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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse et modélisation des échanges verticaux induits par les systèmes convectifs des latitudes tropicales : effets sur l'ozone troposphérique

Leclair De Bellevue, Jimmy 10 March 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif était d'approfondir notre connaissance sur les mécanismes d'échanges, près des zone s de convection profonde, plus particulièrement en périphérie des cyclones tropicaux en explorant les liens entre la convection tropicale et l'ozone troposphérique. Une approche climatologique a montré que l'influence de l'occurence fréquente de ces systèmes convectifs sur l'ozone troposphérique est double. L'analyse d'un cas de transfert subsident intense le 6 avril 1995 à la Réunion, alors à l'ouest du système Marlène, a permis de caractériser cet échange stratosphère-troposphère. L'examen du modèle idéalisé de cyclone tropical Hurricane a apporté des compléments dynamiques et a généralisé cette étude de mécanismes. De manière complémentaire au cas Marlène, trois situations météorologiques distinctes ou une forte interaction entre les dynamiques de la convection, du système jet-front et des ondes de Rossby induisent des échanges stratosphère-troposphère sont documentées

Klimatologisk studie av cyklonbanor över Europa med koppling till snöförhållanden i norra Sverige

Inghammar, Jakob January 2009 (has links)
<p>Referat</p><p><strong>Klimatologisk studie av cyklonbanor över Europa med koppling till snöförhållanden i norra Sverige</strong></p><p><em>Jakob Inghammar</em></p><p>Under de senaste decennierna har temperaturen i atmosfären ökat. En sannolik effekt av detta är en förändring av förekomst och styrka för de utomtropiska cyklonerna. Deras uppträdande spelar en betydande roll för väder och klimat över de områden där de förekommer, därför är det relevant att undersöka om samvariationer för dem existerar med till exempel snöförhållanden och temperaturer. För att utforska detta har lågtryck över norra Atlanten och Europa identifierats ur återanalysdata (ERA-40) under månaderna oktober-mars för åren 1960-1999.</p><p>Denna studie visar på en signifikant ökning av lågtrycksförekomst norr om 60°N och ett signifikant avtagande söder om 60°N. För lågtryckens styrka påvisas en signifikant positiv trend för båda dessa områden. Vid en analys för var och en av månaderna oktober-mars visas att det är under framförallt månaderna januari och februari som lågtrycken med tiden förflyttats norrut och att ingen sådan trend finns för oktober och november. Mellan årens högsta uppmätta snödjup i norra Sverige och lågtrycksfrekvensen kring norra Skandinavien finns en positiv korrelation. För medeltemperaturen på norra halvklotet och över vilka breddgrader cykloner mestadels rör sig under december-mars finns en samvariation, vid varmare förhållanden förflyttas cyklonbanorna norrut. En positiv korrelation finns mellan antal lågtryck norr om 60°N och temperaturen i Abisko.</p><p>För vintrar, som i Abisko hade vitt skilda snöförhållanden, märks en avvikelse för vilka månader som lågtrycksfrekvensen kring norra Skandinavien var hög. Då snötäcket innehöll många isiga lager var lågtrycksfrekvensen hög i början och i slutet av vintern medan den var låg för månaderna i mitten. Det omvända skedde då snötäcket istället var ovanligt poröst.</p><p>En stark samvariation finns mellan den nordatlantiska oscillationen (NAO) och lågtrycksfrekvens i de olika delarna norr och söder om 60°N av det undersökta området. Vid höga NAO-index ökar frekvensen i det norra området medan det minskar i det södra. Vid låga NAO-index sker det omvända.</p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Nyckelord:</em></strong><em> cykloner, lågtryck, återanalysdata, ERA-40, snö, Abisko</em></p><p> </p> / <p>Abstract</p><p><strong>Climatologic study of cyclone tracks over Europe and linkage to snow conditions in northern Sweden</strong></p><p><em>Jakob Inghammar</em></p><p>In the last decades the temperature in the atmosphere has been increasing. One plausible effect of this is a change in frequency and intensity of the extratropical cyclones.<strong> </strong>The appearance of the extratropical cyclones is crucial for the weather conditions and climate at the latitudes where they exist. Hence it is relevant to examine if the frequency of them are related to snow conditions and temperatures. This has been investigated over the north part of the Atlantic Ocean and Europe through detection of local minima in reanalysis data (ERA 40) regarding the sea level pressure for the months October-Mars for the years 1960-1999.</p><p>The result for cyclone frequency display a significant increase in the region north of 60°N and at the same time a significant decrease in the region south of 60°N. In both regions there is a significant increase for the cyclone intensity. This trend with shifting cyclone tracks to the north is most pronounced for the months January and February while no trend can be seen for the months October and November. The maximum snow depth in the northern part of Sweden every year and the frequency of cyclones around northern Scandinavia are positively correlated. The mean temperature of the northern hemisphere and at which latitudes the cyclone tracks mostly exist during December-Mars co-varies. For the same months a positive correlation exists for the number of cyclones in the region north of 60°N and the mean temperature in Abisko.</p><p>Different winters in Abisko with very diverse snow conditions also experienced diverseness concerning cyclone frequency around northern Scandinavia. During the winters when the snow cover was holding many icy layers; the frequency was high in the beginning and in the end of the winter seasons while the cyclone frequency was low in the middle. When the snow cover instead was very porous, the cyclone frequency occurs in the opposite way.</p><p>A strong covariance exists between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the number of cyclones in each region north and south of 60°N of the examined area. When the NAO-index is positive the frequency of cyclones is elevated in the north region and at the same time reduced in the south region, when the NAO-index is negative the opposite occur.</p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><em> cyclones, reanalysis data, ERA-40, snow, Abisko</em></p><p> </p>

