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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamic damping properties of elastomers and composite panels for low noise diesel engines

Darrouj, Mtanos N. January 1987 (has links)
The most practical treatment for reducing the noise of present diesel engines is to replace the thin-section, noise-radiating components with constrained damping layers, where a viscoelastic layer is sandwiched between two elastic layers to give the composite panel high damping characteristics. The damping ability of such panels is highly dependent on dynamic shear properties of viscoelastic materials as well as on the selection of elastic materials. The damping shear properties of viscoelastic materials are highly dependent on frequency and temperature. Experimental data on the damping properties of viscoelastic materials are, so far, limited to a small low frequency range. The forced vibration non-resonant technique is adopted in the present investigation. Atest rig has been designed, built and developed to measure the dynamic shear properties of some visoelastic materials over a wide range of temperature (40 to 1000C). These properties are also measured over a wide range of frequency (50-1500 Hz), covering part of the audio frequency range, in which the severity of engine noise occurs. Polysulphide rubber and ethylene propylene rubber have been tested. Their dynamic shear properties have been obtained, tabulated and plotted as functions of frequency and temperature. The effect of strain amplitude has been investigated and discussed. A new approach for an easy, fast and direct measurement of the loss shear modulus has been proposed. It has been found that both viscoelastic materials possess considerable damping, especially over the frequency range of 900-1500 Hz. The effect of strain amplitude was found negligible. The optimum design and damping ability of three layer composite panels have been investigated. The effects of elastic and viscoelastic material on the damping of these panels has been examined. Magnesium has been found to be a superior elastic material of those investigated. Aluminium is the next most suitable elastic material, with steel as the least suitable elastic material. Polysulphide rubber and ethylene propylene rubber have been found suitable for use in composite damping panels, but their relative attractiveness is strongly dependent on frequency and temperature.


Rativa Parada, Wilson Emilio 01 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Aluminum matrix composites perform a major role in developing novelty materials with improved mechanical performance for applications in the automotive, electronics, construction, and aerospace industries. However, the most common materials utilized as reinforcement in these composites present difficulties of dispersion at high volume fractions, structural damage, and undesirable reactions with the aluminum matrix. In addition, aluminum composites can also exhibit a reduction in plastic deformation and an increase in density compared to the base matrix, which has limited their massive implementation. This has opened the search for alternative reinforcement materials. Carbon allotropes present a high potential to overcome the limitations of aluminum matrix composites owing to their structural, mechanical, and electrical properties as well as chemical and thermal stability. In this research, we aimed to evaluate the influence of small fractions of carbon allotropes (activated nanocarbon and graphene nanoplatelets) on the structures and properties of three different aluminum matrices (pure aluminum, 6061 alloy, and 2024 alloy). First, the characteristics, manufacturing methods, and state of the art of metal matrix composites and carbon allotropes are reviewed. Then, the experimental investigation for the aluminum composites reinforced with graphene nanoplatelets and activated nanocarbon obtained through powder metallurgy, induction casting, and heat treatment is presented. The microstructural study showed the degree of uniform distribution of the carbon nanoparticles in the metal matrix, which revealed the morphology of the particulate fillers, the changes in the matrices, and the characteristics at the interface of the composites during several stages of the manufacturing processes. The mechanical characterization presented enhancements of yield strength, ultimate strength, and hardness after the introduction of activated nanocarbon and graphene nanoplatelets as a function of the volume fractions. The materials followed different paths of strengthening mechanisms depending on the matrix and manufacturing techniques. Similarly, the materials showed variable plastic deformation before failure and damping behavior, which were highly influenced by the manufacturing method, aluminum matrix, heat treatment, and temperature. Therefore, this work demonstrates the potential of graphene nanoplatelets and activated nanocarbon to be considered ideal reinforcements for aluminum matrix composites compared to common ceramic materials. The carbonaceous materials exhibited excellent distribution and interface, leading to a general improvement of the properties of the composites for both solid and liquid manufacturing methods. It also provides a better understanding of the influence of a small volume fraction of carbon nanoparticle reinforcements, different aluminum matrices, and manufacturing techniques on the performance of aluminum matrix composites. The findings of this study can be tailored to obtain aluminum matrix composites for specific engineering applications that require higher specific strength and improved damping behavior.

