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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rituele repertoires Volkscultuur in oostelijk Noord-Brabant, 1559-1853 /

Rooijakkers, Gerard, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 645-689) and indexes.

Cultural imperialism and United States television programming in Greece /

Mavromichali, Iphigenia. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1996. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [182]-193).

Visual law : an exegesis of vernacular jurisprudence in popular media /

Bainbridge, Jason. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Queensland, 2005. / Includes bibliography.

Organizational Culture Change in Agile Transformations - Leaders Supporting Agile Mindset Adoption

Laga El Kassimi, Reda, Sandulescu, Stefan Ioan January 2023 (has links)
Agile methodologies have gained popularity for their ability to help companies respond quickly to changing environments and customer needs. However, organizations often struggle with adopting agile methodologies due to their focus on implementing specific frameworks rather than fostering an agile mindset in their organizational culture. Therefore, it is important to promote an agile mindset within organizations and gradually embed it into their culture. This thesis aims to explore how organizational leaders can support the agile mindset adoption. After a thorough review of the relevant literature, the study collected empirical data via interviews with leaders, agile experts and professionals with extensive experience in agile environments to identify practical approaches to support the adoption of an agile mindset that may require an organizational culture transformation. Overall, the outcome of this study contributed to increasing the chances to realize the benefits of agile transformations by fostering the agile mindset.

Leader behavior : the development of collective efficacy in collectivistic societies

Scott, Diana Dawn 01 January 2010 (has links)
Teams are becoming more diverse, and often, this diversity produces decrements in team performance. It has been argued within the literature on teams, that team leadership is instrumental in developing and maintaining effective team performance within all types of teams. Despite this argument, we do not yet fully understand how leaders within culturally diverse teams manage the diversity to promote the affective states and behavioral processes that lead to effective performance. Therefore, this literature review seeks to understand how leaders can promote collective efficacy within diverse teams. Specifically, how a leader with individualistic values can promote collective efficacy within a collectivistic society. Through an integrated literature review, I seek to identify challenges in relation to effective performance through the leaders' abilities to build collective efficacy to avoid mission failure in collectivistic societies.

Returning culture to peacebuilding : contesting the liberal peace in Sierra Leone

Viktorova Milne, Jevgenia January 2010 (has links)
This thesis investigates the advantages and limitations of applying culture to the analysis of violent conflict and peacebuilding, with a particular focus on liberal peacebuilding in Sierra Leone. While fully aware of the critique of the concept of culture in terms of its uses for the production of difference and ‘otherness,’ it also seeks to respond to the critique of liberal peacebuilding on the account of its low sensitivity towards local culture, which allegedly undermines the peace effort. After a careful examination of the terms of discussion about culture enabled by theoretical approaches to conflict in Chapter 2, the thesis presents a theoretical framework for the analysis of cultural aspects of conflict and peace based on the processes and effects of meaning-generation (Chapter 3), developing the conceptual apparatus and vocabulary for the subsequent empirical study. Instead of bracketing out the recursive nature of cultural theorising, the developed approach embraces the recursive dynamics which arise as a result of cultural ‘embeddedness’ of the analyst and the processes which s/he seeks to elucidate, mirroring similar dynamics in the cultural production of meaning and knowledge. The framework of ‘embedded cultural enquiry’ is then used to analyse the practices of liberal peacebuilding as a particular culture, which shapes the interaction of the liberal peace with its ‘subjects’ and critics as well as framing its reception of the cultural problematic generally (Chapter 4). The application of the analytical framework to the case study investigates the interaction between the liberal peace and ‘local culture,’ offering an alternative reading of the conflict and peace process in Sierra Leone (Chapter 5). The study concludes that a greater attention to cultural meaning-making offers a largely untapped potential for peacebuilding, although any decisions with regard to its deployment will inevitably be made from within an inherently biased cultural perspective.

