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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Thermodynamics of Modified Theories of Gravity

Hackebill, Aric 12 May 2010 (has links)
Einstein’s equations are derived by following Jacobson’s thermodynamic method. It is seen that a family of possible field equations exist which satisfy the thermodynamic argument. Modified theories of gravity are addressed as possible candidates for replacing dark matter as an explanation for anomalous cosmological phenomena. Many of the proposed modified theories are not powerful enough to explain the currently observed phenomena and are rejected as viable theories of gravity. A surviving candidate, TeVeS, is further analyzed under the aforementioned thermodynamic argument to check for its consistency with thermodynamics.

Indirect search for dark matter with the Antares telescope

Charif, Mohamad-ziad 27 September 2012 (has links)
L'un des problèmes les plus intéressants de la physique moderne est celui de la matière noire de l'Univers, qui reste de nature insaisissable. L'existence de la matière noire est inférée par des preuves indirectes telles que les mesures des courbes de rotation des galaxies, des dispersions de vitesse des galaxies dans les amas galactiques et les effets de lentille gravitationnelle. Ces observations fournissent des preuves sur l'existence d'une matière invisible dominant notre Univers. Il n'existe cependant aucune indication claire sur sa nature. Les observations actuelles en font le constituant dominant de l'Univers, par opposition à la matière baryonique "normale". Deux solutions sont proposées pour résoudre ce mystère. La première est basée sur une modification de la loi de la gravité comme dans la dynamique newtonienne modifiée qui pourrait expliquer les divergences entre prédictions et observations de la dynamique des masses dans l'Univers. L'autre idée consiste à proposer l'existence d'une nouvelle particule massive qui n'interagit pas avec la lumière (appelée WIMP pour "Weakly Interactive Massive Particle"), mais pouvant influencer la matière lumineuse par gravité. Plusieurs théories proposent l'existence de telles nouvelles particules. La plus célèbre de ces théories est la supersymétrie, qui est une extension du Modèle Standard de la Physique des Particules. Si l'un des partenaires supersymétriques des bosons neutres est une particule stable et le plus léger de tous les superpartenaires, il devient alors un candidat idéal pour la matière noire. La supersymétrie est en général le cadre le plus favorable pour l'existence de la matière noire. / The early history of modern physics have been full of problems fixed with un-orthodox yet brilliant solutions. From the Hydrogen electron orbit, black bodyradiation and the ultraviolet catastrophe, to the perihelion precession of Mercury.Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity not only solved these problems butthey opened the path to new observations and predictions about the Universe welive in and the introduction of new problems to be solved.One of the more modern problems we are facing today in physics is the largediscrepancy among measurements of the visible mass in the Universe and the pre-dictions of laws of gravity. An indisputable mass of evidence from different partsof observational cosmology is showing again and again that the observed lumi-nous mass in the Universe constitutes a tiny fraction of the matter that actuallyexists. The proposed solutions of this problem comes in two completely differentflavors. One proposed solution is that the laws of gravity are not the same in thelimit of tiny accelerations. Theories of modified gravitational dynamics proposea non-linear term in Newton law of gravity that becomes relevant at small accel-erations which in turn can explains the missing matter. The other solution to themissing matter is the introduction of new type of matter that does not interact withlight, making it invisible yet inferred to exist by its gravitational effect. The newmatter becomes a new elementary particle to be added to list of already knownelementary particles. While there are many candidates to this new elementaryparticle the favored one is called a WIMP or Weakly Interacting Massive Particle.

Stellar streams as probes of dark matter : search and dynamical analysis / Stellar streams en tant que sondes de la matière noire : recherche et analyse dynamique

