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Kulturní centrum Kopřivnice / Cultural Center in KoprivniceKielar, Václav January 2013 (has links)
The project deals with the restoration of the building complex of cultural center and museum.
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Go Down Arts Centre : Nairobi, Kenya / Go Down Arts Centre : Nairobi, KenyaBergman, Malin January 2013 (has links)
The Go Down Arts Centre is a proposal for a new building to an existing organisation in Nairobi, Kenya. The proposal relates to the scale of the city by making a statement on a future urban path, and by welcoming the city in to the building. The proposal houses both activities affiliated to Go Down, such as studios and rehersal rooms, as well as opportunities for the visitor to meet and interact with the culture produced at Go Down, both in formal and informal settings. The building is closed to its surroundings, apart from a grand entrance towards the urban path. There, the city passes through the building to an inner courtyard, where the communication to all the rooms and activities takes place. From the exterior courtyard, the buildning acts as an halftone screen towards a darker, more specific and more temperated room, where it meets the outer wall. / The Go Down Arts Centre är ett förslag på en ny byggnad till en existerande verksamhet i Nairobi, Kenya. Förslaget relaterar till stadens skala, genom att utmärka sig på ett framtida urbant stråk och bjuda in staden i byggnaden. I byggnaden finns plats både för verksamheter knutna till Go Down, i form av ateljéer, studios, replokaler, osv. och för besökaren att möta och integrera med kulturen, både i formella och informella sammanhang. Själva byggnaden är sluten utåt, med en stor öppning vid stråket, där staden passerar in i byggnaden till en innergård där kommunikationerna till alla rum och verksamheter återfinns. Från den exteriöra innergården går byggnaden genom ett raster mot ett allt slutnare, mörkare och mer tempererat rum tills den möter den tunga ytterväggen.
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Folkesta kulturhus / Folkesta House of CultureJeglinska, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
The project is located in Folkesta in Eskilstuna, an area that is characterized by a small-scale residential area in close proximity to a shopping area. Currently, there is a lack of cultural activities for children in the area and the building will therefore be an important cultural hub. The focus area of the building is cultural education in a wide variety of subjects such as dance, music and art, and there are also spaces for exhibitions and concerts. The building has a glulam construction, and the functions are arranged around a monumental concrete walkway that aims to create the impression of a cultural street. The roof of the house connects to a pedestrian bridge and inn addition to the building's internal functions, the outdoor environments are an important aspect in the design of a pleasant and safe area. The area around the house and under the bridge is provided with squares, parks, sculpture parks and outdoor activities that, in addition to their practical functions, also invite and activate the visitors. The hope is to create a meeting place for the residents and workers in the area but also to create a place for culture. / Projektet är placerat i området Folkesta i nordvästra Eskilstuna, ett område som kännetecknas av ett småskaligt bostadsområde i nära anslutning till en stor handelsplats. I dagsläget finns en avsaknad av kulturverksamheter för barn i området och byggnaden blir därför ett viktigt kulturellt nav för diverse kulturverksamheter. Kulturhusets främsta fokusområde är kulturutbildningar inom en stor variation av ämnen så som dans, musik och konst och därtill finns offentliga ytor för utställning och konserter. Byggnaden har en balkrostkonstruktion i limträ och byggnadens funktioner är ordnade kring en monumental betonggång som syftar till att skapa intrycket av en kulturell gågata. Husets tak ansluter till en gångbro för att bjuda in förbipasserande och skapar en parkmiljö på taket. Utöver byggnadens invändiga funktioner är utemiljöerna en viktig aspekt i utformandet av ett trivsamt och tryggt område. Området runt huset samt under bron förses med torg, park, skulpturpark och utomhusaktiviteter som utöver sina praktiska funktioner även bjuder in och aktiverar förbipasserande. Dessutom blir byggnadens tak en plats för vistelse, sport och musik. Förhoppningen är att skapa en naturlig mötesplats för de boende och arbetande i området men även att skapa en plats för kultur.
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Billsta Kulturhus / Billsta Culture CentreOlson, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
Billsta Kulturhus är ett hus för skapande och gemenskap, en nod precis utanför tätorten Järna på en plats där Moraån både har skapat en barriär mot staden och samtidigt bevarat en karaktäristiskt landsbygdsmiljö alldeles runt hörnet. De nya bostadsområden vi planerade i området är inriktade mot odling, antingen som en hobby eller som hel- eller deltidssysselsättning. Huset riktar ett speciellt fokus mot de ungdomar vars föräldrar flyttat till området för odla, men som kanske inte delar sina föräldrars intressen. Här finns utrymme att utforska kreativitet och kulturell verksamhet, både på egen hand eller genom att delta i kurser i allt från teckning, måleri, skulptur, musik, foto, digitalt skapande, dans, teater och så vidare. I och med platsens närhet till Järna, knappt tre kilometer cykelväg till pendeltågstationen, är det lätt även för ungdomar inne i Järna eller andra delar av Södertälje kommun att ta sig till huset och dess verksamheter. Den rumsliga organisationen bygger på att hela tiden röra sig från rum till rum med en varierad upplevelse i skala och ljus, samt långa siktlinjer genom hela huset. Den långa volymen skivas upp med en jämn rytm vilket bildar de stora samlande rummen som ligger i fil och relaterar till åkern och utblickarna. Trots den jämna rytmen skiljer sig upplevelsen av rummen åt tack vare varierad takhöjd och utbredning in i huset. De mindre rummen och rum för skapande och reflektion relaterar istället till skogen och det slutna. / Billsta Culture Centre is a house for creative production and socializing which establish a node just outside the city of Järna on a location where Moraån creates a barrier between the city and the countryside. The all new city plan we proposed during the previous course had a special focus on agriculture. Although Billsta Culture Centre is first and foremost a house for the teenagers moving to the new area it also accommodates co-working spaces and different type of rooms to rent for various occasions. The plan is based on the idea of rooms enfilades and long lines of sight. Although the plan follows a strict grid the section varies from room to room with different height and width. All of the public areas are looking out over the fields while the smaller private rooms are looking out in the forrest.
