enhance program fit, particularly for socio-politically distinct implementation sites. Findings from a case study of a leadership-training program for Latina survivors of domestic violence in Atlanta, GA support a participant-centered approach to program adaptation and evaluation. A summary of the adaptation process and themes from a qualitative analysis of structured interviews with program facilitators are presented. Implications for the leadership program and future research in the area of program adaptation are discussed.

Étude sur la traduction des aspects culturels et la métonymie concernant un phénomène universel : le repas gastronomique. / A study of Cultural Aspects and Metonymy in the translation of a universal phenomenon:  “le repas gastronomique”.

Forsell, Helena January 2014 (has links)
Abstract Title: How to translate cultural references Language: French Author: Helena Forsell University/Department/Year: Linnaeus University/School of Language and Literature/2014 The main focus of this paper has been to find out which difficulties the translator comes across when trying to find cultural references that will apply in the target text. Since the original text treats a cultural aspect concerning the French gastronomic meal, the aim has also been to find out whether a deeply human trait, such as eating a meal in the company of others, produces translation problems despite a fairly common ground between French and Swedish culture. The source text used in this study is Convention pour la Sauvegarde du Patrimoine culturel immatériel, Dossier de Candidature n◦00437, which was published in 2010 and translated into Swedish in 2014. The main translation strategies used are adaptation, equivalence, addition and omission. Keywords: Cultural adaptation, translation strategies, reference, metonymy.

Adaptation of a Leadership Training Program for Latinas

Macias, Rosemarie L 26 April 2013 (has links)
Involving community participants in the adaptation of culturally-specific programs has the potential to greatly enhance program fit, particularly for socio-politically distinct implementation sites. Findings from a case study of a leadership-training program for Latina survivors of domestic violence in Atlanta, GA support a participant-centered approach to program adaptation and evaluation. A summary of the adaptation process and themes from a qualitative analysis of structured interviews with program facilitators are presented. Implications for the leadership program and future research in the area of program adaptation are discussed.

Exploring the tension between adherence and cultural fit when delivering Multsystemic Therapy in England

Kiddy, Caitlin January 2014 (has links)
Multisystemic Therapy (MST) provides intensive short-term interventions for young people with antisocial behaviour and the systems that surround them. A wealth of research over the past 30 years has demonstrated the efficacy of MST. Its success has led to it being transported to many countries and this prompted investigations into the need for cultural adaptation. Despite these investigations highlighting the importance of tailoring MST to new countries, when MST was transported to England in 2001, it did not undergo a formal process of cultural tailoring. This study employed a qualitative approach using a Grounded Theory methodology to explore the assumption that all transported programmes require a level of adaptation and aimed to identify the processes and rationale behind informal ‘cultural tailoring' undertaken by therapists. It aimed to explore areas in MST that might benefit from ‘cultural tailoring' to improve the effectiveness of its implementation in England. Eight MST therapists from across three MST teams in England participated in semi-structured interviews. Analysis of the data generated a theoretical model of adherence: the Post Implementation Model of Adherence (PIMA). The PIMA model seeks to explain how therapists in England experience and manage adhering to MST. It proposes that MST therapists strive to adhere to all aspects of the MST model whilst ensuring that it is acceptable and workable for the families and systems they work with. The PIMA model comprised four theoretical codes: Facilitators to therapists staying faithful to the MST model; barriers to therapists implementing MST, overcoming barriers to implementing MST; and the therapist holding the tension. The findings highlight important cultural adjustments to improve MST's ‘fit' in England. Findings also extend Schoenwald's (2008) recommendations for successful transportation of MST, by drawing attention to how a lack of cultural tailoring can be overcome or experienced as stressful by therapists.

Vliv kulturních rozdílů na webdesign / The Influence of Cultural Differences on Webdesign

Veselý, Jindřich January 2009 (has links)
The work deals with the current burning issue of cultural differences. These issues relate to the expression of culture and one's home country within the mediums of the Internet and online communication. Based on the research of previous studies, this work aims to demonstrate the influence of cultural dimensions in web design and content. In a sample of the largest beer producers in the Czech Republic, Japan and Great Britain supplemented with the largest international brewing companies are analyzed components which characterize cultural differences. The main scope of this study is based on assumptions and theories according to G. Hofstede and E. T. Hall. It thus demonstrates the influence of culture and dimensions -- Collectivism/Individualism, Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, High/Low Context, Masculinity/Femininity, Time Orientation and Colour symbolism. It is recommended that companies pay more attention to the cultural adaption of web communication, which can bring more clarity and attractiveness, and also a higher added value to the customer himself.

