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Operations Management: Its Impact on Business Growth in Hotels in Nigeria : A qualitative study on whether operations management has increasing or decreasing effects on business growth in NigeriaEGBEBU, COMFORT January 2022 (has links)
Inefficient operations management practices have proven to be the main cause of failure in the administration of any business empire. Operations managers are held in the apex of leadership in companies and by standards, the outcome of their management are expected to lead to the growth and success of the company. With the mismanagement of finances and human capital, it would be difficult for the company to achieve growth and success to meet the objectives of the company. The main purpose of this research was to do an exploratory study on the impacts of Operations Management on the growth of business, with a focus on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria, specifically a hotel. The study aimed to identify why the concept “Operations Management” is important to the growth of businesses.The objective was to contribute knowledge to the field of finance and the business world.The population of this study comprised of 30 staffof LasVegas Hotels and Resort Abuja, Nigeria. The study employed the use of primary data using structured questionnaires open–ended and close – ended. The 30 questionnaires that were administered were all returned. The study employed the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) in the analysis of the data. The study found that operational controls, financial prudence, are the specific operations management skills that are responsible for the growth and the success of the company. Hence, operations management is fundamental to the growth and success of a business. The study concluded that operations management contributes to the growth of businesses in Nigeria.The study recommended that the operations management team should carry staff along in the day - to - day running of the business so that the staff can have sense of belonging. / <p>The major challenge with this research was time constraint. I started two weeks behind schedule, with the guide and encouragement from my supervisor, I was able to finish up successfully.</p>
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Vnímání a tvorba grafického designu v různých kulturách / Perception and production of graphic design in different culturesČermák, Radim January 2009 (has links)
The modern world is more and more dependent on information. As grows its importance, so does its quantity. That is why the good communication, especially the visual one, is indispensable for the proper disclosure and addressing of potential recipients of information. Graphic design provides the form of visual communication. The interconnection of different cultures is linked with the quick pace of globalization - thus the communication with different cultures is important. Each culture is based on specific values that can vary and very often do to a great extent. These values are then reflected in all areas of human activity, graphic design included. At first, we define the term culture and have a look at the process by which we acquire it - to find out its influence on us. We use as a means the interdisciplinary approach which draws knowledge on cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology and anthropology. Next, we focus on the principles of visual perception and studies concerning the difference in behavior and visual perception in different cultures. We divide the world on the basis of culture-shape events into different cultural units and we analyze graphic design in different cultures by using the knowledge from the previous chapters. We point out the principles and potential pitfalls of symbols and colors in the communication with other cultures. We describe the way how the paradigm of cultural values is reflected in the graphic design and we try to capture the features of visual communication typical for each culture.
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Vernetzung als kulturelles ParadigmaKoubek, Jochen 10 February 2003 (has links)
Der Internet-Boom am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde von zahllosen Veröffentlichung begleitet, in denen Auswirkungen der globalen Vernetzung auf Kultur und Gesellschaft, auf öffentliches und privates Leben beschrieben wurden. Die Dissertation geht der Frage nach, wie dieses ungeheure Ausma§ kultureller Produktion zu erklären ist. Welche kulturellen Strukturen scheinen durch diese Diskursproduktion durch? Es geht um Freilegung von Produktionsbedingungen, unter denen kulturelles Handeln erst möglich wird. Als Zentrum der untersuchten Aushandlungsprozesse wird die Idee der Vernetzung in den Blick genommen. Diese entfaltet sich zwar erst seit den 90er Jahren in voller Breite, reicht historisch aber weiter zurück, im Falle des Internet bis in die 60er. Sie wirkt dabei restrukturierend auf Diskurse, soziale Gruppierungen oder die Organisation von Zeit und Raum. Vernetzung ist damit eine Wahrnehmungsdimension, die sich, katalysiert durch das Internet, zu einem kulturellen Paradigma ausgeweitet hat. / The Internet-Boom of the late 20th century was escorted by countless publications, describing the effects of a global network on culture and society, on public and private life. The thesis searches for explications for this enormous degree of cultural productions. What kind of cultural structures are revealed by this discourses? What are the conditions of cultural productions? The centre of the research is the idea of networks and meshes. Although the diffusion of this idea attained its peak in the nineties, its historical roots are to be found in the sixties. It structures discourses, social groups or the organisation of time and space. Catalysed by the Internet, networks have evolved from a dimension of perception to a cultural paradigm.