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Brno Komárov Město ve městě, prostorová a symbolická kostra Komárova / Brno-Komárov City In The City, space and symbolic structure of KomárovVochta, Miroslav January 2019 (has links)
Komárov is partially isolated city part with fragmented formally colourful structure and also a picture and character with high percentage of empty or degraded areas. Continuity on logistic knot, good transportation connection, planned and implemented squeeze out of major road and with that connected easing of current street net require new city planning of the whole area and therefore allows subsequent transformation of the area by way of overwritingand individualized intervention. This final thesis will be focused on examples of solving the substance of the city, by method of approaches and on stressing out the skeleton of public space with allocation of objects with symbolic structure. Content of this thesis City planning study of the area Komárov centre, stressing out of the symbolic skeleton and structure and the skeleton of public space with addition of related objects Architecture proposal of objects complementary to a structure and picture of area Program of new interventions and conversions of existing and preserved objects
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Multifunkční kulturní centrum "Creative City" Brno / Multi-function Cultural Centre "Creative City" in BrnoMacková, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis Multifunctional Culture Centre ‘Creative City’ Brno deals with the architectural study of rebuilding and extension of the former prison building in Bratislavská and Soudní street in Brno for cultural, social and commercial purposes. The project includes a new use of the existing building for creative industries, commercial activities and services. There are apartments in the new extension. The parking places are situated below the ground level in the northern part of the complex. The building complex creates a pleasant environment contributing the creativity.
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LAUSANNE – PLAINES DU LOUP: ekologické město / LAUSANNE – PLAINES DU LOUP: sustainable city developmentŠoborová, Adéla Unknown Date (has links)
Project of housing in the city. Architectural and urbanistic proposal of a city block in Laussane.
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Společensko-kulturní centrum v Dolních Kounicích / Socio-cultural centre Dolní KouniceVašut, Štěpán January 2016 (has links)
My diploma thesis is based on the module Res Publica - Public works focusing on community buildings. Dozens of towns were surveyed, whether they are interested in reconstruction of their community or sociocultural centre, and eventually a small town Dolní Kounice was chosen especially because of the beauty of the surrounding countryside as well as the exciting native urbanism and architecture. This thesis deals with transformation of the cultural house from the 50s of the 20th century to a new cultural centre. The extension and inconvenient terrace were removed and the hall is supported by a new mass of the vestibule at the interface between interior and exterior, on the site of the former patio. Next, a new front of the building was introduced which increased the entrance of the house and created a space for a study room, small gym, meeting room and common rooms. The part of the house used for housing units is designed only with aesthetic details on the facade. The Culture Centre is divided into a set of materials in order to reduce the scale of the whole building. The entrance part mass, in contrast, is enhanced by its division and the chosen materials. In this way the originally embarrassing object of the Cultural Centre has been changed into a new centre with a clear architectural expression and the interior of the house is enriched by view of the beauty of the city.
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Hevlín – sídlo v krajině / Hevlín – place in the landscapeHajšmanová, Adéla Unknown Date (has links)
The thesis Uncharged-charged – new energy for the customs house building deals with a project of a community and cultural centre with an accommodation that reflects specific needs of the rural region on the borders. The core is a conversion of unused historical customs house building near the Hevlín–Laa an der Thaya border crossing to an attractive place serving especially the locals as a supportive environment for their activities. It also brings a new cultural options to the region. The layout adjusts the building to its new function and supports some of the qualities of the current state. There is a new building added as an accommodation for the tourists (especially cyclists and canoeists) travelling at the international cycle tracks or the river Dyje, which cross the location. Also there is a newly designed orchard/campsite surrounding the buildings serving for the accomodation as well.
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Culture centre BjörkhagenPettersson, Ida January 2022 (has links)
The thesis project Culture centre Björkhagen investigates how to rebuild and make additions to an unused central heating building in Björkhagen and transform it into a new culture centre. During recent years the area has been under great expansion with new residential buildings and many new inhabitants. Even if this has been carefully planned and executed by Stockholm municipality, no new public places where people can meet has been planned or built. By re-building this unused central heating building into a new public space, the new and old inhabitants get a place to meet. This characteristic small industrial building gets saved and by re-building instead of building new, the ecological footprint is hugely reduced. To help the new program I am adding a series of objects and make small adjustments to the building structure so that it can function as a public space. Doing much by doing little.
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