Développement de nouveaux composites hybrides renforcés par des fibres de carbone et de lin : mise en oeuvre et caractérisation mécanique / Development of new hybrid composites reinforced by carbon and flax fibers : manufacturing and Mechanical characterization

Tossou, Eric 11 June 2019 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est, d’une part, l’optimisation de la mise en œuvre des matériaux composites àtravers l’étude du comportement des renforts secs en compaction et, d’autre part, le développement et lacaractérisation de matériaux composites stratifiés hybrides renforcés par des fibres de carbone et de lin.Durant la mise en œuvre de ces composites, les renforts sont soumis à un phénomène appelé compactiontransverse. La compréhension de ce mécanisme est importante pour l’amélioration de la mise en œuvre.La connaissance de la capacité de compaction des renforts secs sert également à la prédiction du taux defibres ainsi que de l’épaisseur de la pièce composite finale. Des essais de compaction réalisés sur douzerenforts présentant de différentes solutions techniques ont montré que la capacité de compaction d’unrenfort sec est influencée par plusieurs facteurs. Les résultats obtenus de ce travail portant essentiellementsur les renforts à fibres naturelles (lin) ont montré que ces types de renforts se compactent moinsbien que les renforts à fibres synthétiques (carbone, verre). Ainsi, pour pouvoir améliorer la capacité decompaction de ces renforts naturels, il faut choisir ceux dont le grammage est important, ceux dont lesmèches sont en fibre et non en fil, ceux qui sont unidirectionnels (ou quasi UD) plutôt que des tissés oudes bi-biais. De plus, il faut privilégier les séquences à plusieurs plis aux séquences mono-plis.Face à un fort besoin d’allègement des structures, les matériaux composites sont de plus en plus recherchésdans le secteur industriel notamment dans le domaine des transports. Cependant, les matériaux compositescomme tout autre matériau, en plus d’être mécaniquement performant, doivent remplir d’autresfonctions comme l’amortissement de chocs et de vibrations pour une bonne tenue en service. Pour remplircette double exigence, une des solutions est d’utiliser la technique d’hybridation qui consiste à utiliserau sein d’un même composite des fibres naturelles et synthétiques à la fois afin d’exploiter leursatouts respectifs. Respectivement en raison de leur rigidité et de leur pouvoir amortissant, les fibres decarbone et de lin ont été choisies dans le cadre de cette thèse. La caractérisation des plaques stratifiéesfabriquées en infusion de résine montre que le composite carbone a de meilleures propriétés mécaniqueset microstructurales tandis que le composite lin propose des propriétés amortissantes très intéressantes.Les résultats montrent que l’hybridation du lin avec du carbone permet d’améliorer considérablement lesfaibles propriétés mécaniques du composite lin et les mauvaises propriétés amortissantes du compositecarbone. La séquence d’empilement des couches a une influence significative sur le comportement et lespropriétés des stratifiés hybrides. Nos résultats ont montré que pour avoir une meilleure microstructureles couches de carbone doivent être disposées à l’extérieur. Cette façon d’hybrider permet égalementd’obtenir de meilleures propriétés en flexion et en choc. En revanche, lorsque les couches de lin sontplacées à l’extérieur, le composite hybride a une meilleure capacité d’amortissement. Cette séquenced’empilement garantit aussi une meilleure résistance en indentation. Ainsi, la séquence d’empilementhybride à choisir dépendra du besoin que l’on cherche à satisfaire.Enfin, grâce à une analyse basée sur la théorie classique des stratifiés, il a été démontré dans cette thèsequ’on peut dimensionner des composites stratifiés hybrides malgré que les couches constitutives soientde différente nature avec des propriétés dissemblables. / The goal of this thesis is, on the one hand, the optimization of the manufacturing of composite materials through the study of the behavior of dry fibrous reinforcements in compaction and, on the other hand, the development and characterization of hybrid composite laminates reinforced with carbon and flax fibers. During the manufacturing process of these composites, the reinforcements are subjected to a phenomenon called transverse compaction. Understanding this mechanism is important for improving the manufacturing process. Knowledge of the compaction capacity of the dry reinforcements also serves to predict the fiber content as well as the thickness of the final composite part. Compaction tests carried out on twelve reinforcements presenting different technical solutions have shown that the compaction capacity of a dry reinforcement is influenced by several factors. The results obtained from this work, which focuses on natural fiber reinforcements (flax), have shown that these types of reinforcement are less compactable than synthetic fiber reinforcements (carbon, glass). Thus, to be able to improve the compaction capacity of these natural reinforcements, it is necessary to choose those whose area density is important, those whose tows are in fiber not in yarn, those which are unidirectional (or quasi UD) rather than woven or bi-bias. In addition, it is necessary to choose a multi-ply sequence rather than single-ply sequence. Faced with a strong need for lightening structures, composite materials are increasingly sought in the industrial sector, particularly in the transport sector. However, composite materials like any other material, in addition to being mechanically efficient, must perform other functions such as damping shock and vibration for good performance in service. To meet this double requirement, one of the solutions is to use the hybridization technique which consists in using within the same composite natural and synthetic fibers at the same time in order to exploit their respective advantages. Respectively because of their rigidity and their damping capacity, the carbon and flax fibers were chosen in the context of this thesis. The characterization of the laminate composite plates manufactured with resin infusion process shows that the carbon composite has better mechanical and microstructural properties while the flax composite offers very interesting damping properties. The results show that hybridization of flax with carbon considerably improves the low mechanical properties of the flax composite and the poor damping properties of the carbon composite. The stacking sequence of layers has a significant influence on the behavior and properties of the hybrid laminates. Our results showed that to have a better microstructure the carbon layers must be put outside. This way of hybridizing also makes it possible to obtain better properties in flexion and shock. By contrast, when the flax layers are placed outside, the hybrid composite has a better damping capacity. This stacking sequence also guarantees a better indentation strength. Thus, the hybrid stacking sequence to choose will depend on the need that is sought to meet. Finally, thanks to an analysis based on classical laminate theory, it has been demonstrated in this thesis that hybrid composite laminates can be dimensioned despite the fact that the constituent layers are of different types with dissimilar properties.