Micropropagation "in vitro" et effets des polyamines sur la microtubérisation de l'igname du complexe "Dioscorea cayenensis - D. rotundata"

Ondo Ovono, Paul 22 October 2009 (has links)
Les Dioscorea cultivées, dont la reproduction sexuée est aléatoire, sont multipliées essentiellement par voie végétative, ce qui entraîne la dissémination dagents pathogènes dans les plantations, provoquant une baisse de rendement et de qualité des récoltes. Dans ces conditions, les besoins en semences sont rarement comblés et les possibilités dextension de la culture restent limitées. En effet, devant une demande quantitative toujours croissante et qualitative de plus en plus restrictive, les techniques classiques encore employées aussi bien pour la multiplication que pour lamélioration de la production des végétaux sont relativement lentes. En revanche, les opportunités offertes par les cultures de tissus peuvent remédier efficacement aux insuffisances et offrir des améliorations irréalisables par les autres méthodes. La multiplication en alternance par bourgeonnement axillaire à partir de nuds pendant 28 semaines et par mise en germination des microtubercules découpés pendant 16 semaines peut remédier à cette situation. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent avoir un impact sur lefficacité de cette approche: la présence ou labsence de régulateurs de croissance, la teneur en saccharose ou en éléments minéraux du milieu de culture. Dans le cadre de cette étude, les tests réalisés ont montré une formation plus précoce du tubercule en présence de polyamines et dacide jasmonique. Si les teneurs en polyamines endogènes et leur métabolisme sont significativement affectés par les polyamines exogènes, les modifications des teneurs en polyamines endogènes, quant à elles, ne peuvent être directement corrélées avec la formation du tubercule. Un retard dans la formation des tubercules lors dune réduction de la teneur en sucre du milieu de culture a aussi été constaté. Ce retard dans nest pas lié à une réduction de losmolarité du milieu de culture, comme nous avons pu le montrer en remplaçant partiellement le saccharose par du sorbitol. La putrescine et ses précurseurs larginine et lornithine favorisent aussi le développement des tubercules, ceux- ci sont plus longs et plus lourds lorsque ces composés sont ajoutés au milieu de culture à faible concentration. Une augmentation de la teneur endogène en putrescine et en auxine a été observée dans ces conditions. Laddition dacide jasmonique a un effet similaire. Une réduction du développement des tubercules est, par contre, observée en présence dune teneur en saccharose réduite. La réduction de la teneur en sucre dans le milieu de tubérisation a aussi un effet négatif sur la germination ultérieure des microtubercules. Pour pouvoir utiliser les microtubercules comme semences, il faut être assuré dun taux de germination élevé et dun stockage possible. Les microtubercules récoltés après 9 mois de culture et transférés sur un nouveau milieu sans régulateur de croissance germent très rapidement. Aucune dormance nest observée. Les microtubercules peuvent aussi être stockés pendant au moins 18 semaines. Les meilleures conditions pour une germination élevée sont une conservation à lobscurité, sous ± 50% dhumidité relative et à 25°C. Une période de dormance secondaire sinstalle une fois le stockage en cours qui varie entre 20 et 28 semaines respectivement pour les microtubercules les plus rapides et les plus lents. Seuls les tubercules de taille supérieure à 350 mm devront être utilisés pour la germination in vitro ou ex vitro.

Hodnocení kultury bezpečí ve vybraných nemocnicích Ústeckého a Libereckého kraje / Assessment of safety culture in selected hospitals in the Ústí nad Labem and Liberec regions

VOLENÍKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Current status: The issue of medical errors has recently gotten considerable attention among organizations at the global and national levels. In its report the Institute of Medicine recommended the development of a safety culture where employees want to provide the safest health care. Assessing the current culture of safety is the first stage in the development of patient safety. Subject: The main purpose of the research was "to evaluate the safety culture in select hospitals." Method: A standardized method was chosen for the research: The AHRQ Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. A quantitative method was implemented using polling. Obtained data were tested in SPSS version 16.0. For statistical testing Person's chi-square and sign scheme was elected. Research group: The research survey addressed 301 non-medical staff of Krajské zdravotní a.s. Masarykova nemocnice, o. z. (Regional Health a.s. Masaryk Hospital) in Ústí nad Labem and Krajské nemocnici Liberec, a.s. (Liberec Regional Hospital) Results: The survey results showed that the surveyed health care professionals assess the organizational culture as friendly. The respondents indicated that they are praised by the manager for conducting their work safely and that they can suggest changes in management practices. The results showed that addressed health care professionals support each other (58.1%) and cooperate better (72.4%). According to the respondents, better teamwork leads to better patient safety. An analysis of the results shows that health professionals have an active approach to safe care (82.7%) and in their opinion, errors and mistakes lead to improved patient safety (40.9%). Paramedics have confirmed that they receive feedback on reported incidents (37.9%). Based on team discussion about errors the respondents' evaluation of patient safety has significantly improved. An analysis of respondents' answers revealed a lack of reporting of adverse events. Most respondents consider the number of staff in the workplace deficient (42.5%). Conclusion: Hospital management should be involved in changing the detection of individual errors from individual to systemic. In order to improve the safety culture there should be regular supervision or teambuilding activities that support the development of teamwork. Feedback on the results of reporting errors must be given in an appropriate way to motivate staff to continue to report future errors. The results require a change in how medical staff report errors and greater consistency among management when checking reports. Complaints of work overload by medical personnel must be taken seriously. Improvements can be brought about by changes to work organization or the use of temporary workers.

