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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Emergence and Phenomenology in Quantum Gravity

Premont-Schwarz, Isabeau January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis we investigate two approaches to quantum gravity. The first is the emergence of gravity from a discrete fundamental theory, and the second is the direct quantisation of gravity. For the first we develop tools to determine with relatively high accuracy the speed of propagation of information in collective modes which ultimately should give us some information about the emergent causal structure. We found a way of finding the dependence on the relative interaction strengths of the Hamiltonian and we also managed to calculate this speed in the case where the operators in the Hamitonian were not necessarily bounded. For the second approach, we investigated the phenomenology of Loop Quantum Gravity. We found that ultra light black holes (lighter than the Planck mass) have interesting new properties on top of being non-singular. First their horizon is hidden behind a Plancksized wormhole, second their specific heat capacity is positive and they are quasi-stable, they take an infinite amount of time evaporate. We investigated the dynamics of their collapse and evaporation explicitly seeing that not only was there no singularity, but there is also no information loss problem. Looking at how primordial black holes were in existence, we found that they might account for a significant portion of dark matter. And if they did, their radiation spectrum is such that the black holes in the dark matter halo of our galaxy could be the source for the ultra high energy cosmic rays we observe on earth.

The Star Formation Histories of Red-Sequence Galaxies

Allanson, Steven January 2009 (has links)
This thesis addresses the challenge of understanding the typical star formation histories of red sequence galaxies, using linestrength indices, mass-to-light ratios and redshift evolution as complementary constraints on their stellar age distribution. We first construct simple parametric models of the star formation history that bracket a range of scenarios, and fit these models to the linestrength indices of low-redshift cluster red-sequence galaxies. For giant galaxies, we con firm the downsizing trend, i.e. the stellar populations are younger, on average, for lower σ galaxies. We find, however, that this trend flattens or reverses at σ < 70km/s. We then compare predicted stellar mass-to-light ratios with dynamical mass-to-light ratios derived from the Fundamental Plane, or by the SAURON group. For galaxies with σ ~ 70 km/s, models with a late 'frosting' of young stars and models with exponential star formation histories have stellar mass-to-light ratios that are larger than observed dynamical mass-to-light ratios by factors of 1.7 and 1.4, respectively, and so are rejected. The single stellar population (SSP) model is consistent with the Fundamental Plane, and requires a modest amount of dark matter (between 20% to 30%) to account for the difference between stellar and dynamical mass-to-light ratios. A model in which star formation was 'quenched' at intermediate ages is also consistent with the observations, although in this case less dark matter is required for low mass galaxies. We also find that the contribution of stellar populations to the 'tilt' of the Fundamental Plane is highly dependent on the assumed star-formation history: for the SSP model, the tilt of the FP is driven primarily by stellar-population effects. For a quenched model, two-thirds of the tilt is due to stellar populations and only one third is due to dark matter or non-homology. Comparing to high redshift cluster data, we find again the SSP and quenched models, as well as a model where strangulation begins at intermediate ages after a period of constant star formation, are preferred. They predict the recent faint-end build up of the red sequence, along with observed dwarf-to-giant ratios. Only the SSP model appears to predict the observed M/L evolution, but only if selection effects are carefully modeled.

The Star Formation Histories of Red-Sequence Galaxies

Allanson, Steven January 2009 (has links)
This thesis addresses the challenge of understanding the typical star formation histories of red sequence galaxies, using linestrength indices, mass-to-light ratios and redshift evolution as complementary constraints on their stellar age distribution. We first construct simple parametric models of the star formation history that bracket a range of scenarios, and fit these models to the linestrength indices of low-redshift cluster red-sequence galaxies. For giant galaxies, we con firm the downsizing trend, i.e. the stellar populations are younger, on average, for lower σ galaxies. We find, however, that this trend flattens or reverses at σ < 70km/s. We then compare predicted stellar mass-to-light ratios with dynamical mass-to-light ratios derived from the Fundamental Plane, or by the SAURON group. For galaxies with σ ~ 70 km/s, models with a late 'frosting' of young stars and models with exponential star formation histories have stellar mass-to-light ratios that are larger than observed dynamical mass-to-light ratios by factors of 1.7 and 1.4, respectively, and so are rejected. The single stellar population (SSP) model is consistent with the Fundamental Plane, and requires a modest amount of dark matter (between 20% to 30%) to account for the difference between stellar and dynamical mass-to-light ratios. A model in which star formation was 'quenched' at intermediate ages is also consistent with the observations, although in this case less dark matter is required for low mass galaxies. We also find that the contribution of stellar populations to the 'tilt' of the Fundamental Plane is highly dependent on the assumed star-formation history: for the SSP model, the tilt of the FP is driven primarily by stellar-population effects. For a quenched model, two-thirds of the tilt is due to stellar populations and only one third is due to dark matter or non-homology. Comparing to high redshift cluster data, we find again the SSP and quenched models, as well as a model where strangulation begins at intermediate ages after a period of constant star formation, are preferred. They predict the recent faint-end build up of the red sequence, along with observed dwarf-to-giant ratios. Only the SSP model appears to predict the observed M/L evolution, but only if selection effects are carefully modeled.

