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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Poměrný volební systém v ČR a jeho kritika / System of proportional representation in the Czech Republic and its critique

Bartůněk, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
System of proportional representation in the Czech Republic and its critique Abstract The diploma thesis "System of proportional representation in the Czech Republic and its critique" deals with the proportional representation in the Czech Republic, particularly its most criticized aspects. The purpose of this paper is to analyse this system, its characteristics, forms and reforms under the Czech conditions. The first chapter defines proportional representation and describes its constituent elements - a legal threshold, electoral formulas (quotas and divisors), electoral districts and tiers and preference votes. Chapter Two is concerned with four specific forms of this system applied in the Czech Republic. It describes elections to the Chamber of Deputies, local elections, elections to the regional assemblies and European elections. The third chapter outlines the problems of Czech electoral reforms - specifically the big reform of elections to the Chamber of Deputies from 2000 and the case of Prague elections in 2010 which both had to be brought to the Constitutional Court. Chapter Four offers a critical look on proportional representation in the Czech Republic. It consists of five parts. The first part focuses on the confusing system of local elections. Part two deals with the legal threshold. The third...

Komparace právní úpravy ochrany lesa v České republice a Švédsku / A comparison of legal regulation of forest protection in the Czech Republic and Sweden

Norman, Michaela January 2012 (has links)
Forests extend on about 4 billion hectares on the planet Earth, which makes up approximately one third of the total land area and is probably one of the most important environmental elements on the planet.In the Czech Republic forests cover about 33.7% of its land area.Out of Sweden's total land area, which is 41.3 million hectares, there is 23 million hectares of forest land. That is more than half of its total area. Creation of clear-cut areas, loss of the forests natural evolution information, waste majority of artificial forest, storm or fires are just some of the indicators of unsatisfactory conditions of forests. Therefore there is a strong importance for forest protection by means of legal regulation - International, European and especially national law, to be capable of leaving this heritage in a good condition for future generations. In this work I will focus on the comparison of forestry law in the Czech Republic and Sweden - from formal and also material point of view.

Dva české překlady románu José Eustasia Rivery "La Vorágine" / Two Czech Versions of the Novel "La Vorágine" by José Eustasio Rivera

Masaříková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analyzes two Czech versions of the novel "La Vorágine" by José Eustasio Rivera. The theoretical part of the thesis targets on the life of the author, the literary tradition of Hispanic America and the novel itself. It discusses the translators biographies and explains the theory of ageing of translations. The empirical part of the thesis consists of an analysis of selected chapters of the novel and is based on the theoretical model by Katharina Reiss. The objective of the thesis is to confirm the theory of ageing of translations. keywords: José Eustasio Rivera; translation; original; czech version

Josef Kuffner a vývoj jeho kritického myšlení / Josef Kuffner and progress of his critical opinion

Pelcrová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis presents the personality and the work of theatre critic Josef Kuffner whose critical activities belong in the period of the birth of czech dramatical realism and reflect the first era of the Prague National Theatre production. Based on analyses of Kuffner's diaries, the thesis explains his requirement concerning staging, dramatical text, acting and scenography. The published collections analysis explains his attitude to theoretical questions of czech theatre and dramatical praxis and thus his importance for czech theatrology. The thesis also presents Kuffner's polemic with opinions of F.X. Šalda, one of the most important critic of the period.

Mediální obraz fotbalu ve zpravodajském servisu ČTK v letech 2000-2010. / Media image of football in the Czech news agency press service in the years 2000-2010

Slomek, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to describe and analyze the current media image of football that was developed in the first decade of the 21st century by the Czech News Agency (CTK). Using particular samples I am aiming to find the changes in volume, differences in topics and the presentation of the CTK's football agency news in years 2000-2010. The background of this work is mainly the analysis of agency created news, issued in a specifically chosen period of time and then archived in the CTK databank. The thesis only focuses on the text sections of the news. Pictures, audiovisuals and info-graphics were avoided as their possible inclusion would significantly exceed the requested scope of the project. Information can be also found on the internal point of view (based on an in-depth interview with a CTK sports editor specializing in football) and also external point of view (using the outcomes from the questionnaire survey between the employees from certain print, audiovisual and Internet media houses, who are some of the main users of sports agency services, especially those specializing in football). This work will try to show how the Czech News Agency perceives itself, what impact it has and to what extend it can be relied upon as a reliable source for other parts of the media. An important...