Creation and Evaluation of Polymer/Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Films for Structural Vibration Control and Strain Sensing Properties

lin, weiwei 10 November 2016 (has links)
Multifunctional materials both with damping properties and strain sensing properties are very important. They promise to be more weight-efficient, and provide volume-efficient performance, flexibility and potentially, less maintenance than traditional multi-component brass-board systems. The goal of this dissertation work was to design, synthesize, investigate and apply polyaniline/Multiwall carbon nanotube (PANI/MWCNT) and polyurethane (PU) /MWCNT composites films for structural vibration control and strain sensors using free layer damping methods and static and dynamic strain sensing test methods. The PANI/MWCNT was made by in situ polymerization of PANI in the presence of MWCNT, then frit compression was used to make circular and rectangular PANI/MWCNT composite films. PU/MWCNT composites were made by the layer-by-layer method. Free end vibration test results showed both of PANI/MWCNT and PU/MWCNT have better damping ratios than each of their components. Static sensing test indicated that though there appears to be residual strain in both composite sensors after the load is removed, both the sensor and the foil strain gage react linearly when re-engaged. A drift test of the sensor showed that it is stable. The dynamic sensing test results showed that over the range of 10-1000 Hz, the PANI/MWCNT composite sensor was consistently superior to foil strain gage for sensing purposes since the highest peak consistently corresponded to the input frequency and was much higher, for example, at 20 Hz, 820 times higher than those of the strain gage. Using the same criterion, the PU/Buckypaper composite sensor was comparable to or superior to the foil strain gage for sensing purposes over the range of 10 Hz to 200 Hz. The relationship of loss factor, η, and beam coverage length, L1/L, is discussed for single sided and double sided attachment. For both PANI/MWCNT and PU/MWCNT, the loss factor, η, was found to increase as coverage length, L1/L, increases. The loss factor, η, was found to have a maximum as with coverage length, L1/L, as the coverage length continues to increase. The trend for double sided attachment was found to follow the trends discussed by Rao (2004) and Levy and Chen (1994) for viscoelastic material constrained damping.

