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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatial dynamics of the population in the Czech Republic (1989 - 2007)

Vobecka, Jana 30 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the thesis is to describe, analyse and discuss the development of spatial population dynamics in the Czech Republic between 1989 and 2007. Demographic structure and migration, the two components of spatial population dynamics, are analysed using two spatial dimensions, the urban-suburban-rural gradient and the core-periphery region distinction, using quantitative analyses, including gravity regression modelling of migration. The analysis primarily focuses on domestic migration as the main vehicle of spatial population dynamics. It discusses the structure, determinants, and temporal evolution of migration and its consequences on the population structure in different spatial categories. The thesis indicates that suburbanisation has recently become the main factor influencing Czech spatial population dynamics. The key factor determining migration destination is the social status of migrants, whereas age has only secondary importance. However, since Czechs are not very mobile, population dispersal is less large-scale than in Western-Europe. This explains why recent domestic migration patterns have had only a small measurable influence on the social or demographic structures of the population across spatial categories.

Statistická analýza kriminality České republiky / Statistical analysis of crime Czech Republic

Kroutilová, Denisa January 2010 (has links)
The crime rate is among the highest risk factors and endangers society. By analyzing the development and subsequent predicting future values, you can take steps that would help to reduce crime and create the conditions conducive to the good development of society and security of citizens. Therefore, the State should control crime by one of the most important priorities. This thesis deals with the analysis of crime and number of people prosecuted in the Czech Republic, constructed using time series. Development into the future is estimated in the next three years. Longer forecast should not make much sense because of the rapidly changing laws. The conclusion is devoted to crime in Czech regions. Analysis is performed using cluster analysis, which examines the number of crimes in different regions. The result is a decision that the region together in terms of crime the most similar.

Spatial dynamics of the population in the Czech Republic (1989 - 2007) / Dynamiques spatiales de la population en République tchèque (1989-2007)

Vobecká, Jana 30 August 2010 (has links)
L'objectif central de la thèse est de décrire, analyser et discuter la dynamique spatiale de la population tchèque entre 1989 et 2007. La structure démographique et les migrations, les deux composantes de cette dynamique spatiale, sont analysées par le biais de deux articulations de l’espace : le gradient urbain-périurbain-rural et la distinction régionale centre-périphérie. Des outils quantitatifs sont utilisés, avec en particulier un modèle gravitaire explicatif des migrations. L’orientation principale de l´analyse repose sur les migrations internes, comme étant l’agent majeur de la dynamique spatiale de la population. La structure, les déterminants, et l’évolution dans le temps de ces migrations sont étudiés, ainsi que leurs conséquences sur la structure démographique des ensembles spatiaux. La thèse indique que le processus de périurbanisation est récemment devenu un facteur majeur, influençant la dynamique spatiale de la population tchèque. Il est également établit que le facteur explicatif clé de la destination des migrations est le statut social du migrant, tandis que son âge ne présente qu’une importance secondaire. Cependant, étant donné que les Tchèques sont généralement peu mobiles, la déconcentration de la population s’opère à une échelle plus modeste que dans les pays d’Europe de l´Ouest. Cette constatation permet d’expliquer en quoi les tendances récentes des migrations résidentielles ont un impact mesuré relativement faible sur les structures sociales et démographiques de la population dans les catégories d´espace. / The aim of the thesis is to describe, analyse and discuss the development of spatial population dynamics in the Czech Republic between 1989 and 2007. Demographic structure and migration, the two components of spatial population dynamics, are analysed using two spatial dimensions, the urban-suburban-rural gradient and the core-periphery region distinction, using quantitative analyses, including gravity regression modelling of migration. The analysis primarily focuses on domestic migration as the main vehicle of spatial population dynamics. It discusses the structure, determinants, and temporal evolution of migration and its consequences on the population structure in different spatial categories. The thesis indicates that suburbanisation has recently become the main factor influencing Czech spatial population dynamics. The key factor determining migration destination is the social status of migrants, whereas age has only secondary importance. However, since Czechs are not very mobile, population dispersal is less large-scale than in Western-Europe. This explains why recent domestic migration patterns have had only a small measurable influence on the social or demographic structures of the population across spatial categories. / Cílem této disertační práce je popsat, analyzovat a diskutovat vývoj prostorové dynamiky obyvatel v České republice mezi lety 1989 a 2007. Demografická struktura a migrace, dvě komponenty prostorové dynamiky obyvatel, jsou analyzovány ve dvou prostorových dimenzích, v gradientu město-suburbium-venkov a v regionálním rozlišení jádrových a periferních regionů, prostřednictvím kvantitativní analýzy, včetně gravitačního regresního modelu migrace. Analýza se zaměřuje především na vnitřní migraci jako hlavního hybatele prostorové dynamiky obyvatel. Zabývá se strukturou, determinanty migrace a jejím vývojem v čase a také jejími dopady na strukturu obyvatel v jednotlivých prostorových kategoriích. V disertaci je ukázáno, že suburbanizace se v poslední době stala nejdůležitějším faktorem ovlivňujícím prostorovou dynamiku obyvatel v České republice. Hlavním faktorem určujícím směr migrace je sociální status migrantů, zatímco jejich věk má pouze druhořadý význam. Nicméně, tím, že Češi nejsou příliš migračně aktivní, populační dekoncentrace dosahuje menších rozměrů a objemů než v západoevropských zemích. To vysvětluje, proč novodobé migrační trendy měly zatím jen malý měřitelný dopad na sociální a demografické struktury obyvatel jednotlivých prostorových kategorií.