Validação da Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale para a enfermagem brasileira / Validation of Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale for Brazilian nursing

Vasques, Raquel Candido Ylamas 15 May 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O aspecto espiritual tem grande relevância e vem se tornando cada vez mais necessário na prática de assistência à saúde. Estudos científicos comprovam que pessoas doentes, que possuem alguma crença, têm melhor recuperação e adaptação, em caso de enfermidades graves, se comparadas a outras que não a têm. A espiritualidade é particularmente relevante para a enfermagem e, muitas vezes, é exercitada sempre que um indivíduo enfrenta estresse emocional, doença física ou morte. Torna-se importante, portanto, explorar instrumentos que se tornem ferramentas para o enfermeiro quanto a oferecer um melhor cuidado no que se refere à esfera espiritual. A Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale (SSCRS) demonstrou, de forma consistente, confiabilidade e validade na identificação de percepções de espiritualidade e cuidado espiritual dos enfermeiros. Na realidade brasileira, não se localizou qualquer outro instrumento que tivesse objetivos iguais, nem semelhantes, aos propostos pela SSCRS. Objetivo: Traduzir a SSCRS para a língua portuguesa do Brasil e avaliar a confiabilidade da versão adaptada, verificando a consistência interna de seus itens em amostra de enfermeiros. Método: Foi utilizada a metodologia proposta por Guillemin, Bombardier e Beaton (1993; 2002) e Beaton et al. (2000): Tradução para língua portuguesa da SSCRS; Síntese das versões traduzidas; Retrotradução (Back Translation); Avaliação pelo Comitê de Especialistas; Aplicação na população-alvo; Tratamentos dos dados. Resultados e Discussão: 202 enfermeiros compuseram a amostra final. O alfa de Cronbach foi de 0,733, considerado aceitável. Quanto à equivalência funcional do instrumento, constatou-se grau satisfatório de equivalência. Os resultados da versão adaptada parecem indicar boa aplicação e bom entendimento do instrumento na amostra investigada. Com os resultados alcançados, levando-se em conta os objetivos propostos neste estudo, infere-se que a SSCRS tem equivalência conceitual, pois o instrumento mostrou-se relevante em todas as etapas do estudo. Infere-se, também, a importância de ter em nossa cultura instrumentos de medida que avaliem a percepção de espiritualidade e cuidado espiritual, pois, conhecendo-se os aspectos da espiritualidade e do cuidado espiritual, se pode oferecer assistência integral e individualizada. Conclusão: A ausência de outros instrumentos de medida de espiritualidade e cuidado espiritual especificamente para a enfermagem não permite a análise mais aprofundada do instrumento. Somente a partir de outros estudos sobre o tema, com outras populações, é que se poderá avançar em pesquisa de medida da espiritualidade e cuidado espiritual. Neste estudo, pode-se concluir que, apesar de terem sido observadas algumas diferenças com os resultados encontrados pelos autores, na versão original, as técnicas empregadas demonstram a validade e a fidedignidade da escala / Introduction: The spiritual aspect is very important and is becoming increasingly necessary in the practice of health care. Scientific studies show that sick people, who have some belief, have better recovery and adaptation, in case of serious illness, compared to others that do not. Spirituality is particularly relevant for nursing and often is exercised when an individual faces emotional stress, physical illness or death. It is therefore important to explore instruments that become tools for nurses as to offer better care in relation to the spiritual realm. The Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale (SSCRS) demonstrated consistently, reliability and validity in identifying perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care nurses In Brazil, not found any other instrument that had the same goals, or similar, to the proposed by SSCRS.Objective: This study aimed to translate the Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale (SSCRS) into Portuguese of Brazil, and to evaluate the reliability of the adapted version by checking the internal consistency of its items in a sample of nurses. Method: the methodology proposed by Guillemin, Bombardier and Beaton (1993; 2002) was used and Beaton et al, (2000), composed by the following process: Translation into Portuguese of SSCRS; Summary of translated versions; Back translation (Back Translation); Evaluation by the Expert Committee; application in the target population; Treatment of the data. Results and Discussion: 202 nurses were included in the final sample. Cronbach\'s alfa was 0.733, considered acceptable. As regards the functional equivalence of the instrument, it has been found a satisfactory degree of equivalence. The results of the adapted version seem to indicate a good application and understanding of the instrument in the sample investigated. With the results achieved, taking into account the objectives proposed in this study, it is inferred that the SSCRS presents conceptual equivalence, since the instrument presented is relevant at all stages of the study. The importance of having in our culture measurement tools to assess the perception of spirituality and spiritual care, because only by knowing the aspects of spirituality and spiritual care is that we can offer comprehensive and individualized care is inferred. Conclusion: The lack of others measuring instruments of spirituality and spiritual care specifically for nursing does not allow further analysis of the instrument. Only from other studies on the subject, with other people, is that we can move forward in engineering research of spirituality and spiritual care. In this study, we can conclude that, although it was observed some differences with the results found by the authors in the original version, the techniques used demonstrate the validity and reliability of the scale