Thermal properties of carboxylated nitrile rubber/nylon-12 composites-filled lignocellulose materials

Mousa, A., Heinrich, G., Wagenknecht, U. 30 September 2019 (has links)
Organic hybrid composites based on carboxylated nitrile rubber and nylon-12 reinforced with mercerized and diisocyanated lignocellulose residue (LCR) was prepared. The influence of the LCR on the viscoelastic properties of these organic hybrids was investigated by dynamic mechanical analysis and thermal analysis (differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)). It is found that either the position of the damping peak was shifted to higher values or the intensity of the damping peak was significantly increased with LCR. These results could imply that the LCR enhanced the damping properties of the composites. The thermal stability of the composites was evaluated with the mean values obtained using thermogravimetrical analysis. The decomposition rate was investigated using differential thermal gravimetry. The crystallization behavior of the prepared composites was checked by DSC.

Modélisation et conception de structures composites viscoélastiques à haut pouvoir amortissant / Modeling and design of composite viscoelastic structures with high damping power

Akoussan, Komlan 09 November 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est de développer des outils numériques utilisables dans la détermination de manière exacte des propriétés modales des structures sandwichs viscoélastiques composites au vue de la conception des structures sandwichs viscoélastiques légères mais à haut pouvoir amortissant. Pour cela nous avons tout d’abord développé un outil générique implémenté en Matlab pour la détermination des propriétés modales en vibration libre des plaques sandwichs viscoélastiques dont les faces sont en stratifié de plusieurs couches orientées dans diverses directions. L’intérêt de cet outil, basé sur une formulation éléments finis, réside dans sa capacité à prendre en compte l’anisotropie des couches composites, la non linéarité matérielle de la couche viscoélastique traduit par diverses lois viscoélastiques dépendant de la fréquence ainsi que diverses conditions aux limites. La résolution du problème aux valeurs propres non linéaires complexes se fait par le couplage entre la technique d’homotopie, la méthode asymptotique numérique et la différentiation automatique. Ensuite pour permettre une étude continue des effets d’un paramètre de modélisation sur les propriétés modales des sandwichs viscoélastiques, nous avons proposé une méthode générique de résolution de problème résiduel non linéaire aux valeurs propres complexes possédant en plus de la dépendance en fréquence introduite par la couche viscoélastique du coeur, la dépendance du paramètre de modélisation qui décrit un intervalle d’étude bien spécifique. Cette résolution est basée sur la méthode asymptotique numérique, la différentiation automatique, la technique d’homotopie et la continuation et prend en compte diverses lois viscoélastiques. Nous proposons après cela, deux formulations distinctes pour étudier les effets, sur les propriétés amortissantes, de deux paramètres de modélisation qui sont importants dans la conception de sandwichs viscoélastiques à haut pouvoir amortissement. Le premier est l’orientation des fibres des composites dans la référence du sandwich et le second est l’épaisseur des couches qui lorsqu’elles sont bien définies permettent d’obtenir non seulement des structures sandwichs à haut pouvoir amortissant mais très légères. Les équations fortement non linéaires aux valeurs propres complexes obtenues dans ces formulations sont résolues par la nouvelle méthode de résolution d’équation résiduelle développée. Des comparaisons avec des résultats discrets sont faites ainsi que les temps de calcul pour montrer non seulement l’utilité de ces deux formulations mais également celle de la méthode de résolution d’équations résiduelles non linéaires aux valeurs propres complexes à double dépendance / Modeling and design of composite viscoelastic structures with high damping powerThe aim of this thesis is to develop numerical tools to determine accurately damping properties of composite sandwich structures for the design of lightweight viscoelastic sandwichs structures with high damping power. In a first step, we developed a generic tool implemented in Matlab for determining damping properties in free vibration of viscoelastic sandwich plates with laminate faces composed of multilayers. The advantage of this tool, which is based on a finite element formulation, is its ability to take into account the anisotropy of composite layers, the material non-linearity of the viscoelastic core induiced by the frequency-dependent viscoelastic laws and various boundary conditions . The nonlinear complex eigenvalues problem is solved by coupling homotopy technic, asymptotic numerical method and automatic differentiation. Then for the continuous study of a modeling parameter on damping properties of viscoelastic sandwichs, we proposed a generic method to solve the nonlinear residual complex eigenvalues problem which has in addition to the frequency dependence introduced by the viscoelastic core, a modeling parameter dependence that describes a very specific study interval. This resolution is based on asymptotic numerical method, automatic differentiation, homotopy technique and continuation technic and takes into account various viscoelastic laws. We propose after that, two separate formulations to study effects on the damping properties according to two modeling parameters which are important in the design of high viscoelastic sandwichs with high damping power. The first is laminate fibers orientation in the sandwich reference and the second is layers thickness which when they are well defined allow to obtain not only sandwich structures with high damping power but also very light. The highly nonlinear complex eigenvalues problems obtained in these formulations are solved by the new method of resolution of eigenvalue residual problem with two nonlinearity developed before. Comparisons with discrete results and computation time are made to show the usefulness of these two formulations and of the new method of solving nonlinear complex eigenvalues residual problem of two dependances