Malhan, Khyati 21 September 2018 (has links)
Les courants stellaires de marée sont des structures en étoile immaculées qui jouent un rôle central dans la résolution des mystères de longue date de l'archéologie galactique. Étant donné que les flux sont de nature orbitale, ils possèdent intrinsèquement les caractéristiques de résolution de la distribution de masse sous-jacente de la galaxie et peuvent être utilisés pour sonder la forme du halo de matière noire. En plus de tester le scénario de «fusion hiérarchique» de la formation de galaxies, les brèches de ruisseau peuvent également fournir une preuve indirecte de l’existence de sous-halos de matière noire (ce qui, en principe, limite la nature de la particule de matière noire elle-même). Pour toutes ces raisons, l'analyse dynamique des flux stellaires de la Voie Lactée devient naturellement l'un des problèmes les plus intéressants. Cependant, le principal défi consiste à détecter ces structures. Au cours de la thèse, l’algorithme STREAMFINDER (un algorithme à la pointe de la technologie) a été conçu pour traiter systématiquement le jeu de données Gaia (le nouveau catalogue astrophysique de l’ESA contenant des solutions astrométriques sans précédent de plus de 1,6 milliard d’étoiles) pour la détection des flux stellaires de la Voie lactée. Cette lourde entreprise a permis de détecter 10 structures de flux de confiance, dont 5 étaient considérées comme de nouvelles découvertes. Cette récolte de structures a également facilité, pour la première fois, la création d’une carte structurale et cinématique panoramique des flux stellaires de la rivière Milky. Halo, poussant notre communauté encore plus loin dans l’histoire complexe de la formation de notre galaxie. Ce projet a été immédiatement suivi de l'analyse orbitale de l'un des flux détectés (à savoir GD-1) pour explorer les améliorations des modèles de potentiel gravitationnel de notre galaxie. Les contraintes imposées à la masse de la Voie lactée et à la forme de son halo de matière noire, obtenues simplement en utilisant ce seul flux, ont révélé la puissance potentielle que l'analyse d'un ensemble de flux permettrait de sonder la distribution globale de la masse galactique de notre galaxie. Ainsi, la thèse a ouvert la voie à de nouvelles découvertes des sous-structures stellaires, soulignant également les perspectives d'avenir dans ce domaine. / Tidal stellar streams are pristine star structures that play central role in addressing long standing mysteries of the Galactic archaeology. Since streams are orbital in nature, they inherently possess the characteristics of unravelling the underlying mass distribution of the galaxy, and can be used to probe the shape of the dark matter halo. Besides testing the ‘hierarchical merging’ scenario of galaxy formation, stream gaps can also provide indirect evidence for the existence of dark matter sub-halos (thereby, in principle, constraining the nature of the dark matter particle itself). Due to all these reasons, the dynamical analysis of stellar streams of the Milky Way Galaxy naturally becomes one of the interesting problems. However, the foremost challenge is to detect these structures. During the thesis, STREAMFINDER algorithm (a state of the art algorithm) was designed to systematically process the Gaia dataset (ESA’s novel astrophysical catalogue containing unprecedented astrometric solutions of over 1.6 billion stars) for the detection of the stellar streams of the Milky Way. This hefty endeavour led to the detection of 10 high confidence stream structures, of which 5 were reported as new discoveries.This harvest of structures also facilitated, for the first time, creation of a panoramic structural and kinematic map of the stellar streams of the Milky Way halo, taking our community a step further in unravelling the complex formation history of our Galaxy. This project was instantly followed by the orbital analysis of one of the detected streams (namely GD-1) to explore the improvements in the gravitational potential models of our Galaxy. The constraints on the Milky Way’s mass and that on the shape of its dark matter halo, that were obtained by simply employing this single stream, revealed the potential power the analysis of an ensemble of streams would hold in in probing the overall galactic mass distribtuion of our Galaxy. Thereby, the thesis paved way for new discoveries of the stellar substructures, also highlighting the future prospects in this field.

Higgs Physics Beyond the Standard Model / Physique du Higgs au-delà du Modèle Standard