Klimatologisk studie av cyklonbanor över Europa med koppling till snöförhållanden i norra Sverige

Inghammar, Jakob January 2009 (has links)
Referat Klimatologisk studie av cyklonbanor över Europa med koppling till snöförhållanden i norra Sverige Jakob Inghammar Under de senaste decennierna har temperaturen i atmosfären ökat. En sannolik effekt av detta är en förändring av förekomst och styrka för de utomtropiska cyklonerna. Deras uppträdande spelar en betydande roll för väder och klimat över de områden där de förekommer, därför är det relevant att undersöka om samvariationer för dem existerar med till exempel snöförhållanden och temperaturer. För att utforska detta har lågtryck över norra Atlanten och Europa identifierats ur återanalysdata (ERA-40) under månaderna oktober-mars för åren 1960-1999. Denna studie visar på en signifikant ökning av lågtrycksförekomst norr om 60°N och ett signifikant avtagande söder om 60°N. För lågtryckens styrka påvisas en signifikant positiv trend för båda dessa områden. Vid en analys för var och en av månaderna oktober-mars visas att det är under framförallt månaderna januari och februari som lågtrycken med tiden förflyttats norrut och att ingen sådan trend finns för oktober och november. Mellan årens högsta uppmätta snödjup i norra Sverige och lågtrycksfrekvensen kring norra Skandinavien finns en positiv korrelation. För medeltemperaturen på norra halvklotet och över vilka breddgrader cykloner mestadels rör sig under december-mars finns en samvariation, vid varmare förhållanden förflyttas cyklonbanorna norrut. En positiv korrelation finns mellan antal lågtryck norr om 60°N och temperaturen i Abisko. För vintrar, som i Abisko hade vitt skilda snöförhållanden, märks en avvikelse för vilka månader som lågtrycksfrekvensen kring norra Skandinavien var hög. Då snötäcket innehöll många isiga lager var lågtrycksfrekvensen hög i början och i slutet av vintern medan den var låg för månaderna i mitten. Det omvända skedde då snötäcket istället var ovanligt poröst. En stark samvariation finns mellan den nordatlantiska oscillationen (NAO) och lågtrycksfrekvens i de olika delarna norr och söder om 60°N av det undersökta området. Vid höga NAO-index ökar frekvensen i det norra området medan det minskar i det södra. Vid låga NAO-index sker det omvända.   Nyckelord: cykloner, lågtryck, återanalysdata, ERA-40, snö, Abisko / Abstract Climatologic study of cyclone tracks over Europe and linkage to snow conditions in northern Sweden Jakob Inghammar In the last decades the temperature in the atmosphere has been increasing. One plausible effect of this is a change in frequency and intensity of the extratropical cyclones. The appearance of the extratropical cyclones is crucial for the weather conditions and climate at the latitudes where they exist. Hence it is relevant to examine if the frequency of them are related to snow conditions and temperatures. This has been investigated over the north part of the Atlantic Ocean and Europe through detection of local minima in reanalysis data (ERA 40) regarding the sea level pressure for the months October-Mars for the years 1960-1999. The result for cyclone frequency display a significant increase in the region north of 60°N and at the same time a significant decrease in the region south of 60°N. In both regions there is a significant increase for the cyclone intensity. This trend with shifting cyclone tracks to the north is most pronounced for the months January and February while no trend can be seen for the months October and November. The maximum snow depth in the northern part of Sweden every year and the frequency of cyclones around northern Scandinavia are positively correlated. The mean temperature of the northern hemisphere and at which latitudes the cyclone tracks mostly exist during December-Mars co-varies. For the same months a positive correlation exists for the number of cyclones in the region north of 60°N and the mean temperature in Abisko. Different winters in Abisko with very diverse snow conditions also experienced diverseness concerning cyclone frequency around northern Scandinavia. During the winters when the snow cover was holding many icy layers; the frequency was high in the beginning and in the end of the winter seasons while the cyclone frequency was low in the middle. When the snow cover instead was very porous, the cyclone frequency occurs in the opposite way. A strong covariance exists between the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the number of cyclones in each region north and south of 60°N of the examined area. When the NAO-index is positive the frequency of cyclones is elevated in the north region and at the same time reduced in the south region, when the NAO-index is negative the opposite occur. Keywords: cyclones, reanalysis data, ERA-40, snow, Abisko