Untersuchungen der akustischen Wirkung von Tragrollen zur zielgerichteten Lärmminderung an Gurtförderanlagen / Investigations of the acoustical effect of idlers for a purposeful noise reduction on belt conveyor systems

Täschner, Dirk 17 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Gurtförderanlagen werden im Bergbau und anderen Industriezweigen zum Transport von Schüttgütern eingesetzt. Der Anlagenbetrieb ist mit Geräuschemissionen verbunden. Dies kann bei Kontrolle und Wartung eine erhöhte Lärmbelastung für betroffene Mitarbeiter hervorrufen. Im Umfeld von Wohnbebauungen oder schutzbedürftigen Objekten kann die Überschreitung von Immissionsrichtwerten zu einer zeitlichen Betriebseinschränkung der hocheffizienten Anlagen führen. Zur Lärmminderung an der Quelle oder deren Nähe erfordert dies technische Schallschutzmaßnahmen. Die Tragrollen im Obertrum der Gurtförderanlagen sind bei der akustischen Wirkung von entscheidender Bedeutung. Mit einem Prüfstand für Tragrollen ist deren Schallleistung bei unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten bestimmbar. Die Ergebnisse lassen Rückschlüsse auf die mechanische Belastung und die Schallemission beim Betrieb in einer Förderanlage zu. Die Arbeit benennt die Ursachen der Geräuschemissionen beim Ablauf der Rollen und stellt diese in Verbindung mit den Eigenschaften der Oberfläche und der Außermittigkeit der Drehachse dar. Die Prüfung beider Parameter basiert auf einer Rundlaufmessung. Die gewonnenen winkelabhängigen Daten erlauben eine Berechnung der Exzentrizität der Drehachse und des Verlaufs der Kreisformabweichung auf dem Rollenmantel. Daraus abgeleitete Kennwerte dienen als Vorgaben zur Anpassung und Entwicklung von Herstellungsverfahren sowie zur gezielten Auswahl geräuscharmer Tragrollen für Gurtförderanlagen. / Belt conveyor systems are used in mining operations and other industry sectors to transport bulk material. The plant operation is being linked to noise emissions. During inspections and maintenance this can cause an increased noise exposure for affected employees. In the environment of residential buildings or areas in need of protection the exceedance of immission guideline values can lead to a temporary operational limitation of these highly efficient plants. Noise abatement measures primarily at the source or in the vicinity are required to reduce noise immission. The idlers on the carrying belt side of the belt conveyor systems are of crucial importance to the acoustical properties. Their sound power level is determinable at different belt speeds with a test stand for idlers. The results allow conclusions about the mechanical stress and sound emissions during operation in a belt conveyor system. The thesis identifies the sources of noise during the roll process and places them in conjunction with the properties of the surface and the centre offset of the axis. The examination of these two parameters is based on a total indicator reading (TIR) measurement. The angle-dependent data obtained allow a calculation of the eccentricity of the axis and the curve of the circular deviation of the roller tubes. Therefrom derived characteristic values serve as specifications for the adaptation and development of manufacturing processes as well as for a careful selection of low noise idlers for belt conveyors.