String Phenomenology in the Era of LHC

Maxin, James A. 2010 August 1900 (has links)
The low-energy supersymmetry phenomenology for specific classes of string compactifications is investigated given that the low-energy physics may provide a clue as to the structure of the fundamental theory at high energy scales. The one-parameter model (OPM), a highly constrained subset of minimal Supergravity where all the soft-supersymmetry breaking terms may be fixed in terms of the gaugino mass, is studied, in addition to a three-family Pati-Salam model constructed from intersecting D6-branes. Furthermore, the phenomenology of gravity mediated supersymmetry breaking F-theory SU(5) and SO(10) models, as well as F-SU(5) models with vector- like particles, are examined. We determine the viable parameter space that satisfies all the latest experimental constraints, including the most recent WMAP relic neutralino abundance observations, and find it to be consistent with the CDMS II and other concurrent direct-detection experiments. Moreover, we compute the gamma-ray flux and cross-sections of neutralino annihilations into gamma-rays and compare to the published Fermi-LAT satellite telescope measurements. In F-theory SU(5) and SO(10) models, we predict the exact small deviation of the gaugino mass relation at two-loop level near the electroweak scale, which can be tested at the colliders. More- over, in F-SU(5), we predict the precise deviations from the mSUGRA gaugino mass relations due to the presence of the vector-like particles, also testable at the colliders. The compilation of all these results form a comprehensive collection of predictions with which to evaluate these string models alongside anticipated experimental dis- coveries in the coming decade.

Supersymmetry With Heavy Scalars At The Lhc

Sekmen, Sezen 01 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
We consider three distinct categories of supersymmetric scenarios with heavy scalars and light gauginos. First, we investigate the SO(10) SUSY GUTs, and locate MSSM parameter space regions that satisfy GUT scale Yukawa unification, which is a distinct feature of these models. Then taking example SO(10) cases, we perform a Monte Carlo study with toy detector simulation at 14 TeV at the LHC on the no $met$ leptonic channels 2,3 leptons + $ge$4 jets and show that discovery is possible with $sim$1 fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity. We also demonstrate the feasibility of invariant mass endpoint measurements for $sim$100 fb$^{-1}$. Furthermore, in a cosmological context, we propose that SO(10) scenarios with excess neutralino relic abundance can be made WMAP-compatble by assuming neutralino decays to axinos, and show that there are various axino/axion cold and warm dark matter admixtures which can be consistent with non-thermal leptogenesis requirements for the thermal re-heat temperature. Afterwards we complement the SO(10)s with the string-inspired G$_2$-MSSM and focus point mSUGRA scenarios and perform a full simulation search of these at $sqrt{s} =$ 14 TeV at the LHC with the CMS detector where the main production mechanism is through gluino pair production and the final states are cheracterized by all-hadronic topologies (including $b$s and $t$s). Through the design of six prototype all-hadronic selection paths and using the CMS High Lever Trigger paths with highest significance (including the $b$-enriched ones), we find that all but one model benchmarks are accessible with 100 pb$^{-1}$ integrated luminosity. We present the results as a function of the gluino mass considering the major detector systematic effects.