L'île de La Réunion sous l'œil du cyclone au XXème siècle. Histoire, Société, et catastrophe Naturelle.

Mayer Jouanjean, Isabelle 23 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Une histoire globale des cyclones à La Réunion, prenant en compte leurs composantes (géographique, sociale, économique, culturelle), est traduite ici. Les risques naturels ont été et restent le domaine privilégié des sciences exactes. Mais l'apport scientifique des historiens, celui de comprendre la manière dont, en fonction des époques, une société vit et gère les événements catastrophiques, et comment elle s'adapte et/ou redoute le risque, n'est plus à négliger. Il s'agit alors d'essayer de saisir la définition du risque et la notion de vulnérabilité données par la société réunionnaise, noms qui varient dans le temps et dans l'espace, en fonction des groupes et de leurs modes de vie. Ces termes tiennent compte des événements, donc des faits, à l'exemple de Jenny (28/02/1962), un cyclone révélateur d'une société fragile en quête de changements. Cette histoire intègre davantage encore les mutations d'une société luttant contre un météore qui fait peser une menace quasi-permanente sur le territoire. Notre thèse présente donc une approche sociale et environnementale de l'histoire des cyclones dans la société réunionnaise : il s'agit d'évaluer l'impact d'un événement destructeur, le cyclone, dans la mémoire collective et individuelle, dans l'évolution des sciences, des techniques, des alertes, de la gestion de la crise, de l'organisation des secours et de l'aménagement du territoire. Le cyclone peut donc être un objet d'Histoire à part entière. Parallèlement, notre recherche consiste à comprendre les conséquences des cyclones d'un point de vue géographique et humain. L'impact des cyclones est différent selon le lieu frappé et l'habitat ainsi que de leur évolution dans le temps. Par ailleurs, l'histoire des comportements humains apporte d'autres éléments à l'enquête avancée : la solidarité intègre cette région du monde dans un contexte national et international par l'aide sollicitée auprès de la métropole et d'autres pays. Les autorités et les services compétents entrent en compte pour l'administration de l'île et les choix à faire tant en terme de prévention, que d'information et de mobilisation. Parmi les cyclones marquants du XXème siècle, le cyclone des 26 et 27 janvier 1948 est communément appelé " le cyclone du siècle ". Cependant, le cyclone Jenny (28 février 1962), par ses apports, semble être le point de départ d'un demi-siècle de mutations. Et de fait, une césure dans l'histoire de la société réunionnaise. L'objectif final de notre recherche est de contribuer au progrès d'une prise de conscience collective des cyclones afin de mieux limiter les dégâts humains et matériels lors de leurs passages.

A Climatology of High-Wind Events Associated with Post-Tropical Cyclones in the United States

Gilliland, Joshua M. 01 August 2011 (has links)
During 1951-2009, 47% of all tropical systems (TSs) within the Atlantic Basin transitioned to post-tropical (PTC) extratropical classification. These systems have shown the capability of producing hurricane-force winds and gusts for portions of the eastern United States. This study provides a climatological foundation for high-wind observations that were contributed from PTCs. In this study, 76 PTC systems were identified and tracked using six hourly observations from the National Hurricane Center’s HURDAT dataset. Mean wind radii buffers were calculated and used to determine the high-wind observations attributed by PTCs. High-wind climatology was developed by using hourly surface wind data from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) and deploying the current NWS high-wind criteria. For this study, the geography and climatology of PTCs and resultant high winds were analyzed using geographic information systems (GIS). Findings show that < 1% (270) of all high-winds events that occur within the U.S. were contributed from PTCs. The highest frequencies were found in three regions: Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, and New England. Due to the low number of high-wind events produced from PTCs, an adjusted wind scale was created by using standard deviations of sustained and gust observations. The goal of this study is determine the contribution of high winds from PTCs, with the aim of improving our understanding of the hazardous outcomes of such events.