Untersuchungen der akustischen Wirkung von Tragrollen zur zielgerichteten Lärmminderung an Gurtförderanlagen

Täschner, Dirk 19 December 2013 (has links)
Gurtförderanlagen werden im Bergbau und anderen Industriezweigen zum Transport von Schüttgütern eingesetzt. Der Anlagenbetrieb ist mit Geräuschemissionen verbunden. Dies kann bei Kontrolle und Wartung eine erhöhte Lärmbelastung für betroffene Mitarbeiter hervorrufen. Im Umfeld von Wohnbebauungen oder schutzbedürftigen Objekten kann die Überschreitung von Immissionsrichtwerten zu einer zeitlichen Betriebseinschränkung der hocheffizienten Anlagen führen. Zur Lärmminderung an der Quelle oder deren Nähe erfordert dies technische Schallschutzmaßnahmen. Die Tragrollen im Obertrum der Gurtförderanlagen sind bei der akustischen Wirkung von entscheidender Bedeutung. Mit einem Prüfstand für Tragrollen ist deren Schallleistung bei unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten bestimmbar. Die Ergebnisse lassen Rückschlüsse auf die mechanische Belastung und die Schallemission beim Betrieb in einer Förderanlage zu. Die Arbeit benennt die Ursachen der Geräuschemissionen beim Ablauf der Rollen und stellt diese in Verbindung mit den Eigenschaften der Oberfläche und der Außermittigkeit der Drehachse dar. Die Prüfung beider Parameter basiert auf einer Rundlaufmessung. Die gewonnenen winkelabhängigen Daten erlauben eine Berechnung der Exzentrizität der Drehachse und des Verlaufs der Kreisformabweichung auf dem Rollenmantel. Daraus abgeleitete Kennwerte dienen als Vorgaben zur Anpassung und Entwicklung von Herstellungsverfahren sowie zur gezielten Auswahl geräuscharmer Tragrollen für Gurtförderanlagen.:1 Veranlassung und Bedeutung des Themas 2 Stand der Technik und des Wissens 3 Weiterentwicklung von Methoden zur Erfassung der Geräuschemission an Gurtförderanlagen 4 Entwicklung und Aufbau eines Prüfstandes zur Beschreibung der akustischen Eigenschaften von Tragrollen 5 Mathematische Modellierung zur Aufnahme geometrischer Rundlaufeigenschaften von Tragrollen 6 Technikums- und Feldversuche zur Validierung des mathematischen Modells und der akustischen Wirkung 7 Schlussfolgerungen zur Geräuschminderung an Förderanlagen / Belt conveyor systems are used in mining operations and other industry sectors to transport bulk material. The plant operation is being linked to noise emissions. During inspections and maintenance this can cause an increased noise exposure for affected employees. In the environment of residential buildings or areas in need of protection the exceedance of immission guideline values can lead to a temporary operational limitation of these highly efficient plants. Noise abatement measures primarily at the source or in the vicinity are required to reduce noise immission. The idlers on the carrying belt side of the belt conveyor systems are of crucial importance to the acoustical properties. Their sound power level is determinable at different belt speeds with a test stand for idlers. The results allow conclusions about the mechanical stress and sound emissions during operation in a belt conveyor system. The thesis identifies the sources of noise during the roll process and places them in conjunction with the properties of the surface and the centre offset of the axis. The examination of these two parameters is based on a total indicator reading (TIR) measurement. The angle-dependent data obtained allow a calculation of the eccentricity of the axis and the curve of the circular deviation of the roller tubes. Therefrom derived characteristic values serve as specifications for the adaptation and development of manufacturing processes as well as for a careful selection of low noise idlers for belt conveyors.:1 Veranlassung und Bedeutung des Themas 2 Stand der Technik und des Wissens 3 Weiterentwicklung von Methoden zur Erfassung der Geräuschemission an Gurtförderanlagen 4 Entwicklung und Aufbau eines Prüfstandes zur Beschreibung der akustischen Eigenschaften von Tragrollen 5 Mathematische Modellierung zur Aufnahme geometrischer Rundlaufeigenschaften von Tragrollen 6 Technikums- und Feldversuche zur Validierung des mathematischen Modells und der akustischen Wirkung 7 Schlussfolgerungen zur Geräuschminderung an Förderanlagen

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