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[pt] A pesquisa tem por objetivo compreender de que forma o coordenador pedagógico efetua a mediação política no decorrer do cotidiano escolar, entre as políticas educacionais implantadas pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (SME/Rio) e a comunidade escolar. Os referenciais teóricos são Ball (1994, 2001, 2002, 2005) no que se refere aos conceitos de performatividade, gerencialismo, e recontextualização das políticas no campo micro- as escolas; Marcondes (2013, 2014), tendo como base as teorias de Ball sobre o papel do coordenador pedagógico como mediador frente às novas políticas curriculares e Del Prette e Del Prette (1998, 2012), com o conceito das habilidades sociais nas análises da dimensão socioafetiva da mediação política do coordenador. A pesquisa, de cunho qualitativo, teve como instrumento entrevista semiestruturada com dezoito coordenadores pedagógicos de escolas que atendem aos cinco primeiros anos do ensino fundamental e obtiveram bom desempenho no IDEB (BRASIL, 2012) e IDERio (RIO DE JANEIRO, 2011) no ano de 2011. A pesquisa chega às seguintes considerações: sobre a função desempenhada na escola, os coordenadores se veem como bombeiros, atendendo constantemente às questões emergenciais da escola. Em relação à mediação política do coordenador, encontramos três dimensões em sua atuação: organizacional, pedagógica e socioafetiva. Estas dimensões se apresentam intimamente interligadas. A partir dos relatos dos coordenadores, definimos cada uma dessas dimensões. Em relação à dimensão organizacional, os coordenadores apontaram que ela é exercida essencialmente nos centros de estudos quando os professores fazem seus planejamentos. Nestes horários, os professores recebem o repasse das informações vindas da Secretaria Municipal de Educação – SME/Rio e tiram as dúvidas a respeito do material curricular (Orientações Curriculares, Descritores, Cadernos de Apoio Pedagógico).
dimensão organizacional pode se tornar altamente reguladora quando ele olha os diários, olha os cadernos dos professores e verifica se as atividades foram feitas. Na dimensão organizacional, por falta de infraestrutura na escola, muitas vezes, o coordenador assume turma no lugar do professor faltoso, quebrando sua rotina de trabalho. Em relação à dimensão pedagógica, os coordenadores revelaram que desenvolvem, junto aos professores atividades visando o bom desempenho dos alunos nas provas. Além disso, planejam atividades dos Projetos Políticos Pedagógicos, elaboram e aplicam atividades de recuperação paralela e reforço escolar junto aos alunos com dificuldades de aprendizagem. A respeito da avaliação, eles criam e recriam diversos instrumentos para acompanhamento do desempenho, além das Provas Bimestrais dadas pela SME/Rio. Também desenvolvem atividades de enriquecimento curricular utilizando diversos recursos didáticos, além dos materiais enviados pela SME/Rio. Em relação à dimensão socioafetiva, os dados revelaram que os coordenadores visam construir vínculos afetivos com os diversos segmentos da comunidade escolar de forma a harmonizar, conciliar as demandas pessoais e afetivas num processo de recontextualização das políticas da SME/Rio. O coordenador lida com os anseios dos professores, dos pais, dos alunos e da direção para construir um ambiente colaborativo para a consecução das metas de desempenho. Nas reuniões, organizadas pelos coordenadores, é importante a conciliação de conflitos que porventura existam entre a opinião dos professores e as demandas políticas da SME/Rio. / [en] The objective of this research is to understand how the pedagogic coordinator carries out the political mediation, throughout school routine, between the educational policies implemented by the Municipal Secretary of Education of Rio de Janeiro (SME/Rio ) and the school community. As far as theory is concerned, Ball (1994, 2001, 2002) is referred to, considering the concepts of performativity, managerialism and recontextualization of the policies in the micro field- the schools. Based on Ball, Marcondes (2013, 2014) theories are also taken into consideration on the role of the pedagogic coordinator as a mediator between the policies and the teachers. In terms of socioaffective aspects, the reference is Del Prette and Del Prette (1998, 2012) with social abilities conception of coordinator s political mediation. This research is qualitative and the tool used was the semi-structured interview with eighteen (18) school coordinators who attended students from the first five years of elementary school, whose results on the IDEB (BRAZIL, 2011) and on the IDERio (RIO DE JANEIRO, 2011) were good in 2011. We come to the following conclusions: considering their job, the coordinators