On the almost axisymmetric flows with forcing terms

Sedjro, Marc Mawulom 03 July 2012 (has links)
This work is concerned with the Almost Axisymmetric Flows with Forcing Terms which are derived from the inviscid Boussinesq equations. It is our hope that these flows will be useful in Meteorology to describe tropical cyclones. We show that these flows give rise to a collection of Monge-Ampere equations for which we prove an existence and uniqueness result. What makes these equations unusual is the boundary conditions they are expected to satisfy and the fact that the boundary is part of the unknown. Our study allows us to make inferences in a toy Almost Axisymmetric Flows with a forcing term model.

Excitation of Low-Level Energy Wave Accumulations and Tropical Cyclone Formation

Long, Dana Marie 19 July 2005 (has links)
A spectral shallow water model is used at the 850 mb level to investigate the effects of cyclonic vorticity on heating in the lower troposphere and how this in turn causes an increase in cyclonic vorticity generation, creating a nonlinear vorticity feedback mechanism. The model is initialized with NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data from the period 1990-2003 and then used to simulate a heating forcing function centered in east Africa. The model is simulated using a Gaussian damped basic state, a zonally symmetric basic state, and a zero basic state. The heating forcing function is applied to these different basic states with a scaled mass sink to simulate heating in the atmosphere. The heating forcing function creates a vorticity feedback mechanism that increases cyclonic vorticity. The analysis of these different basic states shows that the Gaussian damped basic state reduces the amplitude of the observational fields at the poles, increases the observational fields in the tropical region and increases the stability of the model at shallow depths. The zero basic state does have a significant effect on cyclonic vorticity generation, but does not improve the capability of the wave to propagate westward into the Atlantic Ocean. The zonally symmetric basic state succeeds in increasing the amount of cyclonic vorticity generated. The zonally symmetric basic state, once the vorticity non-feedback region is extended, is also very effective at increasing the amount of cyclonic vorticity generated and increasing the propagation of this wave westward into the Atlantic Ocean. The analysis suggests that the vorticity feedback mechanism created by the heating forcing function is affected by cyclonic vorticity when a zero and zonally symmetric basic state are used.

A study on the effect on tropical cyclone activity in Western North Pacific due to global warming

Wong, Hin-lam, Wilson., 黃軒琳. January 2011 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Applied Geosciences / Master / Master of Science

Cutoff Lows in the Southwestern United States and Their Effects on the Precipitation of this Region: A Study of Circulation Features that may be Recorded by Tree Rings

Douglas, Arthur V. 06 1900 (has links)
Final Report / June, 1974 / on project entitled Dendroclimatic History of the United States, Department of Commerce, Contract 1-35241-No. 3 / Harold C. Fritts, Principal Investigator, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721

Tropical Cyclones of the Eastern North Pacific and Their Effects on the Climate of the Western United States: A Study of Circulation Features That May Be Recorded by Tree Rings, Final Report

Douglas, Arthur V., Fritts, Harold C. January 1973 (has links)
Final Report, NOAA Contract 1-35241, Second Year / Prepared for: Environmental Data Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Department of Commerce / No publication date on item; publication date from WorldCat entry. / Introduction: In an earlier paper by Douglas (1972) the summer climatology of tropical storm development is reviewed with reference to Sea Surface Temperature (SST) distribution and upper- and lower -level winds. An apparent increase in yearly storm totals recorded since 1965 is believed to be the direct result of satellite detection of small, well off -shore storms. However, monthly variations in storm totals appear to be caused by anomalous SST either off Baja California or along the equator west of South America. During the tropical storm season the region of greatest storm formation is found to shift towards the northwest and then southeast. This regional variation in storm development may be caused by changes in SST and upper troposphere shearing off Baja California and in the movement of the Inter- Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) off mainland Mexico. Data presented by Douglas (1972) indicate that tropical storm formation is most common during the months of July, August and September. During the latter part of August through the first part of October, tropical storms can enter the southwestern United States from either a track up the Gulf of California or up the Pacific Coast of Baja California. This report will review some additional circulation features associated with tropical storm activity in the eastern North Pacific. The major emphasis will be directed towards the effects of these storms upon the climatological conditions of the southwestern United States.

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