Problematika expatriácie v medzinárodnom managemente / Expatriation and International Management

Smiková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of International Management procedures in multinational corporations regarding sending their employees abroad. Its aim is to describe the process of expatriation, define the importance of culture and the role of the company in the process as well as to analyse the situation of expatriates in the Czech Republic based on a questionnaire research.

Identités, appartenances, transmission: un parcours philosophique avec l'ethnopsychiatrie / Identity, belonging, transmission: a philosophical itinerary together with ethnopsychiatry.

Courbin, Lauriane 05 July 2012 (has links)
Cette recherche est le récit, à vocation conceptuelle, d’une rencontre – rencontre de la philosophie avec l’ethnopsychiatrie, pratique clinique destinée à la prise en charge psychothérapeutique des patients migrants. Elle s’est déroulée au centre Georges Devereux dont l’équipe a accueilli l’auteure pendant deux ans. Rencontrer l’autre n’est jamais indifférent, cela fait quelque chose :à celui ou celle qui rencontre, à sa pensée et à l’héritage qui est le sien. La question principale est donc celle-ci :qu’est-ce que cela fait – à la pensée philosophique et à celle qui ici la représente – de rencontrer l’ethnopsychiatrie et les mondes qu’elle convoque ?<p> <p> Cela implique une double exigence :décrire les transformations que subissent, dans la rencontre, des notions comme celles d’« identité », de « personne » ou de « relation », mais aussi de « collectif », de « croyance » et de « transmission », tout en montrant en quoi le récit de ces transformations n’équivaut pas à une enquête introspective et à sa restitution subjective. <p><p> La transformation principale réside dans le passage d’une pensée générale à un autre régime de pensée (qualifié de « générique » (I. Stengers, La Vierge et le neutrino, Paris, Les Empêcheurs de penser en rond / Le Seuil, 2006)) qu’il s’agit de caractériser dans la mesure où la pratique clinique, en particulier dans le contexte de multiplicité qu’imposent les passages entre les mondes, semble le supposer. Dans le cadre thérapeutique d’une contrainte à la transformation en effet, les paroles, actes et gestes doivent prendre une consistance propre afin d’être opérants. Cette consistance clinique et le plan de pensée qui l’accompagne sont ce dont ce travail propose de dessiner les principaux traits :immanence, nouveauté et caractère spéculatif.<p> <p>/ <p><p> This research gives the conceptual account of an encounter: the encounter of philosophy with ethnopsychiatry, a clinical practice which proposes psychotherapeutic treatments to migrant patients. This encounter took place at the centre Georges Devereux whose team accepted the author as an observer and participant during two years. Encountering the other is never indifferent. Something happens – to the one that encounters, to her thought and to her personal and philosophical heritage. The main question is also this: what effect does this encounter with ethnopsychiatry and the worlds it deals with have on philosophical thought and the researcher who represents it here?<p> <p> This question requires a double answer: describing the changes that notions like “identity”, “relation” or “person”, but also “community”, “culture”, “belief” and “transmission” undergo in the encounter and showing at the same time that such an account is not the equivalent of an introspective inquiry and its subjective report. <p><p> The main change consists in the transition from a general way of thinking to another called “generic” (I. Stengers, La Vierge et le neutrino, Paris, Les Empêcheurs de penser en rond / Le Seuil, 2006). The point is to characterize this generic way of thinking in so far as the clinical practice seems to require it – particularly dealing with the multiplicity that crossing between worlds imposes. Indeed, in a therapeutic context requiring change, the words, acts and gestures used have to take a specific consistency to be efficient. This work attempts to draw the mains traits of this clinical consistency and the level of thought that goes with: immanency, novelty and speculative character. <p> / Doctorat en Philosophie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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