Sapphire scintillation tests for cryogenic detectors in the EDELWEISS dark matter search

Luca, M. 20 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Identifying the matter in the universe is one of the main challenges of modern cosmology and astrophysics. An important part of this matter seems to be made of non-baryonic particles. EDELWEISS is a direct dark matter search using cryogenic germanium bolometers in order to look for particles that interact very weakly with the ordinary matter, generically known as WIMPs. An important challenge for EDELWEISS is the radioactive background and one of the ways to identify it is to use a larger variety of target crystals. Sapphire is a light target which can be complementary to the germanium crystals already in use. Spectroscopic characterization studies have been performed using different sapphire samples in order to find the optimum doping concentration for good low temperature scintillation. Ti doped crystals with weak Ti concentrations have been used for systematic X ray excitation tests both at room temperature and down to 30 K. The tests have shown that the best Ti concentration for optimum room temperature scintillation is 100 ppm and 50 ppm at T = 45 K. All concentrations have been checked by optical absorption and fluorescence.<br />After having shown that sapphire had interesting characteristics for building heat-scintillation detectors, we have tested if using a sapphire detector was feasible within a dark matter search. During the first commissioning tests of EDELWEISS II, we have proved the compatibility between a sapphire heat-scintillation detector and the experimental setup.

Dark matter halos and stellar kinematics of elliptical galaxies

Murphy, Jeremy David 13 November 2012 (has links)
The hierarchical assembly of mass, wherein smaller clumps of dark matter, stars, gas, and dust buildup over time to form the galaxies we see today in the local Universe through accretion events with other clumps, is a central tenet of galaxy formation theory. Supported by theoretically motivated simulations, and observations of the distribution of galaxies over a large range of redshift, the theory of hierarchical growth is now well established. However, on the scales of individual galaxies, hierarchical growth struggles to explain a number of observations involving the amount and distribution of dark matter in galaxies, and the timescale of both the formation of stars, and the assembly of those stars into galaxies. In this dissertation I attempt to address some of the central issues of galaxy formation. My work focuses on massive elliptical galaxies and employs the orbit-based, axisymmetric dynamical modeling technique of Schwarzschild to constrain the total mass of a galaxy to large radii. From this starting point a determination of the extent and shape of the dark matter halo profile is possible and can then be compared to the results of simulations of the formation of galaxies. These dynamical models include information on the stellar orbital structure of the galaxy, and can be used as a further point of comparison with N-body simulations and observations from other groups. Dynamical modeling results for both M49 and M87, the first and second rank galaxies in the Virgo Cluster, are presented and compared in Chapters 4 and 2 respectively. Although both galaxies are similar in mass, a closer analysis shows they exhibit very different dark matter halo profiles and stellar orbital structure, and likely followed very different formation pathways. My primary dataset comes from observations carried out on the Mitchell Spectrograph (formally VIRUS-P) at McDonald Observatory.\footnote{The instrument's name was changed over the last year. As some of this work was originally written when the instrument was named VIRUS-P, I have elected to use that name in those sections of this dissertation (Chapters 2 and 5). In Chapters 3, 4, and 6, I use the current name.} The Mitchell Spectrograph is a fiber-fed integral field spectrograph, and allows one to collect spectra at many positions on a galaxy simultaneously. With spectroscopy one is able to not only constrain the kinematics of the stars, but also their integrated chemical abundances. In the introduction I describe recent work I have carried out with my collaborators using the Mitchell Spectrograph to add further constraints to our picture of galaxy formation. In that work we find that the cores of massive elliptical galaxies have been in place for many billions of years, and had their star formation truncated at early times. The stars comprising their outer halos, however, come from less massive systems. Yet unlike the stars of present day, low-mass galaxies, whose star formation is typically extended, these accreted systems had their star formation shut off at high redshift. Although our current sample is relatively small, these observations place a rigid constraint on the timescale of galaxy assembly and indicate the important role of minor mergers in the buildup of the diffuse outer halos of these systems. All of these advances in our understanding of the Universe are driven, in large part, by advances in the instrumentation used to collect the data. The Mitchell Spectrograph is a wonderful example of such an advance, as the instrument has allowed for observations of the outer halo of M87 to unprecedented radial distances (Chapter 3). A significant component of my dissertation research has been focused on characterizing the fiber optics of both the Mitchell Spectrograph and the fiber optics for the VIRUS spectrograph. I cover the results of the work on the Mitchell Spectrograph optical fibers in Chapter 5. The affects of stress and motion on a fiber bundle, critical to the VIRUS spectrograph, are explored in Chapter 6. / text