Hodnotové inklinace českých novinářů a novinářek na příkladu zobrazování sociálně marginalizované skupiny squatterů / Value inclinations of czech journalists on example of socially marginalised squatters

Havlíková, Magdalena January 2012 (has links)
In my work I am dealing with the value inclinations of Czech journalists from the newspaper Mladá fronta Dnes, the tabloid Blesk (including the Sunday issue Nedělní Blesk) and the magazine Reflex. I have focused on the articles written about socially marginalized squatters in the years 2000, 2008 and 2009. I am interested in the values present in this discourse and what position will these values take towards squatters. In the theoretical part I explain concepts like hegemony, binary us-them, moral panics and body discipline, which will help me in my analysis. Recognized values are put into categories and subcategories according to their content. I describe the development of values within categories in different years. Finally I compare the values of the analyzed media.

Vývoj české a nizozemské architektury v první polovině 20. století a jejich vzájemné kontakty / Development of Czech and Dutch architecture in the first half of the 20th century and their liaison

Pavel, Miroslav January 2012 (has links)
Title: Development of Czech and Dutch architectures in the first half of the 20th century and their liaison Author: Miroslav Pavel Department: Department of Cultural Studies Supervisor: PhDr. Petra Hoftichová Abstract: This master thesis deals with comparison between the development of Czech and Dutch architectures and with a search for their liaison in the first half of the 20th century. The research is primarily focused on particular representatives of architecture, on their work and subsequently on responses to them abroad. The development of architecture is seen in the context of a historical framework which consists of the critical milestones of our history. Social, ecological, political and cultural determinants, which are presented on the basis of the historical framework, affect architecture as a material expression and a tangible artefact of a particular society. The research is represented by two seemingly self-contained evolutionary lines of Czechoslovak and Dutch achitectures. The evolutionary lines are connected by the personages of Czech or Dutch architecture or by the leaders of European avant-garde. Description of the avant-garde art associations and societies, which are the prime movers and innovators, constitute a significant part of this work. A notional shared peak of Czechoslovak and...

Haiku jako prostředek kulturologického zkoumání / Haiku as a means of culturological research

Kunftová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is theoretical and empirical analysis of literary form haiku concerning the place of origin (Japan), circumstances of its spreading in czech area and finally interdisciplinary analysis of this form. The papier aims to point out the connection of this artistic form with specific aspects of cultural psychology comparing the attitudes of Japanese and Czech culture. The used method is based on qualitative collection data, including the selective research in the field of Czech art in the spirit of haikai.

Obraz singles v časopise Harper's Bazaar a v časopise Maxim / Image of Singles in Magazine Harper's Bazaar and in Magazine Maxim

Matoušková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Během 90. let se v české společnosti začala konstituovat nová společenská vrstva singles, která upouští od tradičních hodnot týkajících se vstupu do manželství a založení rodiny a rozhodla se žít o samotě. Právě singles se stali předmětem mé diplomové práce, kterou jsem rozdělila na část teoretickou a část praktickou. V teoretické části své práce jsem se pokusila vystihnout základní problematiku singles, svou pozornost jsem zaměřila nejen na charakteristiku, ale i na různé typologie singles, jejich partnerské vztahy, zmínila jsem také historické okolnosti, které ovlivnily vznik této skupiny lidí. V teoretické části jsem se také věnovala otázce sňatečnosti a reprodukce, pokusila jsem se pomocí literatury zjistit, jaký názor a jaký postoj k této problematice zaujímají současní mladí lidé a také jakou vizi o své budoucnosti mají. Vzhledem k tomu, že obraz singles není dosud ucelený, rozhodla jsem se v praktické části své práce zjistit, jaký obraz o životě singles poskytují média. Jako média jsem zvolila dva typy periodik, a to časopis Maxim, který je primárně určen pro muže a časopis Harper's Bazaar, který je určen především pro ženy. Tato periodika jsem sledovala v první polovině roku 2010, kdy jsem nashromáždila určitý korpus textů, které jsem pak podrobila analýze. Jako metodu práce jsem zvolila...

Pozemkové reformy v českých zemích ve 20. století / Land Reforms in Czech Lands during the 20th century

Šebestová, Dana January 2011 (has links)
The topic of my thesis is Land Reforms in Czech Lands during the 20th century. The purpose of my thesis is to analyse evolution of stance of the state to land property through the laws only in territory of the Czech Republic during the 20th century. The reason for my research is find and discribe circumstances and conditions which affect decision of the state to change land property. My hypothesis is negative consequence realization the Land Reforms during the 20th century. The thesis is composed of five main chapters, each of them dealing with different periods of changes of land property. Chapter One is introductory and defines land as a subject of land property. The next chapters describe process of periods of Land Reforms, especially conditions of formation and consequences of realization the Land Reforms. Conclusions are drawn in individual chapters and my final opinion is at the end of my thesis. My hypothesis was confirmed especially in case of the Second Land Reform.

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