Geografické aspekty korupce v Česku na příkladu veřejných zakázek ve vybraných krajích / Geographical aspects of corruption in Czechia on the example of public procurement in selected regions

Podestát, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of corruption in public procurement. The main aspect of the work is to compare the transparency of public procurement in selected towns of Pilsen, South Bohemia, Karlovy Vary and Ústí Region in the years 2006 - 2014. Based on the data of public procurement were observed characteristics, that highlight the risk of corruption. Partial aim was to assess possible influence of political environment and their changes on the practice and transparency of public procurement. The results show, that the towns, which are positively evaluated in terms of their transparency are characterized by high participation in elections and low unemployment rate. According to the results, towns with higher levels of economic and social capital rate are generally better evaluated in their transparency. The influence of variables characterizing the political environment on the transparency of public procurement, was not proved. Keywords: public procurement, potential corruption, regional differencies, towns, z-index

Ekonomická paradiplomacie - činnosti českých krajů v oblasti zahraničních investic / Economic paradiplomacy - activities of Czech regions in the field of foreign investment

Portešová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of the economic part diplomacy of the Czech Republic and by comparing the approaches of the individual regions to identify possible examples of good practice that could be transferred to other regions and thus help to boost their further development in terms of economic paradiplomacy. The paper provides answers to the questions: why did the Czech regions involve in international relations? What regional instruments do they use to promote their interests? What goals and motives do the regions follow from their involvement in foreign affairs? What are the relationships between each region and the central level? Are the objectives of economic paradiplomacy consistent or inconsistent with the objectives of central government? The work is divided into four parts. The first part shows the key moments in the field of studies in paradiplomacy and presents the research framework of the diploma thesis. The second part is the analysis of strategic documents in terms of the objectives of economic paradiplomacy. The third part contains an analysis of the activities carried out by the regions in the framework of the economic paradiplomacy, by characterizing the cooperation with the central level and the regional actors and by analyzing the tools used by the regions between 2012-2016. The fourth, the final part, then, presents an assessment of economic paradiplomacy and provide answers to research questions.

Regionální specializace a ekonomická kolísavost krajů Česka / Regional specialization and economic volatility of Czech regions

Randa, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Regional specialisation and economic volatility of Czech regions ABSTRACT This thesis deals with the assessment of the impact of regional specialization and regional diversity on economic performance of Czech regions by indicators of economic development: the growth of the average wage, employment growth, rising unemployment, increase in the number of patents and the GDP per person. The second aim is to assess the effect of types of diversity on regional performance. Finally, this thesis aims to assess the impact of diversity on regional resilience by analyzing the development of employment and GDP per person. Key words: Czech regions, diversity of industry, specialization, regional performance, regional resilience, related and unrelated variety, Jacobs' effects, Marshall's effects

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