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L'état et la culture au Chili, 1989-2008 : les enjeux et défis d'un processus de construction d'une catégorie d'intervention publique / The state and culture in Chile, 1989-2008 : the issues and challenges in the process of the constructionMuñoz Del Campo, Norma 12 May 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur le processus de constitution de la culture au Chili comme catégorie d’intervention publique entre 1989 et 2008.Ce processus s’amorce dans un contexte historique et socio-politique particulier caractérisé par la fin de la dictature annoncée par le plébiscite de 1988 et confirmée lors des élections démocratiques de 1989. La culture acquiert alors un rôle fondamental dans le développement social et politique du Chili. Son institutionnalisation cherchait en effet à ordonner un domaine d’intervention fragmenté et institutionnellement fragile et qui n’avait jusqu’alors jamais été doté d’une institution supérieure.Cette étude propose ainsi d’envisager le processus d’émergence de la culture comme un problème public pour ensuite analyser son institutionnalisation qui déboucha sur la création,en 2003, du Conseil National de la Culture et des Arts. La compréhension de ce processus et l’étude de la mise en œuvre du CNCA conduisent à mieux identifier les enjeux qui caractérisent et déterminent l’action publique culturelle dans le Chili d’après dictature. Cette recherche s’inscrit ainsi dans les débats posés par l’analyse des politiques publiques et en reprendra les principaux outils théoriques afin de mieux aborder le processus de constitution d’une catégorie d’intervention publique à travers trois axes centraux, les idées, les acteurs et les institutions, qui permettront d’articuler les approches cognitives de politiques publiques aux approches néo-institutionnalistes et d’instrumentation de l’action publique.L’analyse se développe alors autour de deux plans, l’un centré sur l’articulation entre les concepts et les valeurs et le repositionnement et le rôle des acteurs au sein d’un cadre institutionnel particulier. L’autre plan considère plus spécifiquement les enjeux de la mise en œuvre de l’institution culturelle et les tensions propres à ce processus relatives à la construction d’un idéal culturel national, à la récupération et à la recomposition d’espaces de pouvoir et à un cadre institutionnel flou et profondément marqué par les enclaves autoritaires héritées du passé. / This research deals with making culture a Public Intervention Category in Chile, from1989 to 2008.The process began in a particular historical and socio-political context characterized bythe democratic transition heralded by the 1988 plebiscite and consolidated by the 1989elections. At this time culture began to gain a fundamental role in the social and politicaldevelopment in Chile. Previously denied a formal organizational structure, the newinstitution’s cultural interventions were fragmented and fragile.This dissertation analyzes the National Council on Culture and Arts (NCCA) created in2003 and its work in the context of culture emerging as a public matter. In doing this we areable to identify the different issues in cultural policymaking that arose since the end ofauthoritarian rule. This investigation is a contribution to the debates on the analysis of publicpolicy, utilizing its main theoretical tools to dissect the process of establishing a category ofpublic intervention through three central themes: ideas, actors and institutions. Hence, thiswould connect the cognitive approaches of public policy marked by neo-institutionalism andinstrumentalist policymaking focuses.The analysis approaches the issue on two levels. The first one centers on the articulationbetween concepts and values with the realignment of policy actors within a specificinstitutional framework. Secondly, we will focus on the issues that arose in theinstitutionalization of culture, and the tensions involved in this process. We will especiallystress the deadlocks generated by the construction of a national cultural ideal under aninstitutional order characterized by “authoritarian enclaves” inherited from the former rule.
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