Quevillon, Jérémie 19 June 2014 (has links)
Le 4 Juillet 2012, la découverte d'une nouvelle particule scalaire d'une masse de l’ordre de 125 GeV a été annoncée par les collaborations ATLAS et CMS.Une nouvelle ère s'annonce : celle au cours de laquelle il faudra déterminer précisément les propriétés de cette nouvelle particule.Cela est crucial afin d'établir si cette particule est bien la trace du mécanisme responsable de la brisure de la symétrie du secteur électro-faible. Cela permettrait aussi de repérer tout élément susceptible d'être associé à une « nouvelle physique » dans le cas où le mécanisme de brisure ferait intervenir des ingrédients autres que ceux prédits par le Modèle Standard.Dans cette thèse, nous avons essayé de comprendre et de caractériser jusqu’à quel point ce nouveau champ scalaire est le boson de Higgs prédit par le Modèle Standard. Nous avons établi les applications d'une telle découverte dans le contexte de théories supersymétriques et de modèles décrivant la matière noire.Dans une première partie consacrée au Modèle Standard de la physique des particules, nous étudions après une courte introduction au domaine, le processus de production d'une paire de bosons de Higgs au LHC. Un résultat majeur est que ce mode de production permettra de mesurer le couplage trilinéaire du Higgs qui est un paramètre essentiel à mesurer afin de reconstruire le potentiel du Higgs et donc représente la dernière vérification à effectuer pour confirmer l'origine de la brisure spontanée de la symétrie électro-faible.La deuxième partie traite des théories supersymétriques. Après une introduction au sujet, un de nos importants résultats est d'avoir fortement contraint un certain nombre de modèles supersymétriques après la découverte du boson de Higgs. Nous avons aussi introduit une nouvelle approche qui permet aux physiciens expérimentateurs de rechercher de manière efficace les bosons de Higgs supersymétriques dans les expériences actuelles et futures du LHC.La troisième partie concerne la matière noire. Nous présentons des résultats qui établis-sent d'importantes limitations sur des modèles où la matière noire interagirait avec le boson de Higgs. Nous discutons aussi de scénarios alternatifs qui font intervenir de la matière noire hors équilibre avec le bain thermique. Dans un premier temps nous dé-montrons qu'il existe un lien étroit entre la température de réchauffement de l'univers et le schéma de brisure du groupe de jauge du Modèle Standard et dans un deuxième temps nous étudions la genèse de matière noire par l'intermédiaire de nouveaux bosons Z’. / On the 4th of July 2012, the discovery of a new scalar particle with a mass of order 125 GeV was announced by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations. An important era is now opening: the precise determination of the properties of the produced particle. This is of extreme importance in order to establish that this particle is indeed the relic of the mechanism responsible for the electroweak symmetry breaking and to pin down effects of new physics if additional ingredients beyond those of the Standard Model are involved in the symmetry breaking mechanism. In this thesis we have tried to understand and characterize to which extent this new scalar field is the Standard Model Higgs Boson and set the implications of this discovery in the context of Supersymmetric theories and dark matter models.In a first part devoted to the Standard Model of particle physics, we discuss the Higgs pair production processes at the LHC and the main output of our results is that they al-low for the determination of the trilinear Higgs self-coupling which represents a first important step towards the reconstruction of the Higgs potential and thus the final verifica-tion of the Higgs mechanism as the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking.The second part is about Supersymmetric theories. After a review of the topics one of our result is to set strong restrictions on Supersymmetric models after the Higgs discov-ery. We also introduce a new approach which would allow experimentalists to efficiently look for supersymmetric heavy Higgs bosons at current and next LHC runs.The third part concerns dark matter. We present results which give strong constraints on Higgs-portal models. We finally discuss alternative non-thermal dark matter scenario. Firstly, we demonstrate that there exists a tight link between the reheating temperature and the scheme of the Standard Model gauge group breaking and secondly we study the genesis of dark matter by a Z’ portal.

Probing Self-Interacting Dark Matter Models with Neutrino Telescopes / Testando modelos de matéria escura auto-interagente com telescópios de neutrinos