Dark Matter in the Galactic Halo : A Search Using Neutrino Induced Cascades in the DeepCore Extension of IceCube

Taavola, Henric January 2015 (has links)
A search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) annihilating in the dark matter halo of the Milky Way was performed, using data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory and its low-energy extension DeepCore. The data were collected during one year between 2011 to 2012 corresponding to 329.1 days of detector livetime. If WIMPs in the dark matter halo undergo pairwise annihilation they may produce a neutrino signal detectable at the Earth. Assuming annihilation into bb, W+W-, τ+τ-, μ+μ-, νν and a neutrino flavor ratio of 1:1:1 at the detector, cascade events from all neutrino flavors were used to search for an excess of neutrinos matching a dark matter signal spectrum. Two dark matter density profiles for the halo were used; the cored Burkert profile and the cusped NFW profile. No excess of neutrinos from the Galactic halo was observed, and upper limits were set for the thermally averaged product of the WIMP self-annihilation cross section and velocity, &lt;σAv&gt;, in the WIMP mass range 30 GeV to 10 TeV. For the bb annihilation channel and the NFW halo profile, the 90% C.L. upper limits are 9.03×10-22 cm3 s-1 for the mass WIMP 100 GeV and 4.08×10-22 cm3 s-1 for the WIMP mass 3000 GeV. The corresponding upper limits for the μ+μ- annihilation channel are 4.40×10-23 cm3 s-1 and 3.20×10-23 cm3 s-1. / IceCube

Integral field spectroscopy as a probe of galaxy evolution

Adams, Joshua Jesse 22 September 2011 (has links)
Optical spectroscopy and modeling are applied to four independent problems related to the structure and evolution of galaxies. The problems cover a broad range of look-back time and galaxy mass. Integral field spectroscopy with low surface brightness sensitivity is the tool employed to advance our understanding of the distribution, interplay, and evolution of the stars, dark matter, and gas. First, I review development and commissioning work done on the VIRUS-P instrument. I then present a large sample of galaxies over redshifts 1.9<z<3.8 selected solely through their Lyman-alpha flux. This work is done as a pilot survey to the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy eXperiment (HETDEX). I create a redshift catalog of 397 galaxies discovered over 169 square arcsecs taken over 113 nights. Second, I study a high redshift (z=3.4) radio galaxy halo by mapping the Lyman-alpha velocity field. The signal extends far beyond the optical and radio extents of the system. Plausible, but non-unique, models are made to explain the Lyman-alpha signal that require a very large reservoir of neutral hydrogen (>= 10E12 solar masses). Third, I study the dark matter halo profile in a nearby late-type dwarf galaxy in the context of the "core-cusp" controversy. N-body simulations predict such galaxies to have cuspy dark matter halos, while HI rotation curves and more recent hydrodynamical simulations indicate that such halos may instead be strongly cored. I measure the spatially resolved stellar velocity field and fit with two-integral Jeans models. A cuspy halo is preferred from the stellar kinematics. The mass models from stellar and gaseous kinematics disagree. The gas models assume circular motion in an infinitely thin disk which is likely unrealistic. The stellar kinematics presented are the first measurements of a collision-less tracer in such galaxies. Fourth, I attempt to measure diffuse H-alpha emission, fluoresced by the metagalactic UV background, in the outskirts of a nearby gas rich galaxy. I do not make a detection, but the deep flux limit over a large field-of-view places the most sensitive limit to-date on the UV background's photoionization rate of Gamma(z=0)<1.7x10E-14 1/s at 5 sigma certainty. / text

The bright future of dark matter and dark energy searches

Van Waerbeke, Ludovic 11 April 2008 (has links)
Dark matter and dark energy clearly emerged from recent cosmological surveys as key ingredients of the Universe. Understanding their physical nature might be a way to unlock some of the mysteries in particle physics and General Relativity. In this talk I will discuss how gravitational lensing will have a unique contribution in this endeavor. I will also discuss how future weak lensing surveys, primarily designed to study dark matter and dark energy, will enable the detailed analysis of the physical processes underlying structure formation such as galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Presented on April 10, 2008.

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