feel like firefighters since they usually deal with emergency issues at schools. Taking political mediation into account, our main focus, we found three dimensions in a coordinator s performance: organizational, pedagogic and socioaffective. These three dimensions are intimately connected. Considering the examples provided by the coordinators, we could define each dimension. The coordinators pointed out that the organizational dimension is used basically during the study center when teachers plan their classes. During that time, teachers get to know the information sent by the Municipal Secretary of Education – SME/Rio, and ask questions about the material (Orientações Curriculares, Descritores, Cadernos de Apoio Pedagógico). The organizational dimension can get highly regulatory when a coordinator checks the class diaries, takes a look at teachers lesson plans, and makes sure the activities were done. In the organizational dimension, many times the coordinator substitutes for a missing teacher due to a lack of a suitable infrastructure at schools. Considering the pedagogic dimension, the coordinators claimed that, together with the teachers, they make activities that aim at students good performance on exams. Moreover, they plan activities based on the Political Pedagogic Project. In addition, they make and use activities for review classes and after-school for the students with learning difficulties. In terms of evaluation, besides the bimonthly exams provided by the SME/Rio, they create and recreate various tools to track students progress. They also make activities to enrich the curriculum using a variety of didactic resources, in addition to the materials sent by the SME/Rio. In respect to the socioaffective dimension, the data show that the coordinators aim at creating affective bonds with several segments of the school community in order to conciliate personal socioaffective demands with the recontextualization process of the SME/Rio policies. In this dimension, the coordinator deals with the expectations of the teachers, the parents and the students to create a friendly environment in order to achieve the performance goals. During the meetings set up by the coordinators, it s important to conciliate the conflicts that might come up between the teachers opinions and the political demands of the SME/Rio.
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Contingency in high-school students’ reasoning about electrochemical cells : Opportunities for learning and teaching in school scienceHamza, Karim January 2010 (has links)
The thesis takes its departure from the extensive literature on students’ alternative ideas in science. Although describing students’ conceptual knowledge in many science areas, the literature offers little about how this knowledge enters into the science learning process. Neither has it focused on how particulars and contingencies of curricular materials enter into the learning process. In this thesis I make high-resolution analyses of students’ learning in action during school science activities about real or idealized electrochemical cells. I use a discursive mechanism of learning developed to describe how students become participants in new practices through slow changes in word use. Specifically, I examine how alternative and accepted scientific ideas, as well as curricular materials, enter into students’ reasoning. The results are then used for producing hypotheses over how a teacher can support students’ science learning. Alternative ideas in electrochemistry did not necessarily interfere negatively with, and were sometimes productive for, students’ reasoning during the activities. Students included the particulars and contingencies of curricular materials in their reasoning not only when interacting with a real electrochemical cell but also in a more theoretical concept mapping activity about an idealized cell. Through taxonomic and correlational investigations students connected the particulars and contingencies of the real electrochemical cell to the generic knowledge of electrochemistry. When actively introduced by the researcher, such investigations had consequences for how single students framed their explanations of a real electrochemical cell. The results indicate ways in which teachers may encourage the productive use of contingencies to promote learning within the science classroom. However, this may require consideration of what students say in terms of consequences for their further learning rather than in terms of correct or incorrect content. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows:Paper 3:Manuscript; Paper 4:Manuscript / Hur kan lärare hjälpa elever att resonera naturvetenskapligt
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