Sotelo, Denis Stefan Robertson 08 December 2017 (has links)
In this thesis we studied dark matter models with strong self-interactions, typically known as self-interacting dark matter (SIDM). This kind of models constitute a promising solution to the tension between small scale structure observations and predictions assuming the standard case of collisionless cold dark matter (CDM) while keeping the success of the standard cosmological model, LambdaCDM, at large scales. The presence of strong self-interactions can increase the dark matter capture and annihilation in astrophysical objects like our sun, enhancing the potential of indirect detection signals. We used the high energy neutrinos produced by such annihilations to probe SIDM models. We established strong constraints on SIDM with velocity independent cross section by comparing the expected neutrino signal with the results of the IceCube-79 dark matter search. Also, we determined the sensitivity for the IceCube-DeepCore and PINGU detectors for SIDM with a velocity dependent self-interacting cross section (vdSIDM). Most of its relevant parameter space can be tested with the three years of data already collected by IceCube-DeepCore, complementing results from direct detection experiments and other indirect detection studies. / Nesta tese investigamos modelos de matéria escura com auto-interações fortes, conhecidos tipicamente como matéria escura auto-interagente (SIDM). Este tipo de modelos constituem uma solução promissora à tensão entre as observações de estrutura a pequena escala e as previsões assumindo o caso padrão de matéria escura fria não colisional (CDM), enquanto se mantêm o sucesso do modelo cosmológico padrão, LambdaCDM, a grandes escalas. A presença de auto-interações fortes podem aumentar a captura e a aniquilação da matéria escura em objetos astrofísicos como o nosso sol, aumentando o potencial de sinais de detecção indireta. Usamos o sinal de neutrinos de alta energia produzidos por essas aniquilações para explorar modelos de SIDM. Estabelecemos fortes vínculos em modelos de SIDM com seção de auto-interação independente da velocidade comparando o sinal de neutrinos esperado com os resultados de busca de matéria escura do IceCube-79. Também, determinamos a sensibilidade dos detectores IceCube-DeepCore e PINGU para modelos de SIDM com uma seção de auto-interação dependente da velocidade (vdSIDM). A maior parte do espaço de parâmetros de interesse pode ser testado com os três anos de dados já coletados pelo IceCube-DeepCore, complementando os resultados de experimentos de detecção direta e outras an análises de detecção indireta.

Tachyon Scalar Field Cosmology / Cosmologia de Campos Escalares Taquionicos

Castro, Fábio Chibana de 30 March 2017 (has links)
In this work we test a cosmological model with an interaction between dark energy and dark matter, where a tachyon scalar field plays the role of dark energy. With that in mind, we developed a numerical code that solves the background equations and extracts the cosmological parameters and we compared the results of the interacting tachyon model with those of other dark energy candidates. Our results show that the model indeed explains the observational data and has interesting cosmological properties, but might face challenges when compared to other dark energy candidates. / Neste trabalho testamos um modelo cosmológico com uma interação entre energia escura e matéria escura, onde um campo escalar taquiônico desempenha o papel da energia escura. Para isso, desenvolvemos um código computacional que resolve as equações numericamente e vincula os parâmetros cosmológicos e, assim, comparamos os resultados do modelo taquiônico interagente com os de outros candidatos à energia escura. Nossas análises mostram que o modelo, de fato, consegue explicar os dados observacionais, além de possuir propriedades cosmológicas interessantes, mas apresenta dificuldades quando comparado a outros modelos de energia escura.

Interacting dark energy models in Cosmology and large-scale structure observational tests / Modelos de energia escura com interação em Cosmologia e testes observacionais com estruturas em grande escala