Adaptação Cultural da Hardiness Scale (HS) / Cross-cultural Adaptation of Hardiness Scale (HS)

Serrano, Patricia Maria 17 September 2009 (has links)
Hardiness é um conceito que está cada vez mais sendo usado com a finalidade de explicar as possíveis diferenças individuais no enfrentamento do stress. Os instrumentos de medida de hardiness são em língua inglesa, dos quais optou-se pela adaptação cultural da Hardiness Scale, original dos Estados Unidos da América, de autoria de Bartone, Ursano, Wright e Ingraham (1989). Sua finalidade é avaliar o quanto de atitudes Hardy as pessoas têm no enfrentamento de situações estressantes. É uma escala do tipo Likert, com escores que variam de 0 (nada verdadeiro) a 3 (totalmente verdadeiro), possui 30 itens que são distribuídos em três domínios (Compromisso, Controle e Desafio). Os objetivos deste estudo foram realizar a adaptação cultural da Hardiness Scale para a língua portuguesa do Brasil; avaliar a validade de construto e a confiabilidade da versão adaptada. As etapas propostas por Ferrer et al (1996) foram obedecidas, a saber: 1. Tradução para língua portuguesa (Consenso: Versão I em Português); 2. Avaliação pelo Comitê de Revisão (Versão II em Português); 3. Retradução (Back translation); 4. Avaliação semântica dos itens (Versão III em Português); 5. Pré-teste (Versão Final Português) e 6. Análise das propriedades da medida adaptada. A coleta de dados da aplicação do instrumento foi realizada junto aos enfermeiros do serviço público de saúde de dois municípios do interior do estado de São Paulo, totalizando 71 participantes. A confiabilidade interna medida com o uso de Alpha de Cronbach obteve os seguintes valores: para a composição da escala foi de 0,732, enquanto que os domínios apresentaram alfa de 0,683 para Compromisso, 0,632 para Controle e 0,441 para Desafio. Na análise da Escala de Hardiness adaptada quanto à validade de construto obteve-se relação positiva e significante com o Inventário de Estratégias de Coping de Folkman e Lazarus, e negativa e significante com o Inventário de Depressão de Beck. Pode-se concluir que a Escala de Hardiness apresenta-se adaptada para a língua portuguesa do Brasil, com consistência interna satisfatória e validade de construto na população estudada e seus achados corroboram com a literatura corrente / Hardiness is a concept that is increasingly being used in order to explain possible individual differences in the coping of stress. The instruments for measuring hardiness are in English language and of witch opted for the cultural adaptation of the Hardiness Scale, original United States of America, by Bartone, Ursano, Wright and Ingraham (1989). Its purpose is to assess how much Hardy attitudes the people have in coping with stressful situations. It is a Likert-type scale, with scores ranging from 0 (not true) to 3 (completely true), it contains 30 items that are distributed in three domains (Commitment, Control and Challenge). The objectives of this study were to perform cultural adaptation of the Hardiness Scale into Portuguese of Brazil, to evaluate the reliability and construct validity of the adapted version. The steps proposed by Ferrer et al. (1996) were followed, namely: 1. Translation to Portuguese language (Consensus: Version I in Portuguese), 2. Evaluation by the Committee of Review (Version II in Portuguese), 3. Back translation, 4. Semantics evaluation of the items (Version III in Portuguese), 5. Pre-test (Final Version Portuguese) and 6. Analysis of the properties of the adapted measure. The data from the application of the instrument was conducted with nurses from the public health service in two cities country side of São Paulo State, totalizing 71 participants. The internal reliability measured by use of Cronbach\'s Alpha achieved the following values: for the composition of the scale was .732, while the areas showed Commitment to .683, .632 for Control and 0.441 to Challenge. In the analysis of the adapted Hardiness Scale concerning the validity of construct obtained significant and positive relation with the Inventory of Coping Strategies of Folkman and Lazarus, and negative and significant with the Beck Depression Inventory. It can be concluded that the Hardiness Scale, it is adapted to the Portuguese language of Brazil, with satisfactory internal consistency and construct validity in the studied population and its findings corroborate with current literature