Marcondes, Rafael José França 23 September 2016 (has links)
Modern Cosmology offers us a great understanding of the universe with striking precision, made possible by the modern technologies of the newest generations of telescopes. The standard cosmological model, however, is not absent of theoretical problems and open questions. One possibility that has been put forward is the existence of a coupling between dark sectors. The idea of an interaction between the dark components could help physicists understand why we live in an epoch of the universe where dark matter and dark energy are comparable in terms of energy density, which can be regarded as a strange coincidence given that their time evolutions are completely different. Dark matter and dark energy are generally treated as perfect fluids. Interaction is introduced when we allow for a non-zero term in the right-hand side of their individual energy-momentum tensor conservation equations. We proceed with a phenomenological approach to test models of interaction with observations of redshift-space distortions. In a flat universe composed only of these two fluids, we consider separately two forms of interaction, through terms proportional to the densities of both dark energy and dark matter. An analytic expression for the growth rate approximated as f = Omega^gamma, where Omega is the percentage contribution from the dark matter to the energy content of the universe and gamma is the growth index, is derived in terms of the interaction strength and of other parameters of the model in the first case, while for the second model we show that a non-zero interaction cannot be accommodated by the index growth approximation. The successful expressions obtained are then used to compare the predictions with growth of structure observational data in a Markov Chain Monte Carlo code and we find that the current growth data alone cannot impose constraints on the interaction strength due to their large uncertainties. We also employ observations of galaxy clusters to assess their virial state via the modified Layzer-Irvine equation in order to detect signs of an interaction. We obtain measurements of observed virial ratios, interaction strength, rest virial ratio and departure from equilibrium for a set of clusters. A compounded analysis indicates an interaction strength of 0.29^{+2.25}_{-0.40}, compatible with no interaction, but a compounded rest virial ratio of 0.82^{+0.13}_{-0.14}, which means a 2 sigma confidence level detection. Despite this tension, the method produces encouraging results while still leaves room for improvement, possibly by removing the assumption of small departure from equilibrium. / A cosmologia moderna oferece um ótimo entendimento do universo com uma precisão impressionante, possibilitada pelas tecnologias modernas das gerações mais novas de telescópios. O modelo cosmológico padrão, porém, não é livre de problemas do ponto de vista teórico, deixando perguntas ainda sem respostas. Uma possibilidade que tem sido proposta é a existência de um acoplamento entre setores escuros. A ideia de uma interação entre os componentes escuros poderia ajudar os físicos a entender por que vivemos em uma época do universo na qual a matéria escura e a energia escura são comparáveis em termos de densidades de energia, o que pode ser considerado uma estranha coincidência dado que suas evoluções com o tempo são completamente diferentes. Matéria escura e energia escura são geralmente tratadas como fluidos perfeitos. A interação é introduzida ao permitirmos um tensor não nulo no lado direito das equações de conservação dos tensores de energia-momento. Prosseguimos com uma abordagem fenomenológica para testar modelos de interação com observações de distorções no espaço de redshift. Em um universo plano composto apenas por esses dois fluidos, consideramos, separadamente, duas formas de interação, através de termos proporcionais às densidades de energia escura e de matéria escura. Uma expressão analítica para a taxa de crescimento aproximada por f = Omega^gamma, onde Omega é a contribuição percentual da matéria escura para o conteúdo do universo e gamma é o índice de crescimento, é deduzida em termos da interação e de outros parâmetros do modelo no primeiro caso, enquanto para o segundo caso mostramos que uma interação não nula não pode ser acomodada pela aproximação do índice de crescimento. As expressões obtidas são então utilizadas para comparar as previsões com dados observacionais de crescimento de estruturas em um programa para Monte Carlo via cadeias de Markov. Concluímos que tais dados atuais por si só não são capazes de restringir a interação devido às suas grandes incertezas. Utilizamos também observações de aglomerados de galáxias para analisar seus estados viriais através da equação de Layzer-Irvine modificada a fim de detectar sinais de interação. Obtemos medições de taxas viriais observadas, constante de interação, taxa virial de equilíbrio e desvio do equilíbrio para um conjunto de aglomerados. Uma análise combinada indica uma constante de interação 0.29^{+2.25}_{-0.40}, compatível com zero, mas uma taxa virial de equilíbrio combinada de 0.82^{+0.13}_{-0.14}, o que significa uma detecção em um intervalo de confiança de 2 sigma. Apesar desta tensão, o método produz resultados encorajadores enquanto ainda permite melhorias, possivelmente pela remoção da suposição de pequenos desvios do equilíbrio.

Halos de matéria escura e campos escalares / Dark matter halos and scalar fields

Brandão, Rafael Ribeiro 04 November 2005 (has links)
Cerca de 25% do conteúdo energético do universo se encontra sob uma forma de natureza ainda não determinada e é conhecida pelo nome de matéria escura. Desde as primeiras especulações acerca de sua existência (Zwicky ~ 1933), vários modelos foram propostos na tentativa de justificar os dados observacionais encontrados mas, até hoje, nenhum deles foi capaz de cumprir essa tarefa a contento. Nesta dissertação, apresentaremos uma breve discussão desses modelos, além de propor um novo, baseado na idéia de que tanto a matéria escura quanto a energia escura possam ser compostas pelo campo escalar de Born-Infeld. / Nearly twenty five percent of the energetic content of the universe appears in a form that is still unknown and is named dark matter. Since the first speculations about its existence (Zwicky ~1933), many models have been proposed trying to justify all the observed data but, until now, none of them has been able to solve this problem. In this monography, we will present a brief discussion about these models and propose a new one, based on the idea that both dark matter and dark energy could be the Born Infeld scalar field.

Estudo da possibilidade de detecção da matéria escura com telescópios Cherenkov / Study of the possibility of dark matter detection with Cherenkov telescopes

Marcomini, Jéssica Arab 18 June 2015 (has links)
A existência de matéria escura é sustentada pela observação de efeitos gravitacionais sobre a matéria comum. A partir desses efeitos, com medidas de curvas de rotação e lentes gravitacionais, é possível calcular a densidade de matéria escura necessária para causa-los. Para descrever o comportamento observado, foram criados alguns modelos teóricos, porém a natureza das partículas que constituem matéria escura continua desconhecida. Determinar propriedades como massa e seção de choque da possível partícula de matéria escura é fundamental para o entendimento da natureza de seus efeitos sobre matéria bariônica. No âmbito experimental, os Telescópios Cherenkov medem a radiação gama proveniente do cosmo com energia entre GeV &#8212TeV de forma que uma possível interação (como exemplo a aniquilação de partículas de matéria escura) poderia ter seu resultado final de raios gama detectado em um dos experimentos de observação indireta. Neste trabalho de mestrado analisamos os conceitos de matéria escura a partir de um modelo específico de partículas WIMPs, o neutralino. Estudamos galáxias anãs esferoidais como possíveis fontes do sinal de raios gama proveniente da aniquilação de neutralinos. Para o entendimento dos cálculos, reproduzimos os resultados de dois experimentos importantes para a área, pertencentes aos telescópios VERITAS e MAGIC, validando as implementações realizadas. Estudamos também galáxias anãs esferoidais observadas pelo experimento FERMI-LAT para as quais limites superiores de fluxo foram determinados. Fizemos uso dessas medidas e extrapolamos os espectros de energias para o intervalo a ser observado pelo CTA. Utilizando curvas de sensitividade realistas para uma possível configuração do CTA, determinamos a potencialidade de detectação de matéria escura pelo CTA de 18 fontes estudados pelo FERMI-LAT. A partir dos resultados obtidos com a simulação do Observatório, podemos concluir quais fontes proporcionam melhores avanços para as pesquisas envolvendo matéria escura com o modelo escolhido. / The existence of dark matter is sustained by the observation of its gravitational efects on ordinary matter. By studying these efects, with rotation curves and gravitational lensing measurements, it is possible to calculate the dark matter density necessary to cause them. Theoretical models were created to describe the observed behavior, however the nature of the constituent particles is still unknown. Determining the particles\' properties such as mass and cross section is fundamental for the understanding of the nature of its efects on baryonic matter. On the experimental scope, Cherenkov Telescopes measure the gamma radiation coming from the cosmo with an energy between GeV &#8212TeV making it possible for an interaction to have its final product detected in one of these experiments. In this dissertation, we present an analysis of dark matter concepts considering a specific model of WIMPs particles, represented by the neutralino. We studied dwarf spheroidal galaxies as possible gamma-ray flux sources originated from the neutralino annihilation. We reproduced the results on annihilation cross section of two important experiments for this particular field (VERITAS and MAGIC), validating the codes implemented. This was perfomed with the objective of understanding the calculus involved. We studied dwarf spheroidal galaxies observed by the FERMI-LAT experiment for which upper limits flux were determined. We used these measurements and extrapolated the energy spectrum to the one to be observed by CTA. With realistic sensitivity curves for a possible CTA configuration, we determined the potencial for a dark matter detection for 18 sources studied by FERMI-LAT. With the results obtained with the Observatory simulation, we were able to conclude which of these sources represent improvements for dark matter researches with the specific model described.

Constraints on the Kaluza-Klein Photon as a Dark Matter Candidate from the IceCube Collaboration Results

Colom i Bernadich, Miquel January 2019 (has links)
New constraints on the scattering cross sections of the Kaluza Klein photon as a darkmatter candidate, its annihilation rate in the Sun and the resulting muon flux on Earth are derived.For this purpose, data collected in the IceCube Neutrino Observatory during 532 days of exposurein the austral winters between 2011 and 2014 have been analyzed with Poisson confidence intervals (J. Conrad et al., 2003) and compared to the simulated prediction achieved with the WimpSimsoftware (J. Edsjö et al., 2003). The results do not allow for any detection claim, but they improveby one order of magnitude the constraints formerly presented in R. Abbasi et al. (2010). Despitethe recent results from LHC experiment which discard lower masses for the Kaluza Klein photon (N. Deutschmann et al., 2017), the new constraints are still relevant for masses above 1500 GeV.

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