Not Quite/ Just the Same/ Different: the Construction of Identity in Vietnamese War Orphans Adopted by White Parents

January 2003 (has links)
Global diasporas caused by wars carry many streams of people - in the 1970s one of these streams contained orphans from Vietnam delivered to white parents in the West. On arrival, the social expectation was that these children would blend seamlessly into the culture of their adoptive parents. Now some adoptees, as adults, reflect on their lives as 'Asian' or racially 'Other' children in white societies, charting the critical points in their maturation. This thesis interrogates their life histories to explore the role of birth-culture in the self-definition of people removed from that culture at birth or in childhood. Thirteen adult adopted Vietnamese participants were interviewed. These interviews provided qualitative data on issues of racial and cultural identity. These data were developed and analysed, using a framework drawn from symbolic interactionism and cultural studies, in order to reveal the interpersonal dynamics in which people were involved, and the broader cultural relations that sustained them. The findings reveal that in early childhood the adopted Vietnamese identity process was shaped by a series of identifications with, and affirmations of, sharing their adoptive parents racial and cultural identity. Such identifications were then challenged once the adoptees entered society and were seen by others as different. The participants' attempts to locate a secure sense of self and identity within the world they are placed in are disturbed by numerous uncertainties surrounding racial and cultural difference. One of the most crucial uncertainties is the adopted Vietnamese knowledge about their cultural background. While most felt they lacked positive knowledge about Vietnam and racial diversity, their sense of identity was unsettled by experiences with racism and negative cultural stereotypes throughout their late childhood to adolescence. As their recognition and acceptance of their difference develops in adulthood, they experience a degree of empowerment due to their being able to access more knowledge about their cultural background and a greater appreciation of racial diversity. Many participants have formed closer ties with other people born in Vietnam, most notably other adoptees; most returned to visit Vietnam. The thesis concludes that those adoptees who were able to develop an understanding of the Vietnamese and other backgrounds to their complex identities, tended to be more integrated as adults than those who either rejected or were unable to come to terms with their Vietnamese ancestry.

Bringing the history of fashion up-to-date; towards a model for temporal adatation in translation.

Svanberg, Kerstin January 2012 (has links)
In cultural adaptation, the translator has a solid theoretical ground to stand upon; scholars have elaborated strategies that are helpful to this effect. However, there is little research, if any, to rely upon in the matter of temporal adaptation. The aim of this paper is to fill this gap. The primary data used in this translational study consists of an English source text that was published in 2008 and the resulting target text, translated to Swedish in 2012. Hence, in order for the target text to function in its time, there was a four-year long time gap to fill with accurate and relevant data and in a style that would not deviate from the author’s original intentions; the target text needed to be temporally adapted. In what follows, I will suggest a set of strategies for temporal adaptation. The model is elaborated with strategies for cultural adaptation as a starting point and based upon measures taken to relocate the target text to 2012. The suggested strategies are time bridging, updating, adjustment and omission. These four strategies make up the model that I put forward to bridge the theoretical gap that seems to prevail in the matter of temporal adaptation. However, considering that the data used in this study was relatively limited, the applicability of the strategies may be the scope of future studies.

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